2202/Making Her Mark

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Making Her Mark
Date of Scene: 14 January 2025
Location: Southern Cross Island - Abandoned Gold Mine
Synopsis: The Galactic Trio take Chiyo on a visit to Southern Cross Island, the place where Wako and Sugata grew up, to get her a new source of magic: the Cybody Reshbal.
Cast of Characters: Wako Agemaki, Chiyo Sakai, Takuto Tsunashi, Sugata Shindo

Wako Agemaki has posed:
So far, Chiyo's introduction to Southern Cross Island has been a fairly normal vacation. They took a bullet train from Tokyo to about as far south as the trains will run in Japan, and then a ferry to the island - accompanied by some good-natured razzing of Sugata by Wako and Takuto over this being his first time on the ferry, and some return snark from Sugata about a time Takuto apparently missed the ferry, tried to swim it, and nearly drowned.

Business as usual for the trio, in other words.

The island itself has a charming seaside small-town sort of vibe. The girls spent the night at the South Shrine, in the traditional-style home of Wako's grandmother: a petite, straight-backed and lemon-faced old woman who probably reminded Chiyo a fair bit of her own grandfather. Now, though - after breakfast at Sugata's ridiculously huge Western-style mansion - it's time to do what they actually came here for.

Which apparently involves sneaking into an abandoned mine near the trio's old school. For certain values of 'sneaking,' anyway. They more or less let themselves in through the chain-link gate with blithe disregard for the KEEP OUT warning signs.

"Glittering Crux used to operate out of here," Wako explains offhandedly as they make their way down into what can't really be described as anything but a supervillain lair. "I guess they still do, kind of? As much as they're a thing. Anyway, this is where Katashiro-san said to meet him."

The first thing that likely stands out as they arrive, more than anything else, is what looks like a series of enormous metal dolls - towering, stylized humanoid figures frozen in various poses. Including one crushed in what can only be an even more massive metal hand.

"Are we early?" Wako wonders, looking to the guys, as though there's nothing weird about any of this at all.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The familiarity between Wako's grandmother and Ojiisan was notable. After the day that Chiyo had traveling with the trio, and learning all their dirty little secrets (really, Takuto!? SWIMMING?), she was more than happy to present her hostess with some beautifully boxed wagashi that she'd made sure Wako or the boys didn't snack on during the trip here. Then the sun rose all too soon on the second day which at least felt a little more familiar for having breakfast with them (even if the manor was a bit different.)

It's the walking into a mine that's worrisome. She'd heard stories growing up about mines that people would wander into and never be seen again. As nerve wracking as that is she follows keeping her eyes peeled until they come to the odd figures within.

"I don't know if we're early, but has anyone ever told you guys this is *super creepy* before?" Her hand lifts gesturing at the faceless metal dolls with a slightly aghast expression. "I'm kind of glad these are here and not in Tokyo though. Imagine if Obsidian figured something out with these." Eesh.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
There was a lot of 'but it worked though' on Takuto's part, and 'but thanks to Wako I'm not dead' and 'so the lesson learned is always have backup'.

Now, there's a lot of squinting, Takuto's hands in his pockets, and a lollipop stick coming out of his mouth. "Don't know, what time is it?" he asks Wako around his candy, as he doesn't bother taking his phone out to check. Instead, he partly bends over the railing to look into the pit of statues.

"What? Creepy? I guess. But their adherents dressed too badly for it to stick," he says then, straightening up and looking back at Chiyo. "But yeah there are a lot of good reasons to keep the Cybodies on the island. Even mine, rip."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
The trip to Southern Cross Island had been interesting, if nothing else - but then, was traveling with Wako and Takuto ever boring? Adding Chiyo to the mix had not tamped down the energy. And yes, Sugata had suffered through being teased about his first ferry ride, but as he stubbornly maintains - 'It doesn't seem like I missed out on anything at all.'

That night had been a familiar one, sleeping in his old bed, dragging Takuto up at dawn for practice in the familiar training space, and now, 'sneaking' into the mines.

"If they're not making use of these anymore, there's no reason to linger around here risking miner's lung," Sugata notes, looking around the familiar site of Glittering Crux' former operating zone. It's gotten a bit dusty, without more than a dozen operatives trouncing in and out, kicking around the dust and grime.

"...is it?" Cybodies help them, it's a genuine question. "Takuto's right. I dont want to think of what they'd do with even a scrap of Samekh to study. You're the first unrelated person to see... any of this."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako's laugh, in response to Chiyo's question, is a slightly chagrined one. "I mean... it's Glittering Crux so. Yeah. But..."

Trailing off, she digs into a pocket and comes up with a pocketwatch that, from the scuffed condition of its outer casing, might well be older than she is. She's just popping it open to check the time when a man's voice carries from across the empty space under the mine. "It's best for everyone that they stay where they are."

Measured footsteps on metal flooring follow the approach of a dark-haired man with an eyepatch, a goatee, and the kind of deeply-etched frown lines that suggest he's never had a reason to smile in his life.

"There's still enough of Glittering Crux left to ensure that anyone trying to tamper with them will regret it," he adds.

Wako's head snapped up at the first sound of his voice, and she turns now, lifting a hand in a little wave. "...kiraboshi?" she offers.

The lines around the man's mouth deepen, leaving him looking even more dour.

His good eye lingers on the pocketwatch still in her hand.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Wait, *these* are cybodies? But I thought they couldn't really be seen in the 'real world'..." Chiyo's thought trails off as she turns to tip her head upward again examining them from where she stood. At least she's not foolish enough to try getting up on the railing to try getting closer to them.

Still, seeing their size was impressive this way. Maybe not as impressive as Samehk or Tauburn or even Wawna, but still impressive.

When the voice speaks up she spins in place to face the approaching man, one hand held up to her chest to clench into a fist. It's a girlish gesture but also a prepatory one in case someone needed a punch. Wako speaks up guessing who he is, though.

"I'm certainly fine with not getting closer to a giant mineshaft," she assures with a wan smile offered to the dour looking man.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Good," says Takuto, all of a sudden snapping into place as Actually Serious, something changing in the set of his shoulders and the set of his jaw, in the way he holds himself and focuses. "Katashiro-san, this is Chiyo Sakai-san. I understand you have Reshbal's Mark."

His head tilts a little to one side. "And since you gave it away once to a complete asshole, I'm hoping you'd be willing to give it to Chiyo-san. And a Star Swordo-- maybe Perle or Opale? And we'll need some time apprivoised with her in Zero Time so she can get used to the way Reshbal moves."

He just says it like he expects Katashiro to to just go along with what he says, but he doesn't sound self-important or anything, just sort of gently matter-of-fact, like...

But it's different if Takuto does it. Takuto doesn't actually know Ryousuke, except over the haggling for Diamante. And he may not careone way or another for Ryousuke beyond needing something from him, but at least he respects him as a human being instead of only being a means to an end. It's different, because Takuto's not his best friend using him.

But there's enough of a similarity in the easiness, in the gently businesslike...

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Katashiro-san," Sugata greets, dipping his head in brief, polite acknowledgement. He lets Takuto take the lead, because Takuto already has, with his effortless, gentle but serious manner, standing slightly behind and to the side of Takuto. "Sakai-san wielded her own brand of magic in Tokyo, but that path is closed to her now."

He doesn't assert anything about Ryousuke's willingness to hand over his Mark - but it's clear in his own manner that he expects this to be enough. And why not? He'd been willing to give the Mark to Head, who was worse in every way, and he'd been there as they haggled - 'haggled' - over Diamante, taking its ownership from Head.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Chiyo-chan," Wako puts in, though by this point it's not really needed, "this is Ryousuke Katashiro-san." She closes the pocketwatch with a gentle click and tucks it back into her pocket without really looking.

Ryousuke's eye follows it, though, until it disappears. Only Takuto seems to hold his attention quite so intently, for all that he looks at each of the teenagers in turn.

The taut set of his face doesn't change as the two boys speak, except to shade slightly nearer to a grimace at the words 'gave it away once to a complete asshole' out of Takuto's mouth. What he says is, "You're welcome to track down Window Star and Needle Star to discuss their Star Swords, if you want. If Turquoise will do, Reshbal has it already."

He regards them - regards Takuto - for a long and silent moment. Long enough for Wako to make a half-step forward, lifting her chin like she's about to say something, only for Ryousuke to shake his head and let out a breath that's not quite a sigh. "If the Ginga Bishounen, the South Maiden, and the King all agree, there's nothing for me to say."

His eye fixes on Chiyo. "Are you ready?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai finds herself staring at Takuto as he takes on a side that she had never seen of him. Even Sugata is letting him take the lead in that. It was at once unusual to see, and at the same time, a bit reassuring since these were to be her new teammates.

What a thought. Teammates. Not being alone in learning how to do what she would need to do. That is, if this man agrees.

At Wako's introduction she inclines her head politely toward Ryousuke. "Pleased to meet you," she offers in the mannered way that Ojiisan had taught her long ago. Stranger to her he may be, but he was also her elder, and in this case predescessor to Resbhal. If he was willing to pass it on.

When he turns his attention on her she straightens up a bit, hands at her sides, and gives a firm nod. "I am. ... Do you need a moment to say goodbye to Reshbal?" She knew the others at least had a connection with their cybodies. It wasn't totally out there to assume he would, too. "I really do appreciate this, Katashiro-san."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Turquoise is fine," says Takuto, the corner of his mouth twitching and the corners of his eyes creasing a little, "thank you."

His attention stays on the man the whole time he's standing there thinking about the fact that four teenagers just psychologically bullied him out of a giant robot. It briefly flickers to Wako as she steps forward, but lands once more on Ryousuke when he speaks.

There's something in his face that's both solemn and -- not apologetic, but something in that neighborhood. Sympathetic, maybe. But it's the easily-given sympathy of callow youth that know nothing, isn't it? Or the false sympathy Head is so good at?

No this is the kid who decked his father the second his father opened his mouth. Takuto straightens up and looks at Chiyo, and she speaks, and...

All of a sudden he looks very awkwardly away, mouth working. Chiyo will soon notice the pattern of sometimes Takuto just doing that, like he thought of something weird or awkward or funny-- reacting to something-- and it's Tauburn saying something in his head.

This time? It is definitely awkward.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Sugata... doesn't actually have much first hand experience with Reshbal, but he can't imagine that anyone willing to give up their Mark twice has much to say to their Cybody. But Ryousuke is giving them what they want - and for all that he had been with Glittering Crux, Sugata had used them for his own ends as well.

It would be a touch hypocritical to judge the man for being there too.

"If you have advice for her, we would appreciate it," he adds, more than a hint, but far from an order. "Our Cybodies were... evasive, about Reshbal's talents."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Ryousuke makes a short, abbreviated sound in his throat - not much more than a chuff of exhaled breath, though from someone with a less grim demeanor it might have come across as a startled half-laugh. "No," is all he says in reply to Chiyo. No explanation given, and he doesn't seem inclined to dwell on it.

Sugata's words, however, seem to give him pause. His brow furrows before he turns his eye back toward Chiyo. "My advice isn't worth much," he tells her bluntly. "I can only tell you this... get comfortable with the truth. Living with this mark will be difficult, otherwise."

His gaze flicks back to Takuto, just for a split second.

As he turns fully back to Chiyo, a soft light begins to glow from under the front of his prosaic blue dress shirt - a figure like a stylized flag, a left-facing triangle at the top of a vertical line. Without saying anything else he extends a hand toward Chiyo, not quite touching her, and the mark's radiance dims upon his chest only to shine from hers instead.

The whole thing happens in the space of a few seconds. "You should do it first, Chiyo-chan," Wako advises with a little smile. "You won't be able to enter the true Zero Time until after you've apprivoised for the first time. I'm sure Reshbal is just waiting for you to say it."

As for Ryousuke? He's already turning to walk away.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The little awkward motion from Takuto causes Chiyo to glance away from Ryousuke. It wasn't the first time she saw him talk off into space. The second perhaps? It was still a newer experience for her to observe at least. Before she can even think to question if she'd somehow stumbled on a landmine with what she'd said, Ryousuke's own reaction jerks her attention back toward him.

The mark steals the rest of her attention. Moreso when the glow shifts from him to her causing her to glance down at the front of her own shirt. Thank god he didn't have to touch her to transfer it! That would have been *really* awkward and she didn't want to find out if she'd get arrested for punching someone down a giant hole in the ground.

Her hand lifts to gingerly touch fingertips to the spot on her chest when Wako suggests she should just approvise.

"All right. I guess I'll give it a shot." There's a pause, and she looks among the three. "Didn't you all say it was painful the first time?" Or was she remembering wrong? It's not as if it stops her any as she takes a deep breath focusing her will into the word as much as she could. Maybe it wouldn't matter, but she feels she ought to put some oomph into it!
