1699/Just a few things

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Just a few things
Date of Scene: 24 June 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: While in the burn ward, Hinoiri has a mermaid visit her to check on how she's doing. The answer? Not the best. But, at the very least, she's feeling a little better now. Fortunately, Coco is able to distract her with work and a gift! With the groundwork laid, soon Hinoiri can begin her study of the mermaid's song.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Coco Kiumi

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was sitting up in her bed. Well, the bed had been raised. She wasn't feeling.... good. That'd be giving her current state a bit too much credit. But she was doing better. And better was good.

She had a notepad in her lap and was writing into it, making a note of everything she was going to need for their upcoming project. And it was going to be a glorious project... she hoped.

She didn't know for certain, of course. She could always bungle it up, break something, break the wrong thing. And some of the stuff on the list might be hard to get. Medical equipment, electronics... and some of the stuff would be.... difficult. Since she couldn't do it as Sunbreaker anymore, she'd need someone who could study magic. Possibly a device mage, possibly someone else with access to technology that could study magic. The biggest issue is that this world just... didn't have the infrastructure to research magic.

Still, when she was told Coco was coming, she went straight to work, trying to gather what information she could for the mermaid. With this access, hopefully by the time she left the hospital everything they'd need would be gathered and good to go.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
When Coco had gotten the help message, she had abandoned everything she was doing as soon as the circumstances permitted it. Reading it and sending a reply that received no answer was doubly, no, triple worrying. She felt her heart beating very loudly as she considered the possibility that Obsidian's assassins had finally done it, finally killed her. Weren't all of them supposed to prevent this? Maybe Hinoiri was just too hurt to reply, Coco had considered while she had gone around asking questions and trying to find where Hinoiri could be.

When she had found her unconscious on her hospital bed, she breathed a sigh of relief at seeing her alive at least. The irreparable hadn't occurred after all. What followed next was asking a nurse about the stability of her condition and the danger she was still in, but after a while, she had to leave, not really being allowed to just hang around any longer.

What followed three days later was Coco visiting again, with Hinoiri conscious, telling her she was coming and bringing a gift, a book from her kingdom about the study of music, two copies, one in japanese, one in mermaid language. She'd figured Hinoiri would have liked both the intellectual challenge and the subject, and it would have helped her with her task as well, once she was discharged.

"Hello, Hinoiri", the mermaid waves as she steps into the room. "I am glad you look better", she says, bringing up the books she intended to give her. "I brought you this gift, be sure to enjoy it."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced over at Coco, a small smile on her lips. "Hey. I uhhh, heard you tracked me down while I was still sleeping. I've.... been doing that a lot lately." She really didn't look good, covered in all the bandages as she was. But, honestly? She felt a LOT better than she looked. which was probably good. "Sorry I couldn't say hi then."

She took the books with a cocked eye. "I... huh? You didn't need to bring me a gift. I've.... well. I've really not done much else than cause you pain. I don't think I..." She trailed off and shook her head. "Thanks. Really. It's really kind of you to think of me like this." Finally, almost grudgingly, accepting the gift. She looked through the two of them, for a moment confused. "Is this the same... oh... oh?" she asked, then her eyes lit up. "OH! That's awesome! Is this mermaid?" Hinoiri asked, her eyes lighting up. She then motioned the notebook to her. "I've been working on that other project, too. I'll need a lot of things, some of which... well... I think you'll need to discuss it with the other girls."

"Obsidian had Riventon to help me, due to the nature of magic in this world. Since most people don't know about it, the tools themselves need to be modified in order to get readings. I can do a lot of what I'll need with normal recording software. A lot of my data I have offsite already, but ummm... some of it is... lost, to be mild."

The stuff she'd need wasn't necessarily... easy to get. She'd need someone who could scan things, luckily Coco knew Rashmi and other device mages. Possibly Bow could be helpful as well. The recording equipment would be expensive, but at least it'd be easier to acquire.

"Do you know a good site for us to set everything up? I mean... we could setup the recording stuff in the school music room, maybe? But... it'd be hard to be at all subtle with that and I'd really rather Obsidian didn't have more reason to try and take my head, you know?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Your message was a big scare", Coco nods at Hinoiri's first remark, witholding a sigh as she looks back at that previous moment. "For a while, I thought that Obsidian had done the worst. It was good to see that was not the case, and don't mind you having been unconscious, you couldn't help it. But seeing you awake is a welcomed change of pace."

The blonde girl doesn't go over the whole subject of Hinoiri not deserving it. They had gone over it already. "It sure is! With all lots of fun things to read from the one in japanese in case you want a break from working on it", she gives her a hopefully encouraging wide smile. She was admittedly very proud of having nailed the vibe of the gift. She still only knew very little about Hinoiri, after all.

"Sure, what is it?", Coco looks with interest as Hinoiri mentions there would be quite a few things for her to procure and discuss. "I want to make sure this goes great for the both of us, so don't hold back any request you might have."

Not that she would be able to actually recover what she lost though. "You will get a good lab and eventually you will be covered in so much data you won't even remember you had lost your previous work", she promises to cheer Hinoiri up.

"We have a similar idea", the South Pacific princess asserts. "Yes, you will be working in the music room, but that's only the phase 1 of the project. Once we are sure we have enough information about the advantages and limitations of your situation, we will get you your own place!", she announces with confident enthusiasm.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small shrug. "Yeah, sorry about that. For what it's worth? Obsidian tried. Well, Chaar tried. And it was probably a lot scarier for me. Still... sorry I uhhh, put you all through that. Didn't... expect... I didn't think Chaar hated me that much. I really bucked everything up when it came to her. I... was an awful teacher," Hinoiri mumbled.

The gift was nice, at least. So she closed it and slid it to the side. She wasn't really up to studying it now, but it would be something fun to go over later. And it might give her some ideas.

Hearing Coco's confirmation? Oh, that only made it better. Though her eyes went wide at the mention of her own lab. "I... are you sure? I mean, I haven't had my own lab since... well. Since... I left home. Even here I didn't really trust Obsidian enough to let them have access to all my work. Seems my mistrust of them was well earned, at least. Bastards..." she muttered.

"But... yeah. Even... if I don't have magic now... magic is something I at least understand. And it's not like Obsidian hasn't been benefiting from my knowledge up to now. It'd be nice to not have to feel guilty about the work I do for once. But uhhh... as an aside..."

"... I know Chaar put me in here. But... I don't want anyone trying to get vengeance on me over it. Chaar isn't bad, I mean. Okay, she is. She's an asshole. Worse than I was. But she's... she was kind of directed down this path. This is my fault, and she doesn't deserve t odie for it." Pause. "Kick her ass, though. She definitely can handl;e getting knocked down a few pegs."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Maybe one day you will be in the position to be a better teacher. If Chaar will want none of it, then to someone else. And we will appropriately deal with her when the time comes." Though Coco hadn't been there herself, she at least knew to expect fire powers, if only for Hinoiri's burns. What is even up with that? Burns, burns and burns. Is there really nothing else they can be hurt with?

"I am sure. Really convinced of it. It works best that way for everyone. You can't keep camping in the music room forever. The other club studients will have to use it too, and a more familiar environment of a lab would make you feel better." At least in theory, but they will solve all the problems any one comes up.

"We are never going to kill Chaar", Cock shakes her head at the thought. "But she will be in for the lesson of a lifetime. You can be sure of it."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "I hope so. They weren't... so bad? I think? They're all just... an experiment of Obsidians. They have a tight grip on the girls. I wasn't really involved too much, just called in to help keep them in line. They weren't... exactly the best people. But then, neither was I. So it's not like I have much room to talk."

"But... yeah. If you think you can gather all of the things needed into the music room, when I'm out? I'll be ready to start research then. I won't lie, I'm already really excited. I... think I needed this. Magic is just... something I understand. Getting my hands into it again will be so, so much nicer than just sitting around and hoping everything works out okay, you know?" she said with a small chuckle, rubbing the back of her head.

"Thanks for giving me this opportunity, Coco-san."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"They? How many of them are there?", Coco mutters confused by how they had a whole team of Chaars to deal with. The mention of that single girl had already come out of nowhere. "Do they perhaps prefer acting by themselves, or is that what Obsidian is trying to train them at?" She'd rather not imagine a scarily efficient team opposing them.

"Really, Hinoiri, consider it done", Coco confirms again to the othef girl. "I really get that looking at magic from the outside in will be hard, so you are welcome to use this opportunity to push that need out." And maybe learning that she will do great thing will teach her not to complain about being a Naru.

"Want me to sing you a song as a Super Idol? Might help you a bit more with the curing of your wounds", Coco offers last. If Hinoiri said yes, she will be treated to the Story of the Seven Seas ~Pearls of Mermaid~. And with Hinoiri without dark energy, she may actually enjoy the sensation of peace they transmit.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Five. Though they all have different powers. It's kind of a project of Obsidian's to create artificial magic girls. Ones they can control. Girls who are in the veil and get their power only from Obsidian. If I remember correctly, it came about after a certain group turned against Obsidian."

"I'll look forward to it," Hinoiri said with a grin. Oh, it would likely not stop her from hating being the Naru... but it might make her a little less whiny about it.

"Oh, yeah, I'll want recordings of all of your music when I get everyth-- oh. Ohhhh. You mean, ummm, now?" she asked, glancing around. "This is a burn ward... if... you can do it in a... non-intrusive manner? That'd be great. Your songs... now that I don't have dark energy flowing through me? They're actually kind of nice. So... I think I'd like that," Hinoiri said with a grin, before laying back. Hearing a magic, soothing song... might... actually be kind of nice. And she was pretty tired. What better way to fall asleep than to purification magic?