1901/Ramen & Racing Talk

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Ramen & Racing Talk
Date of Scene: 28 August 2024
Location: Okujoo Ramen
Synopsis: Hinote meets Molly at her mother's ramen shop. They talk about things, such as how Molly wants to race fast cars eventually!
Cast of Characters: Hinote Kagari, Molly Skyline

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari is on a case.

The Case of the Noodle Shop He's never been to before.

*Inset Okujoo Ramen Casefile!?*

Thusly he's arrived to the rooftop ramen shop to looks around. Today, he's dressed in a white button down shirt with a brown vest, over which a ruddish reddish-brown suit jacket sits buttoned up halfway from the bottom. He's wearing a pair of brown khaki pants and brown dress shoes. Rich boys are gonna rich, once in a while.

He runs a hand through his ruddish brown hair before he steps off the elevator and gets in line to order ramen.

He'll order himself a bowl. Take his ramen ticket, and find a place to sit on the outside section. Sitting on his shoulder is Tracy, the detective chara as he relaxes.

Time to clear his head a moment, finally.

Molly Skyline has posed:
The restaurant is pretty full already, as it often is -- who doesn't want to eat ramen while enjoying an outdoor view of Tokyo -- so finding space in the outside portion takes a little bit of patience, and a little bit of skill, and sometimes... just a little bit of a girl sitting by herself at a table, waving your over.

Molly's on her own, but recognizes someone looking for a seat when she sees one, so the purplenette just automatically decides she's good with sharing. She's got a ramen ticket in front of her too, indicating that she might not have been in her seat for over much longer than Hinote arriving anyway. She's got a tablet in front of her, busy working on... something, it's hard to tell since she put the screen to sleep just as she waved.

"Over here!" she calls out. "I don't mind sharing."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari recognizes Molly from that takoyaki night. After the most acceptable day of saving Hinoiri from... herself. Sigh. He sits down at the offered seat. Tracy, on Hinote's should still, gives a wave as he says. "Heya, Dollface!"

Hinote Kagari cringes at this and just sighs a little. "Thanks. It's a little crowded up here...was it. Skyline-san?" he re-checks, trying to remember in his head.

"I'm Hinote Kagari, in case we never shared names." he says. "This is Tracy." he motions, quieter to his shoulder with his head.

He eyes the tablet. "You working on something. Or just browsing waiting on food?" he asks.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly's eyebrow goes up upon being addressed as 'Dollface' by the chara, but she ohs! soon enough, as Hinote identifies himself. "Right!! Sorry, sometimes faces take me, like, more than once." She grins, and bobs her head. "And yeah, Molly Skyline. ...And, hello to you too, Tracy-San."

The purplenette settles back in her seat, and clasps her hands behind her back. "Yeah, I remember now. Sorry, took me a moment. ...We rescued Hinoiri from, well, herself. And Chiyo from that weird lady who can't drive. Seriously, it's criminal that I'm not allowed to drive yet, and there's grown adults who roll around like that."

She pauses, and wakes the screen up. "I'm waiting for food, but I'm working on a new spell," she explains. She shows the screen, and it shows basically a diagram (featuring a lot of pinks and purples) that seems mostl to depict someone descending from some unknown altitude at a high rate of speed, with obvious indications of damage occuring to the surroundings upon landing. "Probably doesn't look like much. I'm calling it 'Starfall'. I'll have to test it out sometime." She grins, before nodding towards Hinote's ramen ticket. "What'd you order, if you don't mind my asking?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari eases some more when Molly doesn't deck Tracy--or him--for being called dollface. "I really am sorry for the 'dollfaces'." he says. "I'm not sorry for anything!" demands Tracy. Hinote miserably sighs, but leans forward at the tablet and examines it. "Yup. Those we're the.. situations." more like kerfluffles.

"Oh.. so an impact attack of some sort?" he asks, considering the someone falling from a high distance. "Or are you not crashing into the ground during it with a shield of some sort?" he wonders.

"Clever name though." he says as he looks at his ticket. "Something call the 'House Special'. I'm told it wasn't spicy, which is good. I'm trying to relax tonight." he says. "-and would rather not need to drink a gallon of milk tonight."

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Ooh, Shio ramen with shrimp and chicken balls." Molly nods approvingly. "That's the special for this month, you'll like it. I've had it five times this month, so... naturally Mom told me tonight, I have to eat something else after helping out." She shrugs, "Which is fine, I've never met ramen I didn't like."

She pauses, and laughs softly, "Yeah, 'situations' is a word for it. Next time I see Hinoiri I definitely need to rub it in that I beat her Youma with a single, quarter-strength barret. ...Though maybe 'beat it' is kind of the wrong term, more like... 'dominated it utterly'. Oh my god this is going to be fun."

The purplenette tilts her tablet to look at it, before plopping it down on the table and killing the screen again. "Uhm, most like just... landing really aggressively," she admits. "Like, I can go up really fast without having to worry about consequences, I wanted to be able to go down the same way, just in case I had to. I'm basically just using magic so I can land even at my top speed without, like, breaking all the bones in my body. But, now that you mention it..." She taps her lips lightly. "I mean I *could* land on someone while I'm at it. Pile-drive them through a building maybe? Oh lordy that'd be great."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari listens to the House Special be described, and that's when Hinote makes a connection. "Oh, does your family own the ramen shop we're in, Skyline-san?" he asks. "I didn't know. I walked in here to try a new place." he says. "So you help out here?" he asks.

"Hehe. I second rubbing it into Hinoiri's face. It's the least she deserves at this point." he says. Tracy gives a little snicker.

"Ooohh now pile driving people into walls while there's one of those damage fields up?" he doesn't know the term 'barrier' here. "Just drive them through multiple walls." he snorts.

Then his phone goes off. And he politely checks it quick as he rolls his eyes, replys to the text and "Ughs" audibly.

"Come on dad..." he says.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly nods her head excitedly; so excitedly, she finishes up having to push her glasses back up her nose. "Yeah, one of my Moms owns this restaurant," she explains. "And I do help out, but usually these days I help out at the tuner shop, down on the ground floor... which my other Mom owns. I love ramen, but I really only love eating it. Watching mechanics fix cars is way more fun that watching a pot full of broth bubble."

The purplenette giggles softly, "You mean a Time Space Barrier? I can finally make one of those, too. ...Using this to physically smash someone through a wall is pretty last resort though. I'm an artillery mage, I usually prefer to be a really long way away."

Molly cups her chin, looking at Tracy for a moment, then back to Hinote. "So... I'm still relatively new, and I'm still trying to nail down how I feel about being a mage, so like... what's it like for you? Having a... familiar? I'm not sure if I'm using the right term. ...And, hopefully 'Dad' isn't being too annoying!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari smiles. "Oh! So you like watching mechanics fix cars? Ever think about getting involved in fixing them yourself?" he asks as he leans forward with interest. "I'll know where to go to find you then." he says with another smile.

"Oh is that what those are called? I'll remember that." he says as he takes mental notes. "Artillery Mage? I assume that means what it says on the tin?" he asks. "Lots of blasts and long range attacks?" he wonders.

"OH. I'm. A Chara Bearer. Tracy is what's called a chara. It's like a tiny me. I..." he rubs the back of his brown hair. "Well people wanted me to stop investigating magic things when I was not magic. I did not stop. I was spurred on by my mom, too, kind of wanted to become a detective. After so much investigating. That... it turned into a dream. Which became an egg. Which hatched into Tracy." he says. "If that makes any sense."

Tracy says. "I'm Hinote's dream and drive to keep investigating!" he says.

"Yeah..." says Hinote as he looks down at his phone. "Well as for Dad. Dad is. Well. Kinzo Kagari." Hinote motions to one of the movie posters on the wall. 'The Spy who Romanced Me.', starring Kinzo Kagari as the main villain actor.

"He keeps sending me on these stupid dates with self-absorbed girls who are the daughters of other friends of his, that just wanna talk about I dunno, the third yacht their mom's bought them or something." he puts the phone away after a quick text. "He means well but." he takes an annoyed breath. "I just wish he'd let me figure it out on my own." he admits.

Molly Skyline has posed:
"I do want to fix them," Molly affirms, "I'm just... not allowed to start actually touching things yet. So I just help out by cleaning up and fetching stuff for the mechanics, and when they're in a good mood they'll let me watch them do something like, I dunno, change the spark plugs on a Porsche or something. But..." She pauses, clearly debating if she wants to give something away or not. "Okay so, what I really want to do is be a racecar driver someday. I want to go zooming around a track at like four hundred kilometers an hour. I think that'd be the best thing ever."

She leans back, listening to Hinote's explaination of being a Chara Bearer, and what that's all about. "...Does it make sense?" she muses. "Well I mean... no, none at all. But then I do walk around with a few thousand pounds of weaponry that exist in five dimensions being represented in our three dimensions as an earring," she taps the silver earring with the blue jewel in her right ear. "And a week ago I needed my friends to come help me when I got chased halfway across town by an airplane with shark's teeth. So why not? Seems pretty cool to me." She looks up, and offers a wink towards Tracy.

"Artillery Mage is exactly what it says on the tin. I like to stand back, and lob big attacks at things. Which works great until someone pushes my position or someone's in trouble and needs cover, then I go up close and get my butt kicked. But, better me than my friends."

The purplenette's eyebrows rise, and she sighs as Hinote talks about his Dad setting him up with dates. "Alright... I'm pretty grateful my Moms aren't trying to do that for me," she admits. "I'll find myself a girlfriend I'm sure, when I'm good and ready. And I'm not ready yet. And I don't feel like I have to be... and neither should you."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari says. "Oh? Really? That sounds exciting. I bet you can't wait to get your license and get behind a wheel." he gives a chuckle. "But liking cars, wanting to race them sounds exciting. I think. I want to be a detective." he smirks. "But you already know this."

"You're literarily walking around with it showing on your shoulder, you lummox." says Tracy.

"I know!" says Hinote. He nods when Molly explains it's what's on the tin ashe 'ahs'. "I hope you don't get hurt too much, though. I know I can't take too many hits myself. But I'm quick. And good with my weapons." he says, making a finger gun with a tongue click.

"Yeah..." he says. "In the end. I just take them on the date to keep the peace. I smile. I nod at them telling me they got the third yacht, and it's ALWAYS a new yacht, mind you, and I go back home and I feel miserable for a bit overnight and dad is happy I tried." he sighs. "Good. Don't let your moms try otherwise." he warns. "When you're good and ready." he says with a deep breath. "In fact---"

And then food arrives. He whews. "That smells good. Let's eat. We can talk more later." he says as he picks up his spoon.