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Date of Scene: 19 September 2024
Location: Cafeteria Plaza
Synopsis: Yukihime and Onihime sit down, compare descendant-of-purified-monster notes, and find common ground.
Cast of Characters: Kureha Senkenzan, Miho Inada

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    The bell has rung, and school has out. Many students are returning to their dorms or homes, and many more are participating in club activities. Ordinarily, Kureha Senkenzan would be one of the latter; even though Yozakura might scowl over the thought of the young lady doing servant work, Kureha has taken an interest in cooking.

    (Okay, let's be honest, it's partly BECAUSE Yozakura hates the idea that Kureha does it! But only partly.)

    But today, Kureha has spoken with the club members and advised them she needs to step out for the day and speak with someone. That gives her all the time she needs to head up to the rooftop of Radiant Heart Academy, sit down, and quietly wait. She may or may not have brought a bag of snacks to nibble on while she waits. It also may or may not be a little weird to see the young lady in school uniform, since she pretty much exclusively wears kimonos or yukatas otherwise, including her transformed state.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Most days, Miho would have done some archery practice, kendo practice, did some running, and then listened to some of the new mixes after grabbing some dinner. However, today was a little different. There were questions that needs answers. And there's only one person she knows who seems to have any idea of whats going on. And after having two major fights, and passing out after both fights, Miho knows she can't continue this trend. Especially given that she's running herself on empty.

    The young woman heads up to the rooftop, carrying with her two curry bowls form the cafeteria. No sense going to a meeting on an empty stomach. As she opens the door to the rooftop, its almost instant that she notices exactly where Kureha is sitting. It still makes her wonder just how much of this is her, and how much is it Yukihime to notice somebody without seeing them first.

    "Good evening, I brought up some food.", Miho says as she heads over to Kureha. "I think we both have some major questions for each other?", she asks. The woman walks over, and places a bowl in front of Kureha. "Though, I think I'm understanding the answer to my first question, given the rumor I heard about you a few years ago. That you were sickly, but as I see, you're a long ways from that. Oni's influence?", she asks.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    "Correct on the first guess," Kureha replies, regarding Miho with a curious look. "Radiant Heart's 'medical miracle girl'. I have been frail and weak since I was little, until an... altercation, summer of last year, at a museum. The doctors will, of course, tell you that I was somehow revitalized by all the adrenaline. I will tell you that I was revitalized by the awakening of my bloodline."

    There is a pause, and then a glance at the offered bowl. Then, very slightly awkwardly, Kureha adds, "...I-I would offer you some of this in return, but it's... exceptionally spicy." She nods down to the snack bag in her hand, before setting it aside. It's within arm's reach, and the warning has been issued.

    "To begin with," she continues, her tone a bit more serious, "I would hazard a guess that your magatama pendant has been passed down in your family, for many, many generations."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho takes off her magatama hairpin, and her prayer bracelet. She puts them on the ground in front of her. THere's a shiver, and the young woman kinda looks around for a moment, feeling uneased about taking off the hairpin. If one looks at the pair, the hairpin is clearly much more refined, while the prayer beads look something like a pale imitation of the hairpin. Or that somebody who might of learned form a master, and tried to do on their own. While the beads are good work, they're nothing compared to the hairpin.

    "The beads and the hairpin come from both sides of my family, for a very long time, yes. The pin came from my mother's side, many of them were mikos. The beads are from my father. They were passed down on his side. Somehow though, Yukihime seems to understand the beads, as well as the use...of spells? I've seen you work magic, but not like that.", Miho comments.

    The young woman watches the other for a moment. "I must assume that it is much the same for you. Was Oni trying to protect you, or did he...give you trouble?", she asks. The woman looks at the snacks. "And it is fine, I shall pass on that. Spicy isn't my thing. Thank you though."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Some of the phrasing leads Kureha to cant her head slightly, with a mix of curiosity and puzzlement. "It... seems it might be different for me than it is you. I cannot say that I've felt another presence. When I transform, it is more as if a side of me that had been sleeping is finally awake. I do have instincts, however. Most magical girls seem to know the basics of fighting once they transform, but for me, it's... further. I understand fighting. The flow of battle itself. Feints, strategies for fighting opponents... it's as if combat experience is in my very blood."

    Kureha slips a hand in under her blouse, and draws her own magatama out as well. The actual magatama bead itself looks... not identical to Miho's, but definitely as if it was made by the same hand, at the same time. "I cannot speak to the prayer beads, but I can tell you that your magatama bead came into your mother's family in Kyoto, during the Heian era. That is where the Youkai Musume find their origin. And these are both beads from the Yasakani-no-Magatama."

    It's only now that Kureha finally takes up her bowl, and begins to eat. She is somehow both graceful, and very, very fast at devouring her food.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a bit. She takes a deep breath as she watches Kureha. "It might be the same, and I just feel...like she's a different part that I've never known about. It just feels so...different to me though. Like how I can sense things that others seem to have trouble with.", she says. THe woman takes a moment to pick up her food, and takes a few bites before she starts chomping down on it.

    It doesn't take long to go through the food. "When we were fighting, I felt like I knew everything you were going to do. Hinote seems to think its cause since we're both the same that we have a natural senergy. I think its a little deeper then that. Live combat...shouldn't feel like that.", she states. Miho shakes her head a little bit. "Sorry. Just...trying to make sense of something that I don't understand. If I recall though, Onis are mostly instinctive brutish creatures? No offense. And I can only guess a bit, but I think my bloodline has a Yuki-onna, who were snow madiens. They lived in mountains. Maybe that has something to do with it? If there were another like us, we could ask how the presence feels with them.", she says.

    "Still, when I was fighting with other magic girls, it did not feel quite the same. Like I could ride the instinct, but it wasn't the same. I needed to stop to think things a bit more. Then again, I was raised, training with somebody who was a fighter. Fighting is a bit like a second nature to me. Maybe Yukihime is more of my...intelligent side given motion?", she asks.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Kureha listens, quiet and thoughtful, considering how Miho describes the experience and the thoughts she's offering. The girl's eating actually slows down a little, though she still goes through it at a steady pace. "Yuki-onna... that would match with the ice manipulation you displayed. It's possible." She lowers her bowl for a moment. "I can speak to our families' shared history, but other than that, I have only my own experiences to go on. But it would make sense. The oni's sharpened senses, strength and toughness, their instinct for battle... those all come to me naturally. Yuki-onna are far less brute-force far more intelligent as youkai go. It also may be possible that your father's line has brought you additional gifts. If we can inherit the blood of youkai, it's not that far-fetched."

    Already, Kureha's food is gone - prompting a slightly embarrassed look when she realizes. "...did your appetite increase? I had always assumed it was the oni in me, greater appetites and a need for more food to support my might."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a bit. "Yes, it has. By a lot, but from what I've seen, and experienced, only naturally so.", she says. The woman takes a long moment to think things out a little bit. "Keep in mind, this is just how my dad explained things to me. Fighters eat a special type of diet cause our bodies are like engines, and food is fuel. When I look at how we both have changed when transformed, it takes a lot out of our bodies. I mean, I think I grow claws and fangs? You grow horns. Think how much that must take out of us. Then add in our use of magic. It would be only natural to need more fuel to use.", she says. THe woman bites her lip a little bit.

    "I don't know much about my father's bloodline. He said in the distant past, there were a few omyojis in the family, but that was back when they were a big thing.", she says. Miho takes out a protein bar, and passes it over. She has another on her that she opens up, and chomps on. "No matter how much I eat, I still feel hungry. Then again, I fought two battles within a day.", she tells. "I did feel confused when you have mentioned demanding power. Maybe it was my imgination playing tricks on me to prompt me into action, but I felt like I had to convince Yuki-onna to help me.", she says.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Again, Kureha listens, nodding her head faintly. "I see. I... I had never followed much regarding physical fitness or fighting, so I wouldn't know. What you say makes sense, though." She goes back to her bag of snacks, taking it a bit slower. "Perhaps your father's bloodline goes back far as well. An onmyouji was involved in the creation of the Youkai Musume. I would be surprised if you did not know his name."

    When she puts it like that, there's only two names it could be - Abe-no-Seimei or Ashiya Douman. It's not hard to guess which one it is, even before she speaks again. "My clan's records are somewhat sparse after a thousand years, but I know that Seimei partnered with a priestess, and together they purified a number of youkai, inviting them to live in Kyoto as the heads of new families. Those are our ancestors." She closes her eyes, nodding her head faintly. "If Seimei truly was gifted, it's entirely possible other onmyouji lines existed as well."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a little bit as she listens. "Could be that my bloodline, Yuki-Onna had learned some of the Onmyouji magics, and its passed down to me. My family did not keep much records. I was basically told of certain...bloodlines to pay attention to, and if things were iffy, speak with them. I mean, I don't know if your clan had sponsored my dad during his fighitng days, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did. Even if it was with the use of a shell company.", Miho says.

    She nods her head a bit though. "Abe-no-Seimei. He was like...the Japanese version of Merlin. Makes me wonder if Princess Himiko was real as well.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath as she stretches out. "I could help you develop a fitness plan, if you like. If we treat our bodies better untransformed, does that make our other state stronger?", she asks.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Kureha looks thoughtful at the mention of her family. "The Senkenzan have been largely content to maintain their position in Kyoto. These days none of them even believe in the supernatural anymore, save for my grandmother. But it's possible. From what little I know of our clan history, we have always been proud to act as protectors."

    She looks down at her hand, curling and uncurling her fingers. "That is what prompted my first transformation. My attendant, Chisa, the only one I genuinely trust... she was in mortal danger. I was cursing my frail body, and longing desperately for the ability to move, even an inch, to try and protect her. Wanting the strength to get up and defend her with every fiber of my being. My magatama was near, and... I transformed. Ever since, I draw out my power by focusing on my desire to protect."

    Looking back up at Miho, she seems a touch surprised. "That... would be a very good question. Ever since my 'recovery', I find I am naturally athletic. I am happy simply to run freely during P.E., though. I need no more than that."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a bit as she listens. "At Ultra, I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't just stand there, and let anyone get hurt. The thing was that I just didn't know...how to get to that power. Then things just clicked when I let go.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath. "Now, its like breathing to me.", she tells. Miho smiles lightly though. "What I do know though is that, even transformed, I'm not going to be able to pick up a guard rail, and baseball bat youma in the face with it.", she says.

    "Maybe you can run with me for a bit, and see what happends? I mean, I can have you do something similiar to my training, and see what happens.", she tells. The woman takes a moment to stretch out. "I don't think my parents would believe me if I told them anything involving magic.", she tells.

    "And we could train against each other in a sense. Then again, we might need somebody whose able to tone us down. I think if we both cut loose, one of us would get hurt...", she says. "I mean, sparring is a good way to get used to each other though."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    The quip about her choice in weapons prompts... well, in anyone else, it would barely be a change in expression. But on Kureha, who always carefully keeps her face neutral, even a tiny hint of smugness is more obvious. "Improvisation is an important skill on the battlefield. I have the strength to make even the terrain my weapon, so I will do so." Pause. "...I do try to be careful not to cause too much destruction, however. I don't want to inconvenience those who need to pay for the repairs." She sets aside her bowl, puts her pendant back on again under her uniform shirt, and then folds her hands in her lap.

    The offer puts another thoughtful look on Kureha's face, though it's marred by a faint frown. "I would be happy to, but... my schedule outside of school is tightly controlled. As the daughter of business magnate Hozan Chikafuji, where I spend my time and who I may associate with are under strict watch. I may be able to do so on days when Chisa is serving as my attendant. Or nights, when everyone is asleep and no one will notice an oni leaping out of my bedroom window."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho thinks on this for a few seconds, and then something clicks in her head. "Well, think on this. Your miracle. Would it not be in your family's best interest to ensure your continued health? And in that case, wouldn't hiring a personal trainer, like I don't know, the daughter of an former MMA fighter, and a current trainer at her father's studio make a bit of sense?", she comments. The woman nods her head a bit though. "I understand. To a certain point, I have a lot more freedom cause my mom trusts that I will make good choices.", she says.

    "We can manage something. I do have a question though. Did you get an invite to the school, or did your family send you here?", she asks. Miho still feels that there's something more to things at this school. Since she's awakened to herself, she sees more, and feels more. But how did the school know she was close to awakening? How much does the school know? These questions tickle her a bit.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Once again, Miho prompts a thoughtful look out of the young Chikafuji heiress. "...that... that might... actually work. It will be a difficult sell, but it has a greater chance than many other approaches. I will speak with Chisa, and perhaps Emi as well. Emi is... she generally keeps to my father's directives, but unlike Yozakura, she views it simply as a paycheck. For something like this, she may be willing to vouch. We'll see."

    The other question catches Kureha completely off-guard, and after a moments thought, she realizes aloud, "I'm... not certain. I would have to ask one of my attendants. I do know that the prestige of the school and their willingness to accomodate my disability played a major part in my father's acceptance. He could send me off here and not have to think about me, while still saying that his daughter went to a prestigious Tokyo school." A hint of bitterness comes out in her tone, but it's gone just as quickly. "I have noticed there are a number of magical girls here, but I had never thought about it until now..."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a little bit. "I mean, when I first started getting headaches, a certain incident happend. Then not very long after my headaches started, I got an invite to the school. My parents thought it would be a good change for me, and help me. But they don't recall talking to the school.", she tells. Miho takes a long moment to think things through. "I have to consider the fact that since arriving, I met a lot of people who are magical, not to mention you who seem to have a similar ability. Makes me question the timing.", she tells.

    Miho leans back, looking up. "Maybe its just the Yukihime part of me thinking a bit much. I just happen to awaken a month after coming to the school...Such things do not just happen out of nowhere, but how would anyone know anything? I mean, how would they know about your abilities...until you've shown them?", she questions. Miho sighs. "Once again, thoughts going wild.", she tells.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    How would they know about magical girls' abilities? "You come from the family of onmyouji. You would know better than I." Is that... is that a faint little smile? Is she teasing? Did Kureha Senekenzan just... tell a joke?

    Smoothing out her skirt a little, Kureha adds, "I know that I was here for a couple of years before my first transformation. Other than that... I was simply told that I would be attending. In my life, that isn't unusual. My father decides I'll do something, and I must do it."

    The red-eyed girl shakes her head slightly. "It does bear thinking about. The sheer number of us seems to defy random chance. But I don't imagine we'll divine any answers on our own. I shall be more mindful going forward, and see if I know any clues. And... start the process of obtaining permission to study under your fitness tutelage," she adds. There's the faintest little fidget there. If rumors are to believed, Kureha is still somewhat aloof even now (though much less so than she used to be), so an arrangement like this might be a first for her.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head. "It might help with self discpline as well.", she teases slightly. The woman snickers slightly at the girl's joke. "I shall divine the answer from the stars.", she teases back. "I think I shall change, and go for a bit of a run before bed tonight. The night air should help me clear my head. It was nice to speak with you.", she says with a light nod of her head.

    "Do you need an escort back to your dorm room?", Miho asks. "It should be close to my dorm. And hopefully my dormmates won't tease me too badly.", she tells. "If I find out anything, I'll let you know. I do talk with Hinote a lot, and its something that might plant a bug in him. He loves looking into things. Oh! He started a file on us. He's curious about our abilities. Its not a warning, since he is a friend, but an observation.", she tells.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Kureha shakes her head as she stands. "I live off-grounds, at my father's manor here in Tokyo. There will be a car waiting for me soon." She does give the information about Hinote a curious cant of her head. "...I see." There's a pause, as if considering how best to phrase what she wants to say. "...I do at least advise caution in who you reveal the full scope of your abilities to. General information is fine; such things will spread on their own regardless. But any trump cards or less-obvious abilities you have, you may wish to limit who you discuss them with."

    After everything Kureha has said about herself and her home life under her father, it's probably not all that surprising she's guarded about the spread of information. "Regardless, I wish you well on your run this evening. If you have need of me, text or call." She concludes with a deep, formal bow to her fellow Youkai Musume.