1890/Hitomi More Like Fightomi

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Hitomi More Like Fightomi
Date of Scene: 25 August 2024
Location: KFC - Karaage Fried Chicken
Synopsis: Hawk Moth is getting back into action, by creating his first akuma in quite awhile! The target? One Hitomi Shizuki, frustrated with her negligent boyfriend. Luckily, Pulp Noir, Cat Noir, Ladybug, Sharpsong, and Goldenweb Yorotsuchi are on the scene!
Cast of Characters: Sugata Shindo, Hinote Kagari, Adrien Agreste, Ahmya Karashima, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Sayaka Miki

Gabriel Agreste (156) has posed:
The akuma flies free, and Hitomi is resting on the ground, her phone intact, the restaurant intact, everything - completely fine. It's as if nothing happened, only... only she can definitely, clearly remember it all happening. (For the time being, anyway. The Veil will creep up on her soon.) "That - oh my - that was so - I'm so sorry, everyone!"

She's horrified, and embarrassed, and blinks rapidly, to prevent tears from beading up. "I never meant to cause so much trouble!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Okay, this is one for her friends to handle. Ladybug gets back a few steps, out of the way. But ...hang on.

It hurts less to find someone who does want to be with you, than to chase someone who doesn't.

That's my life, in a nutshell, Ladybug thinks. Adrien has moved on, found someone new. I'll never have him, and if I'm honest, I want him to be happy. What if...was Cat Noir talking to me? He knows that I...

Ladybug's earring beeps, and she ignores it for once, lost in thought. As drama unfolds around her, drama is unfolding within. She pauses, as X happens, and looks up. At the sad kitty, who is one of her best friends in the world. What if, just maybe.

Could I be happy, just a little?

"Hey. Call me," she says, to Cat Noir. With a bit of a smile, one that's ...that's kind of new.

And as she's ducking out, her little timer insisting EXTRA HARD, she realizes that this might not have been the best timing. What with Shizuki being where she is, right about now.

But you know. Got to collect the youth. Didn't forget!

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir rather knew what it felt like to be in Shizuki's place in a way. Though he hadn't had a chance at all in the past, and he had learned that it was nicer to be cared for and...

His own ring beeping causes him to glance down at his hand. The staff he carries is swung up and over his shoulders letting his hands drape over it as he starts to walk backwards. "It's okay, happens to the best of us. Just let your feelings out in more constructive ways," he suggests. A quick nod is tossed to Ahmya, too.

"Need to go," he states and starts to turn only to freeze when Ladybug calls out to him with that little smile.


Brainfreeze. Now was NOT the time to brainfreeze. That little part of him that liked Ladybug, would *always* like Ladybug, jumps up in his brain happily as he once would have. The other part has him staring wide-eyed like the time he had flirted at Tuxedo Mask only to have him *flirt back omg*

"Er, right, of course, Lady!" Another beep. If he didn't leave now he would be in trouble.

"Cat you later!"