Texts: want to hear gossip?

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Texts: want to hear gossip?
Date of Scene: 26 July 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Mamoru and Usagi text after Clashing Sides and afterclashmath; it's been a while since they had normal drama, after all.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Mamoru Chiba

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: mamochan do you want to hear gossip
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ofc. esp right now i am so bored
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: great! so there i was, yesterday, innocently going out to the astronomy's club event because i guess i should be a social person again
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: astronomy club! you checked it out! should i join is it cool
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: no it was a disaster. i mean, it wasn't the astronomy club's fault, but ugh, not cool
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: first there was a whole thing over pluto not being a planet which ????? isn't that so settled?? and then this little girl's chara got all in my face and then poor taro - idk if you know him, he's sweet but a disaster
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: he tried to help and got yelled at, so i spent like, two hours consoling him and getting cried on.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: oh no. ... oh *no*, god, is that still going on? oh NO. yeah i've met him, he's the enthusiastic obsidian HR kid, i like him
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: oh NO! poor guy, god, especially-- he didnt end up crying in front of anyone else did he?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: a little but i dont think they noticed, i hurried him out of there
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: good job!! <3
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: it was so dumb. like, i think he's awkward and a little weird (pos) but the other kids there were just blerhfdsjfndsj
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: other kids can be huge assholes
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: like there was amy (disappointed in her) and three 7th graders, but one of them had to go and kind of minded her own business. the other two were the trouble
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: because taro got kind of mixed up about pluto and at first said it only got recognized as a planet just before he was born but i think he meant *unrecognized*, only one of the kids then was like, oh so in the future you're from its back or something
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and he got super flustered and said something about the moon landing and they argued because laura la mer is the snippiest 7th grader i've ever seen
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: that's confusing and weird, but also apparently i need to teach him how to let it go when people are demonstrably wrong on something stupid
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: LOL
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah she's one of those people who thinks its really important for pluto be a regular degular planet or smth idk why pluto is the only special one for those people
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but yeah, so, then, the other girl, seiko akai is a chara bearer i guess and thats not revealing anything because her chara is the most annoying, looseygoosey thing ever
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: sorry i had to fill out the next form. my lawyer estimates another like two hours. its hot in here >.< ANYWAY madoka-chan said even when i was hematite that there wasnt much point in hiding she was magical when she had fairies flying around her head
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: sorry i had to fill out the next form. my lawyer estimates another like two hours. its hot in here >.< ANYWAY madoka-chan said even when i was hematite that there wasnt much point in hiding she was magical when she had fairies flying around her head
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: UGH so lame, they should just give you the building!!!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but yeah i mean i know she's magic because the first thing her fairy did was fly RIGHT IN MY FACE and be all CAN YOU SEE MEEEEEE
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: who even does that T-T it was a public park! we were surrounded by the astronomy club and like, a bunch of other people!
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: this isnt even giving me the building this is just filling out forms to make sure i am eligible to deal with a realtor lmao :< i want you and/or the guys to check places out with me. BUT
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: this isnt even giving me the building this is just filling out forms to make sure i am eligible to deal with a realtor lmao :< i want you and/or the guys to check places out with me. BUT
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: WTF
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: THIS ISN'T EVEN FOR A BUILDING? why is paperwork so hard we have to overthrow the government
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: seriously wtf!!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i know, right?!?! like what was i supposed to do
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: *so much paperwork, you are correct we should* ANYWAY THOUGH like that is incredibly rude? she should have come gotten her fairy and told her off
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: so taro notices, and i guess him working for obsidian a lil makes sense now, but, i didn't know that at the time! and anyway, he like, scooped the chara up and gave her back to akai like hey you dropped something
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: he thought i didn't know magic so he was really trying to look out for me rip a real hero
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: anyway she burst into tears.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: what the fuuuuuck
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: (yeah hes a good kid and hes working for yuuhi-san, kyouka-sensei's bestie, so it's ok)
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah she bursts into tears and was saying taro was the one being rude or whatever, and la mer gets all mad at taro and acts like he's bullying her and then amy was all what did you do and then *he* started tearing up
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: (i mean she's the big muckity-muck in HR so)
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ohhhh poor taro
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: jeez what the fuck the poor guy!! he's about as scary as a hamster
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: wow
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: just wow. like... i guess? some seventh graders are like that? it takes all kinds...
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i was not like that in seventh grade
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i mean i dont recommend being like me in 7th grade either but
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah i mean idk what's going on with those two. who knows, maybe they are having a bad week too. maybe her puppy died or something
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i just know i really didn't want to tell two random strangers and a casual friend that i could see magic but i had to because that chara couldn't have two seconds of thought
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: that *truly* sucks
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: and yeah maybe her puppy died but maybe she should put like, a really small toddler leash on her chara
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: right or at least apologize when they're dumb. madoka is always looking after her chara and one time luna tried to eat gretchen (okay she was probably just going to pounce on her and bring her to me to deal with
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: LMAO poor gretchen. poor luna i bet that was wild
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: like! i get that they get in trouble but idk man you cant just cry your way out of trouble. i would know. it never worked on ms haruna
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah i think the dorm vending machine ate her dollar so she attacked it, and luna walked in at the wrong time
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: LOOOOL
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah. so i spent some time calming taro down and convincing him he's not scary and he's not evil and oh right he works for the slasher???
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: do you think it was crocodile tears or what?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: he says he pays him so
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: no i think it was real tears but as someone who cries all the time, sometimes you just gotta suck it up man
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: wtf??? i guess that makes the fruit basket make more sense. but two jobs!

PHONE> You text Mamoru Chiba: yeah he's the delivery boy. and cakemaker? when you got kidnapped the slasher told me he'd give me a cake

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: a kidnap cake
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: guess he meant taro would give me a cake
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah. it was weird. he felt really bad about not being able to save you, but i was kinda like, well that was nice but also you do eat people
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: wait the slasher was there? i was real busy drowning, i just told taro and adrien to gtfo
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: everything else was kind of a blur
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: no youre right he was there!!
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: he ate my blood and my energy and now he wants to save me, i dont get that guy
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i guess i tasted really good :I
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: he said he was there, and naru said he was there - idk idgi either
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: anyway i guess i'll give astronomy club a miss
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but taro said he thought the slasher would stop if we made friends with him and him stopping would be cool i guess
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you know, lacrima said i tasted really good one time
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: well you do :3
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: nidjfnsdjkdnasads shut upppppp <3
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ahahahahaha <3
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but yeah so i think he's like.... idk. taro is going to be okay, and i'm gonna talk to amy about it maybe, if i see her.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: haha its kind of nice to have regular dumb school beef
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i shall watch with great interest. nobody has admitted to having school beef with me since 5th grade i dont remember what its like
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i've never had real school beef because everyone likes me. however. i have known many people with beef and its always seemed neat
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: beef being neat. you're ridiculous and i love you <3
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i love you too <3<3<3
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: (the next day) mamo holy shit you wont beleive this i think amy has a crush on taro
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: WHAT LOL
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: is that why she told him off? like pulling his pigtails
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: nah she was like hardcore projecting on the kid and was like oh no she's run off crying and is going to feel broken and wrong and carry that with her
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: she only ran after her for a little while apparently, she came back to watch the meteor shower with us but we were gone
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: sigh. meanwhile it was taro who did
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: ding ding ding! that's what i told her
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: to her credit tho she got it really fast and felt really bad. she didn't think there were sides, i guess, and didnt mean it the way she sounded. she apologized
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'm glad!! she's generally been doing better i think
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah! she didnt notice taro was crying so she thought he was okay. i dont think she realized how deep he's been hurt
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: .. ok but this crush you say
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: RIGHT SO
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: obviously dont tell anyone
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but she was saying how she really wanted to see the meteor shower with us but especially taro and she was really disappoionted because she had been thinking about like, watching it with him and sitting in his lap while they watched the shower
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: CRUSH VIBES!
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: siTTiNg iN hiS LAp
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: thats both crush vibes and startlingly no filters frank even for amy
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i know right! big crush
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but uh i dont think taro feels the same way rip
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: well a) i hope they can still be friends, and b) thats rough, that sucks, but c) at least she has a girlfriend already?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah i'm sure it will be okay
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i'll ask when i tell her about fruits basket
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: can you BELIEVE she never read fruits basket
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ... maybe? i mean i didn't read it until i developed a massive crush on someone i wanted to help with her grades

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: okay yes, but, mamochan, and i say this with all love

+text mamo=you were really going through some shit

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you were really going through some shit
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: hahahahahaha
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: faaaair
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but amy is probably the perfect person to read fruits basket i just know she'd have a TIME with it, especially how alienating the curse is and how messed up everything with kyou is and how HARD it is with akito and just
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: it feels up her alley
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: no you're totally right!
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: you're really really right! you should lend her yours, there are a LOT of them and that can get pretty pricey
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: oh i will, if she actually is interested i'll let her borrow the first four volumes

PHONE> A text from Mamoru Chiba: i think it would even be good for her to see a 'normal' person accepting and loving the sohmas after her initial yikes of not knowing what was going on

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah! like, tohru just totally accepting them and helping them with their issues and not ever turning them away despite the curse being scary and unusual
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: for this round! now i'm just waiting to hear back from them and i should be able to represent myself when going to look at buildings. its more complicated because i'm a minor and a ward of the state, but!! i have signoffs and now im just waiting
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: my lawyer is awesome. so is my social worker. someday you'll meet them i'm sure
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: possibly even before i tell them we're engaged
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: hopefully they dont ask YOU if we're pregnant
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: omg i still cant believe
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: but no i doubt they will lol
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i dont want them to know until i have at least gotten the building, in case it counts against me for impulsive behavior or something
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah, once it's in your name they can know the truuuuuuuuth
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: for now we're all good