1899/Admiral or Mom

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Admiral or Mom
Date of Scene: 28 August 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: Chrono, Rashmi, Setsuna and Fenix go to meet Chrono's mother. While she doesn't remember him, she does try to offer what support she can to the young officer. And meet all of his friends! Such a fun lot... Beware of tea.
Cast of Characters: Chrono Harlaown, Setsuna Meiou, Rashmi Terios

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
It was, finally, the big day. Meeting Chrono's mother. He was, well... Rashmi might have thought he was preparing to meet HER parents. He had his little ironed pants, his buttoned up shirt, his hair was all nice and combed properly. He looked like he was going to a business meeting! A very small one.

And now? Now he was standing outside of the shipping company that his mother worked at. As the head of security. Pacing back and forth nervously, going over everything in his head as he waited for the arrival of Rashmi and Setsuna.

Fenix was, surprisingly, there as well. In her human form. She was trying glasses today, looking more like his secretary than his 'guardian'. Just watching. Looking... a teensy bit amused. Just a teensy bit. Seeing her mage so nervous about meeting with his mother. Not that she was surprised. But... Well... It was amusing to watch.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
It isn't a terribly long wait before Setsuna's Nissan Rogue pulls up to one of the visitor parking spaces. The doors open to allow her and Rashmi (whom she gave a ride from school) to step out to join the nervous young enforcer.

Knowing that this meeting was important for Chrono, Setsuna made sure to dress nicely in a simple white button down blouse and black pencil skirt combo.

Once the doors are close, she presses a button, and with the charactaristic double chirp, the vehicle locks up, then she turns to her shortest friend, "You realize that if she's as good at her job as you've led me to believe, then she already knows you're waiting out here and is perhaps wondering what's going on by now, right?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Chrono might have *looked* like he was meeting her parents, but... Rashmi was *actually* about to meet her boyfriend's mother. Thus, she's in the best informal-yet-dressy outfit she has to hand, a light button-up blouse in light gray with yellow trim, and matching ankle-length skirt. As she slips out of the car behind Setsuna, she comes up on Chrono's other side, gently taking the Enforcer's hand. "Probably," she says in agreement with Setsuna, "but if she was concerned she'd be busy doing a background check or something, wouldn't she?"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod. "Oh, she definitely has," he told Setsuna. "In fact, in about..." He held up his hand and counted down from five, four, three, two, one and...

Nothing happened. Nothing...

And then a security guard trotted over and... "Ummmm. I was told to ask if you would like some tea?" the guard asked.

"And that'd be her," Chrono said with a sigh. He then turned towards the guard and cleared his throat. "I am here to meet with miss Harlaown? I'm a... well... I'm her..." And then he scritched his cheek. "I'm... family..." he finally said. And his face was burning now.

"Really? Well... she said if you needed to see her, then go on up. Third floor, back office."

Chrono nodded, his hand tightening around Rashmi's. "I doubt she's doing a background check. In fact, knowing her, I know exactly what she's doing," Chrono said before he started walking.

It wouldn't take long before they'd arrive at the office and when he knocked, he received a friendly 'come on in'.

... And there was tea. And pastries. And the office was a... something else. The desk was a mess, with files all over the place, and security cameras, and a computer...

And the other half of the room looked like a little zen garden. With a little tea ceremony set, and a few tiny trees, and the light came through the window at just the right angle, and there were some small chairs for them to all kneel on and...

"Hello again, young man. You were that boy who was playing on the beach the other day with his friends, right? Fireworks really are dangerous to shoot at each other like that, but I'm happy to see you're all better. Would you like some tea? I made it fresh," she offered, kneeling on one of the chairs and motioning for them to sit.

There was a little bamboo water feature, or sozu, giving the soft sound of water trickling and then the clack as it dropped.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
For her part, Setsuna just follows along quietly in the back for the moment.

Right now, she's mostly here as moral support...though she's sure there will be questions for her later.

Right now, this is Chrono and Rashmi's show...and she's curious to see how the young man will be handling this rather...unique situation.

At the offer of tea, Setsuna smiles and nods, moving over to the offered spot and kneeling, "Tea would be lovely, thank you."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi is no stranger to messes. She's also no stranger to clean environments. Seeing the two coexisting *is* new, however, and it takes a bit for her brain to catch up, as she follows by Chrono's side.

When the green-haired woman greets them, her smile *almost* falters as she seems not to recognize Chrono, which is certainly cause for worry. But, like Setsuna, she keeps silent, glancing back at Fenix for a moment with a silent question, then taking her seat as near to Chrono as the arranged spots allow for.

A full tea ceremony...?


"It's really a pleasure to meet you, Harlaown-san," she says, dipping a bow before she takes her seat.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gulped and, slowly, he walked to kneel on one of the seats by her. Slowly, Lindy Harlaown began to pour the tea and... "Would you like any cream or sugar?"

"NO!" Chrono said quickly, shaking his head, a warning to the others.

Those who failed to accept the warning... would see her put spoon... after spoon... after spoon... oh my gosh who does this to tea?

However, once it was doled out, Lindy took a drink/bite of her tea and looked to them. "So then, how can I help you? You all seem so very serious, so I imagine it must be important."

"Well, you see, miss Harlaown," Chrono said. "My name is Chrono Harlaown and I... I've been looking for you for quite a while. You... are my mother."

Lindy GASPED! A hand moving over her mouth, eyes going wide. "W-what? That... that's not possible..."

Chrono nodded. "I... know it must be--"

"If I had a son I always wanted to name them Lotte, after my friend's cat."

Chrono almost fell over. He had to actually take a few moments, deep, calming breathes. "... Father named me. Clyde... Harlaown..."

"... Oh... that does sound like a name Clyde would have chosen," Lindy said softly, her own eyes getting kind of misty. "But... I'm sorry to say... I can't remember you. Are... you sure you have the right Lindy?"

"... Yes," Chrono said, giving a soft sigh, sinking just a little bit more in his position. Not slouching, but getting dreadfully close. "I don't... expect you to remember me, however, but-- mmph!"

And then Lindy was just... there. Cupping his cheeks on either side, making him look up as she stared into his eyes. Finally, she let him go. "Odd. You have very honest eyes... Maybe I am your mother..." she said, looking thoughtful, returning to her seat. "Oh dear. I imagine I haven't been a very good mother then, have I?"

Fenix, meanwhile, was poking the spoon that was standing straight up in her tea. Unsure of this... it was probably delicious... But... Spoons usually sunk in liquids.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna declines the offer of sugar for her tea. She's fine with sugaring her coffee enough to stand the spoon up in, but outside the American South, that much sugar in a glass of tea just isn't done.

Then she watches as Chrono introduces himself to his...mother.

And immediately afterwards, her hand flies up to her mouth and she's biting rather hard on knuckle so that she doesn't burst into laughter outright, unsure which would be funnier, Lindy having Chrono on...or her just being like this.

Shoulders trembling with muted laughs, she glances over at Rashmi to watch her other young friend's reaction.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Oh, no thank you please," Rashmi says to the offer of... milk and sugar... in *green tea.* And only her customer-service experience allows her to keep the mounting horror off her face as Lindy turns decent tea into a simple syrup... and then something akin to an uncooked caramel...

<< ...Nicomachea, note to self; find out when her birthday is, and send her some green-tea wagashi from Nounamu. >>

And Lindy reacts... well? ...to the news that she's Chrono's mother. At least, needing to be reminded of her husband *kind of counts* as a good reaction? Maybe?

Honestly Rashmi is by this point just completely at sea for what to say or do, other than sip her still-a-liquid tea, and be a warm, reassuring presence next to Chrono.

Though when she glances back again, there's a small, amused smile at her lips, both for Setsuna's wavering composure, and Fenix's visible confusion.

<< Just pretend you're a hummingbird, >> she thinks towards the Familiar and the Senshi. << At least it'll make sense that way. >>

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown needed a moment himself, before finally shaking his head. "No, mother. You... have been an amazing mother. But... I'm not surprised that you can't remember me. This... this has all been quite..."

He closed his eyes and gave a soft sigh. "Sorry. I'm sorry to have troubled you, please don't--"

And then a hand rested on his head. "You seem like such a serious young man," Lindy said, giving a small, gentle smile to him. "I... am sorry I can't remember you. I know this must be difficult for you, but... if I could tell you the truth? Even if I can't remember? I feel I'd be very proud of you for working so hard and I would hope I'm not going to get in the way of what you feel you must do."

And that shook Chrono too the core and he moved his hands into his lap, out of Rashmi's grip, forming fists. Slow, deep breaths as he tried to keep control of himself. "I... I see... Th--"

"I'd also ask am I all of your mothers? Because I think I may need a bigger car. Oh dear, do I owe child support?"

"... Sigh... mother..." Chrono said, giving a gentle smile.

Fenix licked her tea and... oh gosh. She was NOT hummingbird enough even for this.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna is, by this point, unable to respond.

Mainly because she's face down on the table, biting the knuckle of one hand while occasionally banging the table beside her as her shoulders shake.

Over the course of a few minutes, she slowly manages to get herself back together...valiantly mustering her composure so that she'll be okay...she'll be able to engage in polite conversation...

...right until Lindy asks if she owes child support.

At which point a sharp bark of laughter escapes her lips as she falls over on her back before she manages to clap her hands over her mouth so she doesn't cackle hysterically out loud.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
It is very, very difficult to keep a proper train of thought, when Chrono is practically shaking himself to pieces, Lindy is swinging from terrifyingly perceptive to oblivious-comedy-character, and Setsuna looks about to do damage either to herself or the table, or both, trying to hold in hysterical laughter, and Fenyx is licking the now-solidified tea.

Utterly just giving up on 'what is probably the best idea,' Rashmi settles for lifting her released hand, and rubbing Chrono's back.

And almost tips over herself, when Lindy asks if all of us are her kids.

"Oh, uh... No ma'am. No I'm Chrono's... um."

In the back of her mind: ABORT ABORT ABORT


Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Lindy glanced between them, before her eyes went wide. "O-oh, oh wow. You have three girlfriends? I would never have imagined my son could be such a... uhhhh... how do the children say it? Play-ha?"

She said that in english. Fenyx was now incapacitated alongside Setsuna, in laughter.

Chrono blinked a few times, his cheeks going red. "N-no! Only Rashmi is my girlfriend! She is my girlfriend, my ONLY girlfriend!"

"Oh! Then we must get to know each other, ummmm... I'm Lindy Harlaown, and you are...?"

"Rashmi Terios, my girlfriend. Setsuna Meiou, the young child we adopted," Chrono said, his tone incredibly sarcastic. "And Fenix Harlaown, the other childish one we adopted apparently."

"Oh, wow. You're such a respectable young man. I seem to have been a good mother, at least. Oh, one moment," she said, pulling out a pen, spinning it in her hand before she started writing on a notepad. "Here is my address. I want the four of you to feel you can come by at any time if you need someplace to rest, recover or hide from the police."

"M-mother!" Chrono said, his cheeks burning.

"What? I was young once too, dear. We all need chances to spread our wings."

Fenix was dead now.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As Lindy suggests that Setsuna is Chrono's girlfriend, the woman in question blinks for a moment in surprise, sitting up to look at Chrono...and then it's too much.

She's covering her mouth but audubly cackling, while she points at the young man in question, "...him...and me? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"

She manages to stop laughing...and she screws her eyes closed before taking a DEEP breath where she visibly composes herself.

She sits there for a few moments, visibly tensing before she takes another deep breath...and then she relaxes, blowing out another breath...and then another...until finally she's REASONABLY sure she'll be able to keep her composure.

Finally more or less together, she sits up normally and takes a sip of her tea as if she HADN'T just been very nearly rolling on the floor giggling like a madwoman moments ago, the going on, "...no, poor Chrono and Rashmi here are good friends of mine."

A glance is given over, "As is Fenix here."

And then the comment about hiding from the police comes...and Setsuna has to close her eyes and tense up for a few moments again before taking another deep breath and shaking her head, "...young, he says. Me. Young? Really."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"...It's not *that* funny," Rashmi mutters, feeling the need to stand up for *her* boyfriend. Clearing her throat and sipping her thankfully unsweetened tea, she turns a bright smile onto Lindy. "I'd have to agree though, you *did* do a very good job. He's a *very* good, responsible man, Harlaown-san, and I love him to pieces."

Raising an eyebrow as she sips from her cup again, she looks askance at Fenyx and Setsuna. "Also... c'mon, Setsuchan, right now you're *definitely* acting *an* age."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was, admittedly, a little hurt by Setsuna's laughter. Like, yes, okay, he got it, but ow. He actually had a bit of a crush on her at one point but, *ow*.

Not that he'd show it. Far too professional for that. What he did show, however, was appreciation when Rashmi defended him and he gave her a small, affectionate smile.

"Well, I am happy to see that you have managed to find good friends then, Chrono-tan," Lindy said before getting to her feet. "However, I do need to get back to work."

Chrono got up... only to get grabbed and pulled into a tight hug. Chrono squeaked, but, slowly, he hugged her back. After a moment, he was let go. "So, can I find you at RHA?" Lindy asked.

Chrono blinked a few times. "Wait... how do you know about RHA?"

"Huh? Doesn't everyone go there?" Lindy asked.

"... I missed you, Admiral."

Of course... Rashmi, Setsuna and Fenix would soon learn they were ALL getting hugs. Woman had a hug like a bear that wrestled wild hogs.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna happily returns the hug.

She LIKES hugs.

"It was lovely meeting you, Miss Harlaown."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"He really has," Rashmi says softly, when Lindy remarks on the quality of his friends.

There might be more to say, but *anything* would be crushed by the magnitude of the Admiral's hugs.

When she can talk -- and done mental inventory to make sure ribs haven't popped -- Rashmi steps back, bowing deeply.

"I'm *so glad to know you,* Harlaown-san. I'll be in touch, and-- oh! The Korma Chameleon, in Pikarigaoka? My family owns it, if you ever want something different for dinner."

Whether anyone tells her parents why, Rashmi will *absolutely* ensure that Lindy gets the friends and family discount.