1643/On the road again...

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On the road again...
Date of Scene: 07 June 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: On the way to the Korma after her recent armageddon, Hinoiri runs into someone who went through a little armageddon of their own. The two talk for a little and he shares a little advise. Meanwhile, Hinoiri starts to feel the pull of magic, but.... she's certain she can resist it, this time.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Jadeite

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was, well.... was just a liiiiiiittle antsy. Just a teensy bit. She'd already had one person from Obsidian try to off her, and so she was, more or less, making sure to avoid going too far from the school. Especially since well... actually, you know what? 'Someone tried to kill her'. That was reason enough to NOT go very far from the school. In this case? She was going towards the Korma.

She had her normal spiked jacket on, of course. Her geode around her neck, which she occasionally kept touching. Her phone out, texting... someone.

And kind of, for the most part, relaxed. Nobody had attacked her yet, so that was a good sign, right? Step one, don't get maimed. Step two... figure out what she wanted to do with her life.

Jadeite has posed:
Tamaki's out after school for a little bit of shopping - get a treat to eat after a long week before he sinks into his couch for a night of texting and video games. Go ogle the art design. Have a little fun.

It takes him a few moments to realize he recognizes the woman walking towards him - his memory of his time before he was saved is still foggy, but he's seen her before.

Oh. Yes. He has, recently, sobbing on her knees after she was purified. Ohhh.

She looks nervous. Upset. It's...familiar in a way that hooks into his chest. He'd hidden away for a month after he realized he'd messed up, too embarassed to be seen, licking his emotional wounds. He... Isn't sure if he wants to talk to her, but want isn't something that should come into it. Shouldn't he give the advice he hadn't gotten when he went through this?

"Miss Hinoiri," he says, raising his hand in polite greeting. He's in skinny jeans and a t-shirt that reads DARTMOUTH in English, and his hair is melting a little in the summer heat. "Are you doing well?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara yiped, jumping just a little when someone called her name. She glanced over, narrowed her eyes slightly... and then sighed, shaking her head. "Well enough, I suppose. Do... I know you?"

Alas, she might have recognized him, if not for the fact she really had never interacted with him outside of henshin, him or her.

And, alas, she was one of the few who weren't aware of who the Shittenou had become.

However, she was texting someone, letting them know that there was some... boy here, now, stopping her. She glanced around. There were people on the street, so the chances of him trying to like... assault her, she suspected, were pretty slim. If he'd been in a fancy suit, she'd ironically been more worried.

"Wait, do you go to RHA too?" And then she managed to look relieved. Well, if he was another student, at least he likely wasn't out to off her.

Jadeite has posed:
"I do. I believe you also set me on fire recently - ah, I'm not here to fight about it or anything," Tamaki says quickly, holding his hands up to show he's unarmed. "But I've been in a similar situation as you've been in, I think? In thinking about leaving a...mutual employer."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara cringed, letting in a sharp intake of breath. "Ah. Right. Great. You... sparkle, I take it? Yes. I did that to... to a lot of people. Ummm... sorry. I wish I could say I knew which one you were, but... truth is? When I... was like that? I wasn't entirely... myself. I didn't really know who I was hurting all the time. So if I hurt you? I'm sorry. And... yeah. Wish... I could be a little more specific but... Idon't... really remember which of them you were. It's all kind of a blur and just... just sorry, I guess. I mean. I know... yah know?" Hinoiri said with a small, weak smile.

"... Sora that sounded less lame in my head..."

Jadeite has posed:
"I ...guess I sparkle?" Is that what people called it??? It was so.....informal. "Don't worry about not remembering. I had a - similar incident to yours, a few months ago, and my memory is still rather hazy. Knocked myself a little too hard on the head." He taps his head with a sheepish little grin. See? harmless.

"Since I've run into you - Would you like to talk? You don't have to, I'll leave if you're uncomfortable, but... I've also walked this path, if you want advice. Or company."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. Then.... "Oh... Oh no. You're not one of Beryl's boys, are you? She's likely already got me on the 'Bring me her head' list already... meh... though I guess it can't get... too... much worse than that... Sora I wish that were true. I... guess I can chat a bit. Was... gonna head down to the Korma, so if you want to walk me there, you're welcome to."

"... So, I guess... What exactly do you want? Like, if you're looking for a job recomendation, I'm afraid Obsidian really doesn't want much to do with me. That and your ex boss is still very much a current bitch."

Jadeite has posed:
"The one and only DJ Dite," Tamaki says,giving her a sassy little salute as he starts walking alongside her. "She doesn't know that this is *me*, though, so you should be safe for now. I used a fake name when I was working there and switched addresses after I left. That's worked for the time being."

He is Beryl-free for the time being! He's good!

"I don't need a new job, and I definitely don't want to get anywhere near HER again," and he shudders emphatically. "But I also had a magical temper tantrum that ended in me hurting a lot of people, ruining a bunch of relationships and not knowing what to do next. It's a miserable place to end up in, and hard to restart after you've trashed your old life. I know that far too well."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. "You... you were her... DJ? She had a DJ? And don't worry. I try to avoid her whenever I can. So just... don't give me more info than you'd want her to know, though. I'm not saying I would tell her things if she came after me or anything.... but not entirely saying I wouldn't, either. The woman can be very persuasive."

However, the rest made her stop for a moment. She took a slow, deep breath. "Don't..." Then stopped. She lifted a hand up to her forehead. "... Yeah. It... it sucks. I don't really know where... I mean... what do you do after you've lit all of your bridges on fire and threw salt on the remains? I'm not even from this world. I don't have any magic now. The closest thing I had to friends here, believe it or not, is Obsidian. And some of them have already tried to kill me. Can't go home, on account of being banished and all. So... if you've got some advice? I'd love to hear it."

Jadeite has posed:
"...It was a joke about the fake name I used,but I guess I never dropped it back then," Tamaki says sheepishly. "I'll stay quiet on the rest of it, then. I'll just," and he rolls up his sleeve. There's a few faint, red marks - the rmains of the burns he took while protecting his princess on that day. "I don't know if this helps you ring a bell? You burned my arm and I tried throwing shields up." But. He shrugs. "If it doesn't do anything, don't worry."

She looked in as bad of shape as he'd been in.

"After I burnt my bridges, I started building new ones. Which, frankly, sucked. It's a miserable exercise, but the sooner you start, the sooner you've got bridges." He sighs as she stops, giving her a concerned look. "Do you have a safe place to stay?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara let out another low, soft hiss. "Y-yeah. I uhhh... kind of remember that. Well... it was more like 'Ugh, that shield is annoying. It's mine now, stupid...'" She trailed off and didn't mention the rest of what she'd been thinking. "I uhhh... I'm sorry. For... all of that."

"... Thanks, I guess. I don't know. For now? I think. The school. My uhhhh, girlfriend pops by a lot. I've got some sparkles on speed dial. Not... sure really anywhere counts as 'safe' for me right now, to be honest. But... well... I'll probably know soon. Who knows? Maybe I'll find another portal and I can go somewhere I have actual magic again. For now... I guess... I'll just play carpenter." She reached up and stroked her necklace.

"... So... that wasn't dark energy you used against me, was it? You had magic, even without it?"

Jadeite has posed:
"Good," Jadeite says, and for a moment, there's the sharp-eyed man who had fought her and shouted her down - but it fades, and he rolls his sleeve back up quietly. "I accept your apology for burning me. I can't forgive what you did to Mamoru yet, but - that's a yet." He gives her another worried look. "I'm not saying that to be mean or kick you down. Your actions have consequences - but you can regain people's trust. I've managed it, and I was significantly worse than you, in the end." What with the helping destroy multiple civlizations and all back during the Golden Kingdom...

"...I don't know if I can reccomend anywhere to go that's 'safe', but having people to rely on is good. I spent a lot of time drawing after... IT happened, and my magic came back during that time, and better than before. I've had to spend a lot of time practicing, and I'm still not near where I was before, but - it came back."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a soft sigh and shook her head. "Maybe. I... kind of remember what I did to Mamoru. I... knew who he was. I knew what I was doing. I think that's the worst part. I can't even like... pretend I don't deserve this. I would have destroyed the world. And... I didn't even care. I spent so much time being so sure I could handle all of it. Then? All it took was a little tip and I lost control of everything... I don't think you can really go much worse than 'throwing a temper tantrum and destroying the world because my teacher forgot about me'..."

"Heh... heh... eh... yeah... Maybe... I'll try drawing. And... I doubt that'll happen in my case. Back home? I was the greatest mage in a generation. But I've been studying magic since I got here. I know how it works... and it never chose me or anything. So... I doubt that's going to change anytime soon. Dark energy really is the only way for me. Maybe if I could get better--" Then stopped herself, shaking her head. "No. No. I'm just... I'll try painting or whatever. It was... nice... I think... talking with you. So ummmm.... thanks."

Jadeite has posed:
"What about, throwing a temper tantrum and destroying the world because your crush is dating someone else?" Tamaki raises his eyebrows playfully. "I was so obsessed and angry that I went right off the rails and into the deep end. When I came back, I was in so much despair at the harm I'd caused that I shattered." Literally!

"But I've been working on making it better. You can too. Even if you never get your magic back, there must be other things you're good at. You have people who care for you; let them."

And with that - ah. "YOu must need to go, huh? I have one more thing to say, if you do, and then you can go korma in peace."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. "Wait. I thought that was Beryl's thing. Oh Sora, you aren't like... Beryl's romantic interests torn off from her and given sentience or something, are you? Cause... well, it might explain some of her bichiness, but also be very weird." Pause. "Magic is weird."

"Yeah.... maybe I'll find some other secret talents. Who knows? In a few years the fade can hit me and I'll forget this. And like.... ninety nine percent of my life, considering it was entirely based on magic. But you know, I guess that's just the price of being incapable. So just... say what you have to say. And... thanks. I guess. For not hating me."

Jadeite has posed:
Jadeite recoils as if he's been slapped. "You were literally on the moon when I died! You know I'm not part of her!" EW EW EW THIS KILLS THE MAN. "I got weird but not that weird!"


"First - well, I don't know if you'd find it safe, but we can exchange contact information? We both have the same queen freak trying to hunt us down, and you don't deserve whatever she's got in mind for you. And second," he says, smiling sweetly like that madman on the moon, "if you go bad again, I will stop you, just like I wanted someone to stop me back then. So please don't."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small shrug. "I don't know. I've seen weirder. I wouldn't wanna be a part of her though, either. So, well... yeah."

She then sighed and brought up her phone number. "Here," she muttered, holding the screen up so he could copy the number. "It's... the burner phone I made, thanks to... some advice I got. I figure if Obsidian is out to kill me, I'd best not... keep their phone. Probably get a decent one soon, but this'll do for now, I guess..." she muttered, sounding a little annoyed at the whole concept. "I'll... see you around... DJ," she said, giving him a small smile before heading into the korma. That... admittedly... hadn't been nearly as bad as she'd expected. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

If the sparkles were this forgiving, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try again to--


Jadeite has posed:
Tamaki puts his number in, then adds a white flower as his ID. "Here. This is me."

Hopefully recongizable to her, but not to any Obsidion weirdos who show up.

"Good luck; don't die and don't go evil."

Or he'll stop her. Just like he needed to be stopped. He cannot forgive himself, or her, but - he can at least try and stop things from happening once again.