1500/Checking on her lackey

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Checking on her lackey
Date of Scene: 07 May 2024
Location: Dorms #3
Synopsis: Hinoiri goes to meet with Adrien, check up on him... however, his promise of friendship and that people would be there for her, well... Suffice to say, she doesn't take it well. Now he's left knowing who she is and, worse, she has given him an offer he... might not want to refuse.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Adrien Agreste

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had been.... busy. For a while now. Working on trying to become her true form, to earn everything she deserved. That she had been working for her whole life...

And so it was that she hadn't really given him, or Naru for that matter, much attention. Hopefully he'd forgive her.

So it was that she had sent him a text.

Text from Hinoiri Kirara: Hey, Adrien, you in?

Text from Adrien Agreste: Yeah. I'm in my room. What's up?

Text from Hinoiri Kirara: Sweet, I'll swing by. Haven't seen you in a while, figured I'd come say hi.

Best of all, it no longer read like she'd had a seizure in the midst of typing it all out, so that was nice. But, most importantly of all, she was swinging by... It wasn't long before he'd hear a light rap-a-tap-tap on his door and Hinoiri was standing there, arms crossed, a smirk on her lips. "Hey, long time no see. What you been up to?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
The scent of freshly brewing espresso was already evident as soon as Hinoiri had stepped foot into the floor of the dorm hall. The source was the very door she approaches which just made the smell all the richer, and perhaps more enticing. If she was into coffee at all.

When the knock comes it only takes a few moments for Adrien to swing the door open flashing a friendly smile at her. "Hey Hinoiri. I couldn't remember if you drank coffee or not so I got some started just in case. I've got non-dairy creamer, too," he offers recalling that she's vegetarian just like Naru.

Stepping to the side he gestures her in to the dorm shared with Chrono of all people. Who was, thankfully, not here at the moment as he was busy tending to Rashmi over certain issues, no doubt. "Oh you know, mostly school, work, and fencing practice. Though I've been able to challenge some friends to some Mario Kart games in my off time which is nice."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Into coffee? HA! Of course she was. Hinoiri worked in obsidian.

"I'm not always the biggest coffee fan, but I do love some caffeine." She stepped in and it wasn't long before she had a fresh cup of her own. "Mmmmm... and non-dairy creamer is fine. Thanks."

With the cup in hand, she glanced over.

"Mario... cart. That's the racing one, right? Seems fun, not really played it any. Can you ride motorcycles in it?"

She moved back, leaning against the wall and taking a drink and... "Gah, ow ow ow ow ow!" Annnnd burning herself. She blew on it a few times before sighing. "Yeah... right. Gotta remember that. Good way to burn myself... sooooo..."

"How you and Naru been? Haven't seen you two together much, but haven't heard any news of a breakup or anything. I like to think I'm at least a liiiiiiittle tuned into my friend's lives that I'd notice that. Though... I guess I have been a bit busy lately myself, so maybe it just slipped by?"

She took another sip, this time mercifully not burning herself.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste makes the cup that is offered over to Hinoiri. It's nothing fancy so far as cups go, in fact it's pretty plain. Just a white ceramic cappucino cup really so that it was more versatile. (Espresso? Cappucinno? Cereal? It all fit.)

There's a little sympathetic wince when he hears that hiss of breath from the burn. "Ah yeah sorry it is a bit hotter with non-dairy creamer than regular. The regular has to be refrigerated so it cools it, unless I steam it." His own cup is taken in hand as he moves to the couch to sink down into it at one side.

"We've been doing all right. She's had a rough time lately so I'm trying to help, but... I feel kind of useless, too." Here he pauses with a frown. "I can't do anything to fix what caused the problem other than be here for her. I wish there was more I could do."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times, cocking an eye and watching him. "So... you do know I can have dairy, right? I'm vegetarian, it just means I don't eat meat." Then blinked a few times. "Wait. Does cream here have meat in it? Oh that's just disgusting," she muttered, giving a shudder. "Does that mean ice cream has meat as well? That... that's just vile..." she whispered, trying not to gag.

She quickly moved away from THAT mental image by focusing on his troubles. "Feeling useless? Why, what problems has she been..." Then she blinked. Usagi and Naru were roommates. Naru was likely a part of the whole... knew who she was. Well. She certainly did now, at least. Was Adrien magic? She thought he might be... a little bit? Maybe? Poooooossibly? Or was he like Naru, aware but not able to touch?

"... I'm not like... causing some of this trouble, am I?" she asked before giving a sigh. "Or is this like... some other thing? Or is it the whole... thing you got going on with your dad causing a rift?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste holds up a hand when she starts to go off on a tangent about icecream possibly having meat in it. "No, no, neither has meat in it," he assures her with a chuckle. "Some people drink dairy when vegetarian, some don't. I keep the non-dairy around for Naru mostly. Milk just comes from cows," he explains with a wry grin. "No meat or killing involved."

The question about whether she was causing some of the issues earns a little lift of his eyebrow at the question. If he's faking being confused he needs an award because he has *zero* clue what she's talking about. "Uh... No? I don't see how you could."

Then she brings up his father which causes a little bit of a twinge to his expression, only to shake his head firmly. "I haven't told him about Naru. I think he suspects I'm seeing someone, and she's come to a few of my shoots, but she always brings her tablet to draw. I'm hoping that will hold him off a bit." Though he was clearly worried about it.

Instead of dwelling on it he takes a sip of his coffee quite used to the heat. And the other eyebrow lifts to regard Hinoiri. "Are *you* okay? You seem a bit tense, Hinoiri."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Ahhhhh. Huh. I guess she's just... a different type? I just won't touch meat. Texture, you know? It's like... ugh. How can you stand that on your tongue? Just the thought makes me retch. Never had any trouble with milk. Cows seem to like being milked, they'd pay good bits for it back home." ... What? That had to be some kind of weird slang.

"And... I don't know? I'm not even sure what has her feeling upset. Or why you'd feel useless. Unless like... you're being a terrible boyfriend. Hope you didn't like... dance with some other girl at the dance or something, that'd be pretty callous of you. But you don't seem like the kind of guy to do that."

"As for your dad... meh. Screw 'im. Naru's awesome, if he doesn't see that, that's his problem. If you need to, running away is always an option. The school dorm *is* free and doesn't need parental approval," she said in a teasing tone.

However, when he asked if she was okay, well... that made her sigh. And the coffee lower a bit. She stared into her coffee for a bit before... "No. I'm... really not. And... admittedly... not even sure what to do about it. It's... not something I can really explain. Heck, even if I did you might not remember it an hour from now, anyway. Just... lot of conflicting thoughts. Part of why I've been working so hard lately. You ever just... work... and dedicate yourself to something... and work at it so hard and so long that, by the end... you realize... you're not even entirely sure it's what you want? Or ever wanted?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste winces a little. Was he being a bad boyfriend? No, he hoped not, but now he has to think if he's done anything wrong for a moment. Only to shake his head. "If I've done something wrong, it's something I'm not aware of. Which isn't to say that maybe I have but..." The example of how to be a bad boyfriend causes him to look outright horrified. "I mean, dancing with friends is fine, but not if it means leaving her alone! No I did not do that."

His head shakes a little and he focuses again on the coffee. He'd rather not dwell on what she meant by 'paying good bits to be milked'. Maybe Hinoiri lived near a dairy and they let people milk the cows as a tourist experience? It sounded like something that could be plausible.

As she speaks though his expression turns a little saddened. "Yes. I feel like that quite often. This whole model thing--All I ever wanted to do was make my parents happy. I'm not sure doing this is helping Father since Mother went missing though. He seems so lost in his work. I don't know if I really want to keep doing this."

"Naru needed help with something recently, but I couldn't, because of that job. She encouraged me to stay behind and let her handle things. I just didn't *want* to." But he had.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste adds finally, "So yes, I do get that. But you know what?" Looking up he flashes a wan smile. "I think it's okay to change your mind if you realize something isn't working out for you."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small shrug. "Then you probably haven't done anything wrong. Naru's pretty chill, if you've upset her she'd probably tell you. Don't end up worrying over nothing, silly. And good. So... here's the thing."

"Stop worrying about what making your dad all happy. Naru is awesome. But if you're hopeful that like... everything will work out perfectly and all that if you just wait for the right opportunity to tell him... don't. There will never be a right opportunity if you're waiting like that."

"The fact of the matter is, what you need to do? Is decide what *you're* going to do. If he hates her? Then buck him, he's a jerk and he can screw off. What are you going to do about it? Bow to it and lose her? Cause let me tell you, if that's the answer? You don't deserve her. But if you have to fight him over it... well... then do whatever you need to do to ready yourself for the fight, then tell him. You can't change your dad, the only thing you can do is change yourself."

She sighed and finished off the rest of her coffee before walking to the sink and starting to rinse it out. "And frankly? If you can't even face your dad about not wanting to be a model, what side of that do you think gives Naru the confidence that she can depend on you for more important things? Relationships are a partnership, aren't they? And if you can't even have the barest grip on your own life, how do you expect her to trust you with helping her in hers?" She then put the mug in the sink, not really sure how they did their dishes here. She then turned to look at him. "And if you're upset about her taking care of things because of you were busy with work? Make a choice and stop being all wishy washy about it. You only get one life, Adrien. And no matter how much your dad tries to control it, it *is* still your life."

"... Just... make sure whatever choice you end up making, isn't one you spend the rest of your life regretting. You know?" And that bit? sounded a tiny bit like something she was trying to tell herself, too...

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I'm not worrying about that anymore. I just don't know what I want exactly. I'm trying to figure that out," Adrien admits with a little tired smile. He knew some things which he really enjoyed of course. Spending time with Naru. Being Cat Noir. Fencing. Not all of these could be shared though.

When the advice is given he nods, looking down to his cup to regard the contents thoughtfully. "That is good advice though. Thank you, Hinoiri."

Raising his green eyes he fixes a gaze on her that may be more insightful than she would expect. "I think maybe it's advice you could use to take, too. You seem far too familiar with regrets." A pause, and he adds, "Whatever it is, just know you've got friends here willing to help you."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded. "Yeah, well.... try and figure out what you want before you waste too much time. Naru's cool, but she won't wait forever for you to get your act together. After all, you--"

Then she stopped. Her eyes went wide and she stared at him.

And then he could just see the vicious glare in her eyes. The look that screamed 'I could tear you apart'. There was a bit of dark energy flashing in her eyes. She took a step towards him... before stopping and pulling back. A worried look on her face. She put her hands together before counting, slowly. "Zen... zen..." she whispered.

Then, after a moment, she opened her eyes. "I... appreciate the sentiment. Truly, I do. But... the problems I have aren't exactly the kinds of things you could understand. Not that your problems with your dad aren't... special. They're just kind of... petty and pathetic," Hinoiri said with a shrug. "That's fine, though. You just operate at a... lower sale is all. It's... fine. I don't regret what I've done. I don't regret what I still have to do. Sometimes the only way to get what you deserve is by force. But... thanks. I guess. If there's one thing this.... school has taught me. It's that, in some places, everyone will be your bucking friend. No matter how obnoxious it is."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste is caught a little offguard by that look from Hinoiri. Rather than get scared by it though he actually holds his ground as she approache, not flinching or pulling away. Not seeming scared or angry in turn. Just... Just Adrien being there. Listening.

"I guess 'regret' was the wrong word for your circumstances, then. I'm sorry. I just meant," he lifts his hand to rub at the back of his neck trying to find the right thing to say. Or at least close to it. "That if something doesn't feel like it's working how you want it to, then it's okay to look for another option."

A little sigh is let out. "You're right, though. I'm just going to keep sticking my foot in my mouth since I don't really know what you're going through. If you *do* need someone to talk to though," he gives a toothy grin, "I've got plenty of coffee and video games to keep us up however long you might need to explain. No pressure though."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara clenched her first before shaking her head. She turned towards the door, before stopping... and... finally... "Fine," she said. She leaned back against the counter once more.

"Why. Just answer me this. *Why* should I tell you? Give me one good reason. One actually good reason. What makes you *any* bit as qualified to know what I'm going through? To talk about my problems? Do you know what you are, Adrien?"

"You're a model. That's it. You're like a cardboard cutout. when have you ever, even once, made a decision on your own? When have you ever done anything without someone else doing it for you? You're a model, but you aren't sure if you want to be one? What else *would* you be? You're just... nice. You're really sweet. Really. You are. I mean it. But you know what else is nice? The breeze. A light rain. A cup of coffee after a long day. But that's what you are. You aren't big or special. You're just... okay. Nice. Comfortable."

"Do you know why I hung out with you? When I met you? Because you were, frankly... kind of pathetic. Walking in a path you didn't want, but hey. It was fine. So long as everyone around you is happy, right? So come on, Adrien. Tell me one. Bucking. Thing. Tell me literally one thing about you that's because of *you* and not by someone else's hand? Because they reached out and helped you up, when you were too scared to reach your hand out and take it?"

"I found being your friend... fun. It was all fun and games, but you know what? Game time is quickly running out."

She then moved forward, pushing a finger to his chest. "Because do you want to know who I am? I'm *not* a model. When people tell me how to behave, I only do it if I *want* to. When they push me down I *grab them* and throw them in the mud. I don't let *anyone* tell me what to do. And I *don't* feel bad about any of it! Because I am *nopony's* lackey. That is my life. So tell me. What makes you at *all* qualified to give me advice? What even makes you qualified to be my friend?! What makes ANY of you think I NEED your help? Your precious friendship?! I bit and kicked and fought hoof and horn for everything I've had in my life so why would I give it up for ANY of you people?!"

And the dark energy was stirring inside her like a storm, so strong she could barely hold it back. She didn't know why it hit so hard, but it... right now? It was rising in her like a tidal wave.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
It was rare to see anything but a smile on Adrien. It was his default state but that didn't mean that he didn't have more feelings than just that. When Hinoiri starts to go off on him, and jab at his chest, he automatically reaches up to grab her hand with a quick side-sweep of his palm to push it away with a practiced motion.

He doesn't retaliate, but the poking certainly stops unless she goes in for it again.

"I never asked you to give up anything. To answer your question? I decided to be your friend even though everyone told me it was a terrible idea." How's that for choices?

His lips purse together tightly a moment as he debates what to say or do while he can already see Plagg flitting up behind her pulling faces at her. Now was NOT the time for that. Sure there was the Veil but that was not something to depend on.

"But if you think you're not worth having friends then I guess the door is behind you."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara hadn't expected him to actually bat her hand away. Frankly? She was being an ass. She KNEW she was being an ass. The problem was she didn't care. Being an ass right now made her feel good. Allowed her to vent some of her aggression.

"Well, you know what? Everyone else was right? Everyone should AVOID me! Yet, they don't! None of them do! Despite all the signs being there. If they should... if they should..."

She trailed off and, slowly, the flames died down. The dark energy was pushed back down. The anger began to calm and she looked... frustrated. Just frustrated. "I... it..." she whispered, before sighing. "Oh, what's the point? Do you want to know why I won't tell you, Adrien? Because I *can't*. Because you wouldn't remember it anyway. Because you know what?"

And then she flashed her hands in front of him, and a moment later...

Sunbreaker stood in front of him. And she reached out, gripping his chin in her hand. "And you know what? This time tomorrow? You won't even remember this. You probably can't even grasp who I *am*. The only thing you'll remember... is that your weird friend came by, and was weird. And that's why I'm so *upset*, you little lackey. Because that is the bucking choices I have to make. So no. I'm not worth having friends over. Because... because it's not worth what I'd lose."

Then she blinked. And chuckled... it was not a good chuckle. "Wow. Duh. You know what? When I say it like that, it's all so much *clearer*. Thanks, Adrien, you actually *did* help me clear my head a bit." And then... she de-henshined and started towards the door. "But... yeah. You should stay away from me. Both you and Naru. You'll only get hurt if we keep hanging out, so consider this the... what do you call it when friends stop being friends? I'd say breaking up, but that seems a bit extreme. Friendship kicking you to the curb, I guess. Still, I stand by what I say. Figure out what you wanna do about your dad, Naru's pretty rad and won't wait for you to get your crud together forever."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Won't remember tomorrow? She did make mention earlier of not recalling, and now Adrien's eyes narrow a bit suspiciously because it sounded very MUCH like she was hinting at the Veil. Which meant she was...

"Are you...?"

What? Serious? A magical girl? He was about to ask such things when Hinoiri just henshins right then and there into Sunbreaker of all people. It's NOW that his eyes widen in surprise, and his solid stance shifts as if drawing away only to be caught by the hand at his chin. "You're--" He begins, but as usual it's kind of hard to get a word in edgewise when she was in such a ranting mood. Which he kind of knew from the times he HAD run into Sunbreaker.

That meant that he'd been friends with not only an enemy, but someone who had kidnapped Naru before. Did SHE know?

Torn, he stands there as she turns to head for the door. The talk of getting himself together for Naru is off base but he can't tell her why. Instead he takes a deep breath, and blurts out, "Yeah, I know. You're wrong about the fact that I'd forget though, Sunbreaker. If even Naru can forgive you for kidnapping her, then maybe things aren't as bad as you think."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was halfway to the door before she stopped. Her hand reaching for it. She then sighed... "Of course. You're a sparkle too, aren't you? Whatever. Half of your lot already know who I am. Do you know, I made such a mistake when I came here."

She turned around and moved back towards him. "I... wanted power. I *need* this power. More than you could ever imagine. You, none of you, can even grasp what's at stake. To you lot? It's all just a game. This whole veil thing. I don't know which of the sparkles you are, and frankly I *do not care*."

"I thought getting close to you people, making some of you my lackeys, pretending I cared about anything you lot had going on in this sad, pathetic excuse for a world, would help me. I thought..."

Deep, slow breath. And then the anger fizzled a bit. "All knowing you people has done has made this so much harder. To you, the only thing at stake is a battle, maybe a few dreams. My entire reality, my life, everything rides on me achieving victory. I... I won't... be held back... Not anymore. I've... seen the end, Adrien. I either rise to the occasion, or I take down everyone with me. So no. I don't want your forgiveness. I don't want your friendship. All I want from any of you... is for you to just hate me. I am your enemy. So, whatever you are, be it cure Tophat or Puella Magi sparklesmile, I don't care. Everyone was right about what they said about me."

For at least the dozenth time in the last week, she had Sayaka flash in her mind. Would she be happy in the place? In a world like that, alone? Yes? No? She... she didn't know anymore. But stopping wasn't an option.

"... Thanks for this talk, though. It really did help me understand a few things. Buck. I'll bet Naru's a sparkle by now even, isn't she? I told the girl she had potential, but nope. Nobody ever listens to me. I just spent my entire life studying magic, what do I know?" she asked, shaking her head.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I can assure you I do not *sparkle*," Adrien responds with just a hint of wounded pride at that. Just a bit. He knew people that DID sparkle, easily so, but not him. Not at all. "And neither does Naru," he adds since she has that come up.

"But really, you know who my roommate is, right? Do you think any secret could be kept with him around in the first place?" A bit bemused there, a bit of a dig on Chrono, but he was trying to add some levity... No. No, it wouldn't work anyway.

"I'm not going to tell anyone I just..." He sighs a bit, and gestures. "THIS is the thing I can't help with. Naru keeps getting pulled into things, and I can't do anything about it." Other than rescue her. "That's what I meant earlier." Did it even matter now? Probably not.

He turns away with a shake of his head. "I won't tell anyone, Hinoiri. Just... Be careful."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. "Uhhhhh... no? Wait, you mean you don't have magic? You're just... oh. Great. So you're like Naru, wonderful. Can sense it, but not touch? Frankly, that's bullshit. And... no? I don't know who your roommate is. Why, is he someone important?"

Oh dear heavens he managed to run into the ONE PERSON in the school who'd never met him.

"Wait, is *that* what this is about? Your feel annoyed because you're useless? Err, because you don't have magic and can't protect Naru? Really? That's the entirety of your issues?" she asked, cocking an eye.

Then she blinked a few times. And, slowly, a grin formed on her lips. She held her palm out to him. Dark flames formed in it. "... You know, Adrien. If you really want magic? I can help you. Naru's friends with... well... Naru's got friends who'd likely never let her even try. But I doubt you do. I've been teaching others how to wield dark energy. I could teach you, too."

"Maybe it'd even help you take a bit of control of your life instead of being shoved around, from photo shoot to photo shoot, like some kind of prized poodle."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
The one person who doesn't know Chrono, go figure. Adrien's quick to shake his head though only to flash a grin. "No, not important, just very. Very talkative." Yes let's just go with that.

The topic is thankfully something not dwelled on. Unfortunately the change of topic has him staring at the dark flames that Hinoiri produces in her hand regarding it with a sickening sense of impending doom.

"No offense Hinoiri but I think I would have to think about that. A lot. I've met people who used Dark Energy and they don't exactly have fond memories of it." That's not a no though. Just an uncertain, frowning hesitation.

"But I will think about it." Could that maybe be something good to learn? No, no likely not. But being able to help Naru without having to worry so desperately about keeping his identity a secret *was* a tempting lure. For now he dips his head to run a hand over his forehead. "Give me a bit to consider?" Maybe he could figure out how to get out of this situation.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara sighed and shook her hand, letting the fire dissipate. "Right. You *would* second guess it. No matter. Take as long as you need..." Pause. "But time will run out before you know it. My plans have almost come to fruition. Everything I've worked for, everything I've sacrificed for? All of it is coming to an end. Soon I'll have... soon I'll have everything I ever needed."

She turned her back to him. "And when that happens, I'll be leaving your world behind for good. And I don't care what those people using dark energy have been saying. It's just a tool. It's dangerous and painful. But if you're strong enough, you can control it and do amazing things. But it requires a strong will that won't break, and rules that you can't veer from. So... actually... it might not be a good idea for you to have it... either way... though. You have my number. If you change your mind and I'm still in your world? I'll give you a lesson..."

Then, however, she stopped. After a few moments... "But I wouldn't expect it to make Naru happy. If she wanted someone who could protect her, there's a lot of choices, Adrien. She chose you. So... make sure what you want won't cost you what you really want."

... Well, that was ominous. But with those words? She left, managing to not even slam the door behind herself.