1784/Did somebody say...

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Did somebody say...
Date of Scene: 23 July 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: After her recent run-in with KKF magic, Hinoiri, now a tiny alicorn, ends up lost in the city... but fortunately she runs into SWIFTWIND! Unfortunately, this means that Swiftwind is the only one nearby... as Hinoiri is KIDNAPPED! By a mysterious youma claiming to be serving the most brilliant and glorious of Obsidian's leaders! Who could they be?!
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Bow

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was... was having a *day.* Bad enough she was almost eight inches tall, an alicorn and had all the power one would expect from an eight inch tall unicorn (namely, she could open the microwave, but had to fill up the instant ramen container one thimble of water at a time), but she'd needed some air after being left alone in Takashi's lab...

And then ended up, after a stray gust of wind, carried out.

Good news! Her wings DID work! Bad news! She'd ended up caught in the slipstream of a truck and to avoid getting crushed or sent flying she'd had to follow it for a minute and then ended up thrown off course and, suffice to say... she had no idea WHERE she was.

And then she'd ended up stopping on a ledge... only for, seemingly out of nowhere, a white little mascot with red eyes to land on her, before hopping off and continuing on its way. It was doubtful Kyubey had even noticed what he had landed on, as he didn't look back. "I should have... punted you harder..." Hinoiri muttered under her breath before looking around the city and... when you were this small? It was hard to tell WHERE anything was. And now? Now the eight inch tall alicorn with the flaming mane was... utterly... completely lost.

And she didn't have a cell phone, a tracking spell... or a clue.

And the city didn't even have payphones anymore!

Unknown to her, the sudden shift in her magic had created a new problem as well, one that was slowly awakening as she looked out over the city...

Bow has posed:
While Adora's been lost in a lovelorn fog, Swiftwind's been there, loyal and true. He's tried every trick in the book to snap her out of it, but when she wouldn't even let him in on the latest Carlos and Rosita saga, well, enough was enough. Oatmeal cream pies and apple turnovers can only go so far before even a faithful steed needs a change.

So out the window he soared, into the city's bustling streets, his colorful form floating like a majestic balloon. Over rooftops, under bridges, exploring the world beyond Bright Moon. It was time for Swiftwind to do Swiftwind things!

But then, he spotted something unexpected---a fellow alicorn! A filly named Hinoiri, struggling with her newfound wings. "Well, well, well," Swiftwind chimed in warmly as he flitted over. "Looks like you're just spreading your wings! Did Scorpia bring you here? And where have you been all my life?"

With a gleam in his eye and a spirit as free as the wind, Swiftwind was ready to embark on a new adventure, perhaps finding a kindred spirit in Hinoiri and discovering that sometimes, the best way to lift someone else's spirits is to lift your own.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. Wait. She knew that voice. There was no possible way he.... oh. Ohhhh but there was. "Oh buck," Hinoiri said before face hoofing. She then turned to look at him and... "It's me, Swiftwind. Hinoiri Kirara. I've had an... accident."

It was likely... a bit apparent that SOMETHING was different about her than his style of 'alicornness'. Namely, that her words were so squeaky and bright and cheerful. And the sun-like mark on her flank. And the--

"Wait, who's Scorpia? Oh Sora, Adora isn't here, is she?" Oh, she would NEVER hear the end of it.

Bow has posed:
Swiftwind was getting ready to use all his best lines:

... I'm looking for a stable relationship.
... are your wings that big or are you just happy to see me?
... I don't mean to saddle you, but you galloped through my mind all night.
... remind me of an apple shake.

And then, "Hinoiri?" Swiftwind repeats, "I've heard that name somewhere. Oh yes. I had a friend named Hinoiri. But I haven't seen her in months!"

He huffs for a moment. "But look at you now. Magnificent! Oh! No. Adora is moping again. Catra. Again. And Scrpia is the best bonecrushing hugger on all of Etheria. Big claws. Big heart. Little brain."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinks a few times and... oh. Oh she wilted, just a little bit. 'Heard that name somewhere'? What, his rider almost killing her as Sunbreaker, and then her turning out the sun, then... well... her being the friend with Bow's current girlfriend... Wow. Swiftwind. Jerk.

And she, desperately, had to resist mentioning that 'little brain' reminded her of certain... other... people from Etheria. Namely, Adora and Catra. She didn't know where Adora was actually from, after all.

"Adora pouting, what else is new?" Hinoiri said, not a hint of doubt in her voice. While her voice was still as adorable going forward, I am no longer doing the rainbow.

"Yeah, I do look pretty majestic, don't I?" she asked, standing up a little taller and spreading out her wings... hitting the wall and nearly toppling herself off. She squeaked, quickly balancing herself. "Err, but yes. I've been, you know. Working on... things. Trying to help the sparkles, actually, since my fall. But, ummmm, one of my experiments... turned... poorly. And ummm... could... you help me get back to the school?"

The youma, off in the dusk zone, shook its head before beginning the task it had been designated for so long...

Find... Hinoiri... Kirara.

Bow has posed:
As if Hinoiri could match Swiftwind's regal stature! But the majestic alicorn will be gracious. If only she'd spent more time with him, maybe she wouldn't have gone off trying to eat the sun! She'd realize how amazing things are and be... nicer.

"I knoooooooooow," Swiftwind sighs dramatically. "Catra, always playing games! Leading her on, then pulling away! Oh, watch out-" He winces as Hinoiri collides with a nearby wall. He sympathizes, but he would never be so fickle! Leave that to comedians like Bow and Glimmer. Majestic alicorns have standards!

"So, an experiment, eh?" Swiftwind inquires, nodding knowingly. "Trying to aid the sparkles is a noble cause. Who knows what those humans would do without us!" He bows his head gracefully. "I would be honored to hasten your journey home! In fact, I once guided a whole platoon through the Crimson Wastes - just me and my impeccable sense of direction!"

Storytime. What youma?

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinks a few more times as she tries to process... all of that. Just... Just all of that. She opened her mouth, about to object to the notion of Catra leading ANYONE on. She wasn't entirely sure that Catra could have said 'she wasn't interested' any clearer without a plethora of flashing neon lights. Except, ironically, because of that she honestly was... attached.

"Uhhhh... yes. Ohhhhh! The crimson wastes? Catra told me about that place! It was deadly and terrifying, according to her. I'd love to hear all about your journey through such a dangerous territory!"

... Okay he was still an alicorn and she was still susceptible to such charms. No matter how... obnoxious he may be.

The youma, meanwhile, had now left the dusk zone and was on a nearby rooftop. She was close... it could FEEL it...

Bow has posed:
Oh, Catra knows how to play Adora like a fiddle. Swiftwind knows this! And yeah, she's not interested. Yet. Someday, she will be. Just doesn't realize it yet.

But for now, he's going on about his adventures through the Crimson Wastes, embellishing where he wants to. It's a story frought with danger and intrigue, a lone Rebellion unit that would be lost without his superior guidance.

Still, the youma is not noticed.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara followed along with him, still struggling with the wings and--

And then there was a powerful gust of wind. A moment later, a youma that looked a lot like a harpy descended on them, snatching Hinoiri from the air. "Oh ho ho ho ho!" she cried, before flapping her wings to send a burst of air at poor Swiftwind as Hinoiri shrieked. "Now I have caught you, Hinoiri Kirara!" And then it pointed a finger at Swiftwind. "Go, little witness, let the sparkles know. I now hold the life of Hinoiri Kirara in my hands, at the behest of my master, the most brilliant and glorious of all Obsidian leaders! If they wish to see her alive again, they must track me down... before my master decides what to do with her! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!" the siren-like youma yelled, before turning tail and flying away!

As Hinoiri shrieked, trying to get free from the youma's grip. Who? WHAT?! WHY?! WHAT?! Who in the world?! Why was that voice... oddly... familiar?!

Bow has posed:
As Hinoiri is snagged, Swiftwind is hit with a strong gust of wind tumbles him, but he is quickly able to recover, and his wings flare. "I know not who you are, foul beast, but Hinoiri is my friend and.... aaugh!" The screech hurts and he falters, tumbling towards the ground, and by the time he recovers...

...they're gone.

"I need to tell Adora! ... Bow! SOMEONE!" he grumbles and takes off as fast as he can on little wings towards the school