1062/The King, the Princess and the Soldier

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The King, the Princess and the Soldier
Date of Scene: 30 January 2024
Location: The Shed
Synopsis: Ami and Tadase run into the loudest of TSAB officers, Chrono! Together, they discover what the TSAB is, who they work for and just how weird this world is. Not just locally or universally, but dimensionally.
Cast of Characters: Chrono Harlaown, Tadase Hotori, Ami Mizuno

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was working. Ah ha. When WASN'T he working?

When he was with Rashmi. Sometimes. One might say the boy had a poor work/life balance. He'd say it was fine. He was a TSAB agent before he officially became one. Some people were just born that way.

... And some people were shaped that way...

And some people really just needed to learn to let things go and just chill now and again. He? He was that one. And so he was in 'the Shed' as it was often called. He was sitting at a desk, in uniform....

Except, he had no device on. He was, in fact, in a custom 'uniform' that wasn't magical at all. It turned out that henshions drained ones energy. If he stayed in henshin all the time, it wore him out. HOWEVER! He could still wear a uniform, keep his device nearby, and if needed henshin.

He was going over information dropped off from other magical girls. New enemies. New allies. It seemed both sides were growing all the time. Fortunately, there had been few casaulties... but he was worried. There were dark generals that he had yet to meet, personally. A few light side generals he hadn't either. It was... a war of constantly escalating forces. And there was so much to keep up on.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    And then, walking into the shed, another war - this one between a boy and the fairy shaped from his own desires. "I don't care if you want a cookie, you tiny tyrant." Tadase said, finally exasperated with Kiseki (for at least the first time today.) "We have a prfectly healthy bento box and we're supposed to chill out here 'til he comes by." Tadase says.

    "But I'm sick of it." the little king whined, crossing his arms. "What's the point of being a King if you have to eat healthy all the time."

    "I choose to eat healthy because I have people to protect." Tadase retorts. And at that line, Kiseki knows he's not gonna win. And instead he zips off. "Somebody must have left some candy in here somewhere!" the little King says, begining an aggressive search of the premesis. "Come on, sugar sugar sugar." the small voice says as its tiny royal owner starts checking nooks and crannies.

    Tadase just shakes his head as he walks in. It's only then that he notices the very... stern... presence in the room. "Huh." Tadase says, out loud. Well, he looks busy. But after a moment, curiosity gets the better of him. "Hey, sorry to be rude but... I don't think we've met? And... what is that... uniform? from?" he says, both asking the outfits provenance and whether it's truly a uniform or not. Tadase is, of course, wearing an immaculate, perfect-to-the-details Radiant Heart Academy boy's uniform of his own, with the Student Council armband visible.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
The Shed was as good a place as any to go for some work, and thoughts, that revolved around the potential issues that Ami was facing in her life. It wasn't as far away as Setsuna's place as well which meant it was still a good get away for some potential peace and quiet while being within easy responding distance if something were to go wrong in the dorm. Now that Hannah and she knew one another's secret identities, that meant there was little need to hide them in the dorm. SCIENCE was happening though if the variety that Ami was a bit worried about.

Shortly after the arrival of Tadase and Kiseki the door opens again to admit the small blue haired girl with books clutched to her chest as she steps to the side to do a quick one-two stomp to clear off her snowboots of any lingering icy slush.

Just in time to glance up spotting two individuals she didn't know. Or did she? Sometime sit was hard to tell outside of henshins.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" She greets politely with a soft smile offered to the pair of boys while looking them over. Kiseki is thankfuly not noticed yet.

Let's hope he doesn't find any lingering purification lollipops.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown glanced up when suddenly there was a... noise. A racket. One could even call it... a gathering of sorts. He formed that standard, relaxed smile of the TSAB soldier, one designed to comfort and aid others in calming themselves. The discussion with Tadase and the 'little king' only amused Chrono more. A familiar of sorts? Perhaps.

Then Tadase called him out. "I think we met recently, though there was a lot going on at the time. I'm one of Sailor Moon's colleagues. I--"

Of course, it was then that the door opened again. Ami's arrival just made him glance towards her, that controlled smile still on his lips. "Not at all, allow me to introduce myself," Chrono said before reaching into his jacket and pulling out... a card? A weird card, but... "Time Space Administration Bureau Enforcer, Chrono Harlaown, at your service."

The card displayed a holographic display of his ID, showing his identity to both of them.

Truly, the boy had no subtlty... then again...

"Due to the nature of this room, I can only assume you two are magical as well? No need to confirm which of the magical people you are," Chrono said quickly. "I am aware that some cannot allow their identities to be revealed. Unfortunately, my duty as an enforcer means I can't take such liberties as a 'secret identity'."

... Despite the fact the boy looked like a nine year old dressed up as a final fantasy villain, complete with spiked shoulders, he didn't seem to be lying. And he had been at the event when they planned for the purification of the shrines.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase isn't really sure how to take the boy in the dark suit with the shoulder spikes. Then again, one of his close friends and fellow student council members is the incarnation of the legacy of Sun Wukong, so realy when you start there, and have been in a witch's labrynth, anything sounds feasible.

    So, after a moment, Tadase just shrugs. "Tadase Hotori, Student Council. They didn't give me a card but..." he taps the red sash on his arm. Not just Student Council but one of the figureheads elected from within, by whatever arcane process the giant RHA council manages to actually operate its converged schools and student body. "But yeah, I'm magical. Not much sense in hiding it when..." and on cue, Kiseki comes in with a hard candy in his hands - given his size it's roughly akin to his head and he's licking it. "Where did you find..."

    And at the same time, the two speak, big and little.
    "I don't want to know."
    "You don't want to know."

    Tadase sighs and Kiseki just takes up his usual position floating over Tadase's left shoulder. "Because this little fairy-me floats nearby most of the time." he says by way of explanation. "Not much good to hide then."

    "So, I dunno what an Enforcer is, but I hope it means despite your choice of wardrobe you won't be causing trouble?" he asks.

    To Ami, he turns and makes a polite bow. "And hello to you too. My name is Tadase Hotori." he says. And internally, after a little war with his fairy, he manages not to wink at the pretty girl. Or smile too broadly. Or generate any 'sparkles'. "You're not interrupting anything of mine. I'm waiting here for someone." he says as he sits on the edge of a desk. (Not Chrono's desk.)

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Even out of henshin Ami Mizuno might be recognized by those who took any interest in the rankings of student scores. She was the top for her grade, had been the top since she came to RHA, and likely would remain the top unless she got some decent competition to face off against. The bluenette genius that was known for being soft spoken and often found in the library.

Yet here she was in the magical girl shed.

When they assure her that she's not interrupting she offers a little smile of relief, and a nod toward Tadase in greeting. "Pleased to meet you, Tadase-san," she offers to the younger boy that was clearly student council. She recognized that even if he hadn't pointed it out!

It's Chrono who garners her attention though. Perfect. This is exactly the person she had been hoping to run into, and that little display of a 3D rendered business card causes her eyes to light up with avid interest.

"I see. Then." Here she pauses trying to recall how Hannah had done the greeting when re-introducing herself the other night. If she and Chrono were from similar worlds she certainly didn't want to mess up a greeting!

Puffing herself up to her full height (which was not much, but perhaps a hair or two taller than Chrono) she strides boldly over toward him trying not to blush. Oh god please don't blush.

Her arms fling wide to throw around Chrono in as tight a hug as she can while declaring, "It's a pleasure to meet you Chrono Harloawn-san, I'm Ami Mizuno." A small pause as she adds, "Countess Steiner sends her regards."

Which may not be so intimidating if she wasn't RIGHT UP NEXT TO HIS EAR when she says that worrisome phrase.

The awkward (oh boy is it awkward) hug is held a heartbeat more before she steps back looking highly embarassed. "I'm sorry I can't do the rest of the greeting but I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to... 'suplex' you?" Was that the right term for the move? Then to finally perhaps disuade the thought that she might be another Belkan she finishes her own introduction of, "I'm also Sailor Mercury."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just chuckled softly when the small thing appeared. Ah. Kiseki. He... vaguelly remembered seeing him at the meeting. Still, it was nice to get a specific greeting and introduction. "A pleasure to meet you, Hotori-san. And no, an enforcer is like... mmmm... a protector, of sorts. I enforce the laws of the TSAB and my role means I am permitted more leeway in how I do things, particularly when attempting to keep dimensions safe from the distortions some lost logia can cause. But... that's... not always entirely relevant here. Since as far as I know, I'm the only active TSAB personel on this planet. It..."

And oh god. He looked to Ami... and yeah, that smile faltered slightly. What was she--


That smile vanished and his face was bright red and "DAMN IT HANNAH!" Chrono said before he could stop himself.

And then he reached out to grip the girl's shoulders and, gently, push her back. "Ahem. Ah. My... apologies. Miss... Mizuno. I am... not... sure what Hannah has been telling you, but I am an enforcer of the TSAB. We are allies, but not a part of the Saint church."

"I apologize for any mis-information Hannah might have filled your head with, but, no. Hugging and enforcer and... suplexing them... is not... generally... considered a proper greeting." And while his face was bright red, he did manage to get that smile forced back. "A handshake is fine, or a salute. As for... well... being Sailor Mercury? A pleasure to meet another one of your faction. I am well acquited with Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Moon, though I've yet to meet Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn or Earth. I'm unsure if there are any others, though." For all he knew there was a Sailor Sun or a Sailor Meteor Shower.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Kiseki and Tadase watch as Ami strides over boldly and subjects Chrono to what looks like the startup of a wrestling manouver as much as a hug. It seems to make the boy blush regardless. It cuts off some of the questions Tadase was going to ask. Because really, it looked like the kid had enough on his mind. "Who's Hannah?" comes the question from Kiseki, not Tadase.

    "Maybe you could explain to me what the TSAB is?" Tadase asks after the chaotic scene has mostly subsided. "Assuming you can tell us. But I gotta figure it can't be that secret if you have a magical ID card." he says.

    And then he turns to Ami Mizuno. "Ah, Sailor Mercury. That explains why you're unfamiliar with the greetings then. Usually when we meet people here on Earth, well in Japan it's generally a whole bowing thing. Sometimes a hand shake - if you'd like I can demonstrate that with you." He says, because he's assumed that Sailor Mercury must... be from Mercury.

    "If you go around squeezing everyone like that when you meet them it'll give you away as very foreign. Even if you do look like a rather bea - a normal Japanese girl." he says, catching himself and silently trying to thwack Kiseki in the back of the head. You can't just say what you're thinking without consequence in the real world all the time! There are limits to how good he needs to be at talking to people!

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno wasn't expecting that reaction from Chrono! She wasn't sure what to expect, really, other than assuming this is how it was done. When he gently pushes her away by her shoulders she steps back easily not trying to make things worse. Her face has gone red and as he explains she blurts out, "I'm so sorry!" Followed by quickly bowing forward apologetically.

Just as Tadase starts to explain which makes the embarassment worse. "I-I know I'm sorry," she murmers raising a hand to her face hiding her mouth behind one clenched hand as she breathes. Breathe deep it's fine. So long as none of the girls find out she made this horrible mistake they'll likely forget and move on.

"Hannah is my roommate, and she said they were from the same ... area. I assumed-- I'm so sorry, Harloawn-san!" Way to make an impression Ami!

Lightly coughing into the fist she'd made her eyes slip shut a moment to gather her thoughts, and emotions. This would be survived. "Thank you for the advice, Hotori-san, but I am from Earth. I was from Mercury in my past life. We're reincarnated here," she explains, "And that's where my powers come from."

As Chrono names off the others she nods slowly. "I've met all of them, though... I don't believe there's a 'Sailor Earth.' Prince Endymion is from Earth, though, along with his Knights."

Glancing toward Tadase's question about TSAB she nods quickly. "I'd actually wanted to meet you about the TSAB. I understand that you were assisting Pluto-san and Hannah-chan with an issue, and I was wondering if there's a guide book I could look over for future reference?"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just sighed. And it was the sigh of an eighty year old man who has spent his whole life dealing with brats going on his lawn and not being able to, for one reason or another, pick them up and yeet them off.

Not the fourteen year old boy he was.

He did, however, grin a liiiiiittle wider at Tadase's 'advice'. "Ah... Yes. If you are Hannah's roommate, I feel there is no need to... focus... on this mishap. You have likely suffered more than enough. Hannah is, ahhhh... how to put this... in earth terms? She is what one might call... hmmmm..."

"... A... fish oil salesman... of a royal bloodline. She does mean well, mostly. But belkans are... a tiny... bit... excessive. At times. And Hannah lives up to her lineage. Incredibly well. Incredibly. Well."

"As for the TSAB... we're an organization that was established a few centuries ago. We track down lost logia, dangerous artifacts of often lost civilizations, and ensure they can be properly sealed away from those who would misuse them. In order to do this, we travel across time and space, shifting through dimensions... usually."

"Unfortunately, this world is a bit of a... black hole, dimensionally. Nothing that comes in, goes out. As such, the TSAB doesn't truly have a presence here. Aside from myself. It's my duty to ensure that no lost logia that arrive on this planet can go wild and cause a dimensional distortion, possibly destroying this dimension and others adjacent to it."

"... In layman's terms, I'm an alien species special forces trying to ensure ancient space bombs don't go boom."

"As for a guidebook... as a matter of fact, I do. Do you have a device I could put it onto? The TSAB has simple literature we can give to less... ahhh.... advanced species to help them understand the existence of other life in different dimensions and space."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase tilts his head. "A fish-oil salesman? Or, well, saleswoman?" he adds, always wanting to be proper about such things (and most things). "I'm not sure that term translates as well as you think it does..." he admits. And then after a moment. "Do you mean snake-oil salesm-saleswoman?" Tadase offers. "You, I don't think, were born here." he says to Chrono. As if he didn't just say that in as many words.

    "Oh! Well. That's good. I only have to try and educate one space alien then." he says, tilting his head to Chrono, as if Chrono hadn't been through some degree of this already. "It's alright, Mizuno-san. It's an honest mistake." And then seeing just how red she is. "I won't even remember it in a moment, and Harlaown-kun probably won't either."

    "I wi-mpph" Kiseki begins to say before Tadase, in a display of practiced agility, captured the little chara in two halves of an appropriately-sized sky blue egg with a crown on it.

    "That's enough for now, Kiseki." Tadase says sternly. There's a whiny whimper from inside, and Tadase puts the egg in his shirt pocket. "Sorry. That's Kiseki. He's kind of me but also very not. And sometimes he is quite rude." he says, bowing slightly in apology. "He's also the source of my powers." And a pain in my butt, he thinks but doesn't say.

    "So... are you assigned here, Harlaown-kun?" Tadase asks. "Like, by the TSAB? Or did you just end up here?" he continues. And then when Chrono asks, Tadase gives out a very professional and boring email address, that totally doesn't forward his mail to something like KingOfAllKingsTadaseIsAwesome@omail.com or something.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno flashes a grateful smile toward Tadase when he tries to assure her he won't remember. Even if she was still a bit pink at least she was getting over it, and it did help to have a bit of reassurance on that part. When Kiseki is caught up in the egg to be stowed away she actually gives a bit of a giggle at the sight. "Ah, I see! At least he's cute even if a bit distracting." She's trying to look on the bright side since it's obvious Tadase was a bit embarassed by his Chara. He'd tried to help her!

More importantly though, or at least what she was able to focus on, was the mention of a file transfer. "Oh yes, of course!" Her hand dips into her pocket space to withdraw the Pocket Mercury Computer she often used when out of henshin. It looked just like a little pocket computer save for the Mercury symbol on it's lid. When she opens it and activates it though, Chrono's own device might ping to the fact that there's a highly advanced technology device in the area.

"I'm already familiar with linking to Blaur Greif, though if you're from a different agency I imagine your encoding is different as well," she reasons while typing away single handed on the keypad. "I'll open up a local transfer port so that you can send it over. Thank you, this will help a great deal I believe."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown couldn't help but snicker at the capturing of the small king. "He certainly seems like a bit of a handful, I imagine him being the source of your power must lead to quite a few... hijinks, as it were. Fortunately, for most of the dimensions outside of this one? Magic is a bit more... uniform."

"As for why I am here... well... I crash landed, more or less, during an attempt to stop a dangerous lost logia from getting here. We've been working to bind them ever since. Sailor Pluto actually met me during one such event, where she saved my life."

After a few moments, Tadase's email would receive an email! And, while Chrono was surprise by Ami's device... well... she'd also receive a transfer soon.

The information was... possibly... a bit condescending seeming. It had to explain the concepts of time, space, dimensions, all of that. It was made for a wide range of distribution. But, in the end, the TSAB would seem like a good, friendly, benelovent organization.

But then, they wrote the documentation, so...

"Our encoding isn't that different. While she likely uses an old belkan style, she is also a meister. That means she studies and creates devices such as mine."

"... However... you are correct. Snake-oil saleswoman. She... certainly means well. But she also tends to operate inside the... letter of the law. Less the intent. It can be... challenging... at times... to ensure she doesn't cause a dimensional, or otherwise, incident."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase sighs as both Chrono and Ami express some sympathy. "Well, you're both already magic so you probably don't have to worry about it... but there's a little vein of 'be careful what you wish for' in Kiseki. Or, be careful who you wish to be. Especially if that person is outspoken and... in charge." Tadase says, sighing. "But he also represents some really good parts of me. Those just... are a little less obvious than the parts where he just blurts out what he's thinking and expects to be treated like royalty." Somewhere in his pocket is a muffled protest that he IS royalty. "I've had him for years now and I've grown up a bit. He has... less so." he explains.

    Tadase will be reading the email later - when there's not two interesting other magical people to -talk- to. "So you came here hunting down something dangerous, from another world." He says to Chrono. "And you're a princess from another planet? Time? Both? Reincarnated here?" He asks. And then both of them pull out highly technological devices and Tadase just starts laughing. And laughing. And when he finally stops, he looks at them and just smiles. "No, no. This is just... the most normal I've felt in a long time."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno nods with satisfaction as the download occurs. Perfect. It was different than when Blaur Greif had sent out it's probing question to request connection, but it still worked. The file would be something she could look over later at her leisure. Which was was exactly what she liked: Having work to do instead of relaxing. The mini-computer is held in hand absently as she continues speaking with the pair.

"Oh! I ... I don't think I'm a princess," Ami blurts out with surprise. "We have a princess we serve at least, but I'm not sure I am? I'm a Guardian though." Here she pauses looking a little concerned. "To be honest most of my memories of that time haven't returned yet. I'm not entirely certain why. It seems like that's similar for most of us however." Realizing SHE was rambling now she looks to Tadase apologetically, "That is to say, I'm not certain what my title on the planet was." A bit of a smile comes as she adds, "It does feel rather nice being able to speak about things without worrying that I have to hide my identity."

A glance to her computer just to ensure the file is properly saved before she clicks it shut. "Thank you, Harloawn-san. I'll be sure to review it soon. I know Setsuna-san is aware of your work here, and shouldn't put the burden on her alone to consider such things."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod. "Ahhhhh. Sounds like your Kiseki is a lost logia in his own right. If a benign one," he said in a playful tone. "And don't worry, I've met more than my fair share of rather... excessively unique individuals since coming here. You are likely far more normal than you'd believe." He paused. "Granted, I'm the space alien on a pre-interstellar planet and even I am more normal than some of the things I've seen here, like grass on the moons of the seven mooned--" He paused. "Things here are weird."

He then nodded to Ami. "Thank you. Feel free to message me if there are any questions. I didn't actually make that information, so it's not custom tuned to this world, so some things may be both.... distressingly archaic, and also distressingly advanced, at the same time. As an enforcer, I'm allowed a lot of freedoms that standard soldiers of the TSAB would not be allowed, so I should be able to give you more information as it is required. Just... please, do not try to understand all of it at once. I grew up amongst the stars and even I am sometimes baffled by some of the choices of the TSAB."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase blinks. "Princess? Did someone call you a princess?" He asks, blinking. Well, it seems as if Kiseki's influence on Tadase's communication with the blue-haired girl didn't sneak through entirely. He didn't even notice it was him. "You look more like one than a Guardian, though. Not that you don't look like a Guardian either it's... you know what I didn't say anything." he says, turning away and focusing a lot more on Chrono. Intently. That direction.

    "Yes, he can be quite troublesome indeed." he concurs with Chrono. "Baffled by the choices?" He asks. "That too is... terribly normal, though. Like any large organization, I suppose, they must make choices that make no sense to the rest of us." he says. "Understanding that would be a magic of it's own but it may drive you insane too." he notes.

    "As far as I can tell this school is kind of a magnet for weird. What's 'normal' here probably isn't other places. People I've talked to who come from other parts of the world don't have any experience in dealing with this. Also, maybe that's connected to the fact that you speak our language so fluently? I mean, unless that's magic or something too."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"Oh I wouldn't worry about that. I'm already far ahead of our current level of study in regards to mathematic theorums, and dimensional theory. They just don't allow you to work ahead in school in Japan," Ami remarks off-handed as she tucks the computer back into the little space pocket she has. It's just a flick of the wrist, really. She's no where near as familiar with using it as Setsuna is, though she was learning a bit.

A look of mild confusion creeps over her face when Tadase questions the princess part. A single, owlish blink is given his direction as she mulls that over. Had it been a slip of tongue on his part? It's possible, certainly, and the more he talks and sticks his foot in his mouth the more it becomes very likely. "Ah... Thank you?"

Lightly clearing her throat she risks looking between the two suddenly feeling as if she were a bit out of sorts. Was he flirting with her? No surely not. But one of her favord topics is touched upon causing her face to light up immediately after.

"Oh! I actually have a theory about that. The entire timeline was apparently reset in our past life to ensure we could reincarnate after a great disaster. I believe it's possible that individuals from other worlds may have visited in that timeline and influenced the progress of Earth's development to the point that when the timeline reset, the languages managed to progress similarily in areas that they had visited."

"Although, it's just a theory at this point. I've no real basis to prove it but it would explain quite a lot."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just stared at Ami. He then, very slowly, nodded. "Reincarnation in order to... huh. That could explain a lot. Seems about right, though. As odd as it may sound, our language isn't that separate. Your world's 'german' is quite similiar to belkan, english is similiar to midchildian and japanese is, well... the common TSAB language. It's a rather simple language, in fact. Granted, the TSAB didn't access every dimension, as some dimensions are further from others. As such, it's entirely possible that we did interact, millenia ago. Long before the TSAB existed. I've had a few thoughts on that matter myself."

"As for the rest, well, there is no telling. But at the very least, Hotori-san, there is no need to treat anyone as royalty. Mizuno-san isn't a princess and you and I certainly aren't princes."

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase looks back and forth between them as they talk about other timelines, dimensions, reincarnation, and the like as though it's just like regular students talking about what club they like better. There's just a smile on his face. He doesn't have theories, though - not yet, anyways. Maybe he should consider all of that, himself. This magic stuff is starting to become a bigger and bigger part of his life, after all.

    He is slooowly able to face a more forward, Ami-in-the-view direction. He nods to her thank you and tries to ignore his (and Kiseki's) related thoughts.

    And then, Chrono says the word. The one word that could break Kiseki out of his literal shell, and the only word that could make this MORE awkward for Tadase.

    "Prince? You... said Prince?" Tadase asks, when Chrono says the word Prince.

    That's about when a golden crown appears on the top of Tadase's head and he climbs up to the top of the nearest tall thing. In one (rather smooth, honestly) motion, his uniform blazer is a fastened around his neck like a cape, with only his dress shirt and tie worn as normal. "YOU COMMONERS." he shouts, loud enough to echo in The Shed. "I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW! I AM NO PRINCE. I AM A KING! A KING! I AM THE KING OF KINGS! I'M THE ONE WHO'S GOING TO RULE THIS WORLD, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I'LL GET MY WI-"

    Tadase is, suddenly, silenced by another student - someone who appears to have basically run in incredibly quickly. He's wearing a boy's uniform too - but far less immaculate, more wrinkled and less tucked. He's got a mess of auburn hair and his own little floating friend - but what he also has is a metal bucket, which he has placed on Tadase's head.

    "Whoo. Somebody said the word, didn't they. He's not being himself right now. Right, Tadase-kun?" he says.

    Slowly, bashfully, a very embarassed Tadase lifted the edge of the bucket to peer out. "Yeah. Sorry. I uh..."

    "When somebody says that word he loses control for a little bit. He'll go on a long rant and stuff if you let him. But that's not him. That's the magic." he explains for the other boy.

    "Y-yeah. I uh... am gonna go now. S-sorry." he says as he slowly takes the bucket off his head and hands it to the other student.

    "It's alright, I brought a cookie for Kiseki and everything." the other student says, putting his arm around Tadase and leaving with the positively mortified boy who absolutely does not look at Ami (or really even Chrono, or basically anywhere but the ground).

    The whole thing is... very dramatic, and fast, and probably shocking.