1855/Timey Wimey Dormmates

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Timey Wimey Dormmates
Date of Scene: 11 August 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Adora waits for Makoto to come home so they can talk! Makoto brings cookies, and they have a nice chat!
Cast of Characters: Adora Rainbowfist, Makoto Kino

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora Rainbowfist has been... doing her best to just be a reasonably good roommate and ... while not necessarily out of Makoto's way, she'd been mostly absorbed with trying to sort out the fact that another her lived here and frankly it's weird and she's not even sure if she should touch her things at all... so she'd been... friendly, but kind of ... in and out of the dorm, some nights not even actually sleeping there.

But also ignoring your roommate isn't being a good roommate, so Adora is ... currently in the dorm room, vaguely sorting things. But also mostly just. ... Working up the courage to actually talk to Makoto and try to figure out where they stand. She hasn't been getting rid of the past Adora's things to be specific, more just trying to figure out what's important and what isn't.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto has, similarly, been allowing Adora her space. She hasn't avoided the other girl, necessarily - but she's been polite, and she's found reasons to be elsewhere fairly often, giving Adora time to herself to find her footing in this new place, without having someone who knew a different version of her hovering over her shoulder watching every move.

But this state of affairs is hardly sustainable for either of them for very long. If nothing else, there's no way they can keep sharing a room while tiptoeing around one another like this.

So, it's the weekend and Makoto has spent a good bit of it down in the common areas of the dorm, specifically the kitchen. When she returns to the dorm room, it's with a flour-smudged apron on over her clothes and a plate of cookies in her hands.

Seeing Adora already here, she smiles and holds out the plate. "Hey," she says lightly. "I made some cookies, if you'd like any." The cookies are tri-colored things, strawberry pink and pale gold and rich cocoa brown, vaguely resembling scoops of ice cream. They're still warm from the oven.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora could smell Makoto's approach before she could see it. ...Okay it's more of a passive 'huh something smells good' as she was vaguely looking through the past Adora's journal, reading a few of the entries here and there... it felt weirdly wrong to read it, in spite of it technically being hers.

As the door opens, she actually fully closes the journal, setting it aside and looking up towards Makoto from her position sitting cross-legged on her bed towards her dormmate. ...She was trying to look refined and calm. It probably only kind of works. "...Hi! Of course! Uhm." She pauses. "We uh. Probably need to talk!"

Yeah refined and calm doesn't work very well. "What with the whole, uh... past me... present me... weirdness. You've been wonderful by the way! I've appreciated it, even if I haven't said much."

Exhale. And she stands up, moving over to take one of the cookies.

"It's a lot to process but also wow japanese classes have been /intense/. I feel like my brain is melting by the end of them every time."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto lets out a quiet little laugh at that. "I'm not surprised... Ami-chan was helping you with that, right? She can be kinda merciless when it comes to studying. She's the best person to get a crash course from, though, if you have to."

She finds some space on Adora's desk to set down the plate - tacit invitation for the blonde to have as many of the cookies as she wants. Selecting one for herself, Mako turns her full attention back to Adora. "And yeah, we probably should talk, if you're up for it?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Yeah, she has been! She's been great at helping me with the homework and go back over it. ...Also she seems really good at knowing when to take a break and bring out snacks." And food is a great way to Adora's heart, really. Like the cookie she is trying to gracefully nibble on instead of just inhaling like she really wants to. ... She does reach to take another cookie when the cookies are set on the desk.

Because they're delicious. "Mmm. I noticed on my own, but Ami really was right about you being a good cook." She comments absently. She's definitely not just delaying a bit. But she takes a deep breath.

Okay. You can do this, Adora.

"Okay so uhm. I... this is weird. I know it's weird, because I mean you had a roommate and then suddenly she was like super retreated into herself from what I heard and then suddenly she's gone and now there's a new, younger version of her and I would understand if you didn't want to deal with that and I can leave if you want to but also I like cooking and supposedly you like cooking and frankly that sounds like a nice thing to be around so whatever ends up happening I'd like to at least try to be cooking buddies and uh." She pauses. "...I mean room mates too but also I don't want you to be uncomfortable and I'm going to probably be sorting through all of this..." She glances at the past her's belongings. "For a while still and /that's/ weird to be going through technically your own stuff and." She pauses, taking a long inhale. Yes she was kind of rushing that all out in one breath out of nervousness. Including her voice slowly getting more and more squeaky towards the end from lack of air. "Uh." She forces herself to stop, to try to think more. "Sorry. I've been kind of ... nervous and playing this through my mind over and over."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"It's okay," Makoto assures immediately. "I mean... you're right, it's definitely awkward. And that's on top of finding yourself here in the first place, right? You don't need to apologize for it being weird."

She bites into her cookie, chews unhurriedly. The flavors are much like the cookies' appearance suggests: neapolitan ice cream flavor, strawberry and vanilla and chocolate together. Once she's swallowed, Makoto offers a smile. "For what it's worth... I don't know if this helps or not, but in the end, I don't feel like I knew her - um, the other you - all that well. She told me some things about where she came from, and I know about the Sword and She-Ra and that kind of thing... but, well, it's like you said. She was going through a lot, I think."

A briefer pause, here, while Mako takes a breath. "What I mean is, we can start fresh if you want to. I for sure won't say no to having a cooking buddy."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"...It doesn't help that I had just gone through ... Things ... right before arriving here that I'm not going to go into right now but it wasn't fun. And then I ended up here... with people who knew a past me but I didn't know them and it's ... not really bad? Everyone's been pretty nice and kind, but it's a lot to adjust to." Adora lifts a hand to rub the back of her head. "Luckily I've had a lot of catchup work to focus on, it's actually been pretty helpful to have something to throw myself into."

She takes another bite of her cookie, listening to Makoto as she chews on it. "Yeah... from what I read of her journal." She glances back at the journal. "...She had her happy ending and then got sent here and things were just. Weird because of various things."

And the confirmation. "Yeah! I mean. That does sound great, so uhm, you know what." She pushes herself off of the bed, standing up and moving into the most awkward mix of a bow and a salute, on one leg with the other back behind her a bit.

Look she's trying.

"Hi. My name is Adora Rainbowfist! ...It's nice to meet you. I like food, I can also turn into She-Ra the 8 foot tall woman who has /amazing/ hair." She says with a slightly goofy look as she straightens back up. "...And I have nightmares, so uhm. I'm sorry if that ever wakes you up. I don't, like, wake up screaming, but I imagine I move around a lot when I'm having them."

Adora is wrong of course.
She /always/ flails around in her sleep.
Even when having good dreams.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Without missing a beat, Makoto returns the bow, in the more usual Japanese style. "Nice to meet you," she says brightly as she straightens. "I'm Makoto Kino. I like cooking and baking, and flowers, and I'm also Sailor Jupiter but I don't get any taller when I transform... luckily." She makes a very wry face as she says it. "I don't get better hair out of the deal, either, which seems just a little unfair. And I won't judge you for your bad dreams if you don't judge me for mine, so I think we can manage okay there?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
...Adora shifts to a proper bow after Makoto's. She wasn't making fun of the bows, just, well. She's clearly a bit awkward. Possibly moreso than the past one. Who knows! "Oh! Cooking. I actually am liking that too, though I'm uhm." She glances at the cookies. "Not at that level yet. ...I've successfully made sandwiches that taste good a few times now!" Which is probably the most base-level cooking. "And... of course not. And uhm. I'm... not necessarily good at talking about things but if you need to talk about things, uhm. I'll always listen! And be here." She smiles towards Makoto. "Even if we don't end up staying roommates in the long term."