1504/A Pirate's Return

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A Pirate's Return
Date of Scene: 08 May 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Jolly returns to Hinata after her experience in the time bubble.
Cast of Characters: Erika Shimizu, Hinata Muramasa
Tinyplot: Operation: Past

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    So haha, Erika returned.
    Stuff happened, there was a portal, she almost lost her hat, and when she came back to the dorm room after who knows how long of being missing, she mentioned something about the freaking D-Day beach invasions and collapsed into bed exhaustedly.
    Right now, the blonde is sleeping in, curled up on her bed, refusing to move, still reeling from a bone deep exhaustion brought on by terror and stress. She tosses on her bed, turns, and rolls right over and off her mattress, thumping to the floor with a soft grunt of dismay that says the fall woke her up.

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    To say Hinata was upset that Erika had seemingly vanished off the face of the planet for whoever knows how long it turned out to be would be an understatement.

    On Erika's final return, Hinata pulled out what all friends fear. Instead of greeting the pirate-girl with the traditional 'Eri-chan', Erika earned herself a 'Shimizu-san.' Truly devastating.

    That icy demeanor melted after she got the whole picture, despite it sounding outlandish and far-fetched... but then they're both Magical Girls, what isn't?

    The black-haired girl watches her friend toss and turn, and when she falls out of bed, Hinata's at her side in a heartbeat, concern etched into her usual stone-mask of a face. "Eri-chan..."

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    That hurt. Shimizu-san really hurt. Though she didn't say anything at the time, a briefly pained look flashed through the exhaustion, right before Erika collapsed the way she did.
    Nevertheless she 's up now, tangled in her blanket on the floor and groaning like the undead.
    At least for a beat before she heaves a sigh and Hinata is there.
    You know." She begins. "When you're cursed to be undead you lose a lot. But the nightmares never seem to go away, huh." She mutters.
    She did not have a good time in The Past and it's obvious.

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata sighs softly, drawing Erika's head into her lap and stroking fingers through the blonde's hair. She doesn't say anything, that's not her way. Instead she just, exists there, providing that silent support she always does. Though her silence doesn't last forever, and she asks finally, "Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes, airing out the pain can lessen its burden."

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    No sooner than her head is tugged to Hinata's lap, Erika heaves a sigh and lets her green eyes fall closed. Does she want to talk about it?
    That is a good question.
    "It was bad, Hina." She says at first. "I'd never thought I'd see a straight up war. But that's what it was. A straight up, no holds barred, flat out war between the earth and the moon. So much death and destruction... I'd be lying if I said it didn't shake me up a bit."

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata nods a bit. "I can't say I can imagine what its like... I don't think anyone our age should even be considering things like that, let-alone experience it." she sighs softly, continuing to gently stroke her friend's hair consolingly.

    She closes her own green eyes. "I should have been there with you. At least then... we could have looked out for each other, like always."

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    Slowly Erika brings a hand to her face and gives it a ood, slow, rub.
    "They were magical... People. Like us. The sailor senshi. They were a little older in the past I guess or something but... They killed people. The Four Heavenly Kings were at war with them and they killed people too. That Beryl witch twisted everything and put them against each other and so many people got caught in the crossfire." She huffs.
    "No. I'd rather you not have been there." She says. "Then we'd both be a mess right now probably. Maybe."

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata's face contorts, her brow knitting together as she listens to Erika's words. She doesn't speak on it, only letting out a slow, prolonged sigh. She eases out from under her friend, and pads over to her side of the room.

    She rummages for a few moments, then returns, placing something on Erika's chest before resuming her position under her friend's head. The thing is a plain brown paper bag... the kind you usually get from candy stores that sell assorted candies by weight. It contains a mixture of all the types that Erika liked, when she could still taste them.

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    And then. Candy.
    Erika blinks slowly as Hinata plops the brown bag on her chest and peers into it.
    Slowly a faint, wan, smile. She may not be able to taste them, but the memory of their taste is good enough right now as she shifts herself to sit up and hugs Hinata's arm to her chest.
    "I'm not gonna lie though. I'm awful glad you were here for me to come back to."

Hinata Muramasa has posed:
    Hinata doesn't... cannot smile anymore, but she nods softly and rests her cheek atop Erika's head in that awkward position. "I will be here, as much as I am able, Eri-chan." she replies.