1550/Squash you like a... oh no.

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Squash you like a... oh no.
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Sunbreaker attacks! Fortunately, Amy and Cure Wing are there to try and put a stop to her neferious deeds! However, Ladybug has joined them.... and Sunbreaker does NOT approve of her outfit. She has some solutions. But, you know what they say about opinions and everybody having one...
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Amanda Faust

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was, of course, performing her rather... standard.... duties. Gather energy, cause havok. And today, in a strange twist of fate, she WASN'T studying. She was sitting on a bench, while what looked like... a... a bear. With a stinger. Some kind of... insectoid bear... thing... was flying around. It seemed to be made of dark energyh, judging by the dark mist oozing off of it. Also, as it flew around, it buzzed.

Civilians all over had collapsed, their energy drained and it wasn't hard for most magical people to sense, and track, the source of this disturbance.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Petals blow into Marinette's eyes as she fiddles with her purse. "I do not need to jog, I'm doing just fine! The school has plenty of...I know that, Tikki. I'm .." She pauses, head coming up, and then she whispers, "Yeah, I feel it too. Think we should?"

There's a pause, the strange girl talking to her purse. Maybe her celphone is inside it, on speaker? Or maybe she's just weird. But that doesn't stop her from getting off of the path, then looking around to see if anyone is watching.

"Tikki, spots on!"

Nobody saw that. Nor did they see the change, the magical outfit forming on her body. The red with ladybug spots, the yo-yo at her hip. The mask and earrings. But they certainly do see (if anyone is there to see) the Miraculous Ladybug step out, and promptly look around to try and figure out where the problem is. She leaps up into the air, her yo-yo snagging a tree, and gets some vantage on the situation. Specifically, a better view.

"Okay, little Akuma. Where are you now?" She hasn't quite deeply understood yet that her world is much larger now than just HawkMoth.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Patrols meant flying. And Cure Wing loves to fly. Currently soaring over the park, the colorful Precure was taking in the clouds when he was made aware of the commotion below. There's a look of concern, before he takes on a determined mein. "I had butter things to do tonight, but I guess I'll just have to bear with it!" he offers cheerfully as he does a barrel roll and dives towards the Bugbear creature.

As he starts to get closer, he buzzes past the tree that Ladybug had taken up intio hiding in, before he swoops down and races past the bear, twisting around it. "You're not even aerodynamic! Like a bumblebee!" he says with a frown. "I bet you're not very fast, either!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is out on errands when the people next to her collapse. Oh no. She ducks into an alley or behind a fence and transforms, then spies Sunbreaker and runs towards her, only for the shadow of a ...bear? to pass over her. She stops and looks up, mouth hanging open.

    "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. What?"

    She looks up at the bear. She looks over at Sunbreaker. She looks up at the bear. "Ursa minor. Timber wolf. That fire thing. What is it this time, a... bumble... bear? No, that doesn't work. A... bee... bear? Is the pun honey-themed? Wait, it's colored like a panda. Maybe something about the stinger? Bear sting, that doesn't work... Kumabee? Is it some obscure pun on Japanese? No, you're not from here. Kumasect? Kumushi?"

    While she puzzles over it, an unknown magical boy is already diving in and making quips. "I guess it doesn't matter WHAT your name is. Upping the stakes to find a bear that's scarier, huh? Well you just ran into a magical girl in the for-- the park."

    Watching Cure Wing so as to time her attack AFTER his swoop, she conjures her rocket launcher and fires a rocket that airbursts in the youma's vicinity. It feels like jumping the gun, but... Sunbreaker's youma are always creatures and never talk.

    "That's still gonna bug me, though." She mutters. "I guess I just have to bear with no he already said that."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The bugbear was, true to Cure Wing's suspicions... actually quite slow. While it could snap at him, and quickly took off, flying after Cure Wing the moment he appeared... it... wasn't quite able to get a hold of him.

It was very much NOT aerodynamic. It was, however, quite pudgy.

That pudge did little to shield it from the explosion going off in its face and it crashed to the ground from the explosion, before rising up on all fours and giving out a roar! Sending shockwaves of force and dark energy at them, before it ran on all fours and leaped at Amy, attempting to tackle her to the ground!

"It's a bugbear!" Sunbreaker called out. "They're a rare, but native species in my home! Like all the monsters I summon!" Pause. "This one isn't a rental, though, so don't think it'll be easy to beat! Or backfire on me!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
She swears, this is exactly like that...whoever it was, said. Heroes tend to cluster. It's almost like they're a hive, or a pack. Watching this unfold, Ladybug is by far the last to enter. But then she starts, realizing that she's basically doing nothing. "Oh!" Well. We can't have that.

Hunching on her branch, the heroine flexes her muscles and leaps. She does a roll in the air, landing on two feet and one hand, her yo-yo held in a preperatory position, ready to use it if necessary.

She looks at the heroes, dealing with the bear, but in her experience it's never the real threat. So she looks around and finds Sunbreaker.

"Um. I don't pun, do you mind I try to pull these people to safety?" She's hunched by one of the fallen, eyes on Sunbreaker, while the Magical Girls fight the ...

What is it actually?

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
With Amy attacking the bear, and the bear taking an interest in Amy - Cure Wing flits to a halt to consider the situation as he looks back to Sunbreaker. "You know, if you want to show off animals from your world, why don't you just use a show and tell instead of having them come here to drain energy? You're as bad as Kabaton." Oh no, he just compared Sunbreaker to pig person.

And then Ladybug is offering to pull people out of the way, and his head tilts curiously. It's a bold move, and he's curious if it's going to work.

And as it seems that at the moment that well. "You have that handled, miss?" he asks of Puella Amy, having not actually met the girl by name yet.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "A literal bugbear? Is it rare but talked up as a threat, like sharks? 'Bugbear' is an English expression meaning--" Amy starts to explain, only for the roar's unexpected shockwave to send her stumbling back. Gah, what the hell?! How do I dodge that?

    It charges her, and she makes the snap decision to shoot it with another explosion. Unfortunately, it is a giant magic bear, and while that probably slows it so it doesn't hit her quite as hard, she still ends up tackled. She struggles under its paws. "Okay, I take your point, this is kinda scary..." she mutters.

    Ladybug is shouting about the civilians. "It's like with an Akuma!" Amy shouts to her. "Take it down and they'll wake up!"

    Cure Wing asks if she's okay after being tackled by a magic bear. "I'll be fine. Just get its paws off me for oooone second!"

    The moment she can get her hands free, she's shooting it with shaped charges! No more messing around.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker blinked and glanced over to the other girl. What... in the....

... What.... what? Why.... why?

"You... you're..."

Then, however, she was distracted by Cure Wing yelling at her. Her head whipped around to look at him. "What?" she asked. "First of all, I haven't met Kabaton. Jsut because we all work in the same building doesn't mean we all know each other." The fact she manages to say that with a straight face, considering how often she assumes it of them, is impressive...

"Second of all, I don't want to show off things from my home, I'm doing my job and choosing to use things from my home."

Meanwhile, the Bugbear's claws were up, angled down at her and--

"THIRD! EVERYONE FREEZE!" Sunbreaker yelled. The bugbear did... if the others did, it was up to debate. She then erupted in fire, disappearing to... reappear by Ladybug. "Right. Okay. Listen, I don't know.... who you are. Red... pajamas... girl? But. You need to go and finish your henshin. Seriously." She motioned to the outfit. "Seriously. Where's the rest of it? Your belt, your... oh... oh dear heavens... is... is this... this isn't actually your outfit, is it? This is what they make you go out in public to fight me in?" She looked offended...

Meanwhile, the bugbear sat up, letting Amy go. Looked to Amy. Then to Cure Wing. It shrugged. Was... was it supposed to keep fighting.

"Okay. Keep it professional Sunbreaker. Deep breath. Right... whatever you are. Here." She snapped her fingers and... then some yen appeared. "Here. It's about 3,000 yen. It's not much, but it should do. I want you to head down to the little thrift store down the street. Pick up a belt, something. Really, anything. Then, here," she snapped her fingers again and... a card appeared. She quickly wrote down a number on it. "This is a girl I know, Marinette something-something. She's an excellent designer. Give her a call, and maybe she can help you fix..." She motioned to the outfit. "Whatever... *this*... is." And then she just... held the money. And the card... out.

"Now, run along, fix your outfit, then we can pick this up. Don't worry, we'll wait."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Froze. Frankly, there are times when you just learn to recognize the flow of things, and this is clearly a between-fight moment. It...I...


Ladybug looks down at her outfit, realizing that she's being spoken to and exactly how, and she says, with a firm set of gritted teeth, "It's a magical costume. I WASN'T given a CHOICE in styles." Her jaw is tight, eyes narrowed.

And then? Babbles. "Also the Ladybug has had a long history, since before ancient Egypt. This outfit is older than Japan, and ...it..." It could use some tweaks, she's not entirely wrong. No! I like my costume! "And who are you to talk?"

She might almost be trying to tie Sunbreaker's hands with her yo-yo by the way. Since the opportunity is right there.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
When Sunbreaker yells at everyone to freeze, Cure Wing pauses, because he was totally about to go into a wing attack on the bugbear, but it's spared it for the moment as Sunbreaker starts to berate poor Ladybug. And as she does so, the poor Precure can only float in mid-air and listen as a large sweatdrop appears next to his forehead and he finally gets a crossed look.

"Maybe she is complete! I mean... she's cute in it! I like the spots!" And then realizes that he just called the girl cute, he slaps both hands over his mouth in a muffled yelp as he tries not to say anything else, muffled noises into his hands.

That's when Ladybug is going at Sunbreaker to try to tie her up. he lowers his hands long enough to yell. "Yeah! Get her!" he says encouragingly. "She said she's a Ladybug? Maybe she should have a shelled backpack." Hands back over his mouth, more muffled noises.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Sunbreaker... actually calls for a halt? Amy is at least as puzzled as the Bugbear, and so politely doesn't try to shoot holes through it. She quick-stands and stumbles back a few steps. "Is it really that big of a deal? She looks kinda like a superhero..." She dismisses her own cloak, skirt and chest/shoulder armor and looks down at herself. "Oh, okay, I'm starting to see what you mean. And I've still got the boots and gloves and belt... hey, maybe that's what she needs? Cool boots and gloves and a belt! Or maybe a scarf? Like, a long hero scarf? Or a cool helmet. You could be like a ladybug-themed Kamen Rider!"

    She looks at Cure Wing curiously as he acts all embarassed. "Uhh, you okay?"

    Then turns back to Sunbreaker & Ladybug. "Hey, wait, we're paused! If you attack her, she might not stop and talk next time!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker cocked an eye. "Yeah? Lots of things have a long history. But you notice how people don't walk around in them, right? For years hoop skirts were the height of fashion, but those outfits change, with time. Also... wow. You weren't given a choice? That's rough. Listen, seriously. This? This can be fixed. It--"

Then she looked to Cure Wing. "Yeah, she's cute in it like a toddler is cute! But that doesn't mean I want to be fighting one! Listen, girl, you--" And when she looked back, her arms were tied together.

Deep, slow breath. And then slowly, a smile formed on her lips. "Oh. You really are new. But don't worry," she said in an all-too-singsong-voice.

"That outfit will look *much* better once it's covered in BURN MARKS!"

And the fire on her body erupted! Worse? It started going down that string of the yoyo and towards poor Ladybug's hands.

Still... the bugbear didn't attack. She hadn't given the command, and it didn't wanna piss off its boss, yo. It looked down to Amy and gave another shrug. She seemed to know what was going on, at least. Oh dear.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Pause. "Am I doing it wrong?" Ladybug says, holding her yo-yo. She hasn't really had a lot of interaction with any of the henshin types, but there's always a first time. And she admits, in her heart, that she has a lot to learn.Amy might be right. But then, there's Cure, who's cheering her on. MIXED MESSAGES, PEOPLE!

But then, Sunbreaker gets on her again. And Amy. And...Ladybug stomps her foot, getting just a tiny, teensy bit upset. "I am NOT a Kamin! Whatever that is!" Karen Rider? What? I have got to get out more.

Then? Then what. Then fire. "Oh Merde," she says, kicking out a foot. She hits Sunbreaker for an instant, causing her yo-yo to unwind like a dervish. It spins, unwrapping, and when it gets fully free it goes into a whirl that sends the flame out and away! Keeping it going, Ladybug backflips away from Sunbreaker and does a perfect flip-flip-flip. While whirling a yo-yo, never letting it stop. Then she's behind it like a shield.

"Fine, one of YOU do it!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Cure Wing would help with Ladybug, but he's a little busy. Why? Because he's flying away. Maybe he realized Ladybug was out of his league. No, he probably didn't even realizing he was flirting - more embarassed at calling a girl cute than anything.

Instead, he's turned and taken flight, higher into the sky as he turns and starts to dive. And as he does, an aura of flame erupted around his body as he rocketed back down towards the battle. While that is going on, he announces, "SOARING WING ATTACK!"

There's a fluttering of phoenix feathers and a screech as he seems to pass straight throught the Bugbear, passing through the other side in a purification attack!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    In a bout of self-consciousness, Amy re-summons her chest/shoulders armor piece. She still looks more toku or western superhero than magical girl right now but it somehow counts by dint of being parts of her normal costume.

    Hoop skirts were the height of fashion? She raises her hand. "I never got to try a hoop skirt, though."

    Ladybug looks like a toddler? "Wow, rude." Amy comments.

    She looks to the bugbear and shrugs back.

    And OHHHH, Sunbreaker is spreading fire, And Ladybug is... jumping away and shielding, good. Amy points at them, moving her hand between them. "Okay, we good to unpause? I don't think she's changing her outfit." Amy's own skirt and cloak reappear.

    She then points at the bugbear. "The moment you approach me you're getting shot, so, be ready for that. Or leave! Do you know what a shaped charge is? You don't want to find out by--"


    "HEY!" Amy shouts, fists dropping to her sides as she stamps a foot. "We were PAUSED!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker let out an oof as she was kicked in the stomach. Okay, admittedly? She hadn't expected that. Alas, her plan to burn Ladybug's hands were put to dust when it was unwinded. "Seriously. I am ON FIRE! What is with you people? Why do you think I'm NOT going to burn what you touch me with?" she askes, flinging small bolts of fire at Ladybug. While they were hot, they weren't penetrating through the yoyo shield, at least.

"Wait. Ladybug?! Oh my gosh. Are YOU the person that Hawkmoth doesn't shut up about? You and that Cat Noir?" she asked. "Is this--"

Behin her, the bugbear was erupted by the purifying attack! She turned just in time to see it destroyed... making her face palm. "Sora... damn... it... I swear... why. Why do I even try with you people? FINE! You want to block fire? Let's see you block THIS! Maybe next time you won't try to fight me in your PAJAMAS!" she yelled before electricity crackled from her fists, before she shot her hands at the girl, sending lightning at her!

"I swear the only one of you with any adherence to politeness is the girl with A ROCKET LAUNCHER!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Wow, rude. "I know! Also, sorry. I was aiming at your hands." Pause. "With my kick." another pause, and then Ladybug is being attacked by fire. "Na-ah-ah. That's not manners, either, now is it?"

Then she drops the shield, though, and puts up a hand. "HOLD ON A MINUTE."

Wait, another pause?

"Are you telling me that there are rules to this? My villains never follow RULES!" Ladybug asks/states, just before she's hit by lightning. And falls over, smoking.

Hm. Was THAT a violation of the rules?

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
The bugbear is gone, and Cure Wing is coming closer to the ground as he notices Sunbreaker suddenly attack Ladybug - after the whole tirade, and now... look where we are.

"Your creature's destroyed, Sunbreaker. Go home." Cure Wing says with a frown on his face. It could also be a pout. Who knows for sure. But his hands remain to his sides, fingers clutched in a fist in case she decides to attack. The flame bird thinks he can handle a couple of attacks if they were aimed at him. But he'd rather not find out.

Amanda Faust has posed:
> The only one of you with any adherence to politeness is the girl with A ROCKET LAUNCHER!

    "Thaaaank yooou!" Amy calls back, hands cupped in front of her mouth. "I'm pretty sure I'm just autistic though, everyone else doesn't act like this and you are a refreshingly straightforward and honest breath of fresh air among villains!"

> There are rules to this? My villains never follow RULES!

    "No I'm pretty sure that's just Sunbreaker!" Amy continues shouting, and then points at the Kirakirafantastician Dark General. "Okay, hold up, no more attacking, just leave or stand down or I will start shooting again. And I know you can think of multiple ways I can stop you from burning things."

    "What are you even here for," she makes a questioning palms-up gesture with her hands, "are the Eclipze Zones not gathering enough energy for your apotheosis?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker nodded. "I fight with rules! Though I'm beginning to see why--" And then, well... she realized...

The girl had lowered her yoyo to respond. And therefore, got electrocuted. She sighed and just... face palmed.

"Okay. I can see this is going to get none of us anywhere. Ahem. I'm one of the... well. I'm less nasty than some of these people. You." She then... chucked the card and wad of yen to Red. "I'm leaving *you* in charge. Find this little... just find her something to break up that outfit. A belt. A girdle. *Anything*. Seriously. You look like you're running around in pajamas. I, on the other hand, am going to go back to Obsidian and mock Hawkmoth *incessantly* about the fact he's apparently getting his butt kicked by a girl running around in her pajamas and... well. The slightly better version of Utau's brother."

She then glanced to Red, and shook her head. "There's always a market for energy. Besides, I needed to test that thing... and I guess now I'll need to run another test, ugh. Rude... attacking when my focus was off it. You know, I met one of your fans recently, Ladybug. If anyone can fix all of... that? She can." She then, with a flash of fire, vanished!

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Ladybug? Ladybug lays on the ground and twitches. She hasn't used 'Lucky Charm', so she's not in danger of vanishing, but she's not in danger of fleeing at speed for a moment or two either. It's a classic pose, with her ears actually smoking slightly.

Oh, she'll get up. She'll even be fine. But if Sunbreaker expects her to follow the 'rules' next time, that might not be the way that things play out. But you have to know, this at least got Cure Wing the chance to do some good. He's the only one who actually beat an opponent here, unless you count Hinoiri.

Just hose me off before you go home, if you can though. I don't want to wake up covered in pigeons. Or worse, insects. Shudder.

Wait, is that hypocri...you know what, never mind. XD

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy fails to catch the yen and the card and has to pick them up off the ground. Sunbreaker is gone before she can reply.

    She turns to Ladybug. "Well, I am in no position to tell someone else how to present. Plus I only started caring about how I look a few months ago, so what do I know? If you like your costume, don't listen to the haters, just be yourself. If you think you need to add more details and uh... break it up, but aren't sure how, try different things? Maybe get a bunch of props with these and go in front of a mirror."

    She walks over and tries to hand the yen and card to Ladybug, then holds her fists together under her chin, grinning at some thought. "It turns out that trying on different clothes in front of a mirror can be so fun actually, hehe!" Her words rise into almost an excited squeal at the end of the sentence as she bounces on her heels a bit.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
As Amy and Ladybug seem to be bonding over the idea of going shopping, Cure Wing is just left confused. But this is normal for the young teen when it comes to girls - and in this case, he's probably the wiser for it as he decides to fly off and change back and have some ice cream for purifying the bear. Maybe a smackrel of honey, too.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
What happens, with the advice that Amy offers? What happens with the yen, and the card? Well, you can assume that since Ladybug has NO CONTROL over her outfit, there is grumbling. Or because she -likes- how she looks, and had no idea it was weird, til today. Or because of a lot of things, like the fact that Cat Noir likes it...

But I suppose what happens most is that Ladybug's hand reaches up, and takes Amy's. To get up, and maybe to look at the card. So she's just been referred to get her outfit fixed by...Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

I have...no words. So maybe that's a good time to end. :)