1548/Aggressive support

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Aggressive support
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Hinoiri runs into Marinette and after some... agressive support... Marinette manages to even get Hinoiri to play with dolls, something she has... never done.
Cast of Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Hinoiri Kirara

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Oh, no! Lady Wi-Fi has captured me!" Cat Noir says, falling over. Lady Wi-Fi stands over him, looking slightly aggressive but not really very much so. More like a handbag that could possibly have some non-vegan materials in it but you're not entirely certain and are edging away just in case.

"Don't worry, Cat Noir! I'm here and I can do anything!" Ladybug comes out from behind the edge of the comfy chair, and pushes Lady Wi-Fi over. The doll Wi-Fi, clad in black, falls over and out of sight. "Oh no, my inevitable destiny is to fail! I fall! Damnit, I think it went under the couch again."

The Cat Noir plush doll forgotten, Marinette drops the Ladybug plushie into her lap as she looks over the chair's back, trying to see if she can see where her Lady Wifi doll went to this time. She's in one of the communal areas and seems to be playing dolls.

Which is entirely fine! If you're ten. Not so much for the mature ladies of Radiant Heart. And yet, there she is.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara froze in place, coming down the hall. Dang it. Cat Noir was here?! Wait. Who was Lady Wifi? What? That was a stupid name. She finally peeped around and... wow. Okay. She finally got what was going on. She slowly, quiet as could be, made her way towards the other girl. She leans over, juuuust a little... and then...

"Your other dolly bounced under the legrest," she said right into her ear in a tone that, well... while it wasn't the right voice, it was DEFINITELY a tone that Marinette, of all people, was likely familiar with.

And Hinoiri was preparing to give this girl all levels of shit for that. It wasn't often she got to just... mock someone. However, when she saw who it WAS? Her eyes went wide and she pulled back. "Marinette? Wow. I haven't seen you in ages! I thought you'd..." She trailed off, her eyes going back to the dolls. Before Marinette could stop her, her hand swiped out and she grabbed the Cat Noir one, holding it up inquistively in one hand... And then Marinette would *know*. She was being watched. Her work was being *judged*.

And a moment later, Hinoiri glanced back to her. "Did... you make these? By hand?" she asked.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
It's a good thing that Hinoiri wasn't a tiny bit closer when she did that, because Marinette's head JERKS up at the sound of a voice, so very close to her ear. Years of bullying has given her reflexes, and she very nearly takes the girl's head off with her...well, her knee-jerk head jerk.

"Who what hi wow uh..." The next sounds are less intelligible, but she gathers herself together at a speed that's...well, it's pitiful but at least she manages it. She has the Ladybug doll held before her like a defensive talisman for a moment, until she visibly realizes it and jams it behind her own back.

And then and only then does she grasp the content of Hinoiri's words, and slowly brings it back out. She looks from the girl to the doll in her hands, then to the doll in Hinoiri's own hands, and pauses. Then, she nods. "I mean, I have a lot of time some days. And I do a lot of babysitting." Pause. "I mean, I did. Back home."

Well, at least there's a reasonable explanation.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara cocked an eye at the girl's reaction. "Wow. You uhhh... you okay, kiddo? You look like a total spaz. Hinoiri Kirara, remember? One of Adrien's friends?" That might not help, though. Considering Chloe had been one of Adrien's friends. Still... She reached out and dropped the other doll in her hand.

"Relax, you're cool. And you know what? It's pretty sweet you're able to build things like that. My roommate is... well, out of town right now. But when she gets back, she'd love to meet you. Dianora, she's like... ten. All about that fo-- kid stuff," she said before getting down on all fours and looking under before... "And there it is," she said, snatching the Lady Wifi doll. She got to her feet and held it out, before frowning. "Huh... so... where did the idea for these all come from? Lady Wifi, Ladybug? I've seen Cat Noir, once. He saved me from this... crazy broad with a sword. But I've not seen these other two. Or were they just inspiration?" she asked, cocking an eye.

Ladybug... huh. That name DID sound familiar, though...

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
With the doll back in her hands, Marinette looks a bit less...insane? That's a word, definitely. She runs a hand through her hair, then gets to her feet. She sets the dolls down, then watches Hinoiri go down to get Lady Wi-Fi.

"I remember you, Hinoiri," she assures the green-eyed girl, her own blues watching her lower herself for a simple dollie. She smiles when it's handed over, and says, "Oh, there you are. Back with your friends you go." She sets it back down, making sure that they're all settled, and then huffs and turns back to Hinoiri. It gives Hinoiri time to finish what she's saying.

"I'm sorry. I was just startled. Most of my friends say that I'm a bit of a scatterbrain, but you're hard to forget. No doubt there." She pauses, looking to the dolls, and then an unexpected smile appears on her face! "I would love that! Dianora, you said? When is she coming back? That would be great, I love children!" She actually comes closer when she talks, til she's a little in Hinoiri's personal space. But she's so enthusiastic!

A pause, and she adds, "Ladybug and Cat Noir are a superhero team, back in Paris. They're...well, they're pretty famous? Aren't they?" She seems uncertain now. This is NOT Paris, and she's still adapting a bit to the changes.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Yeah. I'm pretty amazing like that, you'd need to be preeeeetty dense to forget someone like me. But, the impressive thing, I think, is I remember you. Not everyone I meet is worth remembering," she said with a smirk. "But I always try to remember someone who's got proper talent and drive to actually make use of it."

However, Marinette's... sudden invasion of her personal space? That made Hinoiri eep and take a smalllll step back. Note to self. NEVER let this girl find out she was actually a unicorn. This is deeeeefinitely the kind of girl who'd try to like... pet her or something.

... Which, admittedly, were kind of nice but she'd NEVER openly admit it!

"Yeah, uhhhhh. I... can see why. Still, what artist isn't a bit scattered? Adrien mentions you ever so often and that outfit you made me that one time? Pretty great. You're a good designer and when you've got a talent like that? It's good to let it shine through."

Then her eyes went wide. "OH! Right! Like that one guy, Hawkmoth, right? The fact you remember those names, though... that tells me something about you, doesn't it?"

"You sparkle, don't you?" she asked, cocking an eye and leaning in with a small, mischievous smirk. Which then faded. "Unless you're like Naru, though. Which, frankly, is kind of a raw deal. Able to see the magic... but not able to touch it? Talk about a rough deal. And don't worry. I'm not going to ask who you--" Pause. Wait. Blue hair. "... You're not Sailor Mercury, are you? I'm not going to ask other than that." ... The girl kicked her somewhere she did not like to remember or think about. So maybe she was deciding if she wanted to hate this girl or not...

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
SO MUCH TO RESPOND TO! Marinette opens her mouth and says, "Ah.." but Hinoiri has already moved on. She gets in a "I.." and a "No," without managing to really answer anything, but then she's fairly certain that she missed something in passing and she's blinking those pretty blue eyes with so much confusion. Nobody fakes confusion like that. It's just not possible.

"Who's ...who's Sailor Mercury?" she asks. And there's no deception in any of her, she has absolutely no idea. What? Okay, either she's the world's #1 liar or she's been living under a rock for ten years.

"Hinoiri, I'm French. Je ne parle pas vraiment la langue que vous venez de parler. I've barely even been here just a little while now." She pauses, smiling gently. "I'm pretty sure I have some glitter but it just gets -everywhere-. I keep it in a baggie."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times, opening her mouth to comment, only to pause and stop herself. She lifted a hand to her chin, looking thoughtful... then sighed. "Uhhhh... sorry. Sorry. I'm just... don't worry about it," she said, waving her hand off dismissively.

She really was getting paranoid. Maybe it was finding out who Usagi and Chiyo were. She'd just begun to see sparkles everywhere.

... And, admittedly, there had been like... five people who had reacted with 'huhs?' to her commenting on it. So yeah... maybe she should stop accusing.

"Still, welcome to the dorms. I guess you're transferring for real this time? Does Adrien know?" She reached up and rubbed the back of her head. "I... don't speak french, though. So no idea what you just said. I know a... smattering of english, now? And... yeah. Don't worry about it. Sorry. I was just being paranoid, I guess."

"... Still. Playing with dolls is... probably a bit weird. But as the less-than-proud roommate of a little kid, I can definitely understand how you learn to pick up things like that. Any advice on how to avoid strangling the little trouble maker?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette's smile returns. Hell, it SHINES! She's got enough heart to pull off 'sparkle', that's for certain. "I don't mind. I'm not special enough to be ...anything, I guess. Though. Even." She pauses, frowning. "Although? What word am I even saying???" She pulls at her hair, staring off into space.

Then her eyes go back to Hinoiri, and she blushes. Even that is gentle, subdued. Well, it has to compensate for her crazy. "Oh I'm moved in, finally. I unpacked my last box this week actually! And don't worry about French, I doubt it'll come up often around here. I'm having a horrible time with Japanese."

Then she sits, flopping next to her dolls. Not on them, never on them. "Dianora?" Wow, she remembered the little girl's name. "Um. Well, kids are excited to be with older girls, like you. They think that you're super cool! I mean, who wouldn't? So, they want to do the things that you do. Maybe figure out some of those things she can participate in, and let her feel a bit of your coolness?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara smiled through most of that... until Marinette said she wasn't special enough to 'anything'.

And she reached out and grabbed that girl by the shoulder in a grip that was, frankly, a bit harsh and likely hurt. "Hey. You listen here, Marinette... whatever your family name was. Don't you talk like that. I walk around in that outfit you made for me and I do *not* walk around in easily discarded garbage. I am far too important to do something like that. You have a fine future ahead of you as a designer and I am not going to have someone who I let make something like that for me talk about themselves as if they're some loser who just walked in off the street. Are we clear? You've got some talent and you'll make a fine peon someday to someone who really matters. And you know what? That person will likely not be as good at making clothes. But that is why deligation exists, so people like you can do those kinds of things, so people like me can continue doing their work. Understand?"

... It was... almost... like she was trying to be nice. Almost.

She finally let go. "And... yeah. She's... unique. She's gonna be a star one day! Or what she always says. Meh. At least she takes it seriously. I can't stand people who only half flank everything. If you're going to do something, do it right. But I basically made the mistake of buying her ice cream once and since then she keeps following me around and calls me her big sister... it's kind of cute, kind of annoying. But you learn to deal, you know?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Temptation to do the 'no touchie!' scene from The Emperor's New Groove rising. But it wouldn't fit and would be weird. So it does not happen, but the situation certainly inspires it. :)

Marinette was sitting when this happened to her, and she isn't entirely certain what happened or how but it did happen and now she's still sitting and nodding agreement because holy crap Hinoiri has a strong personality! It's hard to do anything BUT agree! She pauses, adjusting her outfit, and says, "I...made a few accessories after the fact, that might be nice to use for the outfit. If you want them." So she'd been thinking about her work afterward, and adding to the ensemble. Nice! Or a distraction from her reaction to the rest of what Hinoiri actually said, but still. Nice!

"I was an only child, but I decided that friends were just as awesome. And they really, really are." It's an answer, sort of. But her brain's still on the first bit, with the shaking and the odd supportive bullying.

Is that even a thing?

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded. "Of course I want them. They sound awesome. I'm not really the best at fashion, so Adrien hooking us up was a real lucky break on my part. Shame you disappeared soon after, though. I guess life and all that. Still... and eh. I was... probably an only child, if even that," she said with a shrug.

"Not really big on the whole... friends thing, myself. But I've been warming up to the concept. Naru and Adrien are cool, though probably both mad at me now. Usagi's just... weird. Chiyo's... kind of cool. Rashmi, oh, you'll like her. Trust me. If you like having 'friends'? You're *really* going to like it here. These girls will *not* let you not be their friend. I swear they hunt like packs of wolves. The moment they find out you like friendship? You'll be grabbed and herded into some weird support group. With cupcakes."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette is still sitting in the chair. She pauses, then with a moment's inspiration, the Lady Wi-Fi doll peeks up over the edge, looking at Hinoiri.

She's met some of the girls that Hinoiri is talking about, but that's not what she responds to. No, it's the loneliness in her tone, and the way that she moves that makes Marinette make the offer. What offer?

"You could play with me," Lady Wi-Fi says, waving her little hand at Hinoiri. "No, she can't," Cat Noir says, from where he's sitting on the chair. "She's not got a doll to play with!" "Well, I like her," Lady Wi-Fi says, looking back at him. "If she wants to, that is."

Cat Noir looks up from where he's sitting, helped by Marinette's other hand. Then all three of them look at Hinoiri.

Where is Ladybug? She's surprisingly silent. Or is she? hard to tell in this scene...I MEAN MOMENT.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara opened her mouth, paused. Just...

... How did you even respond to that. "I... you..."

And, for once, she was struck silent.

Nobody had EVER asked her to play with them. Not once. By the time she'd come here, she'd been too old.

And memories of being a little filly again, and watching the other foals playing with dolls and... looking at her, but being afraid to ask her. Memories of spending her time on the books, alone, isolated. Teachers mumbling that dolls weren't for students of the sovereign, it was good she focused on important things. How she wasn't a quitter...

She reached out and then took the doll, a very confused, mixed look on her face. "Lady Wifi... huh. I'm... not from france. Well, I'm not from here, either. But... tell me. Who is Lady Wifi, anyway? Is she one of those super heroes?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"She was my best friend," Marinette says. "And she was the strongest person I ever knew."

A moment later, Cat Noir is up and showing how cool he can be, standing on his hands and trying to walk, as Lady Wi-Fi just cools it up like the awesome person that she was. Villain? Maybe, but the admiration in Marinette's voice is almost too much. She tells it like a story, but one that Lady Wi-Fi can be part of.

Has she given away that she's actually Cat Noir? Or maybe she's actually Lady Wi-Fi herself? Well, she's definitely one of the dolls in play, but she's dropped the Ladybug doll under the chair.

It looks out, a little kwami sitting in its lap, listening with a smile on it's little face. "Now that's how you save someone, Marinette. Good job."

For at least one more day, at least. But who knows what will happen tomorrow?