1945/Baby Come Back!

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Baby Come Back!
Date of Scene: 14 September 2024
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: Utau wants Hinote back in her life. Seiko discovers that one of her Idol's isn't what she thought she'd be.
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Utau Hoshina, Hinote Kagari

Seiko Akai has posed:
Today is a rather lovely Saturday. The sun is shining. Birds are chirping. There are a few clouds in the sky just hovering over head giving a little shade and making the temperature absolutely fantastic! The lovely day has lead to at least one person to make the most of it. That person would be Seiko Akai.

Seiko decided that today was too nice a day to waste sitting inside her dorm all day. So she decided to grab her keyboard and shlep it all the way to Pikarigaoka ward. She made her way to Pinguin park where she set up the keyboard as well as a small bench for her to sit on while playing. Happily she sits down and gets comfy before playing a few chords and adjusting the volume of the keyboard.

Sitting on the edge of the keyboard is Hoshi, Seiko's Chara. The Chara happens to be just chilling on the edge of the keyboard which makes her look sorta like a doll. That would help if anyone could see her but only those who are magical could see her anyway so? Maybe she could pretend to be a doll to magical people?

Seiko smiles and begins playing an old Queen song. She even sings it. "Caaaaaan Anybodyyyyy Find meeeeee Somebody toooo Loveeeee!" Then she plays the piano lead in it making sure it sounds nice and sweet.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau Hoshina has found him after a few days of searching for the detective. The guy sure knows how to evade. but now he's in a wide open park! Now he's being pursued!

"You can't run away forever you jerk!" she yells across from Seiko's keyboard, which no doubt Hinote is now nearby. "You took me on a date then left me forever!" she crocodile tears outloud.

Follwing Utau is two charas. Il, the devil chara, that yells out. "YEAH YOU BIG JERK HEARTBREAKER!" and El, the angel chara. "Can't we talk about this miss Utau? Don't you even remember that period correctly!?" she preaches.

Il and El get into a dust cloud fite in mid air for the second.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari saw Seiko from a distance and started in to say hello when Utau started yelling at him and soon he was racing away. Tracy was with him and he was walking quicker and when he was closer to Seiko he raised a hand. "Shhheee broke up with me, first of all, and two timed me and now she wants me back." he splays his hands. "Solve that mystery for me." he says dramatically.

He suddenly turns towards Utau to make his stand. "Go away, Hoshina-san. You broke up with me, you two timed me, now you want me back!? What did thing not work out between you and mister sportsball!?" he asks loudly, because this is already a big hubub.

"Yeah what gives youse mugs!" says Tracy.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko hears the shouting and looks up. She sees the familiar face of Hinote and... Wait is that Utau Hoshina?! Suddenly Seiko's nerves are through the roof. An actual Idol? HERE? In the Park? Where she happens to be playing? Its a little overwhelming for her but she takes a deep breath and starts singing

"Each morning I get up I die a little Can barely stand on my feet
Take a look in the mirror and cry, Lord what are ya doing to me
I spent all my years in believing you
But I just can get no relief LORD
Somebody. Somebody. Can anybody find me
Somebody to love...

Hoshi is the one that notices the two charas dust clouding. "Seiko-chan, I think Utau is like us." She comments as she makes note of the charas.

Seiko blinks a few times, "Oh. Umm Okay..." She trails the music off and lets it come to a close. "Umm Nice to see you Hinote-san." She looks between Utau and Hinote. "Wait, Hinote-san? You dated Utau Hoshina?" Her jaw drops. Hoshi flies up and pushes her jaw shut. "Oh umm... I dunno what to say. I don't have a lot of experience in the love area." She idly starts playing a little music. Nothing flashy. Just some chords that sound good together and a little melodic filler.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
The dust cloud fite ends with a predictable result, at least for people that know Utau, Il wins the fight and El gets knocked into a tree. "Il wins again!" she says. Il races after Utau.

"Yeah!?" goes Utau. "W...well sportsball kid was too competitive, alright!? So you're still my backup!" she calls out, pointing dramatically at Hinote Kagari. Also is someone trying to SING OVER HER!? Seiko Akai gets such a look. It's a look of disdain, which quickly passes over to Hinote.

"Besides, it isn't a mystery why I want you back!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari turns to face Seiko and grimaces. "I'm sorry. I didn't bring this here on purpose, but you're helping." he says as he turns back to Utau and Il. "Look. It's over Utau. You literarly two timed me at Princess Prom and expected me to play alo---"

'Mystery'. "...Mystery...." he goes darkly as Tracy turns to Hinote and goes. "MYSTERY, HINOTE!" he goes as Tracy forces a Chara Change.

Hinote Kagari gains a fedora. He points at Utau and says. "Listen here, you moll, You all dumped me last months horse race tickets" speaking like a gruff actor from the 1920's. "After using me up and forcing me to go along with your dumb two-timing plan." he says.

"So whatcha gonna do about it, dollface." he says, sarcastically at the end there. "You can't force me to date you, after all. You mook." he says.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko continues idly playing her keyboard. She has no real idea what is going on. Her attention goes to Hinote and she smiles, "Okay, happy to help I guess." She winces a little as she watches as the dustfite comes to a close and the clear winner pats herself on the back. "Times like this I am happy that I only have one of you, Hoshi-chan." She softly speaks as watches Utau and Hinote do their exchange.

Hoshi looks at Seiko and smiles, "Me too! I wouldn't want to fight a brother or sister." She comments.

Seiko stops playing, "Brother? I don't think you'd have a brother." She comments feeling a bit awkward.

"You never know!" Hoshi comments as she watches the other Charas.

Seiko shakes her head and her eyes go wide as she watches a chara change happen. Its the first time she's seen someone else get chara changed. She is actually comforted by the fact that she isn't the only one it happens to. Quietly she starts playing again, just adding some music to the background.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau Hoshina wasn't trying to force a chara change. But now she knows a trigger. This makes her laugh and point at Hinote. "Hahahaha...!" she goes. Il also laughs. El finally catches up and 'tsks' at the fun making.

Then Utau gets dark and her look gets sort of hollow. "If you won't go out on a date with me, I'll steal the heart eggs of everyone here. I'm supposed to be doing that anyways! but maybe I'll change me mind with a date~" she goes, giving a sinister little giggle that Il reciprocates.

She looks back to Seiko. Who gets a narroweyed look. "Who the heck are you, anyways?" she asks.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
"If you won't go out on a date with me, I'll steal the heart eggs of everyone here...."

It's this phrase that pushes him out of Chara-change as he gets really angry. "You wouldn't dare. I'll stop you." he says with mellodrama. He wouldn't know how, maybe he can ask Madoka for a purifi---

Seiko! She's a purifier. Hopefully she'd stay to help.

But is a fight worth it? He ughs and looks stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Don't worry, Hinote, I can take 'em!" says Tracy, shadowboxing the air.

"L-ook, just... give me a moment." he says, rubbing his temples, closing his eyes. ugh.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko frowns. "Wait... You would do that? I... I looked up to you and you would do something so cruel? Just because Hinote-san doesn't want to go on a date with you?"

Hoshi flies up and just hovers over her shoulder. She nods to Seiko as if to say she is with her if things get bad.

"Seiko Akai, Grade 7. Nice to meet you, Utau Hoshina-san." She makes a point to say her name showing she does in fact know who she is talking to. "I love your work, not so much the idea of you making X-eggs though. That is just an awful thing." She frowns.

She turns her attention to Hinote. "Its okay Hinote-san. You can say no." She states reassuringly. "You don't have to sacrifice yourself because of this cruel gesture!" She frowns.

"Utau you are an amazing singer. You are living the dream and you would use that dream to steal the dreams of others?" She asks with pain in her heart.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau Hoshina huffs. "No need to introduce myself then." she says coyly at Seiko. "-and of course I'd do that, what do dumb people with dumb dreams do with them anyways?" she asks, spreading her hands wide at all the presence in the park. "They're better in Easter's pockets." she says.

She considers kicking over Seiko's keyboard, but something inside stops her. That's El. Something is still making her turn back towards Hinote. That's Il.

"You better make up your mind you dumb boy!" she says, turning to Hinote.

"Yeah, you should listen, you punk!" says Il, floating upwards next to Hinote's opposite side is El. "You should do what your heart wants!" preaches El. Both float back over to Utau's sides.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari frowns and points at Utau. "Seiko really looks up to you can you not act like a total....total..." he says angrily. "...jerkbag." says Tracy, for Hinote.

"Right. Not act like a total jerkbag to her!" he says. He frowns.

"Look Utau, it's over. You left me for some other guy. Literarily. So I'm sure some other boy will fall for your allure. But it won't be me but..."

"We'll always have Princess Prom." he says, tugging down an imaginary Fedora as he looks away from Utau.

"Them's the breaks!" says Tracy at Utau.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko gasps. "People look up to you with stars in their eyes. Dreaming of being like you. I was one of them. Now I see you for who you are and you are just cruel. That you would look down on others because they have not realized their dreams? Its cold." She frowns and shakes her head.

"You don't have to be like her Seiko-chan. You can be better. You will be better! Remember, You're a Star!" Hoshi smiles to her bearer and then turns to look at Utau. "There are children in those eggs. Just like me and Tracy and your two Charas! Why would you deny someone their dreams? Not everyone is ready to see their dreams like you, Hinote-san and Seiko-chan. It is rather selfish of you to do that." Hoshi snaps.

Seiko puts her hand out and pushes Hoshi back. "Calm down Hoshi-chan. We know the truth now and I know I can be an Icon that those kids can look up to and still keep their dreams!" She looks to Utau. "You can too, you know? You can be more than just an idol. You can be a reason for those hearts eggs to hatch naturally. A chance to be truly amazing."

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau listens to Seiko's and Hoshi's outbursts first. She runs a finger under one of her twintails and flicks as she says. "Like I care what a nobody says. So the gaudy little idol brat here belongs to you?" she asks Seiko about Hoshi. "How lame." she says. She's heard this whole rigamole before from various sources. Including both exboyfriends.

She shoots Hinote such a glare. "Don't hide behind dumb movie quotes, you, you... ugh!" she gets red in the face. "This is dumb. I'm leaving. If I ever meet you again, Hinote Kagari, I'll....I'll....!" she says before exploding into a frustrating sound and starting to storm away. Il and El are following after. Only El looks back with confusion a moment. "I wonder what that was all about to begin with!?" she says before turning to the group and floating away with them.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari watches Utau leave and doesn't add more fuel to this particular fire. So he doesn't say anything to her. El, as she looks back, gets a small wave and then he looks down and to the right at Seiko. "One of the Mysteries I have a casefile for is Utau Hoshina. I want to know what it means when a girl has opposing charas. A Devil...and an Angel Chara. A lot like if a kid over there had an exterminator chara, but also an ant one? or a police chara but also a robber chara." he says with a little rub of his hair.

"Sorry about all that, too." he says to Seiko.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko frowns and sighs. "I thought she was someone to strive to be like. But she is just really mean isn't she?" She asks feeling a little hurt by the whole thing. "She could be so much more than just an idol using her power to harm." She sighs. "I'm going to be better then her! I just know it!"

Hoshi smiles a little and nods, "You totally can! We can make you one of the best Idols ever! Your star shines brighter than one that wants to harm. A destructive shooting star burns out bright but the ones that stay in the sky burn brighter longer!" Hoshi smiles happily.

"Errr... I don't think I get that one Hoshi-chan." She looks over to Hinote. "What does it mean to have an angel and a devil Chara? I didn't know that they could be so... like that." She shrugs curiously trying to wrap her head around the whole thing.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looks over to Seiko again. "I don't have any idol world contacts.. well..." he eyes the leaving/left Utau before looking back. "...anymore." he says. "Else I would poke you at someone to speak to." he says. "Besides. You don't want her label. I know her step dad is Easter's current Director. And I already warned you about them." he says.

"I uh. Didn't do anything too weird when Tracy forced the dumb chara change, did he?" he asks with a ugh. He gives Tracy a sideeye.

Tracy gives a thumb up and a wink.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko shakes her head, "So Utau is under Easter's label? That is really sad. Maybe I can find another label that will sign me. I don't know the first thing about doing it. I got the dream, the talent, and the passion for it but the know how is beyond me." She sighs and shakes her head. "I will figure it out. Maybe I should spend some time looking up labels?" She considers this. "It will work, I just know it."

She looks at Hinote and shakes her head. "No, You only shot down Utau-san. It was pretty fun to watch to be honest. I don't feel as bad now for when Hoshi does it to me. I mean it felt like I was the only one that happened to."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari sighs and closes his eyes. "Some of us have. Triggers. That might trigger your chara into controlling you. For me? It's the word 'Mystery' or inferring an investigation is needed. I become Hinote Kagari. Hardboiled 1920's detective." he says with some spectacle.

He smiles. "I think our triggers are personal. So no reason to share yours." he says. "But I know mine. Some of haven't sussed it out yet." he says.

"Heh. I shot down that girl after Princess Prom. she two timed and expect me to just be arm candy. It was dumb. I was over it." he admits. "At that point."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko nods slowly. "I don't think I have a trigger. Hoshi just kinda changes me when she thinks I need to be more idol like." She sighs. "I think I am going to head back to campus." She states as she walks to her Keyboard and begins packing it up.

Hoshi smiles to Hinote, "Don't worry. I don't think Tracy would let you do anything dangerous. Right Tracy?" She smiles to the detective chara before turning back to Seiko. She quickly flies over to join her.

Seiko looks at Hinote. "I will see you soon. You stay safe and try not to annoy Easter employees!" She giggles over that given how angry that Utau was. "See you later." She picks up her things and heads off.