2227/Your Princess is from Another Future

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Your Princess is from Another Future
Date of Scene: 08 January 2025
Location: Mamoru's Apartment
Synopsis: Following Rabbit Hunt, Take Two and The Littlest Things Matter, our crew of heroes, now joined by Minako and Kazuo, put their heads together to talk about what they've learned, and learn even more from Chibiusa. The 30th Century is in trouble, and Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity is seeking their aid.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Jadeite, Amanda Faust, Veronica Perenna, Minako Aino, Mamoru Chiba, Chibiusa Tsukino, Kazuo Saitou
Tinyplot: Black Moon Clan
Tinyplot2: BMC: Rabbit Hunt

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's Wednesday, and Sailor Moon, Puella Red (as Sailor Chalcopyrite), Jadeite, and Princess of Sarek (as Sailor Mars) are still outside the Fire Museum in Shinjuku, which is currently blazing with alarms. Shattered glass has fallen onto the ground from a busted second floor window, and parents and guardians alike are hustling away their small children and charges.

The good news is that Koan is gone. The bad news is everything else happening here.

"Okay, everyone," Sailor Moon says, jogging over to her friends with Jadeite thrown over her shoulder like a sack of flower, fireman-style. He's unconscious. That's not a surprise - mega attack, followed by mega purification? She'd want a nap too. "We've got to get out of here, but we cannot just run back to Mamochan's place like this, if someone spots us we're leading them right to him, so - let's head down to the train station. We can transform back in the bathrooms down there, and then we can ride the line back towards Juuban."

A beat.

"Are... you guys okay enough for that? Because if not, I bet Mamochan could come and teleport someone back for emergency care -"

She's asking both Amy and Veronica, because they'd both been targeted as much as she was. And don't worry about how she'll carry Jadeite back - that's what the disguise pen is for. It can make Sailor Moon look like someone else.

Jadeite has posed:
Jadeite groans and opens one bloodshot eye. "What, the pretty girls get an offer to be teleported but I don't?"

It's a joke. It's a pretty bad one, but he is attempting to lighten the mood after. You know. Being shot with a mega attack and temporarily going dark for thirty seconds.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    'Sailor Chalcopyrite' is purifying her soul gem of the slight corruption gained during the fight. Mostly because of her attempted killshot on Koan. It's quick, less than a second -- she's just topping up. She nods to Sailor Moon, "Yeah. He kept me from getting burned. ...He'll be okay, right?" she asks, looking to Jadeite, then giggles in nervous relief as he lets them know he's feeling well enough to joke.

    "The plan seems fine." She conjures her cloak over the senshi outfit and follows the others back to the train station.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Ok enough for that... She is doing pretty well, all in all, for someone who was getting choked. She would definitely appreciate a few days of recovery, but she is good enough to walk over there. At least, with the safety of a henshin form. She is not sure she would appreciate going back to her mundane self right now. Besides, she is not sure nobody is watching them, and it would do well for her to keep up her disguise for now.

"Don't worry Moon, I am well enough", the fake Mars reassures the actual Sailor Senshi before going into the bathrooms and takes a deep breath before simply changing the clothes of her disguise to something less eyecatching. In this case, a black shirt and trousers combo with a red sweater on top and white sneakers.

"Here I am", she hurries back with a smile. "I am all good to go now, Moon."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"You're a heavy lunk of man," Sailor Moon responds to Jadeite with a mock-prim tone, though her shoulders lower with relief at the evidence of his consciousness. "I'm not going to have Mamochan throw his back out teleporting you around, not when he's already got Chibiusa to look after."

Chalcopyrite gets a kind smile, the worry - and then relief in her laugh - recognized. "He'll be fine! Mamochan's going to fix him right up, and then he'll sleep it off. He'll be better if we all promise not to tell Mamochan about his little maniacal rant though~"

They've got to laugh about it a little, right? That it was quick, brief, and easily stopped, if nothing else.

"Okay, I trust you to know your limits, Mars-chan!" The false Sailor Mars is given a warm smile, though the concern is definitely still there in her eyes. Withe everyone settled, they make their way down the streets of Shinjuku - well, over the streets, in some cases.

The Fire Museum is pretty close to Shinjuku's train station - only a 12 or so minute walk for normal citizens, which is just a handful of minutes for magical warriors. On the way to the station though, there's a lot of communication that needs to happen - both on the civilian and magical sides. Usagi handles most of it, displaying the kind of quick thinking and competence that people usually only associate with her magical identity, but which she always had - it was just reserved for special settings, moments, and skillsets.

First there's the call to the teacher they'd been assigned to -

"Shimizu-sensei, this is Tsukino-san! I made it out of the museum with Nomura-kun from your class, and my cousin, Tsukino-san from the kindergarten class - they both got turned around in all the chaos, and ended up in an emergency staircase. Nomura-kun is a family friend, and Chibi Usagi-chan is family, so we're taking them home - no, I'm sorry, we can't turn back, we're already at the train station. We're with Faust-san, Chiba-san, Suikawa-san, and Perenna-san, some of the other chaperones, and once we were outside, security wouldn't let us back in. I'll definitely get their information for you, and I'll make sure that you hear from Nomura-kun's parents, okay?"

A similar phone call is made to Chibiusa's kindergarten teacher, and then to the head of the chaperones, and the three phone calls last through their arrival to the train station, where they shuffle into bathrooms - Sailor Moon gently lowered Jadeite into a bench in an out of the way corner, then dashes off to transform in the nearest bathroom. When Usagi Tsukino comes back, she tosses Tamaki Suikawa's arm over her shoulder, and smiles at the group.

"Alright, this is the train we need to take. It will let us off at the station close to Mamoru's building, and then it's just a few streets over -"

The good thing about the Japanese transport system is that it's fast, reliable, and everyone minds their own business. No one pays the slightly ragtag group of children any mind, which is a benefit as Usagi gets on the last bit of communication - texting for back up.

Usagi TXT to Minako: Minako-chan, we got into a fight in Shinjuku, please get to Mamochan's place, he's there with Chibiusa-chan
Usagi TXT to Minako: We're on the train so no one can follow us but no one should be expecting you, you'll probably beat us there
Usagi TXT to Minako: Please make sure everything's okay! We can explain it all when we're there!

When the train arrives at the station, the group of four tired heroes make it from the train station, to the building - housing Cafe BAKE Neko, but which is bypassed for now to avoid getting mobbed by kitties, who always know when you don't have time for them - into the elevator, and up to the top floor.

Usagi lets them into the apartment after a cursory knock.

"We're here," she calls, and tiredly waves her friends through the entryway.

Minako Aino has posed:
The bad thing about being away for a month or two is all of the school work necessary to catch up on from being gone so long. Minako has not enjoyed this aspect of her 'vacation' at all. It even kept her from going on a trip with others! SO UNFAIR!

Though she'd been plodding through her work (with several yelling sessions from Artemis to PAY ATTENTION) she certainly wasn't upset to have received a text from Usagi telling her that things had happened and they needed her to meet them at Mamoru's apartment! The poor homework is abandoned gleefully as she rushes over with Artemis preparing to receive Usagi, possibly some others, and she even has a first aid kit just in case!

Something unnecessary it would seem she beats them there. And finds Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen playing with a cute pink haired child along with... with... "Saitou-san."

For once the usually boisterious Minako Aino finds herself just staring, watching, like a wallflower clutching the little fist aid pack to her chest along with a by-now slightly limp white cat that had given up on extracting himself from her grasp and was just dangling there.

"... Could you *at least* let me down, Mina? This is undignifie--" Squeeze. MEOWCH!

Thankfully the poor forlorn abused and misused Lunarian Guide is released at this point when the doors open allowing Usagi to usher in the others from the whole incident. "Usagi-chan! Are you okay? I brought a first-aid kit!" Perhaps unnecessarily but she HAD and it's hefted up in both hands to display it while her gaze slides from Usagi to ... Sarek? To Amy to that cute boy who had helped her last time.

Dutifully she fwips out a bandaid which she pat-pats to Tamaki's scuffed cheek. Sorry, it's hot pink. VERY hot pink.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's quite true: At least Mamoru, possibly Mamoru and Kazuo-- are there with Chibiusa, Mamoru in henshin without the mask. He's demonstrating one of the moves in how to protect yourself with a cape. "And remember, it's totally different from shielding someone else with the cape, we'll start with that once you've got shielding yourself down."

The couches have plastic sheets on them, and one of them has a white cotton sheet over that. And Mamoru looks up in alarm when he hears the knock on the balcony door, though he shouldn't, because Kazuo's been keeping track-- but it's Sailor Venus.

He probably shouldn't pale like that when he sees her but he does, and his gaze flickers to Kazuo, and he stares at Venus then says over the end of Artemis squawking, "I'm sorry about Danburite!!! I'm so sorry. I mean--"

And then they're there and Mamoru immediately switches modes to hugging Usagi and Tamaki and doing a brief survey of injuries. "Who's hurt most? Come sit down everybody."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa is wearing a towel-turned-cape while standing in the living room, heeding her alt-father's instructions well. "Um... Okay!" Small Lady glances over at Minako when she arrives, noting that this may be the first time she's seen teenage Venus, but she does at least recognize her. She smiles at the girl for a moment before realizing that she likely has never seen Chibiusa before and has no idea who she is, so she just clams up for a moment and tries to focus on cape-practice.

    Artemis, on the other hand, hasn't changed a whole lot in 1000 years. Funny, that.

    Luna-P floats lazily behind the caped Chibi crusader, spinning around with its unchanging overly forced smile. It stops spinning for a second or two to stare at Venus before resuming. Silent catballs have very little to add to conversations, and knowing Luna-P's mind this is probably a good thing.

    "O-oh, right. They're coming." Small Lady retreats somewhat from the incoming crowd, happy to see that they all made it but not really wanting to get underfoot in case someone has gotten really hurt. Instead, she finds a wall to stand next to and starts moving her cape around her, all the while making, "Swoosh!" sound effects with her mouth and practicing the same motion over and over. Gotta get that muscle memory in.

Jadeite has posed:
"That'd be me," Tamaki wheezes, "followed by Miss Sarek." He raises his hand from where he's draped over Usagi's shoulders, looking like he got hit by a Dippin Dots cart. "Nothing fatal, but I'd like to be eating less sh- " oh Chibiusa is RIGHT THERE, dont say eating shit - "eating less snow. And I"m ditching class tomorrow because. Ow."

He's out of henshin so he's not oozing all over Usagi's good clothing, but that doesn't help the ashen smudges on his face and hair from getting dark fire-bombed.

"We've got things to follow up on, but, ugh, after the healing."

(He remembers ranting about the new kingdom, the new world. That had triggered him getting hit with the fireball, that had been on his mind - they need to get ready for that now, he thinks, unroot the catastrophe - even if he still thinks that Mamoru and Usagi being royals would be good for the world, he's not going t blurt it out.)

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
Kazuo had been watching, but with Venus's arrival he deems that unnecessary - which means that he's emerging from the hallway in time for Mamoru to glance his way. Senshi on balcony receives courteous bow!

... Senshi on balcony (or in from balcony) may note that Saitou is dressed almost exactly as she remembers. Except sparkly faceted-jewel earrings. And no sunglasses. And fuzzy blue slippers. Apparently the image is allowed a break in Mamoru's place.

Annnd then everyone else is piling in, and Kazuo regards them thoughtfully for a moment, and then heads for the kitchen.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
During the trip back, the moonlit thief just lets Usagi do the explanation with the teachers. Best way to get their story straight really, and she listens intently to all that Usagi says in case the teachers think to question her about it too later. Probably they will have to give the account of what "happened" to the police too, now that she thinks about it.

Won't they attract more attention by using another entrance?, Veronica wonders to herself as she follows Usagi's lead inside the cafe and finds herself in front of Minako and Tamaki. Not like she knows the group ready to jump on them Usagi just saved them from, she has never been to the cafe.

"Hello", the disguised Phantom Thief waves at the two, otherwise letting them be while Minako takes care of the patching up. She opts not to sit down unless invited to, and while waiting for Usagi to tackle what just happened, she lets the disguise fade, going back to being the Princess of Sarek.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Geeze... I don't think I've talked on the phone that long in years, aside from telling you about last time I saw her..." Amy observes of Moon on the way to the station. "Good on you remembering all that... I dunno if I would've remembered."

    Sailor Mars doesn't de-henshin, perhaps to be ready to respond in the event of an attack -- so Amy does the same, changing her clothes to a school uniform and remaining henshined for the trip back. She looks longingly at the cats inside the cafe in passing.

    And then they're up in the room and Mamoru is worried -- "I'm fine, worry about him" and waves to Chibiusa, "Heeey--" only to get distracted by Veronica changing appearance. "Wait, you were... why didn't you make up a--? Oh right. But can you even use fire magic, though?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I'm the social one," is what Sailor Moon responded to Amy on the way. "And these are the kinds of things it's a good idea to keep track of, because otherwise we'll have people worried and mad, you know?"

But then they're back at the Mamoru and she's being enthusiastically greeted.

"Hi, Venus-chan!" And then she pauses, and looks at Sailor Venus, and looks at everyone else, and then, giving Minako an apologetic look, repeats, "Hi, Minako-chan, I'm okay-ish. Tama-kun over here got the biggest hits this time; I had to purify him a little."

The repeat was to do a little gentle Veil breaking, in case it's needed - they're going to be talking about too much stuff for this whole identity thing to last, especially when she's pretty sire that in spite of a year and a half of fighting, this is one of the first times she's gotten Minako, Mamoru, Tamaki, and Kazuo in the same room together at the same time, and she knows this is the first time she's gotten Chibiusa and Minako into the same group together, and also she's failure sure Minako won't be all that upset about it.

If she is, she'll forgive her. That's what being adorable is for.

As Tamaki has hot pink bandaids pressed onto his more minor scuffs, Usagi lets it go and then says - "Oh, wait, I think those have to be cleaned first?"

That sounds right, anyway. She shuffles forward and deposits Tamaki on a plastic-lined couch and plops down herself on the other end, only then noticing Veronica standing quietly and Chibiusa practicing - cape movements? Oh no, that's adorable!

"Sarek-chan, you can sit down on any of the couches. Amy-chan, the same way you wanted to get info out of our enemies, Sarek-chan wanted to do the same - I suggested Sailor Mars, because they seemed to know some of us, and well, now it seems like we kind of... know how."

Her gaze falls back to Chibiusa - this time, it's a lot less 'how adorable' and a lot more 'what secrets do you hide in your tiny body'.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa points at Tamaki with a 'ooh you are so in trouble' smirk. "He almost said a bad word! He almost said it!" She watches him with a grin that starts confident but quickly turns into a frown as she realizes that, oh no, he's actually hurt. Making a sad face, she grabs Luna-P and holds the future toy close and contemplates the fundamental unfairness of the multiverse.

    Because it's kinda her fault that the Black Moon Clan is here, but it's not really her fault that they're all jerks.

    Small Lady isn't really all that helpful when it comes to medical matters, at least not compared to Mamoru, so she kinda just stays out of the way. She's not sure how to bring up the topic of the future, and she's not convinced that right now is the right time, so she's kinda waiting for someone else to bring it up.

    Chibs waves at Amy when waved to, but when she looks up at Usagi she just... glares and sticks out her tongue, then crosses her arms and looks away. She's not saying anything yet!

    ... Even though she basically already told Mamoru everything.

Minako Aino has posed:
Sailor Venus has a lot to process. A lot. The greeting and apology from Tuxedo Mamo-chan about Danburite causes her head to snap at him with a mouthed, 'How..?' That trails off because that's when she saw Saitou-san. Who bowed to her. HER, of all people! The gaping continued past that until the crew shambled in and she began going into bandaging mode.

Which Usagi points out should be cleaned first. "Oh, right, yes. I usually just take a shower and then bandage up so I didn't think to--" And there goes the Veil as Minako is identified. The large red hair bow might have been a defining clue even without that.

Instead Venus points toward the couch, or chairs, or whatever is available. "All of you sit! You've just been in a fight and are at the least tired. Now, what happened? Who do I need to go Venus Kick in the face?"

Jadeite has posed:
"Hi, Venus," Tamaki says weakly, waving from the plastic wrapped couch. "You're very lovely, thank you for the bandaid, I don't think I can emotionally deal with being hit on today because I'm a kinsey 5." Fingerguns! Lovely girl! He is trying to gently turn her down! "I'm Jadeite. I don't remember if I tried to kill you last year but I think we were both in Paris? It has been a very strange year."

Right! He thinks he has that covered?

"Do they need to be cleaned before Mamoru-chan does his thing? I swear it's usually faster when we're fighting," he says, but he obediently prepares himself to get his injjuries cleaned.

"So that's why we have extra scouts - I was wondering where we'd gotten a Shittennou themed Senshi," and he nods to Amy. "...sorry about you getting hit with my shields," he says to Veronica sheepishly.

And now he is t posing on his back on the couch. Exhausted. "Mamoru, that cat girl is out of her mind. She thinks that Usagi's going to turn into an evil tyrant?? USAGI?? I don't know what they're smoking in the future but they're full of," and he looks Chibiusa dead in the face, "shit." TRULY THEY ARE. "I know most of here know this already but I am saying it again for the group: Usagi's one of the kindest people I know and she's definitely not going to sit on a throne of lies, and we're stopping whatever bullshit is coming in the future."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Mostly, getting her to run her mouth", Veronica replies to Amy's questions with a small satisfied smile. They definitely got that and more, though she is still interesting into knowing more about that prince. "And it kept her away from Chibiusa, so two for the price of one", Veronica adds with a small cough.

"I can only copy the form. As much as I would like to, others' powers aren't part of the package, and I can't use mine either, or may as well give up on the disguise", she gives a slow shrug. Still with both Mars and Sunbreaker in her repertoire, fire powers would be quite nifty. Even if she promised not to make use of Sunbreaker any longer.

"Do you think you can leave him off the hook for today?", Veronica smiles at Chibiusa. "It was a long day for everyone, was it not? Do you want something pretty in exchange?", she tries to bribe Chibiusa with an ornate calling card featuring a moon, lilies, her cane and her hat.

"Thank you, Usagi-chan", she smiles gratefully, taking a place on the couch. "I would rather not leave my transformation right now, but my real name is Veronica Perenna, and with that we should all be on the same page", she remarks after the reveal of Venus' identity.

"I will probably still try to get more information out of them", Veronica muses. "I want to know more about the Demanding Prince Demande of Demands", she remarks with fabricated casualness. In reality, she had that pun swirling in her mind the whole time, and really really wanted to make use of it.

"It's fine", Veronica smiles thankfully at Jadeite. "They were barely in front of me, and you got me out of that pinch with Koan, so if anything, I owe you my thanks."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru catches Usagi's expression from the side, where he's put a hand on Tamaki's head to check for anything really bad, then says, "Yeah, you need your stuff cleaned out before I fix it. Aino-san," he says, "do you know how to clean minor injuries? Soap and water, and then the alcohol pads? If you can do that for Tamaki-kun while I see to Perenna-san, I'd appreciate that.

He eyes Chibiusa as he moves over from Tamaki to Veronica, and then he smiles at her-- and Minako is being a giant distraction that should at least give him a little more time, BUT!

Tamaki! Is! CUSSING IN FRONT OF HIS DAUGH(blushing)TER. "Watch your mouth, Tamachan."

(Venus will SEE the way he looks from Chibiusa to Usagi, though, and she will see the way he blushes and studiously ignores it.)

"Kazuo, can you get Aino-san some warm water and whatever...? Or whatever you're doing is fine, too," he calls over to the kitchen, then looks back to Veronica. "Okay," he says, wincing as he looks at the ugly bruising already starting to show livid on her neck, and he offers his hand out. "I don't think I've healed you before, so, it's got a little bit of an emotional load."

The injuries are all bruising, or superficial, for Veronica -- so it's only that when she accepts, Veronica will feel a warm golden surge of strength and energy, and the pain goes away, and for the duration of the healing, the strange sensation of broken blood vessels and abraded skin re-weaving, and of the lymphatic system shoving interstitial blood around, is blessedly covered! It's covered by a calm bedrock peace, by underground rivers and the electric nervous systems of cities, by volcanic fissures deep beneath the ocean, by the forest primeval and meadows full of wildflowers in the late june sunshine, by ancient desert architecture and carefully groomed gardens and banked fires in hearths stretching back into the reaches of history...

He's listening the whole time, though. And at some point he half turns to look at Usagi and Chibiusa again, and he says, "Usako."

He's blushing again.

He's in contact with Veronica. She can basically feel the joy radiating off of him, and this sense of belonging that's different from the one his power serves.

"Usako," he says again, and then he grins. And he looks at Chibiusa again, then back at Usagi. "Usa... she's, you know."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Cleaned and we should put antibiotic on them, yeah. If you haven't got any you really should for the cat scratches downstairs, and I've got a tube in my kit." Amy observes of Tamaki's wounds.


    Getting her to run her mouth. Amy nods at Veronica "Yeah, same idea." She points a thumb at herself. "If you need fire, uh... I guess I can give you grenades during a fight?"

    Chibiusa isn't saying anything. Amy looks around at the others. Maybe it'll help to point out what she's already worked out? "The same name, and from the future." She looks to Usagi, "So she's one of your descendents, or..." She looks to the others, "extended family, like Shingo's or Sakai-san's descendent or something..."

    Oh, Mamoru is healing. Amy looks over at Veronica, watching with some concern; hoping however she reacts to feeling that sense of belonging won't make things awkward.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa hears Jadeite recount a brief version of the crap that Koan was talking. Then she listens to Sarek and the rest talk about it. She is offered a bribe, and a Princess does not accept bribes, but Jadeite says the whole cuss right in front of her. However, mercy is being called for, so she comes up with a compromise. "Luna-P, become a swear jar."

    As the catball transforms, Chibiusa accepts the card and places it in the jar. "The price has been paid," she intones with about as much gravity as could ever be expected from a 5 year old.

    Then she turns to Usagi and crosses her arms. "It's true. In the future, Neo Queen Serenity becomes a communist dictator. She runs a post-scary-tees society and the entire world submits to her rule. Also, it's a whole lot of work and she doesn't get to be a housewife like she wanted. That's why you gotta give me the Silver Crystal. It's the only way to save the future."

    Does she actually expect that to work? No. No this time she is actually just saying this to get under Usagi's skin.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
"On it," is Kazuo's return call from the kitchen, and he emerges with the nth bowl of warm water and washcloth for the evening in one hand, and the kitchen first-aid kit in the other, setting both down on the closest clear surface to Jadeite. He paces back into the kitchen; the next trip out is with a largish tray. Cups, coffee (one cup blatantly Mamoru's, it has a tiny white domino mask propped on the edge), teapot, bottled sodas, pitcher of ice water. "What I want to know," he comments aloud, "is how King Endymion manages in a world without scary T-shirts."

Possibly he is only saying this because Mamoru is probably too busy to throw things at him.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Chibiusa gets a tongue stuck out in her direction, which is maybe not helping Jadeite's case of 'the kindest person he knows' but which is emotionally true to her core at the moment. But he's also cursing, which is both incredibly rude (not that she can judge) and in front of Chibiusa, so she reaches out to lightly whap him - and stops, because Chibiusa has a swear jar and a bribe, so the whapping hand is not needed.

Instead, she just sits back and says, "I'm pretty sure Mamochan can heal you without cleaning it out? But if we're going to put band-aids on instead, we should clean it up. ...And also you're still going to have to wash your face, so you'll want to put the band-aid on after?"

And then Mamoru pretty much confirms that, asking for some stuff to clean Tamaki's wounds. "Yeah, there was something about a Prince Demande and a Black Moon Clan, that's probably the most we've gotten out of them about who they are besides Spectre Sisters... Yes, Mamochan?"

Because he's calling her name, and then Chibiusa is talking, and she is listening to her, really, but Mamoru is blushing, and he's saying, her name again, and looking at Chibiusa, and she's saying Neo-Queen Serenity is a post-scary-tees world and is a communist dictator and didn't get to be a housewife and that's really rude, and she's -

"Oh god, we named you after me," she says with the kind of slow-dawning horror-joy-realization of seeing a positive pregnancy test, but like, five years way too late and also probably way too many years early and this metaphor is getting beaten up, but - "That sounds just like me, I'm sorry not sorry, Chibiusa-chan."

And then she's off of her chair and her bruises might as well not even be there, as she scoops Chibiusa up into her arms and hugs her.

That's the indignity of being like five - people can just scoop you right up.

"You're ours," she says into Chibiusa's hair, pressing her close. "Even if I did banish all the scary t-shirts and become a Russian or Chinese dictator." (What? Did you think she passed politics class?)

Minako Aino has posed:
"Right, of course. I've got antiseptic," Venus agrees as she sinks down to her knees beside the couch that Tamaki is currently sprawled on while bemoaning his fate about being a Kinsey 5. Something that causes her to regard him with a difficult to read expression momentarily. "... Is that a boy band? Usagi-chan, is there a new boy band out you didn't tell me about?" She's JOKING, right? Must be.

The scolding from Mamoru as well causes her to look over catching that glance he spares for Usagi and the little pink haired girl wearing a towel-cape. The other eyebrow raises. By the time she's soaked a cotton ball in some antiseptic to dab against Tamaki's wounds the gears in her head are turning.

"You're acting like she's your daughter or something!"

Oh wait.

Usagi then confirms and she glances toward the ceiling with a sigh. This means she was going to get stuck babysitting, probably. "No fair you aren't even married yet and I haven't even found my --" She trails off deciding now wasn't the time to be silly bemoaning her own loveless fate. Besides Kazuo was *right there* being distracting with refreshments.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    And then te five-year-old child goes from taking the swear jar very seriously to telling them about the future. "Damn. So we would have reached post-scarcity in my lifetime. ...Wait. But if... she really runs a post-scarcity communist society as a benevolent dictator, what are they rebelling for? Koan dissed Capitalism too when we met her... and there's no way Usagi's the type to become an authoritarian that claims to be communist. At least, in this timeline... I guess that one could've had an entirely different life... Wait, wasn't there some kind of apocalypse that killed everyone before 2025?"

    And then her dear friend Usagi looks at Chibiusa and says 'we named you after me' and is suddenly a mom. And that strikes her speechless for a long moment.

    "Uh..." She throws up her hands, "Congratulations!" And smiles to Mamoru, "To both of you!"

    Amy holds a hand to her forehead, "Ohhh, that's why she's hanging around you two... Geeze I dunno what I'd do if I went to the past and my parents were teenagers..."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa did manage to get a tongue stuck out at her, but she didn't manage to distract Usagi from Mamoru's blushing or the implications of it.

    Which... fair.

    She's then scooped up, cape and swear jar and all, and she's just... ugh fine. Fine. Mom can have a hug. Fine.

    "Yeah, you did. The three of us were the Tsukinos for like two whole years..." that's said with a heavy amount of sarcasm for someone who is clearly only five. "... before the bad things happened and my momma and the other Sailor Senshi made them go away. That's why they started calling it 'post-scary-tees'. I was never sure what that had to do with T-shirts and at this point I'm scared to ask. The monsters just looked like monsters to me. I don't remember if they even wore shirts."

    Chibiusa isn't sure what she thinks of Russia or China, but she can't stand passing up a chance to correct Usagi so she says, "What? No! The capital is in Crystal Tokyo. Russia? What?"

    Small Lady hears Amy talking and looks over Usagi's shoulder to talk, "So like... the timeline is all messed up and I don't know why. I was born in 1998. The world ended in 2000. Apparently Usagi has a completely different birthday here than she does where I came from. There are a lot of differences too, like... I'm not sure we had smartphones?"

    "And I don't know why they're rebelling. The bad guys just dropped a big black crystal on us with no explanation or threats, and I had to run away before getting a real answer."

Jadeite has posed:
"Kinsey isn't a boy band, he was an American researcher on gay people," Tamaki says. "Due to me being gay." ...and he'd talked about helping Mercury by being a surrogate, but that was different, ok?

Tamaki lies down and lets his wounds get cleaned, but then - uh. Every thought is shot out of his brain as he jerkily sits up, eyes as big as saucers. "I'M AN UNCLE???"


"We're uncles??" To Kazuo.

"We're aunt???" to Minako. "Oh no, I AM the king's butler! The cat was right all along!"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Thank you very much, much obliged", Veronica smiles back to Mamoru and gives him her hand, sighing with relief once she is soffused by that feeling of a golden radiance filling, of beautiful vistas and distant marvels, of that weird tingling as her wounds slowly but surely start becoming right again, and she feels like if there was a was to capture this feeling and transmit it to everyone, all people would benefit from it.

"That was so incredibly nice", she regards Mamoru joyfully, before their contact transmits his feelings of belonging to her, making her stare between him and Chibiusa with some of weird happiness. "Mamoru-san, I believe we are done here", she blushes slightly, taking her hand off of his without haste.

"He loves you two very much", she finds the composure to say to Usagi and Chibiusa, congratulations with a hint of a tease for what they have now that she has broken the emphatic link.

"Thanks for the offer, but I do not know how to use firearms, and it would gather all the more attention if I needed to borrow someone else's weapons to fight", she politely turns Amy's offer down. And she personally feels they don't have the type of elegance that suits her.

"Usagi-chan, communism is a type of governance based on the dismantling of private poverty", she quietly explains to her with a very quick definition. "Anyway, the Spectre Sisters now are out of revenge for what happened in their future. Apparently in their history, Usagi-chan and Mamoru-san are this age in 1994", she brings up.

"Like I have told Koan, if she goes around calling you a butler in that way, then it doesn't paint a good image of her", Veronica addresses Jadeite.

Minako Aino has posed:
"I *know* what..." Minako starts to protest about the further explanation before just dropping it entirely. Apparently now was not the time to joke. Now was the time for warm family reunions, and not at all awkward feelings that were slowly dredging up for herself.

Like being reminded of someone who died on her (almost literally), and familiar faces of old crushes, and...

And Tamaki is yelling *right in her ear*.

She gives up the ghost at attempting to clean his wounds just throwing the cotton balls at his chest. "It's okay, I like boys too," she adds as a last little jest before rising to her feet with hands dusting over her skirt. Her henshin fades away leaving her in casual clothes rather than the Sailor Scout fuku. Just leggings, boots, a skirt and a very super warm sweater for Winter.

She's about to suggest leaving the family to enjoy their reunion when Artemis steps over to nudge ChibiUsa's hand with a little headbump. The white cat with crescent moon stares up at her with wide eyes before he recalls his pride, and politely covers his mouth with a paw to clear his throat. "I assume you know me then as well, Little Lady?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"You are very welcome," Mamoru tells Veronica sheepishly, and he's still blushing -- but they know that, they both know that. And then his eyes are just *soft* watching Usagi and Chibiusa. Ours. Ours.

"Yes, sorry to-- to bring the happy and then bring the cranky back-- but Artemis has a very good point. Chibiusa-chan, do you want me to tell them what you told me? I think you should tell them the parts you think everyone should know, since you know the difference."

There's a sudden bright noise as Anko drops one of her jingle balls down from the cat run next to Artemis, looks disdainfully at him, and stalks off to disappear elsewhere in the run.

Then it's Tamaki's turn for healing, and oh how he knows that power welling up to greet him. "Hey," he murmurs, leaning in to touch his forehead to Tamaki's for a second while he holds a hand with his glowing one. The healing starts. "They don't really NEED to have all the stuff put on them, but I needed you kept busy, prettyboy."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I don't know what a Kinsey 5 is either," Usagi murmured back to Venus, but then Jadeite was saying something about American scientists and how it has to do with him being gay, and she has no idea why he didn't just say that, and beside - besides now she's got the worlds most annoying baby in her arms and it's fine, because she's her baby.

Chibiusa is giving her that look, and she's defending herself, "Russia and China are where the communists are! Wait... Crystal Tokyo? That's... a name."

And then Veronica whispers an explanation, and she goes oh, and that makes a lot more sense - "Thanks Veronica-chan, that makes more sense but - "

And then Chibiusa finally shares more information. They were the Tsukinios, but only for two years. The bad things happened when Chibiusa was just two years old. She was born in 1998, her daughter is older than her! Technically! By some measures of the word! The bad things were supposed to happen years before Usagi was even born... and now it's twenty-five years late... and...

"So... really, you're in a whole different dimension, huh? And in this dimension, we're the right age for... hmmm, well they thought it was 1994 and you're born in 1998, so I was still a teenager in 1994, right? And you thought I'd be a teenager, because you wanted to rob me and you expected me to be young so - does that mean you're supposed to be born in four years?"

Yes, she is focusin on the important thing, and yes, her face is turning red, and yes, she is looking at Mamoru and then away and then at Mamoru and then away. It's a good thing Mamoru is busy with Tamaki.

A little reluctantly, she sits back down, and puts Chibiusa back safely on the ground too.

"It would be... nice if you told us what you told Mamochan? So we're all on the same page?"

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
"'Butler' is a strange way to pronounce 'jester,'" Kazuo says, sliding in to take over Minako's job as she abandons it. He doesn't ruffle Tamaki's hair, just takes the washcloth and starts de-ashing Tamaki's face with one hand, then checking the hair very cautiously to make sure ash isn't hiding blood. Cotton balls of antiseptic follow, because of course they do. "You sound surprised, Tamaki. Did you expect us not to be uncles eventually?" ... amusedly messing with people: the Saitou language of affection. Okay, one of them. Along with the coffee.

Annnd then there's a Mamoru, and Kazuo takes his own turn to back off. At least there's less grime. He is ... not touching the rest of the conversation, because something that seemed perfectly normal and obvious when he was talking about it with just Mamoru and Chibiusa is somehow much weirder right now. A quick glance is stolen at Minako. Okay. He is not the only one feeling awkward here. Good, good.

He shifts attention to Amy and Veronica. "I'm not sure we can put a lot of faith in the people murderously chasing a five-year-old also happening to talk truthfully about their motivations," he says. "Especially if any research they did about what we'd react to is thirty years off."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Russia and China are where-- "Those aren't communists, they're autocratic regimes, they just call themselves that--" Veronica explains and Amy hurriedly interjects, "Private property being like when you own a factory or extra homes you charge people to use, not like, personal property like having a place to live and personal possessions." She may have been Learning Things back before her world was turned upside down.

    "We did not have smartphones in 2000..." Amy answers Chibiusa. "And it's 'post-scarcity'. Meaning a world where there's enough of what everyone needs to go around, and humanity no longer need to compete for limited resources. Honestly, with all the resources of the planet Earth and modern technology, we probably would be there already if not that there's no money in it and, in fact, it would kind of make being rich pointless if no one had to go without what they need."

    She looks at Tamaki and nods, "So, I said I was the senshi of truth and, and the freedom to live as your true self and Koan said I would have had to die when you--" she looks to Usagi, "came to power, I mean, the other you, came to power, and it doesn't add up. They -- Koan's people -- say you, I mean she, became a tyrant, but that doesn't sound like you at all, and Chibiusa's description doesn't sound like something anyone would have a problem with..."

    Amy frowns thoughtfully and rubs her chin. "It doesn't add up..."

Jadeite has posed:
"I knew we'd be uncles eventually! I didn't think that we'd be uncles NOW!" Tamaki squeaks to Kazuo. "Isn't this at least seven years too early for them to have a five year old?? And besides - I am not nearly funny enough to be a jester. Isn't that you with the king's ear?" He squirms, but lets Kazuo clean up his face and squeegee the ashes off.

"...Sorry for yelling, Minako. I had a wretched day and I've had wild relationship drama for the last year and you're a nice girl and I didn't want to make things weird for you. Weirder."

(He says this, feeling none of the weirdness at third wheeling the family reunion. This is not the weirdest rodeo he's been to.)

"It'd probably take a disaster to make some countries accept a ruler like that," says the boy born in America, "but of all the ways Usagi could rule wickedly, a tyrant isn't it. Her love's as numerous as the stars and wide as the sky. And Mamoru's proven himself a benevolent overlord here in the apartment. All this talk of thrones of lies reminds me of how Beryl had me talking when I was under her spell."

Minako Aino has posed:
Artemis nods approvingly as Mamoru gets his drift, and he moves to sit back on his haunches very polite-like while waiting for more information from Chibi-Usa. At least that's what he was going to do when there's a sudden toy dropped at him from above and a very cat-like grousing from Anko that leaves him back on his feet, claws digging into the floor, while he simply... POOFS like a bristle brush.

"I'm just visiting! I didn't do anything wrong!" He declares all apoof and kerfluffled watching the other cat leave for now warily. What did he do!? Poor beleagured Artemis is just doing his job!

Minako stands with arms crossed over her chest as the cat-beef goes on listening to everything. When Kazuo stands again she glances toward him finding herself standing far closer than anticipated given they had both been tending to Tamaki before Mamoru took over. Her eyes jerk away again with a little look of morbid embarassment.

At least there were other things to focus on!

"You said they worked for a Prince, though? There were no Prince's in the past. Sometimes people rise to power by lying and creating a narrative where they're the good guys and someone else is the bad one. Like Queen Serenity." Hey, sometimes she was insightful. Sometimes.

Tamaki's apology just earns a little shrug. "It's fine, you just look a bit like someone I used to know." Ominous. After that she pauses, grows quiet. Thoughtful. Then she hesitantly mumbles, "Good to see you again, Saitou-san."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa sees Jadeite getting excited about being an uncle and...

    She has to look away. Her heart breaks a bit. Does she have to be the one to tell him? He's gonna find out eventually, and Kazuo already knows... but... She bites her lip. No reason to spoil the mood.

    Artemis is rubbing against her hand, and Chibiusa looks down and smiles at him. She pets Artemis's head softy for a moment as she explains, "Yes. I know you, and Luna too. Anko is new to me, and so are a lot of people." She decides not to mention Diana just yet.

    Mamoru is asking her to explain, and Chibiusa considers for a moment because... Wow there is actually a lot to go over here. She sucks in a breath and then puffs it out. Usagi puts her down on the ground and Small Lady is hugging her Luna-P turned swear jar. She reaches up to adjust her towel cape as she tries to figure out where to start.

    Then Amy corrects her on what 'post-scarcity' means and she... she has a moment. She's been getting that word wrong for centuries and everyone else knew what it meant but her. "O-oh... well... I guess that kinda makes sense."

    "Right so... My name is Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity. My mama is Neo Queen Serenity and my papa is King Endymion. I'm from the 30th century, where my parents watch over the world. There's no crime, everyone has all the stuff they need... which apparently is what 'post-scarcity' means... and until these crazies showed up there was maybe one major bad guy attack in at least nine centuries."

    Chibiusa frowns and looks off to the side, fidgeting with Luna-P. "Crystal Tokyo is where we live. There are other leaders in other places around the world but everyone respects and listens to Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. People live really long lives and for the most part everyone's needs are met. I really can't think of a single reason why we'd have rebels, and I don't really know where they came from. There sure as heck isn't a Prince Demande that I've ever heard of..."

    She shrugs her tiny be-caped shoulders. "Their leader, I guess?"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Why not?" Veronica asks Kazuo. "They have been running their mouths so much I almost believe they would tell us even their most shameful secrets with a little bit of prodding." Partly an exaggeration, partly she had a hard time imaginining Koan feeling much shame.

A pensive hmm came out of Veronica's mouth at Amy's declaration over noone having a problem with it. "I do not believe Koan's claims for even one second, it's Usagi-chan we are talking about here, but I am not sure I would trust any global type of government", she affirms to the redhead. Not like Veronica had a lot of respect for governments in the first place. A completely benevolent post-scarcity one would be the first.

"How is it someone found themselves in a position to have conquered the world? That's most important typically, I couldn't really think about anyone turning over their nations peacefully", Veronica explains herself. "They would have to have had no other choice, all of them", she nods towards Jadeite at his mentioning of a disaster.

"So they are more extremely respected allies that rulers of the world", Veronica digests the information Chibiusa provides. "Usagi-chan, if you can really bring something like that about, you will have saved so many lives, it's almost hard to grasp", she comments bewildered.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
There's contact with Kazuo before he pulls away, just fingertips on his arm holding warmth and all different kinds of love, and then Mamoru's dealing with Tamaki's injuries. He speaks distractedly as he works, paying much more attention to what he's doing than to what's coming out of his mouth. "Not to get too into the weeds, but a post-scarcity society like that also doesn't tend to get along with people who want power, with people who hate the status quo, with people whose hearts are too hurt or too cold to be happy for other people. There will always be people who aren't happy and want to take it out on everyone else..."

He EYES Tamaki. "I am not relationship drama. I am *low-drama*, sir."

Mamoru heaves a sigh. "We'll be getting married in two years. Or five. Or two weddings in one year. You worry about weird stuff. There, should should be good now... and I'm not an overlord, this is my home." The prince runs a hand through Jadeite's partially-un-ashed hair, then straightens up and drops his henshin. He offers his hand to Amy without comment, just a questioning expresson.

Then he looks at Chibiusa and his head... tilts. "... the thirtieth century...?"

Oh there are so many wheels spinning.

"Ah. So... the other... the-- people don't lose their powers and their memories of magic in their late teens?" asks the seventeen-year-old. He looks at Usagi, eyes wide, then looks back to Chibiusa. "Compliment: You don't look a day over five?"

If Amy has any injuries remaining, or at all, Mamoru will get them if she lets him.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
From the 30th century. That's the thing that's ringing in Usagi's mind. The math that's mathing in her mind, 30th century being what... it's the 21st century and it's 2025, so that makes the 30th century... the 2900s... right?

Uncles and aunts and the 30th century and billions dead in 2025 and Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion and everyone lives really long lives and -

Her head is in her hands. She is breathing in and out, thinking about - about the world of the Silver Millennium and the Golden Kingdom and united planets and long lives and a God-Queen who ruled an empire for over ten thousand years. She just wanted to be a housewife, a castle did not count as a house, a Queen did not count as a wife -

"Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity," she repeats quietly, looking down at Chibiusa, at the little girl they'd give both of her names too, and a throne too, because that's what you did with a throne, didn't you? Hand it down to your children?

No wonder she's been such a little brat.

"...Mamochan's right. We're... the Queen and the King for like... a thousand years. I mean, even if everything's great, people might not like that, right? I mean, otherwise why would we have elections even when someone is great."

And she pauses, and glances at Mamoru, and then adds -

"Also, if I really was God-Queen of the World, I'd ban dark energy from the planet, and my future-brother-in-law would definitely want to rebel about that, and these people... they definitely use dark energy."

As demonstrated by what happened to Jadeite, earlier. And then? A thought occurs to her.

"...Chibiusa-chan? Do you... it sounds like they... didn't expect anyone who weren't Senshi. And you said it was us, and the Senshi who saved the world, from the bad stuff, and - billions of people are dead, in 2025, she said, the world is in ruins, in 2025, she said, and - is there... anyone else? Besides us? To fight?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Wait, there's another talking cat?" Amy wonders, but somehow that is like. The least big deal of anything going on right now.

    Amy nods as Mamoru states out loud what sort of person has an issue with post-scarcity communist Utopias. He holds out his hand and she gives a questioning look but holds out her hand for a brief touch -- through the link he sees her memory of the slap and regenerating it; the damage was not significant as these things go, and he can sense her knowledge that she can fix skin extremely efficiently and her assessment that the bruised flesh of her cheek was so minor as battle damage goes it wasn't significant magic to repair it. She smiles slightly and nods to him, not trying to hold on, it was just faster to give a complete answer telepathically than with words.

    Chibiusa continues describing paradise, and Amy listens. Wait, nine centuries? 30th century? But she was born in 1998...

    "Wait, so... we get long lives, but... we also grow so slowly that you're..."

    Amy looks at Chibiusa with wide eyes. "You're over twenty times as old as me?! Were you a baby for like three hundred years?!"

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
"Usagi would have words with me if I tried to run off with Mamoru's ear," Kazuo replies to Tamaki. This is probably not helping his point on the jester thing. It probably wouldn't be even if he weren't grinning.

He answers Veronica's 'why not?' question with a sidelong gesture to Minako; her 'sometimes people rise to power by lying' explanation works as well as anything he could say. Mamoru and Usagi add more, and... well. Veronica's comment about not trusting any global government wins a crooked smile from him.

Amy he answers out loud, though. "I've given up and just assume now that any cat has the potential for talking and most of them just don't bother. It may or may not be true, but it makes things simpler."

... he also checks and makes sure he is not in the line of fire if Chibiusa or Usagi throw anything at Amy. There's a lot of potential for flung objects today.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa shrugs at Sarek. "The people submit willingly. She's the most powerful person around in that world." Then to Mamoru, she adds, "No, there's no memory loss like that, but there's kind of a Veil? Henshin magic still keeps your disguises pretty well." She turns her attention to Usagi and shakes her tiny head, pink pigtails swooshing back and forth. "No. There's no PreCures, no Devicers, no Puella Magi..." she glances to Kazuo, then to Tamaki, and adds, "... no... Shitennou, either... I think. It's just the Inner Senshi and some of the Outers. Sailor Charon doesn't exist."

    Chibiusa holds up her hand and shakes her head 'no' at Amy. "No, no, no. Most people age up to about their 20s and then stop. That's what happens to most humans. I'm different than anyone else, because I have one parent from the Moon and another from the Earth. No one really knows how I'm supposed to age or why it's taken me so long. People younger than me have outgrown me... but... honestly, I'm not complaining."

    As for being a baby, Chibs considers, "I mean... I think I aged normally until about 2?"

Jadeite has posed:
"You are not the relationship drama. I am the drama. You are the side piece of the drama," Tamaki explains to Mamoru, as if that is not Worse. "I'm Vegeta and you're the Dragon Balls here. And thank you fo rhealing me." If Mamoru's hand is on him, he'll feel his bone-deep gratitude, his affection - and his growing excitement at having a niece.

"You," he says, poking Kazuo with his newly unbruise dhand, "are not helping your case."

and - wait ,wait, wait. The others have incredibly good and thoughtful questions about the politics of this future world, but. "....I've heard of psychosomatic pregnancies, but this is the first psychosomatic being five I've heard of."

He thinks.. And. Ah.

He's died. He's dead, and it's likely Mamoru watched him die.

He can deal with being dead - he's died before, after all. But the knife twist, of leaving his prince and his fellow guards behind.... "...I suppose we have to make up for lost time?" he says, voice tinny.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
After Tamaki's comments, Kazuo holds up one finger to the group and calmly and quietly walks out into the hall he first emerged from.

Less than twenty seconds later, he comes back out, deposits an unopened canister of Play-Doh into the Luna-P swear jar (careful not to bend the card in the process), then returns to his place.

Not a word is spoken.

Minako Aino has posed:
Minako Aino leeeeans over toward Tamaki to whisper, er, say, "I don't think it's a good idea to use the phrase 'side piece' in this case." Then again what does she know? Standing straight again she clears her throat a single time.

"Aaanyway since everything is okay now for the most part, I think I should take Artemis and get back home before my parents wonder where I went." So saying she scoops up the white cat in question to plop onto her shoulder.

"Call me when you're free again Usagi-chan," she suggests. Then she pauses. And. Sidesteps around Kazuo to head for the door quickly.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
After he's done getting the silent infodump from Amy, Mamoru nods gratefully. It really is that much easier than words. When Tamaki's done speaking, Mamoru says forcefully, "No one's allowed to die. House rule. Chibiusa-chan is from a different timeline, not just the future, so what led to her Crystal Tokyo, all those events? All bets are off. Our future is unwritten."

Silently, he pulls two thousand-yen bills out of his pocket and brings them over to Chibiusa, and he holds them up. Then he says solemnly, "This is for back when I said 'bullshit' to you," and puts one in. "And this," he puts the other in, "is for just now."

He calls over his shoulder to the leaving Minako, "Text me, okay?"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica scowls at hearing that people submit to her willingly on account of Neo Queen Serenity being the most powerful. Where she is from, she would call that duress. And hearing all those types of magical girls straight up not existing, and some of the Sailor Senshi's own, she is starting to have serious doubts about the qualities of that world's Usagi. Did she squash a rebellion underfoot before Chibiusa was even born? That would be certainly something worth looking into, if she knew how.

Veronica gives Jadeite a considerate look at the sound of his tinny voice. "Hey, the good thing is our world is for some reason already on track to be very different from that one. There is no 30 years separation here from the boom of magic, so as long as we deal with the threat of the Spectre Sisters and prince Demande, I don't think anything bad is going to happen", she tries to paint a rosier picture of the future, even if she doesn't know what exactly troubles him.

Chibiusa is her own can of worms at apparently having been this age for who knows how long. There are really so many questions she wants to ask right now about that future, but a lot of them would not be especially mindful.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa looks at the Play-Doh, and slightly arranges the contents so that the card will not get bent. She's somewhat amused by the idea that the way things are sorted, it looks like someone is threatening to steal the Play-Doh because of its immense or unstable magical properties, but the humor fades when she really considers the topic.

    "My papa still remembers you four... the other versions of you... He still keeps a collection of four stones that are very important to him, but..." She makes a worried face and says, "I don't know how he'll respond... when I tell him I met you."

    Actual money is going into the swear jar, and she looks up at Mamoru a bit awkwardly. She was kinda doing this to tease Jadeite and now it's becoming a whole thing.

    "Right... like... it's a very different world. Usagi-chan might still become a housewife here, and you know... maybe whatever apocalypse is supposed to destabilize all the governments in the whole world just ends up being one really bad day here. Maybe it just doesn't happen at all."

    She rocks back and forth on her feet for a moment before saying, "Really... I'm more worried about what's happening right now, with the Black Moon Clan and their plans. Whatever Prince Demande wants... he didn't try to talk anything out with us at all. He just dropped a magic nuke on us."

Minako Aino has posed:
Minako Aino pauses near the door at Mamoru's suggestion to text. Then turns on her heel to march right back over to Chibiusa. Reluctantly she rummages in her purse to pull out a handful of chocolates that she drops into the swear jar as well before she flashes Chibiusa a big grin.

"Don't read through their phones later," she warns before beelining out the door!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Psychosomatic being five. Amy looks from Jadeite to Chibiusa, then at herself, and shrugs; "If that's how you prefer to be I'm sure not gonna knock it."

    No Sailor Charon. "Oh, uh. Some of us can change our henshin costumes." She nods at Veronica, and her clothes go all pink-sparkly and turn back into the senshi outfit before crouching down to Chibiusa's level and quietly noting, "Charon's not a senshi either, but Pluto said she's trustworthy, alright?" She smiles conspiratorially to Chibiusa.

    Chibiusa explains that she's Slow-aging Georg and not to be considered representative. Amy barely begins to imagine being a toddler for centuries. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    "Wait, did you say a magic nuke? Is that the disaster they're saying wiped everyone-- wait no that was in the future..." Amy tries to keep track of all this.

    "Don't read through other people's phones." She looks to Usagi and Mamoru. "You've passcode-protected them, right?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Minako departs and Usagi offers a wave and a promise, "I'm definitely calling you later!"

And she will absolutely be reading those texts, just like she will make sure Chibiusa doesn't read those texts, because some things are for grownups (or, well, teenagers, anyway), and not 900 year old children -

"So there's no other magic but what we Senshi have... and Mamochan and I are the king and queen... and there aren't the Shitennou, and so... probably, we're the only people with magic, and the people submit willingly because I'm the most powerful person in the world." Like her mother before her. Wow. That was definitely... something she did not see coming. Sure, in her past life - sure, as Serenity. But as Usagi? As Usagi, she became Neo Queen Serenity? Oh boy does she wish she could ask her other self, hey, what the fu-

Nope, let's not think about that while Chibiusa is in the room, calm thoughts, practical thoughts, let's focus on -

"They just launched a nuke..."

She reaches out, hand flapping at the air, until she catches at Tamaki, and covers his mouth with her hand.

"Shh. Shhhh. You're not helping yourself. You are digging the hole deeper."

And she tries to process what Chibiusa said, without that hanging in the air, and looks at Chibiusa again, thinking about her daughter who is a little girl for centuries and wondering if knowing that in advance will give her the chance to do anything about it. Well, not her, but Ami-chan, probably, maybe. Unless... she likes it? And they like having a daughter who doesn't grow up?

...it could happen.


"Of course password protected our phones! And the burner phones. Okay. More importantly... we can't worry about the other disaster when there's this disaster. Chibiusa-chan, you say you don't know anything about why they did this, but... how did you get here? Maybe if we know how you got here, we'll know how they got here, and then we can... I don't know if we can fix a nuke, but maybe we can."

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Well now that people are telling Chibiusa not to dig through other people's phones, now she has to. Well, not really, but she kinda wants to know what she's being left out of. "Huh? What's on your phones? Are you swearing on your phones?!"

    Her mouth is aghast. The swear jar is getting increasingly full, which isn't in of itself a problem for Chibiusa, but she hates feeling left out of things!

    Which is funny, because leaving bad words out of Chibiusa's ears is the exact purpose of a swear jar.

    She does nod at Amy though, saying, "Right... I mean a few people are pretending to be senshi right now."

    On the topic of a magic nuke, she looks sad and worried, "... I'm not sure what else to call it? They dropped a big black crystal on our capital. Like, it's the reason why I fled through time." She looks down at the ground as she says, "But... the disaster that happened around the year 2000... I mean, look, it didn't happen in your world and we've basically recovered in ours. I'd rather not worry about it right now."

    Is there info there that Chibiusa could give out? Certainly. It's just not what she wants to focus on right now.

    Then her alt-momma asks how she got here, Chibiusa glances off to the side and considers. Schemes, even. The Time Key is still on her person, resting right next to her world's Silver Crystal, and she's revealed that to Mamoru but... maybe she doesn't want to advertise that to everyone.

    Instead she tries to provide an abbreviated part of the truth. She reaches for her necklace under her collar, grabs the Time Key, and fishes it out so that Usagi can see it. Her mother's Ginzuishou stays safely hidden. For now. "This is the Time Key. This is what allows me to travel through time. However, it's possible to get lost when traveling between eras. The Time Key is supposed to guide me, but... things went wrong and I got lost. In any case..." she drops the Time Key back under her collar, where it clinks against NQS's soul gem, "I'm pretty sure that two Silver Crystals," she says, very pointedly, "... can beat the Black Malefic Crystal. Maybe even save things before they get worse. Yours, and my mother's together."

    She clears her throat and says, "I'm not supposed to tell people this, but since technically the Queen is asking... my Time Key actually belongs to my world's Sailor Pluto. I really doubt that she would let anyone through. I bet they took another way, where they didn't have to use her Door."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Right, for once she doesn't want to ask what even is going with that other timeline. What kind of self-serving monster just drops a nuke on who knows how many people and then sends his lackeys to another world in the name of revenge??? She needs a history lesson desperately. Or two. Maybe even three.

It's probably a miracle Chibiusa arrived here in such good conditions. Relatively speaking, at least. "Good thing you were for there for her, Usagi-chan", Veronica tells the blonde girl with a livid timbre. Is she being influenced by Mamoru's own feelings? No, not really, she was already aghast at the cruelty of the Spectre Sisters' chase, but they certainly make it worse.

Taking the time to keep calm, a smirk of recollection appears on Veronica's face as Usagi mentions them having protected their burner phones with a password. That was one of the most unusual ways to get to know someone, possibly the most unusual even.

And that smirk gets even wider at Chibiusa being motivated to know by the warning. "I am sure it's squeaky clean", she replies to Chibiusa with some amusement. "Usagi-chan is a good person, she would never hide anything inappropriate in there", she tries steering Chibiusa away. Well, at least not inappropriate by a metric other than Chibiusa's.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy does her best to maintain a poker face at Veronica asserting that good people do not hide anything 'inappropriate' on personal computing devices. Well, not by her own metric, certainly, but... well, Chibiusa will understand when she's older.

    ...About two or three millenia older, in her case...

    Amy doesn't appear to recognize the Time Key -- it doesn't look exactly like Pluto's, and it's too small! -- but when told what it is does not look surprised. "I'm not sure if they count as two seperate crystals. Like, is the power in the crystal or do they tap into the same thing...?"

    Amy shakes her head. There is, potentially, a more immediate concern: "Is that Time Key conncted to your Pluto's Door? Or does it just let you use the Door of whatever timeline you're in?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Lots of lovey-dovey text messages between me and Mamochan," Usagi says immediately and without hesitation, looking at Chibiusa with the shameless amusement of one-half of an insufferable couple. "Which is one reason Minako-chan doesn't want you to see them, because lovey-dovey messages from your parents are the last thing you should see."

That's totally normal and reasonable, right?

Besides. There are more important things to talk about, like the big black crystal that was launched at Crystal Tokyo, that caused a disaster that Chibiusa had to flee from... and the reason she wants the Silver Crystal. She wants it to save her home.

"Then you need me," she says, intent. "It's my Silver Crystal, and even I'm still learning how to use it. If you need two Silver Crystals, then you need me to help you... and that means we need to figure out how to get these Black Moon creeps off our world and yours."

She frowns, looking at the Time Key. "No wonder you froze up when you saw Pluto-san. Did you think she was coming to get you, for using the Time Key?"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Amy asks about the Time Key, and it's a sore point for Chibiusa. Usagi gives a close-enough-to-truth answer to Chibiusa's query that actually manages to completely squash her curiosity. The mother knows her daughter. Small Lady no longer has any interest in digging through anyone else's phones and any potential disaster related to that curiosity has been prevented.

    "I am assuming that this Usagi's Ginzuishou at least count as a separate power source from my mom's. Otherwise they wouldn't both be able to draw from it at once, which would be pretty weird. Either way..." Chibiusa gives Usagi a soft look for a moment before crossing her arms over the swear jar and closing her eyes. "... If you're willing to follow me through the space between Time, then maybe... when the time is right." She shakes her head, saying, "One thing I'm reasonably sure of, time here is not the same as the flow of time at my home dimension. We can afford to wait until the invaders of your timeline have been pushed back before trying to get back. Especially since..."

    Chibiusa frowns and looks away. "I don't think my key works for this Pluto's door. I've tried to open the gateway back home, the one you saw me come through, but I haven't been able to. I might need to open it in this very room since this is where I dropped in, and there are probably other conditions. The bad people might also be stopping me from going back, either on purpose or by breaking something using a reckless method."

    She shakes her head, then turns to Usagi. "I stole it from her. I thought she was mad at me. We're friends in my world, so I didn't think she'd hurt me or anything, but I was still thinking that I was in trouble. I still might be."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy listens curiously, but shakes her head in agreement when Chibiusa says she doesn't think her key works with their Pluto's door. Chibiusa does list multiple reasons not to assume that she'll be trapped here just because the Gate is broken, after all, so she can... leave it at that for now.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica perks up with interest when Amy goes into what the Key is connected to. Anything about Sailor Pluto is news to her, so she stays quiet and listens to what they are going to talk about, especially with Usagi joining in. Well, the ready and effective explanation Usagi has for Chibiusa has her hold in a chuckle. She should probably remember that.

She takes note of the fact that Chibiusa's arrived here and that this might be the one place she can make the key work. Is this because she stole the Key, or does it work like that in general? "I think that is not very likely. If they try breaking something, we would be here to help so they don't", the Princess of Sarek speaks up.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I think my Silver Crystal is different too, because... I'm not Chibiusa's Mama yet. I'm a different person, so my Silver Crystal is different. And of course I'm willing! Even if you weren't my daughter, I'd be willing. There's no world where I don't help you, Chibiusa-chan. There's no world, not ever, in all the universe, where I don't give everything I have to helping you, okay?"

Her eyes are soft and fierce all at once, all that blazing love at the heart of her being on display, all of it for Chibiusa, as she looks down at this tiny girl who is her daughter, this tiny girl who is her and Mamoru's, who is their daughter, because they get married and they have a baby and maybe the world goes wrong, maybe bad things happen, maybe things don't turn out the way they dream -

But they have a daughter and that makes it worth it, because any world that lead to Chibiusa is a good world.

Even if she is a brat.

"But if we have time, then I think taking care of these guys now is the thing to do. Especially if they're going to keep causing trouble." She pauses. "Especially since now they know they're in the wrong time... until then, I guess we should finally introduce you to Pluto-san. Our Pluto-san, and figure out what next?"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa is more than a brat. She is a Princess.

    She nods at Princess of Sarek and says, "Even if they do manage to break something, I'm sure we can fix it.

    Then she blinks at Usagi as her alt-mom starts speaking very emphatically, directly and sincerely. Small Lady sees in her eyes a certain kind of glint, a sort of brave kindness, that reminds her very much of her own world's Queen. Usagi makes big promises and, because of who she is, Chibiusa believes them.

    Her little red eyes are shining for a moment. She closes them for a moment. This isn't the way she expected things to go, but... maybe it's better this way? Two Ginzuishou might have seemed a clear solution at one time, but Chibiusa still can't use her momma's in a way that's consistently useful. Maybe power like this isn't really something that can be borrowed like that.

    "We should... meet her. I didn't want to at first because I thought I could fix everything quickly, but now I don't think that was ever gong to happen. I don't know of anyone who can fix time-related problems better than Pluto."

    Then Chibiusa gives Usagi a rare, soft smile. She leans forward, tucking the swear jar under one arm and hugging Usagi with the other. "Thanks, Usa-chan." Then she pulls away, and turns to Sarek and Amy. "Thank you both, too. I know that things are a mess right now, but they'll get better. I'm sure of it!"

    ... and then Chibiusa's mother and father will be okay too.