1079/Unicorn and Kyubey talk

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Unicorn and Kyubey talk
Date of Scene: 04 February 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Following the events of scene 1112, Hinoiri flees from Klarissa... and gives in. She asks Kyubey if she can make a wish.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, 6

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri ran. Oh, how she ran. Klarissa was... a witch. She was a witch. It all clicked into place. That little RAT! 'Hunt witches, protect people. I'll give you what you want'. But that was just it, wasn't it? Great power like that ALWAYS had a fee. A cost. SOMETHING that made it... something that made it too much.

And now she knew what it was. Sayaka didn't deserve this. Klarissa didn't deserve this. She pulled out her phone, staring at it. How far had she gone? How long... how long had it been since she ran?

She texted the only person she could...

TXT to Usagi: Usagi, grab who you can, XXX train station.

TXT to Usagi: It's Klarissa, help her. Please. Get moon and her miracle rock. She needs one.

TXT to Usagi: Please. Please help her. I can't.

TXT to Usagi: Please, just please help her. Please.

TXT to Usagi: She doesn't deserve this.

She waited, but there was no response. In fact, the phone just blinked. Flashed. Didn't even say delivered. Did... was... Usagi not around? No. She had a boyfriend. It was valentines day. Sora...

She fell to her knees, staring at her phone. Sayaka didn't deserve this. If only she'd been better. If only she'd...

Two small streams of tears went down her face before she finally spoke up.

"Kyubey... where are you? You win... I'd... I'd like to make a wish..."

Mochi (6) has posed:
    Saying the words 'I want to make a Wish' didn't somehow summon Kyubey. Not even when you were a magical girl drowning in the deep end of your emotional pool. But Hinoiri had also just run from Klarissa's transition into a Witch, and Kyubey(s) were on the way to observe what happened when only part of a splintered personality's soul flared out. Which meant one was actually near enough to hear Hinoiri's plea.

    Stopping the run towards the Labrynth, one of Kyubey's many 'spares' hopped up on top of the wall nearby Hinoiri after a moment and walked slowly along the edge before sitting, just like a cat would, to peer with an unmoving face and red eyes at the girl.

    "A wish?" He asked, his lips unmoving. "You mean, make a contract with me? Well... you are already a magical girl of a sort, but it does seem as though you have some untapped potential." Since Hinoiri had never taken on a full henshin, only utilizied Dark Energy and nothing else... it was possible.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded. "I-I know. I only have dark energy. I don't have... it doesn't matter what I have. I know your nature, your plots... Sayaka... Sayaka never d-deserved this. So..."

Deep breath. Like a genie. She had to... be careful. Even though she was threatening to breakdown.

"I wish... I wish... I wish that Sayaka was... I wish she'd never made that... I wish she'd never HAD to make that..."

Deep breath. She lifted her hand to her chest and took a slow, deep breath.

"I wish Sayaka's friend had never gotten hurt and, as such, she'd never made her wish, or separated or had to become a m-magical girl so she could just... be... herself now. Just.... Sayaka. And not a puella. There! That's my wish! Now... do it and.... and I'll hunt witches or whatever!"

Mochi (6) has posed:
    Kyubey tilted his head and paused, and there was just silence between the two of them for a moment. "You don't have a soul with enough karmic energy to make that wish. Your spirit cannot prevail over the pull of entropy enough to make it. This isn't a contract you can make." Kyubey says.

    While sitting, it starts to scratch one of its long floopy ears with a hind leg, like the word's stranges basset hound. "But if you'd like to make a more reasonable wish, we can still form a contract, and you can still be a Puella Magi. But changing so much of reality like that is out of your capabilities."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. She didn't... "What... I don't... have enough... what CAN I do, then?! Can I wish for them to be fixed, for Sayaka to be one and human and normal again?"

There it was. Desperation. Her body shaking, her anger frothing. "You did this to her! If you'd just.... just told her that it would put her in that soul gem, that it would make her a witch, she wouldn't.... she'd be fine! She wouldn't be this upset! So how do I fix her? how do I fix this?! She's a witch! Do you know what that means? Can you understand WHAT that means?!" she asked, yelling at the mascot, her entire body shaking with a mix of anger and grief.

Mochi (6) has posed:
    Kyubey looks at her as she blinks, his own visage unblinking. "I didn't do anything to her that she didn't ask for. Just because she made the wish to save you doesn't mean I'm responsible." he says. "All I did was facilitate a contract. If I wasn't there, one or both of you would have died, you know." he says.

    "I understand more about what that means than you do, Hinoiri Kirara. There are so many things you don't understand... you don't even know who YOU are." He says without clarifying anything. "But the fact that Sayaka Miki is a witch now means... that she has reached the end of her life cycle as a magical girl. That her Soul Gem has become a Grief Seed, and that she has extended the lifetime of the universe. In a sense, she has become a savior to more people in that moment than she ever did as a Magical Girl."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
There was a reaction. Some might call it a chemical reaction. One moment, Hinoiri was there.

The next, Sunbreaker. In a split second, the girl was just... there. And there was a firebolt in her hands. And she threw it.

Then there was nothing but a crater. No Kyubey. No mascot. Just... a smoking hole.

And then more firebolts. Two. three. Four. Over and over she threw them. Not until she felt better. No... not until then. But until her arms were tired and the crater was just... deeper. And then, in a flash of fire, she was gone. Appearing on the roof of the school... And her henshin disappeared. And she, furious, hating herself, hating kyubey... Grieving for Sayaka...

She cried.