1779/Leavin' on a Jet Plane

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Leavin' on a Jet Plane
Date of Scene: 21 July 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Following the huge fight in Paris, Setsuna and Hotaru head over to meet everyone there and play taxi for those who need it.
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou, Hotaru Tomoe

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
It's been a tense day or two for the residents of the Casa del Outers who stayed behind while the rest went on rescue mission. Setsuna especially had a very bad feeling about things at least partway through the wait...but finally, the message came that everyone is alive and in Paris...and can you meet us here?

Looking at the message one more time, Setsuna breathes a sigh of relief, then makes an exectutive decision to tap one of Michiru's assets and arranges for a pilot to meet her at the local airfield.

Partly because she doesn't care to pilot a transcontinental flight right now, and partly because she'll probably be better served keeping Hotaru company during the trip.

Arrangements made, she heads into the house to find said wayward charge, "Hotaru? We have an update."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe was... doing well. Mostly. She'd been a little withdrawn since they left. Trying to not be a bother, to not cause them any trouble. Truth was?

She'd been having more issues as of late. That dark energy was slowly, grudgingly, increasing. And she knew, as time went on, her condition would worsen. But she didn't want the rest of them to worry about her. After all, well... they were all still working on a solution and all. It just meant Charon had to be careful how often she appeared.

So she had actually been resting on the couch, a pillow in her arms, when Setsuna arrived. She glanced up, blinking a bit. "Mmmmmm? Are they okay?" she asked, before giving a light yawn. "Is Beryl done being a jerk face?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Some things Setsuna might keep from Hotaru...but some things she won't bother trying. Case in point is her response to Hotaru's question:

She glances at the message on her phone, then looks back and shrugs, "It doesn't say specifically, but I rather imagine that at this point she's done BEING."

She lets that sink in for a moment, then goes on, "In any event, they all apparently ended up in Paris somehow, and Haruka and Michiru are asking us to come meet them there...so if you're up for it, go toss together an overnight bag and we'll head to get them."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe hmmed for a moment and then... she shrugged. "Eh. Sometimes, some people just need to get wiped out, I guess. Not everyone can be saved, after all."

Well, while Hotaru was generally a real sweety who loved each and everybody... Sometimes? Even she had her limits on what she believed was worth it. And even Beryl managed to tick that box for her.

She then jumped to her feet, eyes lighting up. "We're going to PARIS?! Oh, that's going to be so cool!" she yelled, running off. "Sailor Charon and Sailor Pluto on a world, wildwind adventure! Ohhhh! I wonder what things we'll see while there!" She ran off, taking the steps... still one at a time but occasionally she could leap up and over one extra stair. "I'll be ready in ten minutes!"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna covers her mouth with a hand to conceal a giggle, then heads off behind Hotaru, stopping in each of the other women's rooms to toss together a quick overnight bag for each, then ducks into her own room to grab one as well.

Ease of long practice has her accomplishing the entire task in about fifteen minutes...which she's reasonably certain is going to be the ACTUAL amount of time it takes Hotaru to finish her version of the same task.

Still, either way it's not a terribly long wait before she's walking into the kitchen in a knee-length black skirt and white button-down blouse, "All ready?"

One Hotaru indicates so, she heads into the garage, the garage door opening and her Nissan Rogue starting as she closes the house door behind Hotaru.

Getting in, she waits for the younger woman to buckle in before easing out the garage, then the front gate and into traffic, said door and gates closing behind her, "We're probably going to end up sleeping on the way there. It's about a 12 hour flight."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe was... amazingly... on time. Ten minutes. Heck, she was even a little early.

... Not that she was someone who was super diligent. But more because she was ready to go on a moment's notice. Which... said... a lot about her, in some ways. But she didn't mind waiting. She was used to waiting. She didn't even have a deck of cards out!

And she was even rocking back and forth on her feet when she waited. "I went to Paris once, a few years ago, with dad. But we didn't really do much. He just was working and we did a bit of power point work."

She nodded as she sat in the front seat, buckling up and... Oh. Setsuna's driving wasn't as exciting. She was... fine.

But she was rarely thrown around the car like with Eudial and Haruka. Never hit anything, either, like with Eudial. So she just focused on the drive herself. "I brought some books!"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
True enough, Setsuna's driving is indeed rather utilitarian. Not as exciting as the other drivers Hotaru has been exposed to...but as noted, there are upsides as well to such a workman like approach.

The trip to the airfield isn't a long one, a mere fifteen or twenty minutes by car before Setsuna is pulling up to a private hanger at Chofu Airfield...and as she does, a black business jet with the tail number of '0U73R5' is being pulled out onto the taxiway. As the two women get out of the car, a young man wearing a pilot's uniform walks over, "Miss Meiou? Shin Kazama. I've been sent over from Kaiou Industries to pilot..."

He looks over, "...ah. A Bombardier Global Express."

Setsuna nods and smiles, "Indeed. I've got the certs to fly her, but here to Paris is a LONG trip...and frankly, today I'd rather let someone else do that job."

She pauses, then grins a bit, "...just don't fly us to close to Aslan and we'll be fine."

Captain Kazama blinks and looks over at Setsuna, then sighs and his shoulders sag a bit as an old joke gets pulled on him for the umpteenth time.

After a few moments, he chuckles a bit and shakes his head, "No worries. I've put my mercenary days behind me. As soon as my copilot finishes filing our flight plan, we'll be able to spool up and take off, so now is a good time to get settled in."

Setsuna smiles as the reference is parsed, then nods and waves Hotaru up the staircase into the private jet.

The inside is appointed for comfort. There are about a dozen recliner type seats and at the very back is a pair of long couches that dominate the back cabin which Setsuna moves to sit down on.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe was prepared by the time they arrived.... she had... silly glasses. With a fake mustache on. And a goofy hat. So she looked like a kid playing around than someone who is totally not in hiding.

And she ran up the jet stairs, giggling as she went. She ran to sit next to Setsuna, a bit grin on her face, movign the glasses down a little bit to peer over them. "Are you prepared... for the baquette?" she asked in an amused tone. "Is everyone going to be there for a while? Ohhhhh, maybe we could do a whole big like.... get together thing, where we all like... ummmmm.... I don't know what, but we could do it together! It'd be fun! Especially now that Beryl is gone." She leaned against the other girl.

".... Nobody got really hurt, right?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna rolls her eyes at Hotaru as she puts on the groucho glasses, but doesn't say anything else.

She knows that anyone Michiru's vetted knows well enough to keep anything they may or may not see to themselves.

As Hotaru sits down next to her, the two pilots board behind them, wave down the cabin and head into the pilot's compartment to do pilot things after pulling the door shut and sealing it up.

After a few minutes, the engines can be heard spooling up, and not long after that, the aircraft taxis over to the runway, and after a brief pause, takes to the air.

Once the aircraft hits cruise speeds and the noise in the cabin drops off from the full power of takeoff, Setsuna sighs, "As far as I can tell, nobody got permanently harmed...though given what's NOT being said, I get the feeling that everyone got roughed up pretty hard."

She shakes her head, "We'll just have to give them all a hard time when we get there."

After a moment, she sighs and sprawls across the couch, "In the meantime, we've got about an hour or so to go to get to Fukuoka, where we'll land for fuel, then it's nonstop to Paris. Overall trip should take about 11 or 12 hours, depending on weather."

She waves at the modest TV on the divider wall, "We've got movies, game consoles, a board game or two, some card games and you and I have some books. I'd also suggest we both try to grab a few hours of sleep along the way as well so we're not jet lagged all to hell and gone when we get there."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe couldn't help it. As they took off, she moved to peer out the window, eyes watching with wide eyed wonder. She'd rarely gone on a private jet like this, if at all. And usually whenever she had to fly, she was expected to behave and sit quietly.

Not here, though. She could do as she wanted. And so she watched them take off, because she could.

When they were flying over the world, she couldn't help but admire how the world looked like a map from so high up. But then she turned to Setsuna and nodded. "Okay. Do... you wanna play a game now? Anything you'd like to play?" she asked, a little hopeful. Getting up and quickly moving back to sit by her. "Or... did you wanna rest for now? I know I probably won't be able to rest until we're on the long trip."


"Can this jet hold everyone who's going back? Or do they plan to teleport home?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna moves over to one of the small tables with a chair on either side of it, "Well, if you want, we can play a few card games since they're reasonably short. Then after we land and take off again, maybe lie down for a couple of hours nap, then some board games and maybe a movie? I got the new Dark Tower game a while back where someone redid the pieces with weak magnets, so they won't slide around if we run into some turbulence along the way. We also have some soup and sandwiches that we can have for lunch."

At the question on passengers, "As far as I've been told, there's maybe fifteen people coming back with us."

She nods at the long empty cabin, "We've got seating for twenty, so we should be good."

The taller woman taps her lips, "...theoretically, they COULD teleport home...but given that we got called and that they were just in what was probably a pretty huge fight, there's a good chance that most everyone's just too low on energy to pull it off without a few days' rest."

She then shrugs, then smiles, "Fortunately, we still have transport, so nobody's gonna be stuck the other side of the world."