1910/A Girl Scorn'd! - Face the Music!

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A Girl Scorn'd! - Face the Music!
Date of Scene: 30 August 2024
Location: Karaoke Crown
Synopsis: Scorn attacks the Karaoke Crown. Geode Girl Loyalty, Cure Wukong, Yellow Pearl Voice and Rocket Girl Red save the day, but not after a dire threat is made.
Cast of Characters: Scorn, Niji Dasshu, Cho Konishi, Amanda Faust, Coco Kiumi

Scorn has posed:
Scorn's last encounter went horrible. This made her pick up the pace to the next mark. The Karaoke Crown was a perfect place to encounter world be singers. "You want to be an idol!?" Scorn tells a child. "Don't make me laugh!" she says as she eyes the girl.

"Let the reflection in the mirror turn terrible..." she says as the girl becomes engulfed in the coffin like mirror before Scorn throws her hand upwards, dressed in that white coat, the red bracer on her arm as she huffs. "Come on out. Terribad." she says with narrowed eyes.

And out forms her Terribad, a terribad with purple glasses and a scarf, holding a microphone and singing, terribly. "Terrrribbbbaddd o/~ o/~ o/~". It started to sing literal, explosive music notes across the front facade away from the Karaoke Crown and into the streets below.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji can play the electric guitar. She can play it pretty well. What Niji can not do well is sing. Much to the current amusement slash misery of her teammates who have rented a room in the Karaoke Crown and pressed her to sing. She's full of spirit - and tone deaf.

    When she gets to the end of her song, though, and goes to sit down and deal with the ribbing, she notices it - the glowing blue. Her geode is telling her something's going on.

    Couldn't this have happened before they made her sing?

    "Okay guys, lots of fun but I have to go... wash my dog." she says, running off leaving those who do know she does not have a dog quite confused.

    A multicolored bright henshin later and Geode Girl Loyalty was running out the door towards the terribad. "Hey! You sing even worse than I do which has got to be some sort of record." she says, pointing an accusatory finger at the Terribad. She does NOT introduce herself. Not by name. "It's time for you to stop this!" she says, and tries to focus the way Hinoiri taught her.

    Come on, baseball bat. Come on, baseball bat.

    And in a shimmering burst of light she conjures into her hands... a lacrosse stick. She looks at it and sighs.

    "Alright, whatever!" she says, running forward and trying to catch one of the notes in the lacrosse stick basket to hurl it back at the Terribad! She's had worse ideas. Lots. Worse. Ideas.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was, admittedly, not a good singer at all. But her roommate? Her roommate was incredible.

And Wuwu was akin to a pack of marbles in a blender with gravel. Which was why Cho was currently stuffing Wuwu into her bookbag and motioning for Coco to carry on.

Cho did, at least, enjoying singing. Coco was fun and didn't make her feel bad and while she'd never be some world famous diva or anything, it was still *fun*. Being around her best friend, singing out their hearts, just... silly nonsense. Even stuffing Wuwu in the backpack was fun, as the monkey never seemed to really mind the kind of roughhousing and almost expected it with the crud he pulled.

And then... explosions. Cho groaned. "I think we're going to have to wrap it up," she said, pulling out her compact and pen. "Shall we?" she asked Coco...

Before long, well... a pair of red boots with a red staff and a cute pink dress would land on the terribad's face, before bouncing off and landing on a pink, poofy cloud. "Hey! We were trying to have a nice, after school bit of fun! What's the big deal, huh? Why you gotta go and mess up our down time? Don't you have anything better to do?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy can sing, although she's no idol in training. Honestly she is just so excited singing anime and pop songs and being able to do the female vocals she might never get bored of this. So she'll come along with friends to karaoke every chance she can get!

    Sadly, this latest outing is interrupted by the familiar feeling of dark energy. "Oh, come on!"

    Soon enough, Magical Rocket Girl Red is on the scene. "Are those... actual damaging music notes? This is like something out of a videogame..." She tries to see if she can set them off with gyrojet bullets before they hit the street.

    "Scooorn! Heeey! Long time no see!" She also waves at the dark general cheerfully. "Well there was the other day but where've you been all this time? Did you like, go back to the desert of sadness or wherever the Phantom Empire's in? What brought you back for the other day and today?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The Karaoke Crown was in fact a perfect place to encounter singers, aspiring or otherwise. It is a place for all the people that enjoy music, and that want nothing more than let their voice carry their passion. More often that not, you would struggle not to find a mermaid at this type of events. And this occasion is not an exception either, because Coco had decided to come here singing with Cho. However Scorn had something else to say about it. "Let's go", she nods to her dear friend."

"Yellow Pearl Voice!" she declares, the pearl in her shell locket responding to her will and starting to shine with a yellow light. A keidoscope of colours covers Coco's clothes as those change into her yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt, while her pearl expands into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the jewel nestled safely in the head's center.

Rushing onto the scene, they come just in time to see Scorn use a girl to make a Terribad. "What is wrong with wanting to sing, and be an idol?" Coco steps towards the Terribad. "Singing is something beautiful, that you can use to enrich yourself, share in your emotions with others, make everyone feel happy..."

She stares up at the youma created out of a terrible future. "Everyone who sings know that. It's something that's meant to create peace and understanding, not despair and gloom.".And even now that the Terribad has inverted the dream of that girl, this place has not changed. "Whatever your terrible future has got to say about it, this is still a place of joy and nothing you do will ever trample that, Scorn.

"Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!", Coco declares before starting to sing a purifying melody in opposition with the one of the Terribad. The melody of the oceans starts narrating about the nostalgic song of a faraway world, and a promise to always be connected as long as the paradise of the seven seas is remembered, the fantasy of a night where stars like pearls release a wondrous light and give everyone a shining future.

Scorn has posed:
Scorn jumps to a higher vantage point atop a closer building. She looks down as some rainbow haired magical girl with a lacrosse stick picks up one on the music notes and sends it flying back at the Terribad, which crosses it's arms in front of it to block the assault, but is sent back flying by the kick from Cure Wukong. The rest of it's attacks explode in mid air, thanks to Gyrojet bullets setting them off mid flight. Then Yellow Pearl Voice arrives and srtarts singing in such a manner as to make Scorn cover her ears.

The Terribad, however, is now back onto it's feet as folks give speeches and ass, and counters with crooning, a literal band of notes emitting from it's general area and in a fast manner flies a line across ALL the heroes.

"It's MAGICAl GIRL HUNTER SCORN now!" she says when her name is called. "You can just call me the Magical Girl Hunter." she says coyly as the Terribad continues it's crooning, as it smooths it's obvious Elvis pompadour as it sings into it's microphone.

"We won't be happy until you all disappear." she says, ominously.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong crossed her arms, the blows of the magical notes that hit her making her cloud get pushed back. "So, does that mean when you fight a magical boy you can't fight them? Because I know a few of them! Or is this just more a you're looking for a girlfriend? Cause I may know a girl, but you really gotta work on your attitude! You're a bit too jerky at times and I don't think she'd go for that!" she called up at her.

"Besides, you wouldn't be happy if we DID all disappear! Then you'd just be lonely cause your sister wouldn't be around, either!" she yelled. Yes, she was crossing that line before rolling back, off her cloud, and to the street below.

She pulled out some pink strands of hair and tossed them into the air. Making eight of herself and...

Three of them ran off to play karaoke. And the other five actually charged the youma! Attempting to latch onto it and--

Wait, no. Three were trying that. Two of them were just trying to steal the youma's microphone to sing into it. But hey, three helping, three not helping and two sorta helping was progress!

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "That's too many words." Geode Girl Loyalty calls up to 'magical girl hunter'. "Nobody is going to use them and you don't look much like a hunter anyways!" she yells.

    "Getting rid of people won't make you happy, anyways. Nothing with Dark Energy has ever made anyone happy. You hurt people with it and that's why you hurt inside. If you want to be happy you should try being good to others!" she yells.

    Then she has to stop talking and start dodging. She's a multicolored blur moving between notes, dodging them mostly. Every once in a while one of the explosions goes off close enough to make her grit her teeth. Then she pauses on top of a telephone pole to watch... Cure Wukong's clones being... Cure Wukong's clones. Well, it's distracted, right? Probably. They were very distracted. "You see how we're already having more fun than you are? It's because protecting people feels good and so does working with others. So... today's team... let's get this big oaf! The bigger they are the harder they fall!" she says, jumping off her perch to try to bring the lacrosse stick down onto the youma's head. It wasn't as sturdy as a baseball bat but it'd connect once probably.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Magical Girl Hunter? Really? She certainly won't win any prize for originality. At least it's a good thing she is warning everyone about her. Makes it easier to form a group and stop her from doing what she intends. But Coco is certainly not going to tell her to make herself less obvious. "Is that a roundabout way to say you want to find yourself again? Because everyone here wants to help with that, your very own sister included", Coco stops singing that brief time she needs to reply.

"You may want to ask Gaito how kidnapping a group of magical girls turned out for him, besides and maybe consider the sheer difference in numbers", Coco chastises her goal before going back to singing her music of purification.

With that, she resumes singing to purify the dark ambience in the area, and at the same time the Live Stage she is in strengthens to repel the notes directed her ways.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "I mean, music can be about instilling negative emotions in the audience too, but like. There's purpose in that!" Amy points out after Coco's speech, then nods in agreement at the rest. "If you have a voice you like, that's wonderful!"

    And then she has to dive out of the way of an explosive note, barely getting clear but able to land in a roll afterwards, used to being flung around by explosions. She comes out of the roll on her knees and stands up, conjuring her launcher and firing an explosive shell at the terribad. "The Magical Girl Hunter, huh? So... Who've you hunted so far?" she asks, skeptically.

Scorn has posed:
The Terribad gets latched onto , as some try to grab at it's microphone. This interrupts the band of terrible energy being sung around the area. For whatever reason, this Terribad seems more potent than usual. Maybe Scorn really is stronger?

Geode Girl Loyalty attempts to smash it over the head, and this sends it topping over, with the Wukongs all causing it to go off kilter and off balance easier. It's a one two punch, as Yellow Pearl Voice's singing no doubt is weaking the Terribad further.

Magical Rocket Girl Red fires an explosive shell at the downed Terribad and it gets flung into the air and down into the street below, as it tries to flail to get to it's feet as it lands upside down.

Scorn starts replying in a general fashion, since many of the points are similar. "I don't care, Queen Mirage wants you all gone." she says. "-and for the billionth time I DON'T HAVE A SISTER!" she yells frantically as she leans forward in this statement. "I also don't care what your strangely attractive fishman person did or does!" she yells at Yellow Pearl Voice.

She finally answers Amy, with an exasperated. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO I'VE HUNTED!? YOUR MOM! THAT'S WHO!" she yells. Because she really is still a teenager at heart.

The Terribad eventually gets to it's feet! It brings it's microphone to it's face again to begin anothet terrible song. It's a rendition of Elvis's 'All Shook up' and the ground and area starts shaking with him!

Cho Konishi has posed:
When the terribad held up the microphone to its face... one of the wukong clones were wrapped around the microphone. Like a cat on a dome, feet and hands out, gripping the edge. Tail tickling the poor youma's nose.

It was likely ineffective. The important thing was that it was trying to sing along with the youma. And there was so much simultaneous face palming alongside the face palming that Cho did. Mostly coming from the clones.

The other one going for the microphone and an attacking one had been poofed, though. So there were now just two more, trying to knock the youma's feet out from under her.

Cure Wukong leaps up into the air, spinning her staff around and tries to bring it crashing down on the youma's head, the staff growing a good fifty or eighty feet to allow her to reach from this distance!

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Geode Girl Loyalty should not laugh at the villain's lines. She should not encourage the villain's banter. This is why Geode Girl Loyalty is glad she is very, very fast. Because she is able to zoom like a blur behind a building and snicker for a moment at Scorn's retort of "your mom, that's who" before returning to fight like an upstanding magical girl.

    "You obviously do have one or you wouldn't be so bent out of shape about it!" she replies now that she's not laughing. "Also, I don't care what Queen Mirage wants so I guess that makes us even." she notes.

    "Agh! NO MORE SINGING." she yells. Ugh, tomatoes aren't something she can summon (or would want to normally.) "Girls! Can we go for the microphone?" It makes sense. Pearl Voice needs a microphone to sing, this thing probably does need its micropjone to sing. It's a house-sized youma, of course it must follow some sort of standard rules.

    She holds out her hand to summon her bat, again - and gets a hockey stick. She looks at. "Well... that's... closer?" She really should practice this sort of thing more. As it is she follows her own suggestion and tries to dive at the hand with the microphone in it. Smash microphone. Or fingers. Or anything else, as she leaps in a rainbow-trailing arc flailing with it.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The terribad is... tougher? "Gh..." Amy growls a little in frustration. Of all the times to be without a grief seed... hopefully she won't need to hit it with multiple finishers. Amy gives chase, rocket-jumping up onto the building so she can fire down at it where it fell.

    I don't have a sister! "Yeah you do." Amy says, just to be contrarian at this person. She fires another explosive down at the fallen Terribad, then turns towards Scorn and quirks an eyebrow at her referring to Gaito.


    Amy actually laughs at that totally unexpected answer. "What are you, a 13-year-old boy?!" She then pauses and appears to be considering the possibility, even if it's already been stated Scorn is Cure Tide's sister. "...Wait shit, are you? Damn, that's rough, buddy." Keep the villain vrbally off-balance!

    And then everything is shaking. "Woah!" Amy crouches down and places one hand on the building below to steady herself.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The perk of being in a Live Stage is that Coco doesn't have to worry about the ground shaking, or it breaking apart or any other land-based attack. Honestly, her comment about Gaito is much more of an attack than that.

'Her... strangely attractive Fishman person? Did I really hear that?' she thinks as she tries to keep up her own song of purifying energy. She guesses that it's true that everyone can be an idol then. You just had to have your own fans no matter your situation (and making them didn't count of course).

"Scorn, no matter how much you are going to deny it, but you do have a sister. Tide and Gull-chan both will always have a place for you, because both of them love you. The least you can do is accept that, because we are going to repeat that forever", Coco insists to her.

"Splash Dream: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!" She sings of a Splash Dream of aiming for a paradise, kicking the waves barefoot and leaving the tears to the sea, a big wave of love whose song resounds eternally, the tale of messages drawn in stardust that move through the transparent love that surround the seven seas.

Scorn has posed:
The Terribad gets smashed in the head by Cure Wukong's giant staff and is quickly smashed to the ground. It wasn't looking so hot before, but it looks even more weaker and hurt more. Then Geode Girl Loyalty makes a play for the microphone and hits a goal, it's hands open in pain and the giant microphone falls to the ground. Then Amy blows up another explosive into the Terribad and sends it flying back up to the top of the building. "Terri...bad...." it groans.

"I DON'T HAVE A DUMB SISTER!" she yells at Loyalty and Rocket Girl Red. "-ALSO I'M A GIRL." Yells out Scorn. "Arggggh, why don't you magical chumps ever listen!" she says lamenting.

Meanwhile, without it's microphone, the Terribad is defenseless, on it's back making swirly eyes over it's sunglasses as it's pompadour is a mess. It's precious precious haircut! ;_; It's probably time to put it out of it's misery!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong grinned and nodded. "You're right, Scorn! You don't have a dumb sister!" Cure Wukong yelled.


"You have a really awesome sister who loves you and is going to bring you home one day!" Cure Wukong yelled. "And today is just one part of that!"

Cure Wukong leaped up onto her cloud, before she began doing her elemental poses and...

"72 earthly transformations purification!"

A beam of pink, purifying magic would shoot out from her, straight at the youma! "Time to put an end to this dastardly dittying dolt!"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "Really, Scorn, there's nothing for you with Mirage or anyone at Obsidian. All they want is destruction and despair." Geode Girl Loyalty says. "But bringing despair to other people will never make you happy." she says. "Why don't YOU try listening, huh?" Okay, so the lawful good act fell apart there at the end. She started it well though.

    "Anyways, speaking of not making you happy, it's time to send your big friend there to... wherever he came from, and save all the people you are terrorizing and/or capturing!" she yells. She's not really sure which but it's gotta be one of them with these bad guys.

    "I'll keep it isolated!" she shouts. "Lets go!" And then she's dashing off, and instead of throwing an attack at the Terribad, she just starts to run circles around it, keeping it isolated behind the rainbow circle blur. Or, more or less, painting a big target for everyone to launch stuff into.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I will knock the purification up a notch!", Coco tells the other mahous as she raises her right arm, the bracelet on her wrist shining with white light as a halo of yellow light moves downwards from the mermaid princess's head: her clothes change: her left glove now adheres to her arm with a pattern made up of water ripples, while on her left leg a stocking has shown up with the same water ripple pattern, and on her right hand and on her legs a yellow glove and boots with flowy extensions show up.

Corals radiate outwards from her neck, covered by a transparent veil with brown pearls and white stars decorating it, the same decoration that is applied to the layer of fabric extending backwards and downwards from above her skirt, another layer with the water ripple pattern on the outside extending in much the same way from below the skirt. The E-Pitch mic finally changes in an E-Pitch Headset that descends on Coco's head, the yewel nestled safely on the right side.

"For my second and last piece: The Tale of the Seven Seas ~Pearls of Mermaid~: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!" Coco sings of embracing a dream: the journey to find the story that leads all lives to paradise, a treasure that is surely shimmering beyond the seven seas.

The words of the mermaid princess call back to a lute, whose melody that resounded at dawn was similar to a sweet lullaby from her hometown. The enchanted melody shows everyone's hearts the peace the mermaid princesses wish to protect with their songs, a beautiful paradise when nobody has to hurt. Just when the performance ends, she extends her arm towards the Terribad smiling, voicing "Fine Heart Pitch!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is surprised at how far this thing is knocked around by explosions. Normally she can't send giant monsters flying even with more powerful attacks! Maybe it's... made of... music? Is music lighter weight than matter?

    She lets the purifiers handle finishing it off at this point, standing back up and turning to Scorn with a hand on her hip. "Yeah, you have a wonderful and smart sister." She says at the same time as Wukong, having the same idea but not saying it as well.

    Then she holds out her hand as if saying, 'Well...'

    "Listen to what, exactly? Like, what point do you think we haven't gotten? You're here to spread despair, we understand, and we fight you to stop it. You hunt us, and we're fighting you back." She shakes her head. "It doesn't sound like us listening or not is your problem, here."

Scorn has posed:
Geode Girl Loyalty's spin lets Wukong's attack become more concentrated as Yellow Pearl Voice's purification help amps things up even more as the Terribad says "Sooo Relaxing....!" before disspating into nothing, leaving a rather angry Scorn in it's place.

Who suddenly gets eerily calm.

"I could win right now." she suddenly says as she throws back her hand and launches a powerful slash of red energy towards Yellow Pearl Voice. It's a warning shot and not expertly aimed however. It's meant to smash into the background behind her. "I'm not like that loser, Phantom." she says. "You're all tired from fighting that monster. How long could you fight me for?" she asks cooly.

"....Perhaps we'll find out next time." she says, giving a smile.

With that she'll turn and walk through a mirror door, away from the fight. She's had enough talking for now. She'll be less naive next time...

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong opened her mouth. She wanted to argue. She wanted to snap at Scorn. She wanted to... even... disagree.

But, admittedly? Watching that slash of red energy going at her best friend, she was about to leap, only to see it go off and past her...

And she relaxed, but there was still that feeling. That ominous, wary, worrying feeling. That something was wrong. That something terrible might happen...

That they might be in more danger.

She gave Wuwu a look, but he seemed uncaring of the threat. He, at least, seemed to trust they could handle it. Cho... wasn't so sure.

"So, ummmmm, who wants to go back to karaoke? I think it's Yellow Voice's turn?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "I'm not tired! I could do this all day!" Geode Girl Loyalty yells. "And even if I -was- tired, you don't get any points for bringing a giant monster and then blaming us for being tired." she adds.

    Of course, after Scorn leaves GGL lets out a massive sigh and leans against a nearby building. "Okay maybe I'm a little tired." she admits.

    "But... that... was... awesome." she adds, with a little bit less enthusiasm than she wants because of all the running. "We had rockets and purifying music and a dozen monkey people and she had like. Bad music and a mirror. psh." she adds, running a hand through her hair and taking a little bit more of a breather for the moment.

    "Oh, you guys were doing karaoke too?" she asks. "I wonder if my team is even still there... maybe if not, I can hang out with you?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco sighs as the warning shot crashes somewhere in the background behind her. It's honestly a displeasure that she wants to have the final word so much, but she supposes wouldn't be brainwashed if she had actually acknowledged the true desires of her family. "Act grand all you like, Scorn, I stand by my position", she remarks to the corrupted girl.

At least everything is back to normal for now, until the confrontation with her happens again, she notes grimly. "I don't mind giving the others a turn before me if they want to join the two of us", Coco smiles at the two other mahous. Then again, she isn't aware yet of Loyalty's mundane identity, so she wasn't sure if staying in her magical form was going to be a bother for her. "You would be welcome to hang out with us!" Loyalty is promptly informed with 0 hesitation.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy tries to keep a neutral expression until Scorn leaves. So far, Scorn has yet to seem as scary as Phantom, but Amy also doesn't want to taunt her into using her full power, or reveal anything about her own magic reserves.

    She had bad music and a mirror. "She used to have these feathers that drained everyone's energy." Amy observes.

    And... back to Karaoke, just like that? "Sure! Let's all karaoke together! ...Hmm, I guess I've been going a bit heavy on the anime songs, any like... other good songs with female vocals you'd reccomend as fun to sing?"