Hotel Augusta - Ballroom

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Hotel Augusta - Ballroom
Allied Faction: Civilian
Allied Groups: Civilian
Location Type: Business
Grid Locale: Yumegahama, Hotel Augusta, Ballroom
The Hotel Augusta's Grand Ballroom is a large, circular room in a rotunda off the side of the main hotel -- to reach it, one has to go through a small lobby, though that doesn't stop the sound of orchestra music wafting into the main lobby when there's a ball in session.

Surrounding the room are large windows with trellises, from which ivy with blooming white and pink flowers cover on the inside, as lovely red drapes cover the windows, though they're usually left open to let in the sunlight (or the moonlight) out onto the dance floor. The floor itself is hard oak wood, stained in layered circular colors, from lightest in the middle to the darkest at theedges of the room.

At the edges of the room are antique tables with fancy tablecloths, allowing those tired from dancing to catch their breath with others and talk about their lives or discuss the current rumors hanging around social circles. There is asmall stage that acts as a grandstand for musical players providing music for the ball; on it sits a grand piano, the only permanent instrument on the stage.

Surrounding the ballroom is a small upper balcony spiraling upwards, where more tables and chairs sit, and the odd door to private sitting rooms which have lovely decor similar to the rooms of the hotel (minus the bed), which allows for private discussions.

From the domed ceiling hangs a lovely, bright chandelier, decorated in diamond-like crystal teardrops that reflect as small specks of light along the ballroom floor at night.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
The Blue Griffin's War Room September 4th, 2023 Hannah Steiner reveals herself and her plight to her compatriots, even as she asks for their help against their Uncle. Failing to push anyone away, she finds true friends and allies.
The Blue Griffin's War Room (Slot Two) September 4th, 2023 Hannah gathers yet more of those closer to her at the Hotel Augusta in order to explain why she almost ended up dead, and Tharkadian Politics come to Earth.
Unlock My Heart November 13th, 2023 Tadase, Ikuto, and Madoka hunt a particularly elusive Witch. During their search, Ikuto breaks a chandelier and the Witch gets angry. When the three of them are dragged into a Labyrinth, they're in a fight for their very lives as even their best magic can't quite cut it. Their determination to fight to the bitter end unlocks two henshins: Platinum Royale and Hope Blossom.
A Christmas Eve Rancour December 24th, 2023 A Christmas Eve piano performance takes a sudden turn as Sara lets out her grievances at Mitsuki. Magical girls show up to stop her. Can her wounded heart one day be healed?