780/Hang Out!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Hang Out!
Date of Scene: 17 November 2023
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Rubi, Adrien, Coco, and Marinette hang out.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Rubi Hanabusa, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste

Coco Kiumi has posed:
A truck is currently stationed in front of Radiant Heart Academy, its engine in neutral ready to restart at any moment. The woman driving it is staring at the school, clearly expecting somebody to come out of it. Nothing particularly special overall, besides a truck bed full of recipients marketed as nutrients for sea plants, with nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and more.

Soon enough, her patience is rewarded, because Coco comes out of the school with a smile and a wave. Maybe a relative? They certainly share the yellow hair and eyes.

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
Rubi is down with classes for the day, and she is thankful to be back in her normal clothes. She meanders through the quad as she chews a bit on a lolipop she snagged from the cafeteria. She slows as she hears the rumble of the big truck, and her curiosity gets the better of her. The girl makes her way out to the entrance gate, and she leans against it to watch the blonde.

"Huh. What's all that?," she asks.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is about to board the truck when a voice behind her calls out with an inquiry. Is it addressed to her? She turns around to check her interlocutor, someone she has certainly never seen before.

The mermaid spends a second or two gazing at the girl with brown hair and eyes before deciding she is just a bored schoolmate. "Hi, I am Coco", she introduces herself first, smiling warmly towards Rubi. "Those are just some nutrients for my pool of sea plants." She lets go of the door handle for the moment, this time being the one with a question. "Did you just transfer in? I don't think I saw you around before."

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
She moves closer, taking Coco in before she grins widely. "Oh, cool! I love plants and stuff. I spent HOURS in my dad's garden back home. I miss it, for sure." She nods at the question and puts her hands on her hips like she's posing.

"Rubi Hanabusa! Grade 8! I just moved here from Obanazawa, up north!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Its been a few weeks since Marinette was in school. Today is her first day back to school and things are going mostly well. She happens to be in Home Economics class and happens to have just made some macarons. The Home Ec Teacher tried them and gave her a bright smile, "You should take these out and give them to some students, Perhaps they would enjoy some of your macarons." So Marinette put the macarons on a platter and headed outside.

Marinette steps outside and well, there aren't many people outside of the school, surprise surprise. Most people are in school, attending classes. So this leads the bluenette to walk around, carrying her macarons on the platter. So far all is well with her. She walks towards the front gate of the school.

Marinette quietly sits down on the curb and sighs. "Tikki Why am I out here. No one is going to want macarons out here."

Out flies Tikki from Marinette's little handbag. "I am sure we will stumble on someone. Until then I know I want one!" The kwami flies over to the platter and grabs a pink macaron to eat.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Marinette? When did you get back?" Adrien's voice speaks up as he approaches from outside the school walking in with his bag slung over his shoulder. There was a car further down the road leading out of the school where a black sedan was parked a moment or two longer before pulling away which is likely where he came from.

He'd spotted Marinette though, and was curious as well about the truck not far off because it wasn't often trucks showed up at school like that. "I wonder what's going on over there."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is admittedly unsure what to do next. If Rubi has an interest in gardening, it's probable she would want to see, but that could end up being tricky, even dangerous for her. Just a little literal slip up, and she would just be seafoam in her pool. On the other hand, Cleria is here, so they can both be careful about any potential incident, she thinks, gazing at the truck's driver. Alright, it's decided, she is doing it.

"Nice to meet you Rubi. Would you like to come with me? Since you like plants and all. I don't know if sea plants are of your interest, but maybe you would find them nice", she offers uncertaintly.

Then she hears the sound of someone lamenting there are no people out there and recognises the figure of Marinette. It has been a while, huh? "Hello, Marinette", she shout towards her, inviting her to reach them just as Adrien approaches her. Perfect, two soon-to-be-lovebirds in her aim! "Want to come over too, Adrien?"