Texts: sunshine in your heart. also pings

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Texts: sunshine in your heart. also pings
Date of Scene: 14 September 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Having learned Laura is recruiting, Usagi contacts Hinoiri to see if she's still hoping to find magic. Meanwhile, Hinoiri's had her own recent adventures - including one that involved a ping...but from Gaito?! Could that be a coincidence? (Events referenced are in scenes 1944 and 1946)
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Hinoiri Kirara

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: hey hinoiri-chan
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Hey lil bunny. Wassup?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you still looking for magic? your rock hasn't done anything glowy and cool?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Nah. Got attacked in a shop the other day and had to run from one of Gaito's jerks. THAT was humiliating. I swear I saw one of his girls drink the wrong way from a cup once...
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: well they are mermaids. maybe they don't use cups under the water
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: anyway! that's not important. i met someone who says she's looking for people who might mesh with her magic. she said she's willing to meet up with you sometime. i'm kinda on odaiba in the middle of some things right now, but when we're back, i figure you should meet her?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Oh. Ohhhh trust me. They use cups. Don't even get me STARTED on Gaito. Always there with his half empty glass of wine UNDERWATER! Put a gosh darn shirt on, I swear. And ohhhh, really? That sounds pretty great! I'd love to meet her. I'm currently in the middle of trying to figure out what those idiots are trying to track down. They got some kind of scanner thing I swiped and I'm fiddling with.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: what idiots? the ones from Gaito? And - what?! He can drink wine under water?! how?!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yes. she's a pretty cure. she's looking for people who can mesh with her? and who have sunshine in their hearts? to fight the Witch of Decay or something like that. If you can do all of that, then she'd probably be thrilled to have you.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: wait, what scanner are you fiddling with?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: So, are you familiar with the concept of underwater beaches? Basically, brine pools. Denser liquid will float to the bottom. And like, magic, probably. Sunshine... in their... hearts? I ummm, can probably do that. And yeah, Gaito. They were doing a dark energy fashion thing and they had a gps and I stole it and was going to force feed it to her but then, well, magic. I hate being a civilian.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i think it's like, drive? because the witch of delays steals motivation energy? and i mean you're the most motivated person i know.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: so i'm hoping it will work out!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i am not familiar with underwater beaches and... that's so weird! but a gps huh? i wonder where it goes.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I... thank you. For thinking about me. Well, I think it's looking for something. It was making like... pings and stuff. I should probably ask Yellow Pearl about it. I'll bug her later.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: it was making pings? when did that happen?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: When we were at the shop. It kept like, getting this weird expanding gps signature thing on it. Probably looking for mermaid stuff.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: well that's not good!! especially since they kidnap mermaids, like yellow-chan said. maybe... with the scanner you have, is it still sending out the ping?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Not anymore! :D
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you stopped it? awesome! do you... since you still have their gizmo, do you think you could idk, track it or stop it again?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I mean, possibly? I haven't really like... taken apart any electronics and put them back together since I first got here, and even then it was from some phones I stole. It didn't go well. Other than turning this off I'm still not sure how much I can do with it.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: that's fair. i don't really know how to take things apart either... but Rashmi and Mercury and Setsuna would probably know best about that kind of thing...
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Ohhhh. Usagi and Setsuna are cool. Not... a huge fan of Mercury, honestly. I helped her out once and she responded by kicking me in the groin.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: helped her out how? because mercury is usually like the calmest person i know. not that a groin kick was nice!! that sounds pretty mean actually
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and yeah, Suna-san is a friend of mine. She's cool. Intense sometimes, but cool.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Admittedly, I was Sunbreaker at the time. She was going on about how she could only make some like... mists and stuff. And I gave her some encouragement and guidance. I figured she could do a lot more than just a bit of mist. And I was right. And then she kicked me in the groin in the middle of the fight when I was congratulating her.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i ask this as nicely as i can but were you asking in a nice way or in a sunbreaker way. because. sunbreaker could be really mean.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: either way, she's like the biggest genius i know, but i don't know if she's a mechanics like, pulling it apart and all
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Asking? I wasn't asking. She said she could only do mist stuff and I was like 'No, you can do so much more!' ... I mean, sure, I was her enemy but come on. Standards.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: either way. it doesn't really matter, i guess, it's been a long time, you don't have to like everyone i like, but... i'll tell suna-san what you saw. and maybe there's a way we'll end up working together on this thing. if nothing else, it was weird, right?