2001/Ember: First Flames

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Ember: First Flames
Date of Scene: 14 October 2024
Location: The Forgotten District
Synopsis: After a series of small fires break out in the Forgotten District, the heroes arrive to three kittens full of trouble and riddles... and Glimmer has a story to tell and Catra is obnoxious. But is anyone really worthy? Or will the world burn?
Cast of Characters: Bow, Rashmi Terios, Glimmer Brightmoon, Usagi Tsukino, Catra
Tinyplot: Spirit Ember

Bow has posed:
The air within the Forgotten District of Juuban felt thick with an odd stillness, as though the world itself was holding its breath. Then, without warning, the ground beneath the ancient cobblestone streets shuddered. At first, it was just a slight rumble, the kind that might go unnoticed by many. But it quickly grew into a tremor, causing loose pebbles to dance across the pavement, and the old, forgotten buildings to groan in protest. For a moment, the world stilled again, as if the tremor had been a passing whim.

For those attuned to magic, the tremor wasn't just an unsettling quake, it was a ripple of deja vu, a disturbing echo from the dreams that had haunted them weeks earlier. The familiar shudder of the earth brought a cold clarity, as though the line between the dream world and reality had blurred. This was the same quake that had shaken their unconscious minds, a warning sent through the veil of sleep.

After the tremor, faint wisps of smoke curled from the new cracks in the earth, followed by an unsettling glow. Flames, thin and snake-like, seeped out, licking the edges of the fissures. They swirled and coalesced, forming into strange shapes. From the depths of these cracks, the flames twisted, rising and taking form --- small, lithe creatures, their bodies made entirely of embers and flickering flame. They looked like cats, their eyes blazing with the intensity of a furnace, their tails trailing smoke.

With almost playful grace, the Ember Flamed Cats bounded out of the cracks and up onto the rooftops, their fiery paws leaving scorch marks in their wake. They moved with eerie purpose, leaping from building to building, igniting small accidental fires on awnings, drying laundry, and forgotten stacks of wood.

Three of them, each unique in the way their fiery forms flickered and danced.

The first cat, small but swift, darted across the rooftops like a streak of molten light. Its sharp, ember claws tore through the air, slicing through lines of laundry and singeing anything in its path. As it pounced from rooftop to rooftop, it began to bat at anything flammable, wooden shutters, tarps, seeking to fan the flames of chaos with mischievous precision.

The second cat, more deliberate and calculating, slinked low along the edges of buildings, moving almost in shadow. Its movements were smooth, like the flow of lava, as it wound through the district's narrow streets. It sought out weaker structures, pressing itself against decaying beams and ancient awnings, letting its flames grow in intensity until they crept up walls and spread hungrily, slow but inevitable.

The third cat, the largest and most commanding, prowled with intent. It perched itself atop the highest building in sight, scanning the district with burning eyes. From its elevated vantage point, it seemed to be searching, head tilting in quick, jerking movements as if sensing something hidden, something buried beneath the stones and streets of Juuban. Its tail flicked, sparking, before it let out a yowl, a loud, crackling sound that sent a wave of heat through the air.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
After the madness the day before, Rashmi was looking forward to a nice, relaxing day of just being a high school student. Which, even in a less-prestigious academy than Radiant Heart, is still its own pile of worries and stressors. But when you've been an active mahou for over a year, your idea of what is relaxing and what is not gets... recalibrated.

And she's *just* finished Debate Club cleanup, when the floor quivers under her feet, and ice-cold water is splashed on her nerves--

--followed up by an alarm chiming at the back of her brain.


Siiiiiiiiigh........ << Thaaaaanks, Nico-kun... Can you give me a general location? >>

A general location is helpfully provided, and *another* chill runs up Rashmi's spine. Moments later, the window of the Debate Club room is opened, and Rashmi simply jumps out, pausing only to close the window again before making an aerial beeline for the source of the feeling, and the focus of some truly *nightmarish* concerns from nearly a year ago.

The Forgotten District.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon had been... sleeping. Soundly sleeping. On her hammock. Curled up, resting, bathed in the glow of her Moonstone. It was... soothing. Relaxing. Calming. It was--

And then, as soothing as it was, it all broke loose in a wild cacophany of GAHHHHH RAGH AGHHHH! Glimmer's eyes shot open and she teleported onto the Moonstone, hands glowing and...

And there was nothing. Oh, gosh darn it. She rolled her eyes. Why was she--

Her breath caught. Oh. That DID feel weird...

"Heyyyy! Riventon! I'm going out, okayyyyy? Need anything while I'm out? No? Okay, bye!" And then she was gone, teleporting away!

She didn't know why, though. But she wasn't going out as... Glimmer Brightmoon, or even Soraia, or even Gloria. She was going out... as *Queen*.

... Which was pretty much Glimmer Brightmoon with like, a big ol 'Easter' emblem on her back. And the sparkles were less her innate magic, more the clothing itself sparkled. But she looked like some kind of over the top, fancy idol and so who cared? It was part of her motif. And hey, Easter was planning to debut her soon, so who cared if she stuck out a bit?

And maybe it was noth--

Of course, as she appeared on the roof of one of the buildings, she caught sight of a golden blur across the sky annnnnnd so it wasn't nothing. Ah great. Welp. Time to head out and see what was up. She hoped it wasn't something Obsidian related. She didn't want to have to fight the sparkles again as she teleported after Rashmi, trying to keep juuuuuuust out of sight, letting the other girl lead her towards it...

Stealth would likely work better if she didn't LITERALLY SHINE LIKE A DISCO BALL MADE OF STARDUST!

Bow has posed:
The first Ember Flame Cat, noticing Rashmi's approach through the air, tensed, its fiery form flickering as if excited by the challenge. Its eyes narrowed, burning brighter, and with a quick flick of its tail, it bounded off the rooftop, sprinting across the skyline like a comet streaking through the night. It could feel Rashmi's magic, the pulse of her power, and it sought to intercept her path. The cat moved swiftly, a blur of embers and heat, eager to see who was faster, pushing itself to the limits of its fiery form. As it cut across Rashmi, flaming paws lashed out with sharp little burning claws to try to swipe the Pagemage!

The second cat, ever the slow burner, continued its slinking prowl, weaving through the alleyways and abandoned structures. It rubbed its flaming body against wooden beams and old doors, letting the fire spread and grow larger, consuming anything flammable it could find. The longer it lingered, the more its fire built, creating a trail of destruction as it searched, seemingly content to let the district burn in its wake.

Meanwhile, the third cat spotted Glimmer, her presence a beacon of magical light and glittering sparkles. As if answering an unspoken challenge, the cat's flames surged, growing brighter and more intense, sending a cascade of sparks into the air. With a low, crackling growl, it leaped across the rooftops, its fiery paws leaving molten imprints behind. Each leap closed the distance between them, its flames licking higher with each jump, ready to meet Glimmer in a blaze of contest. It roars angrilly, before sending a gout of flame out towards Glimmer, looking to burn all of her sparkles out of the sky.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi Tsukino has spent the last day struggling to track down the actual Ladybug, because though she'd transformed once to set everything right, she was not and never will be the actual holder of the Ladybug Miraculous, as Tikki had kindly informed her the earrings were indeed called. Should have figured Hawkmoth was calling them by their real name, but you couldn't really trust bad guys, now could you?

Talking to Chat Noir had not been the most helpful, if only because she still had the earrings and Naru's poor boyfriend had had a bit of a heart attack, but now, she's walking the streets, the Ladybug Earrings tucked away in her transformation compact, which was the safest place she could think to put them, and she was walking around Juuban Ward, blatantly glancing around in hopes of seeing something Ladybug like.

But nope. Nothing. Tikki was tucked away with her Miraculous and Luna was back home, still working on the problem of the searching towers, and Usagi was -

Smelling smoke?

Without realizing it, her feet had lead her to the beginning of the Forgotten District, that place of memory and sorrow, the haunting echoes of what had been and never would be again, but, unlike the last time, when Oldora had been forcibly breaking her way out of the universe -

This time, the danger seems very real. Smoke, rising in the distance.

A few moments later, Sailor Moon is running towards the source, because sometimes people lived here, if only for a little while, and it was dangerous, and because the Shrine was here -

And she's in time to see two flaming cats launching themselves at Page Mage and Glimmer respectively, with a third -

"Hey!" Sailor Moon's voice adds to the noise in the fray, "This is a historic place! This is an important place, you can't just set everything on fire, you mangy cats!"

And then her tiara is being launched, straight at the cat still lighting buildings aflame.

"Moon Tiara Action!"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR SHIELD -- GLACE SHIFT >>

There's not a *lot* Nicomachea can do without his Master directing him, but he has enough sense to see 'incoming fire' and find 'Ice Shield' among his list of approved auto-use defensive spells.

So it's pretty startling for the Page Mage, when the shrieking *CRACK!* sounds that heralds a spiky ball of golden ice surrounding her general vicinity, just in time for a cat made of fire to *pounce at her like an errant moth.*

And apparently it's why *buildings in the ultra-haunted place are on fire.*

...Today was supposed to be *peaceful.*

"Hey!" she shouts, reeling away from the firey cat, "no! Bad kitty! Stop setting fires!"

    << *BONG!* >> << RING BIND >>

Unlock Chrono's Binds, Rashmi's isn't very different from the standard-issue Bind loaded into most Device Grimoires; it encircles a thing, locking it into a particular point in space. When used against vehicles, the results can be messily spectacular. When used against fire cat youma... it's more like a single band encircling the cat's middle, leaving it hanging in the air.

And it's still simply an energy construct, and prone to being broken with enough effort, might, and/or damage.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon cocked an eye as her eyes fell on the cats. Three of them. On fire. Oh, come on. Seriously? She knew exactly who was behind this.


... What? Her name was Ember. She worked for Obsidian. It wasn't that hard to put together. And her name was LITERALLY Ember!

Oh, hey, there was that Moonra girl. Cool. She remembered her. She apparently--

Wait, was it getting hot in here? She turned just in time to see the cat just coming RIGHT at her. And then, Glimmer did the most Glimmer thing she could have in that moment.

She shrieked and then PUNCHED! Her fist erupting with sparkling light! Attempting to punch the cat RIGHT in the kisser!

... Oddly, it was a little cathartic. Even if it was likely less than effective.


"Hey, are these fire cats yours? Cause I don't think they're ours!" Takashi would tell her, right?

... Right?

Bow has posed:
As all three cats are engaged, finally, the three magical girls hear a voice of unison in their heads. Playful, strong, contrite, the Three-As-One Embers speak in a sing-song riddle.

"Three of us run wild, a fire in our paws,
Hunting through shadows,
gnoring all laws.
One leaps for speed, to challenge the air,
Another seeks power in a glittering stare.
The third, slow and steady, builds flame with each touch,
But what we all seek isn't really that much.
We crave a leader, both fierce and sly---
Tell us, who rules when the moons are high?"

The first Ember Flame Cat, its body a blur of flickering embers as it launches itself toward Rashmi, is abruptly halted mid-pounce. The BONG! of Nicomachea's shield spell echoes in the air, and the spiky golden ice forms a sudden, cool barrier between it and its target. The fiery cat's flames hiss and sputter against the frosty magic, a sharp contrast of heat and cold battling for dominance.

Caught off guard, the cat growls, its body twisting in mid-air as its fiery form rebounds off the icy shield. It attempts to leap again, eager to prove its speed, only to feel a sudden binding force wrap around its middle, locking it in place. The energy band tightens, leaving the cat suspended, hanging in the air, its legs thrashing in a fiery tantrum.

But the cat is not easily deterred. Its ember eyes burn with defiance, and its tail lashes, sending sparks flying. The band holds, but only for now. The fiery creature gathers its strength, pushing against the binding spell. It hisses louder, the intensity of its flames increasing as it tests the limits of the magic encircling it. Cracks of heat escape from its form, fiery paws swiping at nothing, but the message is clear: this fight isn't over.

In response to Rashmi's shout, the cat's head turns, its ember-filled eyes locking onto her. There is a glimmer of intelligence there, almost mocking her as if it understands the words but refuses to obey. Its body writhes, the flames flickering wildly in defiance, as though daring her to hold it much longer.

The second Ember Flame Cat, its body aglow with the slow-burning fire it had carefully spread along the forgotten walls, turns its head as Sailor Moon's voice cuts through the air. Her words, sharp with authority and indignation, ripple through the smoke-filled district. For a moment, the cat pauses, its ember-coated form glowing with an almost eerie calm as if Sailor Moon's presence has piqued its curiosity.

It watches as the tiara, golden and glowing, flies toward it in a perfect arc. In its flickering, embered mind, the words of the riddle seem to answer themselves, this was not the leader it sought, this was not the one who ruled under the moon's gaze.

But there's no time to ponder further. The cat leaps back, the fire on its paws igniting in full force, and it watches the tiara pass with an elegant twist of its body. The second cat, slinking and slow, now moves faster, darting to avoid the magic-charged attack.

It hisses, flames licking higher as it ducks low to the ground, rubbing against another structure and letting the blaze grow even larger. It builds itself a wall of fire, rising higher as though responding to Sailor Moon's challenge with its own answer---burning, persistent, and untamed.

Bow has posed:
The third Ember Flamed Cat, already leaping toward Glimmer with a trail of blazing sparks behind it, doesn't slow as her fist comes flying toward it. If anything, the cat sees her glowing hand as a challenge. Its eyes blaze brighter, as though accepting the dare with a fiery smirk.

Then --- BAM! --- Glimmer's punch connects right with the cat's face. A flash of sparkling light meets the burning intensity of the Ember Flamed Cat's form. The collision sends embers scattering through the air, mixing with Glimmer's glittering punch. For a moment, the cat seems stunned, hanging in mid-air, almost impressed by the sheer audacity of the punch.

But then, its fiery body ripples, a hiss escaping its form as it absorbs the impact. Though the punch doesn't extinguish it, the cat's flames flicker and stutter, like a fire caught in a strong wind. It lands on the rooftop, shaking its head and releasing a shower of sparks, as though shaking off the dazzle from Glimmer's light.

It turns toward her, eyes narrowing in defiant amusement. The punch may not have hurt, but it has definitely gotten the cat's attention. It lowers itself, body flickering with renewed heat, preparing for another leap. This time, its flames burn hotter, brighter, as if trying to outshine Glimmer's radiant magic. Sparks shoot out from its body as it charges forward once more, determined not to be bested by a mere punch---no matter how glittering it was.

And yet, there's a lingering, almost playful energy about it now, as though the cat acknowledges her in its own fiery way. It charges, picking up speed, ready to ram into Glimmer head-on yet again!

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Glimmer screams in the streets below, calling up for information, and Sailor Moon pursues her own quarry further into the haunted district. Rashmi *knows* her Bind is going to fail, and is about to try something a little more shoot-y--

When what can *only* be the voice of the flaming cats, posing a riddle as one.

    << *BONG!* >> << TELEPATHY >>

<< ...Did you two hear that too? >> Rashmi asks, in the back of Moon's and Glimmer's heads. << When the *moons* are high? Sailor Moon, is this a Mars thing? Probably not Jupiter... Or is it Etheria? Cos it's not *this* world, we only have the one... >>

Lowering herself slightly, she keeps an eye on the 'cat suspended in midair. The Bind *will* break soon, and if her fights with Catra have taught her *anything,* it's that when a cat is mad at you, best not to let it out of your sight.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's the little pring of Telepathy starting up. <<Definitely not ours,>> Sailor Moon calls to Glimmer, hand up as she catches her tiara on the rebound, scowling fiercely at the defiant wall of flame. <<And I heard it too. And I mean, I don't think it's a Mars thing - she's got crows, not cats, and her Fire Soul power up move is a bird too.>>

Maybe it's not the most sound logic, but it's the logic that she has to offer them.

<<Jupiter has a dragon for her attacks, and I think that might be all the animals? Etheria has a bunch of moons, doesn't it?>>

Hey, other Moon Girl, it's time to give your expertise!

<<Also, I don't have a way to put out fire! Rashmi-chan, what about your ice barrets?>>

Because she's considering if she can just topple the building, if that would contain the spread of fire and maybe hurt the cat, too.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinked and then flailed! "Gahhh!" she said. WEIRD HEAD TALKING THING! Ugh! It was like, well... okay, she knew Takashi could do it but she didn't really like it when HE did it either! "Well, if it's when the moons are high? That'd be me!" she called after Rashmi. "But for all the things we had, we didn't exactly have flaming angry cats!"

She then paused, looking at the cat. Her fist was burnt, now. And despite herself, she didn't want to punch it AGAIN. Punching fire could hurt. She held out her hand and her father's staff appeared in it, which she drove into the ground and caused pink light to flash off her in a small wave. "But... if that's what they want... Ahem. I am Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon, leader of the Princess Alliance, daughter of Queen Angella and King Micah, Princess of the Moonstone. If you are from Etheria, I order you to name yourself!"

Bow has posed:
The first Ember Flame Cat's thrashing intensifies as it feels the Bind weakening, sensing the magic's grip slipping with each moment. Its ember eyes narrow in rage, and with a final, fierce twist of its body, the energy band shatters into flickering sparks. The cat lets out a furious, crackling hiss, flames surging brighter as it launches itself at Rashmi in a fiery blur.

There's no hesitation now, no playful taunting, just raw, elemental fury. Its claws, made of pure ember, slash through the air as it dives toward her with wild abandon, flames licking at its paws. It hisses and spits, its fiery form twisting mid-leap as it closes the distance with alarming speed, every movement filled with the furious determination of a cat scorned.

The heat radiates from its body, surrounding it like a living inferno, as it barrels down on Rashmi with the single-minded intent to remind her just who. or what, she was dealing with. The cat's fiery tail flares out behind it, trailing embers like a comet, ready to clash with her once again in a blaze of fire and fury.

The second Ember Flame Cat, as if sensing the danger, stops spreading flames.

The fires it had ignited along the structures begin to pull back, like ribbons of flame being sucked into its body. The glow around the buildings fades as the cat absorbs every lick of fire, greedily consuming the flames to fuel itself.

As it takes in more and more, its body begins to swell, growing larger and more menacing. The once sleek and nimble form of the cat expands, its muscles bulking and its flames burning hotter, brighter. It stands tall now, towering above the rooftops, the air around it crackling with heat and energy. Its once playful demeanor has shifted, replaced by something far more threatening.

The ground beneath the massive cat sizzles as its weight presses down, and embers rain from its towering form like a fiery storm. It lets out a deep, rumbling growl that reverberates through the streets, a clear warning to those who stand against it.

The third Ember Flame Cat, poised and ready for another leap, suddenly halts as Glimmer speaks with regal authority. Its flames flicker in response to the pink wave of light, as if recognizing the power behind her words. For a brief moment, the blazing intensity around it dims, and it listens, fiery eyes narrowing as Glimmer announces her lineage and demands its name.

When the words I am Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon... reach the cat, it hesitates, flames crackling with uncertainty. But as the wave of magic washes over it, something within the cat shifts. Its tail flicks, sending up a shower of sparks, and the flames burn hotter around its paws. Yet, it doesn't move to attack. Instead, it regards Glimmer with a calculating stare, almost as if weighing her claim.

Then, in unison with its two companions, the third cat speaks. Its voice is crackling, like the hiss of fire, but distinct. "We are Candila," it declares, flames flaring up briefly as if to punctuate its name. The cat's eyes gleam with defiance, yet there's a strange flicker of recognition. "And you are not worthy."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
<< WOW HEY YIKES WHOA WHOA *WHOA!* >> is Rashmi's answer to Sailor Moon's request for help, as she skitters away from the now-*furious* cat's onslaught. << Little tied up here, or I'd help! Gah! One sec... I can at least keep them from starting more. >>

The Shield finally shatters under Candila's burning claws, flaking away to nothingness as Nicomachea's crystal lights up.

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR FLASH >>

It's a tactic that has managed to prove successful against Catra's rage-induced attacks... exactly twice. Luckily, this is not Catra, or she'd be leery of attempting it a third time.

Rashmi's body seems to *blip* into a mass of pure golden energy that leaps forward, past Candila and her burning claws, and resolves about ten meters away, facingher opponent and already powering up another spell.

    << *BONG!* >> << TIME-SPACE BARRIER >>

There are upsides and downsides to the throwing of a Barrier, even one as utterly porous as Rashmi's usually are. The upside is, the fight doesn't directly impact those citizens who can't defend themselves. The downside is, it means that if there *is* anything happening in the real world, luck plays a major factor in that thing not being *really* bad.

And in this case, there's a real question of 'Who is trapped in here with whom?'

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I've been hearing that my whole life. I didn't care then and I really don't care now. The people who *matter* find me more than worthy and I have no need to prove myself as worthy to an angry flaming kitty. Frankly, I get enough trouble from one cat and I actually kind of *like* her." She leveled her staff at the cat.

"So, Candila, call me unworthy all you like. It won't make me any less likely to go full sparkle all over your face. And the fact it seems you've got nothing to do with Obsidian? That just means I don't have to let this stand without interfering. Yay!"

So of course it was then that her other hand just shoved forward, palm out, and a beam of light erupted from it, before she glanced down at Rashmi and Sailor Moon... should she... help them? Was it... Ugh. That was the worst part of being a bad guy. Not being able to do the right thing, even when she wanted to.

Oh, hey, one of those barrier things. Oh. That was fun. A grin formed on her lips. "Okay. I can work with this. Hey, kitties!"

And then she shot two orbs of light from her left hand, one at EACH of the other cats. "Worthy THIS!"

Okay, so yeah, she took that personally a bit maybe.

Catra has posed:

Catra has been hanging around in the abandoned (or at least, less populated) areas of town pretty much all night. Right now, she's sitting on the roof of some decrepit building; her motorcycle is parked right nearby, and she's in her Rachel Miller disguise; ripped jeans and a ragged hoodie, with the hood drawn low over her head while still accomodating the large headphones she has on, currently blasting music at an extreme volume. Megadeth, tonight. She sits cross-legged, and is busy with a pair of chopsticks, enjoying a box of some sort of noodle with chicken -- extra chicken, naturally.

There's a secret place I like to go
Everyone is there but their face don't show
If you get inside, you can't get out
There's no coming back, I hear them shout

Welcome to my hide away, my secret place
How I arrived I can't explain
You're welcome to, if you want to stay
But everyone just runs away

There's a commotion going on a ways off, but tonight, Catra just simply... doesn't... care. Someone's having a fight or something. Things are on fire. Whatever. Who cares. Why does she care? It's not her stuff, Takashi hasn't called for help so he's not involved, maybe sometimes things just don't have to be her problem. And honestly, it'd be just fine if all of Tokyo burned to the ground, as long as nobody interupts her enjoyment of her noodles. And, they are really good noodles.

There's a secret place I like to go
Everyone is there but their face don't show
If you get inside, you can't get out
There's no coming back, I hear them shout

Let me in, get me out
Can't do more then twist and shout
Lost my soul without a trace
Found it again in my secret place

Of course, nothing lasts forever; certainly not a box of noodles. Eventually it's empty, but for a couple of sad ends of noodles and absolutely no pieces of chicken. Catra lobs the defeated, empty box off the roof and tosses the wooden chopsticks after it. What? It's not like there isn't trash laying around here already. Who cares? She doesn't care. Why should she care, it's not like Tokyo isn't one giant pile of garbage already. She uncrosses her legs and jumps down, hopping off the roof and turning to go to her bike...

...Just as a Time-Space Barrier goes up. Catra knows what this means; she inhales, and her shoulders hunch over as she heaves a great sigh. She practically rips the headphones off her ears and deposits them over the handlebars of her bike as she thumbs off the music on the cracked screen of her phone, stuffing the latter in a pocket. "Fine, I guess I'll go beat someone senseless," she mutters, slipping into the shadows and stalking towards the commotion. She drops the illusory disguise, revealing her bichromatic eyes and feline countenance; Powersend comes to hand, and she rests the blade on her shoulder as she goes to investigate.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
On the one hand, there's the speedy cat launching itself at Rashmi, a fact which has Sailor Moon wincing. On the other, there's the cat she pissed off bulking up as though it were Gutsman, all ready to pounce, the ground cracking under it, the heat of the flames enough that her skin is starting to feel that too-sensitive twinge she associated with sunburn and that time she pushed Sunbreaker entirely too far.

She spares a moment to think about the fact that she's absolutely got to do a training montage or something, has got to figure out what to do next so she can unlock more power, because she cannot keep relying on the same three moves that are each too specialized on one thing -

And then Glimmer is dismissed as unworthy and blasts all three cats and Sailor Moon shakes her head a little and throws herself between Rashmi and the speedy cat, just in case.

"Nuh uh, burny cat! Fire and books do not mix, got it? So what if we're not worthy of being your leader - we never said we wanted to be in charge of you jerks. But if you asked we could probably help you find who you're looking for. Between the three of us, we know a lot of people."

<<Okay, so they don't want any of us, but that just means we need to figure another way around this. Glimmer, if you and I play defense, maybe we can keep them back enough for Rashmi to cool them off?"

Bow has posed:
Trapped together with Rashmi's spell, the three Ember Flame Cats, Candila, flare up in unison as Glimmer speaks, her dismissive tone stoking their collective anger. Their flames ripple and crackle, and the air around them grows hotter, shimmering with the intensity of their combined rage.

Unworthy? they hiss together, their voices like the crackle of a roaring fire. You misunderstand, Princess of Brightmoon. Worthiness is not our concern, chaos and fire are!

As Glimmer's beam of light erupts from her palm, the third cat darts to avoid it, but the heat around it pulses as though energized by the challenge. The cat gives a yowl as it's injured and stumbles for a moment, but moves to get back to it's feet. The two orbs of light from Glimmer's other hand streak toward the remaining cats. The second cat, still large and looming, absorbs one orb, its flames flaring higher as if feeding off the magic. The first cat leaps aside just in time, dodging the second orb with feline grace.

You sparkle and shine, but we burn, they taunt in unison, their flames swelling in response to her attacks. The embers around them glow brighter, swirling like a fiery storm gathering strength. The moonstone sparkles. Candila does not answer it's call!

The cats' voices, now more unified and fierce, crackle through the air as their flames swell higher, daring Glimmer to retaliate. It's clear they revel in the challenge, eager to see what more she will bring, but there's also a burning sense of purpose behind their defiance, as though they are searching for something beyond the fight, as they too realize that they are in smaller enclosed space.

The first Ember Flame Cat skids to a stop just before Sailor Moon, its fiery body crackling with defiance as it faces her down. The taunting gleam in its ember eyes flickers for a moment as it listens to her words. For the first time, something like hesitation crosses the cat's fiery form.

Help? the cat hisses, its flames dimming slightly, as if the idea is almost too foreign to fully comprehend. It prowls in place, circling with tense energy, but the flames around its paws don't lash out this time. The fire that had fueled its fury flickers uncertainly, shifting with the cat's uncertainty.

We do not follow... the cat begins, but there's a pause as it glances at the others, the unspoken connection between them palpable even in the way their flames dance. It tilts its head, as if considering Sailor Moon's offer, before spitting out, We are Candila, not followers! But... we seek someone... someone who burns brighter than any of you.

Despite its defiance, there's something almost begrudging in the way the first cat stops itself from immediately attacking again. For the first time, it seems to be considering an option other than raw, fiery chaos.

They are currently unaware of Catra, the trio each focused on one enemy each, ears and whiskers twitching, claws digging into the tiles or ground as appropriate.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"...Oh good," Rashmi says with a sigh of relief. Sailor Moon has gotten them talking, and ...Glimmer has done the opposite. But for now, diplomacy seems to be winning out. "Yes! Okay! You're looking for *someone.* *Why* are you looking for them? What do you need them for? You're from Etheria, right?"

<< Glimmer-san... have you *ever* heard of this Candila before? Cos neither Bow or Adora have mentioned either, like, at all. Catra either. >>

As she talks, she starts lowering herself very, very slowly, putting herself just *beneath* the speedy cat's eye level, both hands out and palm up, fingers curled in, to show she's not on the attack. Honestly she has no idea if any of this is gonna work, but it's always easier to be confident when you're looking down, and the hand thing she remembers seeing on WeTube once?

"The more we know, the more we can help."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon glowered at them. "I do *so* much more than sparkle and shine. But no, you're right. I'm not part of the fire! I don't know any Candila, either, I--"

Then she stopped. "Wait, you mean *MOUNT* Candila?! Oh... oh that's bad. Ummmm..." She glanced towards Rashmi and Sailor Moon. "Uhhhhh. I mean... I may, theoretically, know of one? It was a mountain, but uhhhhh... oh... it's gone now... It... ohhhh. Wait. Ahem. OKAY! EVERYONE! SIT DOWN!" she yelled. "IT'S STORY TIME!" Yes. She was, in fact, going to do this. Teleporting off and then... right by Rashmi. "YOU! You got a thing like Riventon, right? I need you to do the whole 'Loud speaker!' thing! AHEM!"

Then she turned and said, clasping her hands together, her voice filled with awe and reverence. "Once, in an Etheria long before the one Adora, Catra, Bow and I come from. The city of Candila was ruled by a young princess who drew on the power of the Spirit Ember to cast fearsome magic. Her name is lost to time, but we knew her as... the Fire Princess," Glimmer said, her hands going up and making jazz hand motions as she said it, expecting some awe and excitement from them. Etherians. They didn't do names well.

"The princess was a just ruler who devoted herself to protecting the weak. She was loved by her people and to surrounding kingdoms she was a fierce ally."

She then paused, her smile wavering a little. There was a... part of that story she skipped over.

"However, as the princess grew older, she began to love power above all. She lost herself, sealing herself away in the darkness, withdrawing from all she held dear, even her greatest... friend... until, finally, she returned to the world, having mastered her powers..."

And then, she looked away, covering her mouth... just enough to look like she was doing, but fingers were open to allow her to still be heard. "Only to discover the world had moved on without her. And so she withdrew a second time... as the pain and hurts in her heart grew and grew... she lost control of her powers, the runestone she once wielded eventually erupting, destroying both herself and her kingdom, leaving nothing but destruction and ruins in her wake..."

Okay, there was more to it... but the girl wanted to share the exciting story!

"Okay, we can go back to fighting now."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Not followers, got it," Sailor Moon says, nodding sharply, "Sure. You're Candila, and you're not a follower. But you are looking for someone, and there's nothing wrong with getting help. We know some people who burn pretty bright."

And then, shocker of shocks, Glimmer - does know something? Okay, so this is about Etheria, though Sailor Moon doesn't remember Bow or Adora (either version) sharing anything about Fire Princesses but -

"That sounds a little dramatic," Sailor Moon says, doubtful, "But I'd be pretty upset too if I went away for, I dunno, magic college and everyone just forgot about me, even if I did stop calling them first. Sounds like there's a lesson there about talking and two way streets?"

A beat.

"Wait! Does that mean you guys are from that mountain? Did you know that princess? Is she who you're looking for? Or he, or they, I don't judge."

Catra has posed:
Catra has been close enough to hear what's going on since... well at least the start of Glimmer's story. So, some Fire Princess once upon a time had emotional problems and destroyed an entire kingdom? Whatever. Lame.

The feline slinks out of the shadows, sword now hanging off her belt and slow-clapping after Glimmer's story. "So the Princess hid away from everyone, and got sad, and turned her entire kingdom into a fire pit?" And that's... that's just *it*?" She laughs, but there's something... off about the laugh. It's not Catra's usual mirth, nor her usual malice either, it's like it's forced. Like she's trying to put two and two together and trying really, really hard just to get three, because she doesn't like four.

She sidles up to a spot in the middle of the street and comes to a stop, folding her arms across her chest. "Look, I like a good fight as much as the next girl, and sure I'm usually ready to throw down. But." She looks back and forth between the heroes, Glimmer, the flaming... cats... what's even up with that?" And then she looks to Rashmi. "Look I just had dinner and I just want to listen to music and go home, so if you could kindly drop the," she waves one hand in the air, "Barrier... thing, before I have to get actually *violent*, that'd be great. But just because I don't *want* a fight right this minute, don't think I won't do it. Becuase I *WILL*." She takes her sword off her belt and points it at Sailor Moon, extended straight out sideways without looking in her direction. "And don't get any ideas twinkle-toes, you'll be *first*."

Bow has posed:
Candila pauses as Rashmi lowers herself, her calm and non-threatening posture catching their attention. The flames that ripple across their bodies flicker with uncertainty, their intense heat waning just slightly as they take in her words.

The first cat, the swift one, narrows its ember-filled eyes, watching Rashmi intently. It seems almost confused by her gesture, the curled fingers and open palms a foreign display of trust. The others, though still crackling with defiant energy, shift slightly, their flames less aggressive, as though considering the unexpected approach.

The more you know... they hiss in unison, voices like the crackle of burning embers, the closer you come to the test.

The second cat, still towering and full of absorbed fire, speaks next, its voice deeper and rumbling like a distant firestorm. We do not know the one we seek... but their flames will be tested, as yours will be.

The third cat, smaller but no less fierce, flicks its tail and adds with a sharp hiss, We are Candila, and all who burn will be tested soon.

The attention is turned to Sailor Moon. They flickered in unison, their flames pulsing with a mix of irritation and intrigue as Sailor Moon speaks. The first cat, still eyeing her warily, lets out a low growl, while the second, larger now from the flames it absorbed, seems to settle slightly, its fiery intensity easing just a little.

We are not from the mountain, they answer in chorus, their voices crackling like firewood in a blaze. We are born of flame, not bound by lands or titles. But the one we seek is they who come from she who was lost. Left behind by those who would call them kin.

The third cat, the smallest but perhaps the most piercing in gaze, flicks its tail and adds, They burn like the sun, and their fire must be rekindled. If they are forgotten, all will be tested, as it was foretold.

Before the battle can continue, however, the trio oc Embercats cease their fiery movements as Catra steps forward, their ember-filled eyes narrowing as she speaks. Her forced laugh, the tension in her voice---it all catches their attention. They remain still, flickering with a controlled intensity, their bodies almost shimmering in anticipation as the words echo through the air.

When Catra finishes, pointing her sword, the cats exchange glances, as if silently communicating with one another. Their flames begin to dim, not in retreat, but in focus, as they turn their full attention to Catra.

But instead of answering directly, they offer something more cryptic, as is their nature.

If a fire burns brightest when it has no bounds,
And a leader is forged when none can be found,
Tell us, user of claws and steel,
Who bends first: the flame, or the will?

As the riddle lingers, the flames on their bodies begin to fade, and slowly, the fire they spread across the district starts to recede back into the cracks from where it erupted. The cats' forms flicker and shrink, as if the energy they had drawn upon was returning to the earth itself.

Our tests will continue, they say, their voices softer now, almost a whisper carried on the last flickers of embers. But not all flames are meant to destroy. Some must be found, and others... must be controlled.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Blinking and rearing back as Glimmer teleports right next to her, Rashmi stares for a moment, then nods slowly. A screen pops up over Nicomachea's pages, and with a gesture Rashmi moves a slider all the way to the top, and Glimmer's speaking voice emits from the Barrier's boundaries, loud enough for the story to carry across the entire zone.

And it's a *good* story, if bits were pretty obviously skipped over. Rashmi does appreciate a good tale of magic, and this was very definitely one of the tragic ones. And while internally Rashmi agrees with Moon's assessment, she has her own theories about what *truly* happened in the times between heartbreaks.

And she's just about to voice them, when Catra rocks up, and politely threatens her to bring the Barrier down, as if there wasn't *fires across the district that needed to be contained.*

...But then the cats, as one, turn the whole of their attention onto Catra.

....No. Oh, *no.*

Catra is going to be *so obnoxious* about this.

But that's for later. For right now, Rashmi takes in a deep breath. "...You uh... you realize nothing has ever stopped people from leaving my Barriers? They're big, but, if you wanna go, just... pick a direction? Nobody's ever actually *trapped* in them, though uh... don't let that get around, please? Barrier Whack-A-Mole is just the *worst game.*"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
So they are from Etheria, but they're not from the mountain in Glimmer's story. They are seeking someone, but they don't know who, and they have to test whoever it is they're looking for, so... "That's fair and all, and I get that you're fire and okay, you like chaos, but - burning the Forgotten District isn't like, good chaos, you know, it's building a wildfire that could wipe out half of Tokyo chaos, so if we could just keep that down?"

Talking is happening, which is making things easier, so why not, right?

And then Catra steps up demanding the Barrier go down, and -

"Why me?! I'm helping! And I didn't even put up the Barrier!!" This may not be the most heroic of wails, but Sailor Moon is definitely giving sad rabbit eyes. "Also, I don't think I'm coordinated enough to be a twinkle toes. Just saying."

She knows her weaknesses, okay, and she could at least maybe angle for a nickname that's a little more accurate, right?

And then the flaming cats turn to look at Catra, and Sailor Moon pauses, surprised, as they begin to vanish, and give their final cryptic message, and she turns to Catra again, no longer making sad eyes.

"You've got fire powers too? And a sword? Wow, you've really got all angles covered, huh?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon knows LOTS of things! Sometimes. Okay, usually unimportant things. But she does know SOME things. In this case, she knows this thing. She hmphed. "Of course it was dramatic, it was an *awesome* story. I don't think it's real, though. Just an old story about the dangers of a princess cutting herself off from her people and friends, to only focus on their power."

Then her eyes wavered to Catra and... "Speak of the Catra. Yeah, totally. It's not like any *other* princesses we know got tooooootally upset and overly emotional when their best friend made some new friends and they drove their friend away all the time for the sake of promotions and proving they were better, hmmmm?" Glimmer asked, all the while grinning at Catra with that *infuriating* grin of hers.

Only for Catra to say she was first! "What?! Why me? I haven't even done anything this-- oh. You mean... her? Wait. SHE'S twinkle toes?!" She teleported besides Catra, hands clasped together, her eyes wibbly wobbly. "A-are you replacing me with her? Is she your rival moon princess now? Is it because we're on the same side? I can do better, honest, I can... I... can... uhhhhhh..." She turned towards the cats. And suddenly realized... they were leaving. As much as she liked to rib on Catra, the words of the cats were going through her mind now... And she felt a little spike of anger inside her. Her fists glowed for a minute. "You keep your flaming paws off Catra," she said, her voice going cold. "Catra, I don't know what they are, but I think they're Etherian. And I'm not sure what they want, but I don't think it's good. I'm... not sure... who... exactly they are. The stories of the fire runestone all end in destruction and incinerating everything, but they're pretty much all just stories. I don't think it's actually *real.*"

And then there was something else. 'Bends first, flame or the will'. 'Must be controlled'.

"... Horde Prime is dead," Glimmer mumbled. "But... Catra? You and Bow are the only ones from Etheria who don't have a Runestone. And if they're looking for some kind of host to enslave..."

... Well, fire kitties going AFTER the kitties? That makes too much sense to her. And the idea of that... Brought up way, way too many memories of Horde Prime.

"Yeah, she's pretty... good with that sword. Very stabby, should see her with a whip," Glimmer said. "Actually, I got a pretty cool scar from it once, wanna see?" Now was probably NOT the time.

Catra has posed:
Catra is almost too focused on the burning cats and what they're saying to pay attention to anyone else. Almost. "...You're Sparkles, I've never called you Twinkle Toes," she mumbles to Glimmer, not even realizing she's still pointing her sword at Sailor Moon. "Keep up."

So what *does* bend first?

"Wait -- excuse me? I don't HAVE fire powers! I've never had fire powers." She backpedals, moving to a spot where she can keep an eye on everyone present all at once -- her bichromatic gaze narrowing to slits -- as she adopts a relaxed stance, with her sword helf behind her back in a reverse-grip, while her ears lay flat against her head and her tail lashes behind her. "Look, Adora is the one who ended up with *real* power, I got shadows and make-believe, but it turns out when you're not an idiot you can make that work just fine! But I do not have fire. I don't.

"I DO NOT HAVE FIRE MAGIC!" she snarls, screaming it almost loud enough to make herself hoarse.

As her protest echoes all the way to the edges of Rashmi's barrier, she finally looks back and forth between Rashmi, Sailor Moon, and Glimmer. Was that a bit too defensive, even for her? There are still the dreams she's been having. About which, she has told nobody, and isn't about to tell anyone. Certainly not this crew, not right now.

"I highly doubt they want me, so don't worry," she growls. "And I'm *not* a princess of any sort, and never will be. They'll find me lacking just like everyone else does and move on, so I'm not going to get enslaved or anything by any of them."

The feline takes a step back, swinging her sword around in front of herself and holding it out at arms length. "I'm leaving," she seethes, hunching her shoulders like a cat backing into a corner -- "And I don't want to be followed."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
...Yep. *Absolutely obnoxious.*

Lifting her glasses, Rashmi massages the bridge of her nose for a moment, then draws in a deep breath. "Okay, Catra-san," she says around a sigh. "We won't follow you. But maybe think about the question? It seems like it *was* for you, y'know... And I *really doubt* they're gonna move on, from what they said."

But that's for Catra to listen to... or if past performance indicates future results, discard completely as unfit for her own story of herself. Shaking her head, she floats down to ground level, and dismisses the Barrier. Partly because the fight's done, but also to see if *all* the fires got taken away. Cos if not, there's some amateur firefighting that'll need doing right about now.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"O-oh," Sailor Moon says, eyes wide, blinking in surprise, having retreated to hide behind Rashmi during all that yelling. "Well, okay! If you're sure! But, I mean, even though fire can be very scary, I know two people who are both really great with fire, so if you do find more -"

And Catra is dismissing her own power and saying that Adora has real power and Sailor Moon loves her friends, and she's not going to see them dissed, or contribute to dissing them, but, well...

"Okay, but, Adora also got emotional damage and obliviousness big enough to top Mt. Fuji?" So maybe Catra's power isn't all that bad anyway? "And one of the coolest but also scariest people I know ki- did some really scary stuff with shadows, so it's not like that's a bad power?"

Maybe she shouldn't tell Catra about the time Kunzite murdered an entire city with shadow powers, you know?

"I won't follow you or anything, and if you don't want anything to do with those guys, I'll help you send them packing. If you want. Glimmer, you've got to tell me more about the whip, thing, okay -"

That last part is supposed to be whispered. It's not whispered.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon cringed at Catra's reaction. Oh yeah, that was *definitely* an over reaction. On the upside, she wasn't being replaced by Sailor Moon. Not that Sailor Moon wasn't cool, she was. But... nobody liked to be told they were replaceable.

"Of course, Catra, whatever you like," she said, glancing towards the others and... "Oh. Yeah. She is awesome with a whip. Stole it from some thugs running the crimson wastes. Then, a few weeks later? She managed to get knocked off a platform into a forty foot freefall and *still* snagged my foot with it as she was going down. I still kicked her butt, but it wasn't bad." That is also not whispered. However... as Catra got further away...

"I gotta follow her, sorry. If anything happened to her, my Adora would never forgive me. And her telling everyone 'Don't follow me, I want to be alone', while wanting everyone to follow her is kiiiiind of her thing. And those cats..."

"... Those are Etherian myths and names. But they're *myths*. They aren't real. And there's only a handful of people I can think of who might know about those myths and have the ability to pull this off. And if they want Catra? Well... there's... too much time stuff with our people going on for me to just believe they're still dead. And if either of them think they're going to get their mits on Catra again? Well... we can chat later, okay?"

And then she disappeared, up onto the rooftops, behind Catra. Time to follow after the kitty and hope she had enough power left to not fall too far behind...

... Because if Shadowweaver was back and behind this? She'd put the witch in the ground herself if she had to. And if Horde Prime was behind this...


Horde Prime was dead and he WASN'T behind this. It had to be Shadowweaver. Somehow.

Catra has posed:
Catra retreats swiftly, once she's out of sight of everyone else and she can do it with some dignity. Once she gets back to her motorcyle she puts her headphones back over her ears and sets her phone up with a new playlist -- Megadeth isn't cutting it right now, it's time for Marilyn Manson. She takes three tries to start the bike, and guns the engine hard, leaving a half-circle strip of rubber as she spins it around on the pavement and leaves a cloud of foul-smelling smoke that she rockets out of, popping a wheelie that she holds for a good thirty seconds.

As the front wheel crashes back down, Catra exits the abandoned area, turning onto a less used but maintained road; and here she opens up the throttle and guns the engine hard, pushing it up to a hundred kilometers an hour, then a hundred and twenty, then a hundred and fifty... easily fast enough to be earning either a large fine and an impoound, or a fatal headwound if she were to crash, especially given her lack of helmet.

But Catra isn't going to crash. She's not in her disguise, so her agility isn't being sapped. What the hell, it's not like anyone's going to realize she's a cat when she rockets past them at this speed.

So now as well as dreaming about burning down to her bones she's being stalked by fire kittens? What did she do to deserve this? She rides, feeling the air whipping past her face; she rides aimlessly, eventually finding herself up on a hill overlooking the coastline. She throws the bike sideways, squealing the tires hard as she skids to a halt. There she sits, then, the bike idling underneath her as she turns her music off and throws the headphones off her ears.

As she does, the noise of Tokyo engulfs her once more; all the people, all the hustle and bustle, all the cacophony that she can never escape. It washes over her and through her, surrouning her like an itchy, too hot blanket.

"I," she begins, before screaming as loud as she can, "AM! NOT! A *PRINCESS!*"