1080/Neighbors of Metal

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Neighbors of Metal
Date of Scene: 04 February 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Emi and Hinoiri are neighbors.
Cast of Characters: 176, Hinoiri Kirara

Emi Hoshino (176) has posed:
Clang. Crash. Thud.

Someone is moving in next door. The dorm had been abandoned, for whatever reason, for at least a few days before the spot was filled. Someone moved from another part of the dorm, no doubt.

After much commotion relating to things being set up...

... the music starts. Not just any music, of course, but LOUD music. Loud, Kawaii Metal.

...BabyMetal, even. Gimme Chocolate, it seems, is the demand of the day.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. She, of course, was studying. When wasn't she? She...

She twitched. Just a little. No. She could... it'd just be for a little--

Ten minutes later there was a POUNDING on the door. A bam. Bam. Bam. She had half a mind to buck the door down if it wasn't opened soon. When it was opened, she just gave the owner a look that could almost melt metal.

"Do you bucking mind? Some of us are trying to study and if you're so keen on destroying your hearing, get a pair of headphones so nobody else has to listen to your poor decisions!" she snapped. She looked ready to strangle the girl already, and she'd just gotten here!


"Wait, slurper girl?" she asked.

Emi Hoshino (176) has posed:
The door was indeed eventually opened. She sure took her sweet time about it. The lack of recognition out the gate is, in fact, actually very understandable! She's not dressed in the same kind of outlandish fashion she was back at the mall. No hyper goth here, no, not today. She's actually wearing the school uniform. Without her goth makeup, even, one might even be forgiven entirely for not recognizing her.

... except for the eyes. One blue, one green. Entirely unusual colors for Japan, either one, and along with the trace of color in her hair it makes her eventually notable.

And then 'sluper-girl'.

"...Camel girl?" She blinks right back t her, answering in kind.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. She was... shocked to see the girl again. Frankly, she almost didn't recognize her. It was the eyes. Ponies were good with eyes. Anything else she might have missed... but the eyes.

And then...

"... Camel... girl?" she asked. And her other hand just slammed down against the door, likely echoing through the hall. "Did... you just... call me camel girl?" she asked. "You have ten seconds to explain. One. Two."

It likely didn't help that Hinoiri was stressed from... some things. And combine that with anger from the music, an unflattering nickname and enough dark energy to youma-fy a trashbag into an opera singing youma, you had a recipe for violent choices.

Emi Hoshino (176) has posed:
She just stands there for an extra second or two while the countdown begins, jaw hanging slightly open in shock from the sheer odds of the coincidence.

Ordinarily, she'd have a glib and feckless response. She'd double down on the insult. Why not? Confrontation like that could only do wonders for her reputation around the school as a Bad Girl who Insults People.

... but there's a palpable sense of 'wrong' emi-nating from Hinoiri. She opens her mouth to give that glib, smirking response, and then slowly shuts it.

"Huh. Yeah, I did, actually. because if you spend your time hunched over as many books as you like like you do, you're gonna get humps."

Emi has decided it's best to stick with her plan, but to neuter the effectiveness of it to a certaiin extent.

... to a certain extent.

Because there's just something *wrong* here. She'd seen a touch of darkness on her before, the kind that clings to someone from having bad dream.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara did, at least, stop counting. Instead, she just glared at the other girl. Slowly, a hand moved to her forehead and she, mentally, counted for a bit. One. Two.

Eventually, she felt calm enough to look closer at her. "I'm not much of a book worm, so that's not a problem. Can you turn your music down, *please*?" There. She tried the *nice* method. However, she was just a liiiiittle in the door frame, so going 'no' and slamming the door wouldn't work.

"And I'm Hinoiri Kirara. Don't call me 'camel girl' or 'hump girl' or any other 'girl' name you want unless you want to..." Then trailed off. Right. That kind of threat likely wouldn't work here. She looked the girl up and down for a few moments, apparently... measuring her. For something. This could only end well.

Emi Hoshino (176) has posed:
She recognizes that look. That slow, mental countdown. It's one she's engaged in herself, a time or two.

The music is still blasting, of course, behind her.

Hinoiri can see past her, of course. The room is immaculately ordered and cleaned, but the accoutrements are full on goth, yep, right down the blankets covered in spider-webs. Her only deferrence to Kawaii is her choice of music...

... and the pink Baku pillow that sits at the head of her personal bed.

She clearly does not have a room mate. Not yet.

"Hoshino Emi," shje offers to her, a slight bow following the formal introduction, but there's something less than sincere about the respect being offered in the gesture.

"Hm. Unless I want to? Well, thank you for the permission, but it won't be necessary. I am glad you are in such a giving mood, to allow me to use any name for you that I please. But your formal name will do just fine in this instance! Now, I will turn my music down, since you asked so nicely."

All edge, but at least she has a point to it.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara cocked an eye at the pink baku pillow. The spider webs. All of it. It looked like a... well... A all hollow's eve store. Weird.

However, the comment on allowing any name she wanted was almost met with *violence*. Well. Yelling. She was VERY close to yelling, when the other girl at least didn't push it. She gave a sigh and nodded, looking back to her again. Then around the room. Back at her.

Oh gosh. Was this girl like Catra?

"You know, this is the second time we've met like this. Is this some little cry for help?" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes on the girl. Focus on her entirely again.

Emi Hoshino (176) has posed:
Maybe if one of Emi's eyes were amber instead of green.

Returning to her door after turning the music on her computer down, she arches one eybrow at her.

"How self-awarely astute of you," she says, "Perhaps there is a guidance councilor you could speak to on the matter! Oh, wait, wait. No. I have it. Here." A little thumb drive, of course. She's going to push it into her hands.

"I know when I'm having a bad day, I listen to these stories and they make me feel much better."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times, cocking her eye. "I meant you, you dingus," Hinoiri said. "First at the mall, you're slurping loud enough to wake the dead... and then some. Now this, listening to music so loud half the dorms have to hear it. Guidance counselours are a waste of time, I wouldn't waste my time on one of them."

She, grudgingly, took the thumb drive. It... would go straight into the trash later. Why? Did she not care for it? Would the contents freak her out? Would the podcasts of horror scare her?

... No.

She was from another world and still REALLY struggled with computers. Pathetic as it was. Most of her work was done analog and pin drives just annoyed her to no end because they were a reminder that she hadn't mastered EVERYTHING.

She finally gave a sigh and turned, walking back towards her room. "Whatever. Just keep it down and we'll get along fine. Yeet or whatever."

... Yes, she just used Yeet wrong.

On the upside, the thumb drive WOULD make it into her room, at least!