Family Line (Kureha Senkenzan)

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Family Line (Kureha Senkenzan)
Date of Cutscene: 15 September 2024
Location: On the phone
Synopsis: After meeting another Youkai Musume, Kureha calls one of the two people in her life she can actually talk to about it.
Cast of Characters: Kureha Senkenzan

In an old-fashioned estate on the western side of Kyoto, a very modern smartphone rings, just after dinner. It doesn't ring for long at all before Kiyomi Senkenzan answers; only a scant few people have this particular number, all of them family, or near enough to it. But she's even quicker to answer given whose name is on the caller ID.

"My, what a wonderful surprise. Good evening, Kureha."

"Good evening, grandmother. I hope the day has treated you well."

"Oh, well enough. I have a hot bath waiting to soak these old bones for a bit."

"Ah, that's... I apologize. If you would prefer, this conversation can be delayed-"

"Nonsense, girl. I know you well enough by now to know if you're calling me out of the blue, you have a good reason. So, out with it. Grandma Kiyomi's listening."

"...i-if you insist. I'm not certain how to put this, but I am... not alone."

"The brat's got one of his harpies hovering around and listening in, does he? If it's Yozakura, let me-"

"-ah, no, that is not what I meant. I... I am no longer alone, grandmother. There is another."

"...ah." A pause. "Well, go on. Which one is it?"

"Ice. A yuki-onna. I suspected the first time I met her, when I saw her magatama pendant. But today, she transformed. I know little about her as a person, but she seems... agreeable, at least."

"My, my. I don't even know the last time two Youkai Musume stood together. Long before my time, I'm sure. Did you want me to consult the clan archives, dear?"

"No, no. For now, there's no need. I simply..." A pause. "...needed to tell someone, I suppose. I would like to try and navigate this situation myself. But I shall call if I need advice, or information."

"Hohoho. Learning to stand on your own two feet, now. Naeka would be proud of you, child."

"Th-thank you."

"I do have one request to make of you, Kureha. Not as your grandmother, but as the head of the Senkenzan family."

Kureha's tone stiffens a little. "Yes?"

Likewise, Kiyomi's words grow more formal. "Whichever family she descends from, she is an ally. Though the two of you may only have just met, her blood marks her as a friend of the Senkenzan line. Trace it far back enough, and you and she come from the same place. We Senkenzan are oni. We are guardians. And we remember our debts and our allies. Watch over her, unless she gives you a good reason otherwise."

The answer is formal, and immediate. "I will, without a doubt."

"And you call your grandmother to tell me all about her once you know more! Goodness, another Youkai Musume showing up after all this time..."

"R-right. I'll call again soon."