1537/The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1537: I Need The Most Giggle-bites That They Have

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1537: I Need The Most Giggle-bites That They Have
Date of Scene: 13 May 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Setsuna needs help with a computer set up. Amy knows just the things she needs.
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou, Amanda Faust

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Several days after the whole...thing with Usagi, and a week or two past the meeting on the school roof, a text message gets sent to Amy early on a Saturday:

<<TXT from Setsuna Meiou: Amy-chan...I have come to realize that I am in need of some computer equipment and I was thinking of checking out what's available...would you mind meeting me at Akihabara Station around, say 11am today? We can go grab lunch on me after.>>

Amanda Faust has posed:
            You want to go shopping at an actual computer store? ...Do they even
        have those anymore? Yeah, I guess in Akiba they might, huh? Normally I'd
                                                        look at prices online...

Well, I also want to get something to eat. I'm hungry, too.

                                                    OK fair. If you're buying...

Dear, I would never ask anyone else to buy.

    So it is that Amy has come to Akihabara! She doesn't want to be talked down to, so she shifts her presentation a bit to try and come off as 'gamer girl'. Green cargo pants instead of a skirt. Her usual sneakers. A wool beanie on her head. A black T-shirt that says 'Achievement Unlocked: Left the house' over a grey longsleeve shirt for warmth. Her trusty messenger bag is slung over her back, just in case she needs to carry something. It also conveniently holds her water bottle!

    ...She may have missed 'gamer girl' and landed on 'skater tomboy who just traveled 25 years into the future'.

    Once at Akihabara station it's probably easier for Amy to locate Setsuna than the other way around. Then again there aren't exactly a lot of redheads in Japan...

    "Good to see you!" She'll greet Setsuna with a hug and a smile, then walk along with her, looking around. "Damn, it's been awhile since I've been here. I wasn't much for being a tourist, but I just had to see Akihabara at least once, right?"

    Amanda lifts her hands palm-up and looks down at them. The sleeves on the shirt are slightly too long. "First time coming here like this, though..."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Indeed, Setsuna is most likely easier to find...as monstrously tall green haired women stand out rather more than even short redheads.

The short redheads can be concealed by moderately taller people, after all.

Setsuna Meiou is very nearly 180 cm tall...which puts her in the top 5% of people in Japan by height.

So when Amy shows up to greet with a hug, she'll find the taller woman dressed...rather more casually than she probably has before.

After all, most other times they'd met had been while she was in her Nurse outfit, which is mainly just an all-concealing labcoat...or as Sailor Pluto...which is it's own whole thing.

Out for a casual day, Setsuna would normally be in some blouse...but as with Amy, she wants to not stand out as much.

Which, given how tall she is, is probably a rather vain hope.

Still, she's dressed more casually. In this case wearing a dark blue t-shirt with the words 'HOME IS WHERE THE / WIFI CONNECTS / AUTOMATICALLY' spread in a fan shape to resemble the international wifi symbol tucked into a knee-length pleated denim dress.

She's still wearing three inch heels, though.

It's questionable if Amy has ever seen her WITHOUT them.

Setsuna looks around and smiles, "I was here before...but it was rather different then. A LOT more electricity, for one."

She waves off the station "The place I wanted to look is just down this way...it's about a ten minute walk or so."

Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy grins at seeing the shirt. She approves!

    "Right. It's called Akihabara Electric Town, after all..." Amy replies, nodding at the wave and setting off with.

    "So... What's your use case? Gaming? AI art? Making music or art or something? Development workstation? Just, uh, office stuff and streaming video? ...You looking to get into streaming or vtubing or something? What are we looking for here?"


    The other thing still rattles around in Amy's brain a bit. She doesn't actually remember why it's called Akihabara Electric Town. Whatever it is is recent enough that one of the timeline shifts in Steins;Gate could change it, though...

    "...What do you mean more electric?" She asks, waving a hand at some videogame store or other as they pass.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The walk out of the station has them going two blocks or so west and just past a 7-11, then cross at a major crosswalk, turn north, cross at another major crosswalk, then heading north for a few blocks, "Well...for one, I need to run some stellar drift calculations, but I figured I'd just get something powerful enough to do whatever I want...but I'm well aware I know little to nothing about what's what, so I figured I'd consult with someone who knows what they're on about...and I vaguely recall you mentioning you have a good computer in your room."

She shrugs, "It's not like cost is a problem for me."

Probably no surprise. This is the woman who took a few scoolgirls on a casual trip to Nagoya on her private helicopter just because they asked her to.

The comment about electricty makes her snort, "Well, for one, the last time I was here they didn't call it 'Akihabara Electric Town'...mainly because they hadn't finished wiring the place for electricity yet."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    No wait, that's not right. It was that otaku culture never came to Akiba in the alternate timeline, right? Before that, it was... Ugh. Amy hasn't seen Steins;Gate in over a decade and it was a fairly minor plot point in the grand scheme of things. Hmm...

    Stellar drift? "I have no idea whether that's computationally intensive or not, I admit." She smiles at being remembered. "I mean, it's thoroughly budget midrange for when I got it in 2020, but it seems like everybody is using laptops these days and it's just so weird, when I was in college, if people didn't already have a computer, going to college was the occasion you got a desktop for, right? Although, I guess this is different... the current generation really do do everything on their phones, huh... you can watch streaming and write papers fine on a netbook..." she sighs. "You only need more if you're a gamer or something..."

    She nods at the comment about cost. If you can afford a helicopter, you can afford any computer you want!

> Well, for one, the last time I was here they didn't call it 'Akihabara Electric Town'...
    Amy looks up at Setsuna, quirking a brow.

> mainly because they hadn't finished wiring the place for electricity yet.
    Amy stops.

    "Wait... how old are you? No I know, 'never ask a woman her age', but... seriously, what?! How can you..." Increasing confusion shows on her face the more Amy thinks about what this means.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna shrugs, "I'm not sure, either. I mean, I have sets of co-ordinates and need to calculate how they'll have changed accounting for 14000-odd years of movement of the Earth, the Moon, the Sol system in general plus all the stars I sighted." She shrugs, "I mean, if I need to, I can get Rashmi to ask Nicomachea to run the calculations...but I'd rather not put them out if whatever I can lay hands on works well enough."

She then waves a hand, "...besides, I figure having one will be useful enough to have anyhow."

And then the penny drops.

As Setsuna hears Amy have the human equivalent of a blue screen as she processes that Setsuna predates electricity coming to Tokyo, the older woman smirks.

Clearly, she's not offended, as her response is, "...well, there are so MANY ways to express it."

She indicates they should start walking again as she taps her chin, "Well, I could say I'm older than sliced bread, but that's only been a thing for a hundred years or so...or that I predate the written word, which is rather older..."

She looks at the redhead, "...though given our recent 14000 year...ordeal...probably the easiest was that there was a very real chance I could have run into myself and that I have never died."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    When did Electricity come to Japan? Is Setsuna actually as old as Amy's grandma, in a new young body somehow? ...Great-grandma?

    That's only been a thing for a hundred years.

    Amy's expression changes to shock.

    I have never died.

    Amy just stares up at Setsuna, mouth agape, for several seconds. Then she starts to glance away and looks like she's going to say something, but doesn't, for a long moment.

    "I'm sorry I don't... I don't know what to say. This is..."

    "I mean... in fiction I'd think of meeting an ancient elf or dragon or something, but this is... like in scifi you might find an alien computer that old, but it hasn't been... alive, running around, all that time... How are you... Oh my god, I mean..."

    She steps forward to give Setsuna another hug, squeezing tight. "I'm sure you've heard it all before. 'You must be so lonely'. Let this... it's um. It's gonna take a bit for this mere mortal to process. ...I guess this happens every time you tell someone."

    She can't even make a timely pop culture reference about Frieren or something. Meiou-san -- no, that can't be her real name -- Pluto makes Frieren's issues seem like nothing in comparison.

    Amy dimly recalls some tabletop gamer friend sharing a post about liches and deep time, writing such an immortal creature properly, and that's maybe the closest comparison Amy can make to anything she can conceive of?

    Amy looks up at the taller woman. Pluto isn't human anymore. For all the crazy magic shit she's seen, a being that's lived and experienced so much time isn't... like Amy might have imagined that might happen, maybe a dragon from another dimension or something, or a god -- how old is Blue? -- but she'd surely have imagined it wrong. Certainly she didn't expect it would be Meiou-san.

    ...Maybe 'not human anymore' is rude. If Amy lived that long, would she not want others not thinking of her as human?

    All these realizations flash across Amy's face. Not that Pluto can read her mind. Then again maybe she can guess what Amy's thinking. "Sorry. Th-this is a lot. I'm just....... trying to get my head around it."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna blinks in surprise as Amy, upon realizing how old Setsuna is...becomes perhaps the first person she's met to grasp the enormity of what her existence has been like.

...and her first response upon realization is go give the taller, older woman a hug.

Which just floors Setsuna.

Still, after only a brief moment of surprise, she returns the hug.

Gently, she pats the younger woman on the back and says quietly, "Take your time. It's...more than most people can really grasp at first...they generally only are able to wrap their heads around the surface level...but I rather suspect you've realized some of the second and third tier implications of what such a long life is like."

After a moment, she taps her chin, then smiles, "...perhaps a quote that I sometimes use to guide me will help? 'When I became an adult I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Hugs are nice. Amy relaxes the squeeze, but leans into Setsuna a bit more when she's hugged back. Nodding at 'second and third tier implications'. At the quote she gives a little chuckle and looks up, smiling. "'There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.'" she quotes back.

    She smiles. "I did wonder, whether you still wanted to be human or not. So that does answer that. And I think it's okay. I always thought I'd do the same... although I feared it was perhaps a little small-minded of me."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna snorts and rolls her eyes before straightening up and ushering the two on, "I'm not THAT far gone." She pauses, "...though I think Michiru might have referred to me as a 'gremlin' at some point...but I'm FAIRLY certain that's because she was making good natured fun of me when I was giggling over something or other I found funny."

She gives an absent shrug, "...most of the times if they call me anything, they call me a bear...but that's because I am VERY NOT a morning person and I have to get up fairly early to make the train to school."

She waves, "Okay, should just be a left at this corner and then it's across the street."

And as they turn the corner, the store is easily visible...and true to form, it's a shop plastooned with various logos for oBsidia, WMD, and Untel.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Something she found funny. Amy looks up at Setsuna. "...The other day I saw this meme of... oh, here, I'll just get it in Consensus..."

    Amy pulls her phone from her pocket, taps it a few times. It's a mock-up of part of Youtube's main screen, showing what appears to be a 2½-hour-long PNGtuber or vtuber-style analysis video by 'Plato the wise': 'What is a human?' and a 23 second response in similar style: 'Confronting an IDIOT' rebuttal by xxX_DIEogenes_Xxx.

    "...Is it actually still funny after thousands of years," Amy asks, "or is it weird that we haven't moved on yet?"

    Oh hey, the store! "Oh, we're there already?" Amy glances over and through the windows. "Damn. It really is a computer store like old times, huh? ...Well, 'old'... you know what I mean. It's like CompUSA is back."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna snorts at the meme, "...no...that...that was pretty accurate...and funny, yes."

As they wait a moment to cross, she says, "...Hrm...not sure I ever visited one of those...still."

As they approach the front doors she asks, "So I've had some nice laptops before...but I was told that if you really want power and performance, that a desktop is the way to go, and further that a custom-built one is best...but I'm afraid that once I looked at things online, I got rather lost."

She shrugs, "Beyond that? All I know is that I was told the biggest baddest thing on the market is something called a 'yarn-tearer'?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    A desktop is the way to go? "Pffwell, yeah." Amy agrees.

    'Yarn-tearer' just gets her looking at Setsuna in confusion for several seconds before. "Oh, threadripper. Yeah, that might still be true, though I haven't checked this stuff in a few years myself. Let's see, though... you want to do stellar drift calculations... is that really that hard...?" She taps at her phone for a bit. "Hmm. This one lets me put in negative twelve thousand for a year, but is it accomodating stellar drift, or not?"

    "Sorry, I guess I should focus on the machine we want to build for now, right? Let's see... Jesus, 600,000 yen for a CPU?! With 64 cores... I guess you might want massive parallelism over faster individual core performance, huh... Still, 24 or 32 is probably plenty... I could buy a whole computer for that..."

    Tap tap tap. "Looks like Untel can provide 24 cores for far less price. Still, building this out for a threadripper for now... Probably need a special motherboard to support it... Yeah... then it comes down to how big of a motherboard you want and what case size... uh... looks like you get... 4 pcie x16 slots in any case... 8-10 SATA ports... buncha USB ports. Do you think you'll even possibly need ten hard drives? Plus we're lookin' at 3 or 4 m.2 slots... err..."

    Amy scratches her head. "I didn't really think all this through. I guess there's questions of like... how much space to you need... and whether it all needs to be on solid state drives... err, those are expensive and have less space, but are much faster... um... sorry, I... hmm. Where do I even begin for this. I wonder if we should've done more research before coming..."

    Amy looks back towards the store again. "Although, I guess if you want to leave this store today with the parts for a full machine, we should just see what they have in stock..."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna is familiar with most of the CONCEPTS, at least, that Amy is throwing around about computing...though the individual names and protocols are passing her by, "Ah. Yes, parallel processing would likely be quite good in general."

She looks around, catches the eye of a salesperson...who is a bit thrown off.

It's not every day that he sees a nearly two meter tall woman in the store, much less with a younger woman with STARTLINGLY red hair.

Once she gets his attention, she asks, "Could you please point me at the processers with the most..."

She glances at Amy for a moment, then remembers, "...ah, yes. Cores and Threads."

Slightly stunned and a little confused, he points over towards one of the WMD Threadrippers...the 7995WX. It's over in a glass case in kind of pride-of-place...just one with that kind of 'we have one of these so we can say we have one but nobody's gonna shell for this' energy.

Which, given the pricetag of nearly 1.8M yen, isn't surprising.

Setsuna shoots him a smile and says, "Since you keep them locked up, if yopu don't mind setting that one aside? I'll be wanting to purchase it once we have the rest of the things we need."

Which causes another brief fault for the poor boy, who blinks once, then points at the little sign next to it and says, "Uhm...it's kind of expensive..."

At which point Setsuna just holds up a finger to shush him, then leans over and quietly says in a voice just loud enough for him and Amy to hear, "That's quite okay. I have a Black Card."

At which point she makes a gesture with her hand as if doing a sleight of hand trick and produces said card.

After a moment of examination and confirmation, Setsuna straightens up and dismissess her card, "Now...if you'll be so kind as to grab that and just be around to answer questions if we have them, you'll get to look REALLY good in front of your sales manager in a little while."

She then turns to Amy, "So that's processor. What's next?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    7995?! 1.8 million yen? Amy stares at it with wide eyes, then taps on her phone again. Whatever tool she's using doesn't even list that one. She looks up at the boy. "Don't actually grab it. It's not like anyone else is going to come in here and buy it. Just... consider it held. Um, look, which motherboards do you have in stock that can even support that? That will narrow our search considerably. If it's one of the weird size ones, that'll probably rather simplify the search for a case too..."

    Amy blinks. "Oh shit, do we need to use water cooling or something? We probably do, ah, shit, I don't know anything about cooling systems... But this is gonna sit on a desk, not in a server room, right? So you probably want something easy to work around and that won't make a terrible mess if something breaks..." Tap tap tap. "Probably best to just go with a normal heatsink and fan for now."

    She's just... operating on things one step at a time, you know? Meiou-san is a zillion years old and buying impossibly expensive computer parts. The world is crazy. But you know what parts a computer needs, Amy, so... one thing at a time.


    "...I do wonder, if there's some way we could hook up a bunch of processors in parallel for what you need, though I confess that's also an area I haven't really worked with..." the small redhead rambles, thoughts a bit all over the place as she tries to keep up with the situation.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna smiles to see Amy get so animated about parts...and she nods towards the younger woman as she gets the attention of the salesperson...whose name is apparently Kenichi.

His nametag reads 'Hi, I'm Ken1!'

Given 'permission' by the woman with the money, he says, "Oh...we've got three boards that support that socket..."

And off he goes, answering questions for her as she asks.

They've got enough RAM in stock to max out the best board they have.

It's got room for 4 m.2 drives.

They've got some pretty good high capacity m.2s.

Two of the best WMD graphics cards are available for it.

There's a big, roomy, chonky case with room for lots of low-speed fans.

Lots of ultra-quiet fans are grabbed.

A serious aftermarket CPU cooler is found.

A highest-rated high-wattage power supply is found.

Then fripperies like keyboard, mouse, OS, some monitors and other various and sundry are all located and put on a list.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Yeah we can... research other cooling solutions later, if needed... hey, maybe we should see if a dual- or quad-processor motherboard is an option? Instead of..."

    It slowly starts to dawn on Amy.

    She whispers, "Two million yen really is nothing to you, isn't it..."

    Amy considers this, and continues: "...If you have this kind of money to throw around, you need to donate to charity more. But since you haven't... Later, we gotta figure out how to change the world. Magical girls will ensure the future exists... but you might be able to do more to shape that future than we ever will."

    Once she realizes that Setsuna is having all this shipped -- they're obviously not carrying it home -- Amy also asks for her own modest upgrades. Nothing THIS fancy, she wants to be able to replace any parts that break rather than say, need a crazy expensive board that only supports crazy expensive CPUs -- but she can probably get some nice improvements over her 2020 machine, all the same.

    At some point, she notices the salesboy's humorous nametag and smiles. "I like the nametag. Heh."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Kenichi blushes a little as he bustles around, and while he's gone and out of earshot, she quietly says to Amy, "Oh, I already do...but if you've got suggestions, make me a list and I'll be happy to add to them."

She then waves a hand, "Look, if you get to be as old as I am and you're poor, you're doing something wrong."

She snorts, "...if I had some legitimate way to sell them, just the random knicknacks I've picked up over the years would net me a tidy sum."

She then winks, "...fortunately for my investments, I was there when the Phonecians invented the concept."

She waves a hand at the list, "Feel free to tack on some improvements to your setup if you want, Amy. Frankly, I'd take this all home tonight, but people would look at us funny if we asked for a handtruck to do it with...or if they saw me making it disappear into my personal stuff space."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Kenichi is blushing? "What's with him?" Amy asks, when he goes in back to get something. "...Oh, right." She glances to Setsuna. "It's still weird, every time a boy at school gets weird when I tell them they made a good joke, or try to talk to them about videogames, or have advice on schoolwork. ...Just another part of the TSko experience, I guess..."

> Oh, I already do...
    Amy blinks at Setsuna. "...Right, of course you have... sorry, I wasn't thinking."

> just the random knicknacks...
    "You're Scrooge McDuck for real, huh? Guess that makes me a lazier version of Webby, at least in the remake... though I haven't studied you or other real-life adventurers..."

> I was there when the Phonecians invented the concept.
    "It's a shame you didn't stop the Dutch from forming the first corporation... but you couldn't have known where that was going to lead."

    She does get some things for herself!

    But... She also gets a few moments to think. And there's something she's been wondering for several minutes now: "Was there... another objective to this? Bringing me along, I mean. I don't doubt you needed the computer, and wanted a friend along for a shopping trip... but while personal computers may be new to you, people are not. I'm not going to... say that all manipulation of people is evil, as much as it frustrates my autistic brain. We can't help it, and you've been alive so long, how could you not? But if there's another lesson I can learn here, I'd like to."

    Amy smiles. "Maybe I hope you'll be impressed at my seeing it? Or perhaps it's old hat, having people... looking for that sort of thing. If it annoys you, I'll try to stop."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna shakes her head, "If there's a lesson to be learned, it's that one should, whenever possible, take into account the skills of others."

She pauses, then smiles and says in a quieter tone, "...oh, and one other thing, Amy."

And there's the ever so slight emphasis on the LACK of honorific.

When she first 'met' Amy, she always referred to her as 'Miss Faust'.

When she got to know her more, especially after the helicopter, she called her 'Amy-chan'...as with the text message earlier.

This was just 'Amy', "...it's the pleasant surprises that help hold off the weight of years."

The bill is added up and rung out...

That's a LOT of yen...

Amy's purchases are set aside...since they occupy less space, they're bag-able.

Said bag is handed over, Setsuna thanks Ken1, and she leads Amy out, "...let's go get lunch somewhere."

As they turn and walk down the sidewalk, behind them they can just barely hear an exclaimation as someone else gets a look at the sale that was just made.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Setsuna shakes her head, but doesn't seem to be mad. She could be hiding thoughts.

    But maybe someone's made it 14,000 years... honestly?

    Amy blinks and nods. "I see. And another lesson: That the imaginations of humanity aren't always right."

    She glances towards Ken1 and adds, more quietly, "...although sometimes, they're spot-on."

    She does cock her head at the lack of honorific. Normal in English, but it sounds off in Japanese. She smiles.

    "'Variety is the spice of life', they say now. ...Although, I think that one might be quite old by now-- well, you know what I mean."

    To lunch!

    "Thanks. Setsuna-san, I..." she shakes her head a little. "Sorry. Speech habit. If you would like me to not use an honorific either, I'm fine with that. Although I suppose, when I'm aware of it, the sense of it is there all the same." She looks up at Setsuna again. "In some ways, -senpai doesn't seem like it has enough magnitude."

    "I'm sorry. You want what we all want, right? Friends. Not to be treated like some sort of... immortal time abyss. I'm sorry I got weird when you told me. I'll try to do better. I just..."

    Amy scratches her head. "...I guess I hope that if I can like... get my head around a situation, I feel like I'm not so helpless, like I still have control. Or, maybe, confronted with someone I'm a child in comparison to, I felt a need to show off. I still kinda feel..."

    Amy nods as she tries to examine her own feelings. "Yeah. Something like that is going on, I think. Caught me off guard. I haven't felt that in a long time."

    She smiles. "You being my friend... feels a bit like when I was a child, and an adult actually talking to me on the level instead of looking down at me. Thank you, Setsuna."

    "...I guess in our own way we both have experiences no one else does, huh? And it's nowhere near the same thing, but with friends, we can be lonely together. ...Sorry, I'm rambling."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna waves dismissively, "No, No...you're not rambling. You're working through things in your head and just vocalizing some of it. That's fine. I've known some people who LITERALLY couldn't properly think through a problem without talking about it aloud. It's a kind of processing trick some people need to use, since hearing something spoken aloud triggers different parts of the brain from just thinking about it."

She shrugs, "Feel free to call me whichever."

She snorts, "...back before all this..."

She waves generally to indicate Tokyo in general, "...I *HAD* been expecting the Princess and her court to awaken in AMERICA, since they're basically the cultural hegemon of the planet right now."

"And you're right...I rather enjoy having friends...and in this case, what did you want to eat? If you've got the time, there's the Kumachan. It's over in Shibuya, but that's only about a half hour train ride from here."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy turns and stares at the comment about a processing trick. "I've never heard that. At least, not said that way."

    She smiles. "Thanks for being understanding."

    She listens with interest, nodding at Pluto's assessment and looking off in the gestured-to distance. "Is that how reincarnation works, though?"

    Then back to Pluto. "I'm such a bad tourist and otaku. I don't really know about much of anything here." She looks towards a manga store. "What am I gonna do, buy manga or secondhand doujinshi or something? If there's no electronic copy available, I obviously haven't heard of it."

    She stares into the storefront window. Someone who looks like a sk8er grrl displaced by a quarter-century stares back at her. She forgot she was dressed like that.

    "...Guess I could look for obscure manga or secondhand doujinshi I haven't discovered yet... that actually does sound kinda nice... but it'll take all day, and no doubt bore you." She turns back. "Maybe I'll come back another time."

    "That reminds me though, you still need to take me to that cool bookstore you mentioned!"

    Amy smiles again. "If you think the Kumachan's a good choice, I wanna see it. Sounds good to me."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna waves in one direction, and directs them to the bus station only a short distance away, "...so the Kumachan is more properly called the 'Kumachan Onsen' and it's this wonderful hotpot place where they give you the bowl and the broth is frozen into this teddy bear shape. You pick which flavor you want and they bring it out and it kind of melts into the bowl and looks like a bear sitting in a hot springs..."