1688/Ice Cream Social

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Ice Cream Social
Date of Scene: 20 June 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: A free ice cream treat opportunity proves to be a no-go for a handful of Radiant Heart Academy students.
Cast of Characters: Ren Morimoto, Hitomi Kobe, Chiyo Sakai, Taro Yamada, Naru Osaka

Ren Morimoto has posed:
You know the saying: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Well, there's screaming.

Don't worry, it's just because there's free ice cream, sponsored by some company trying to sell some thing. Who cares, it's free ice cream!

Ren's one of the many in the sudden crowd that has formed to start a queue, and while it's orderly, it's... a big line. A big line under a very warm sun, so there is sweat prickling at brows and people fanning themselves, some whipping out parasols to shade themselves. Somewhere at the front of the line there's a commotion about flavors.

"But I wanted chocolate!" a little boy cries, his face snotty. "It's my fav'rite!" He starts bawling his little eyes out, while his parents scuttle out of the line and try to placate him, the unlucky father somehow just barely managing to hold three cones, one with a big lick taken out of it. And at first glance, it does look like chocolate. Actually, the color's a bit off. Maybe it's dark chocolate?

Here's a hint: attendants wearing slogan-covered t-shirts move through the line, offering up sample-sized tubes of charcoal toothpaste, which is apparently the thing they're trying to sell today.

Hitomi Kobe has posed:
    "... I'll definitely take any flavor but charcoal... you can drop the advertisement. I ain't picking up no fancy toothpaste when nine outta ten dentists recommend It's Toothpaste." Hitomi states very plainly in her Osaka accent, crossing her arms and looking rather crossly. She's in a green tank top today, with a gauzy looking white top and a darker green skirt. She has her bike helmet under her arm, where Panko the Dwarf Flying Squirrel is currently wrapped around a cold pack for someone's ankle.

    The girl's dark hair is done up in a pair of small buns on top of her head, keeping it off her neck, and she's balancing a pink parasol promoting the KOBE LINE OF FINE STREET FOOD AND BAKED GOODS. Now unfortunately somewhat defunct, but the parasol is keeping her in the shade. "You got vanilla? I'll take vanilla. Or red bean."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
There are several phrases Chiyo could say in regards to the obvious pushing of charcoal 'flavored' items being presented as she realizes that is what was going on with growing horror. Most of them weren't polite words. She stands staring with growing horror as she watches the poor family head off shaking her head. "What... In the Clockapp trends is going on here? Yuck."

A glance is cast toward Ren shaking her head. "I think maybe we should abandon ship here," she remarks with a dry chuckle. "I think this isn't going to be the 'sweet relief' we had hoped for." As for waht she's wearing? Something totally girly and cute while she's out with her fellow Culinary Guardian. A nice sun dress, and a floppy hat to keep the sun off her head. And though Ren is a redhead, this was NOT the redhead she'd been seen with lately.

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro, shaggy black hair pulled out of his face by a Hello Kitty hair snap and wearing a Bad Badzmaru shirt and loose grey pants, eyes the charcoal toothpaste with the face of a dog who's pretty sure there's medication in that there treat. He does, eventually, lick it the sample, then makes the face of a dog who has confirmed there's medication in that there treat.

When he sees Chiyo and her friends, he hops from further forward in the line to go see Chiyo and her friends.

"It's all mint flavor. The charcoal makes the texture gritty but it's not lending any taste to it. If the ice cream's anything like it, you're not getting anything interesting unless you're going for a texture thing or want a fun photo."

He sticks his tongue out, bleh, ugh; the tip of it's turned black from the charcoal. With his hair back, it's easier to see his narrow eyes light up when he sees Chiyo, the way his narrow face tries and fails to hide his eager grin as he approaches.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Generally, in Naru's experience, free food means that someone's getting drained. She's settled to watch the line for a while, a parasol keeping the worst of the sunshine off of her as she considers the toothpaste? She's not in line, she doesn't get offered free gross toothpaste, so that's a thing.

Naru does, however, have a bottle of iced coffee while she watches to see who is likely to fall over. Even if coffee doesnt' entirely help against the drain from last night, it doens't exactly hurt.

Naru spots Chiyo and waves to her, although if she notices is a totally different matter.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
Ren's wearing shorts and a thin tee, which he's tugging at every few moments to give himself some air. It's not really helping, though, given how stiflingly hot it is, so he's just gonna have to get used to the idea of sweating.

He adjusts the baseball cap on his head to wick away some of the sweat on his forehead, then he's nodding in agreement to Chiyo. "Yeah, I'd rather just pay for it somewhere," he says, voice musing as he listens in on someone ahead of them voicing similar concerns.

The attendant who was trying to hand Hitomi a tube of toothpaste smiles apologetically in that customer service-y way. "Sorry, all we have is charcoal mint today," and then she swans off to try to give samples away elsewhere.

That's when Ren steps forward, out of the queue to tilt his head down at Hitomi. "Hey, I remember you! You're another Radiant Heart student, right?" He hooks a thumb back over his shoulder. "We're going to go get ice cream somewhere, wanna come with?" Then he turns back to look at Taro, his nose wrinkling. "Oh we're definitely getting ice cream somewhere else then, I hate mint flavor."

Probably because it reminds him of toothpaste!

"We should all go together," he adds.

There are several other attendants moving through the crowd for Naru to observe, though they all have very faux cheerful smiles on their faces. Is it a sign of evil doing, or just a combination of the heat and a taxing customer-facing job?

Hitomi Kobe has posed:
    Hitomi's nose wrinkles a bit, and she shakes her head, stepping out of line and leaving the poor attendant hanging. "Of all the time to *not* have something at--" she begins in a mutter, and then she sees someone step forward.

    "Aa. Ren-sempai." she blinks a moment, and then her shoulders slack, crooking her parasol in its bright color in one elbow, and rubs the back of her neck, and she looks down to the helmet, as Panko pokes her head up.

    There's a little chitter, and the dwarf flying squirrel hops up to Hitomi's shoulder.

    "Ah... sure... yeah I'm a student." Not a stand out one. On purpose. Unless you count 'amounts of naps taken during class'.

    "I could go for some real ice cream--" she looks to the grouping gathering. "As long as no one minds me taggin' 'long."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku is quick to nod eagerly along with the suggestion of getting icecream elsewhere. When Taro steps over, she smiles in recognition of the tall somewhat goth boy (it was goth, right? She could never get those trends right in her mind) only to grimace at his description of the toothpaste. "Eugh. Toothpaste is good and all but that doesn't sound pleasant in the least." A single nod is given in agreement with Ren who is already inviting Hitomi along.

And from the direction she glances she spots the waving Naru who earns a bright grin and raised hand in greeting as well as a 'come here' gesture in silent invitation. Rather than yelling across the way as her cousin might do.

Hitomi's question earns a glance in her direction with a hint of surprise. "Of course you're welcome. I'm Chiyo Sakai," she offers in greeting with a smile. "Pleased to meet you. You want to join us as well, Taro-san? Naru-chan?"

And as the talk of mint icecream is brought up she blinks, and mumbles, "What's wrong with mint icecream?" Of course, not bastardized with charcoal

Taro Yamada has posed:
"You can do mint better. I can do mint better. I bet she can do mint better too," Taro says, and he points to Hitomi's STREET FOOD AND BAKED GOODS parasol. "The black ice cream look is good, but what's the point of having a pretty food if it's bad to eat?"

Some attendant is probably offended. He doesn't care. If they didn't want to be offended, they should serve superior food!

He gives Hitomi, Ren, and Naru a polite bow - which is old fashioned as heck, but it doesn't seem to make him pause. "I'm Taro, tenth year. I mostly cook to eat, not professionally, but I'd like to join for some ice cream too."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Mint icecream is only good with chocolate chips in it." Naru declares as she comes up upon the conversation, having crossed over to join the crew of people. There's a polite nod to everyone. "I'm always so very very skeptical of free food these days."

Naru shakes her head. "At least it isn't dusk-anything toothpaste." She pauses a moment. "It isn't, is it?" She frowns a little, considering the free toothpaste samples. "Charcoal also can do terrible things if you take medications."

Ren Morimoto has posed:
"Yeah, everybody's welcome," Ren says swiftly, bobbing his head up and down in an agreeable nod. "Chiyo-senpai, this is Hitomi-chan. Oh, and I'm Ren Morimoto, nice to meet you," he adds to the introductions, that last bit meant for Taro. Then he cracks a quick smile to Naru when she walks up to them as well.

Briefly he wonders where she came from, having missed Chiyo's gesturing towards her earlier.

As Ren pulls out his phone out, he says, "Mint flavor reminds me of toothpaste. I don't know what flavor they're trying to hand out, though," and then he searches up the nearest ice cream place. Soon enough he's sticking his hand out, pointing down the street and announcing, "This way!" as he marches on.

Once he's away from the crowd, he lets out a big sigh and stretches his arms out to feel the free space around him for a couple of seconds. "The air feels a little cooler now."

But not that much cooler. It's still hot out.

Hitomi Kobe has posed:
    "Uh... only if we can batter and deep fry it. My family's known for deep fried street foods." she gives a proud spin of her parasol, and as if remembering her manners, she quickly gives a bow of her head. "Hitomi, Hitomi Kobe." she introduces herself to everyone, and gives a smile to Taro, Chiyo, and Naru.

    "MAtter of fact, my brothers came out to help do prom at Radiant Heart. So if you had any of the fried foods representing Japan -- that's my family!" she states with a lot of pride. "We were one of the biggest street and festival foods groups in all Osaka Prefecture, and my mom's family were bakers. So we do a lot of food for a lot of different projects and parties, and street festivals. It means I did a lot of work until I came to school out here though." she explains, and then awkwardly adds:

    "And mint is also good with peanuts or almonds -- and with candy cane pieces! And then you sandwich it between two pieces of a sweet bread and then deep fry it!" she states with a grin, and then huffs.

    "But this would be bad weather for it.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku shares a knowing glance with Naru as she nods. A single hand is raised to offer a fist toward her with the solemn declaration of, "Choco minto," the rallying cry of fans of the flavor. It was as devisive as pineapple on pizza to many in Japan and she definitely knew which side she stood on.

More seriously she admits, quietly, "Yes but I don't see anyone actually getting sick or weak. It's weird... but maybe it *is* just a regular propoganda thing?" Possible.

When Ren introduces properly she flashes a grin toward Hitomi. A bit of recognition flits over her features as well. "Ah! Yes, from prom. I'm sorry I was so distracted that night. I was running the mochi sweets, and tanghulu," she explains with a broad grin. "Always nice to meet another food person. Taro-san here has worked with confections as well," she explains before adding in, "And Naru-chan is my cousin's roommate and a friend."

With Ren leading the way away from this horrible debacle she does indeed turn to follow letting out a sigh. "Yeah that many people is a bit much if they're not enjoying themselves."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I only joined the school this semester, so I missed the prom. It sounds like I missed a lot of fun," Taro says mournfully as he joins the pack of teenagers. Dating? No, his mind is entirely on the free food...

"I can like mint, but it's often so strong a flavor that it's not my thing. I don't want the pure toothpaste flavor. I want it to join with the other flavors and create something new, make it wabi-sabi." Because, of course, the Japanese aesthetic tradition involving the love of transiance and imperfections is the best way to explain the appeal of choco minto.

"You could fry mint ice cream, of course!" he suggests to Hitomi, "but I think some Westerners will serve meat with a mint sauce to cut the fattiness. Maybe you could serve mint sauce with a richly fried cutlet?"

He nods in agreement with Chiyo - he didn't catch her murmers to Naru, though he was curious, but he did get her commentary on the food stand. "Free ice cream won't work if the ice cream isn't appealing on it's own merits. They need to find another thing to make people interested! Reputation is everything for niche products!"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Mint chocolate chip is a little more mellow than toothpaste." Naru confirms as they all start heading for proper ice cream. "I'm at Radiant Heart as well, but I missed prom this year." She gives a nod to Hitomi and looks around to eveyrone else. "Although I heard really good things about it."

Naru mms softly to Chiyo. "I think it's legit, but it just makes the back of my neck tingle, y'know? Too many bad experiences." Because if there was going to be ice cream draining people in Tokyo, Naru would find it.

"I've heard of meat with mint sauce, but I've never tried it." She considers and then mmms. "I'll have to ask Adrien." She explains to Taro. "He's French, he might know."

"Usually if it's draining ice cream, it's filled wiht something dusky that is compelling, even if it's not super appealing normally." Naru explains as if she's seen it more than once before. She has. "But it's been a while, at least since I bumped into dark energy food."

Ren Morimoto has posed:
With his position at the front of the group, Ren has to turn and walk backwards to really talk. Which is a little dangerous, but he seems to be managing so far not to trip over anything, even if he has to keep peeking over his shoulder to check for obstacles on the sidewalk.

"Sorry, I just can't get behind mint flavored things," he admits. "But that just means there's more for you to eat, right?" That's a general 'you' there, meant for whoever in the group actually likes the stuff.

As he spins back around on his heels, Ren lifts his arms up to raise them behind his head, elbows spread. "I had fried ice cream in America, it was pretty nice! They served it with cinnamon sugar."

Now fully distracted by delicious memories, Ren has to consult his phone for directions to where they're supposed to be going, and leads the group on a turn at the next corner. Off in the distance, an ice cream storefront can be spotted, just down the street.

Hitomi Kobe has posed:
    "-- /dark energy food/?" Hitomi asks, her brows narrowing a moment, before she pauses.

    "I didn't think that the food my family served was THAT bad!" she protests, and she walks on. "I've had a pork cutlet with mint sauce, but mint is pretty much best for desserts." Hitomi agrees quietly, and she rubs the back of her head a moment as she walks with the group, her helmet still under one arm as the dwarf flying squirrel decides to take up real estate on Hitomi's shoulder, and then slides down into the pocket of her gauzy over shirt.

    "But I'm definitely going to get a fruit ice cream this time. I hope they have strawberry, or mango... oooh. What about a lemon ice cream?" she considers thoughtfully as they walk along.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo has to give a thoughtful hum as she finds herself readily agreeing with Naru's explanation. Only for the dark energy food to be caught on to, and she clears her throat. "There have been some really bad food promos we've been caught up in," she explains with a perhaps-too-wide smile hoping such an awful explanation is taken for the moment.

At least icecream, real icecream, is being approached as she lifts a hand to gesture past Ren in the direction he's leading them. "Oh, there it is! All this talk of mint icecream has me wanting something refreshing and fudgey. Maybe I'll see what else they have though," she reasons. "I heard there was this s'mores icecream that's popular lately."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"The toothpaste didn't have dark energy. I've got enough magic to be able to tell that," Taro says, and sticks his tongue out again. "The grittiness was all physical. I can go back and try the ice cream if it's that big an issue."

So no need to worry! That's all normal! His super strength may continually turn out to be lacking against all the mahou, but he has yet to be matched on super taste.

But at least! There's! Real ice cream! "There's so many exotic flavors these days... Maybe they'll have something like honeycomb!"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Not /your/ food." Naru protests to Hitomi. "Certainly not at prom." She gestures to Chiyo. "See? Exactly."

"I'm glad to hear it." Naru comments to Taro. "I'm not actually magical." At least not that she actually recognizes.

"I'm hoping for lemon sorbet." Naru smiles, in spite of all of the talk about mint and chocolate and everything else. "Perhaps into a float.. but lemon is delightfully refreshing."

Ren Morimoto has posed:
Moving ahead with a skip to his step, Ren isn't actually oblivious to the whole talk of dark energy and magic and whatnot. He's just good at pretending not to hear any of it, but with the advantage of his height he can look over everyone's heads to find Chiyo, make eye contact with her, and raise a subtle eyebrow before he's opening the door to the ice cream shoppe.

Inside looks inviting, and with a very long freezer counter that suggests ample chance of all of their desired flavors being available.

"No one will judge me if I just get vanilla, right?" Ren asks.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Vanilla is a good traditional flavor," Chiyo agrees as they all start to drift apart to different areas of the icecream shop to regard the various offerings. She leans close to the glass but not touching as she debates herself while waiting her turn in line.

"Oh, lemon would be good. I did try a lemon mint mix once, but that didn't go over well." Looking toward Naru she lifts an eyebrow, "If you try mint with meat let me know how that is. I'm not sure I'm up for that myself." But it could work? Maybe.

A glance back to the icecream and she ohs softly, "A lychee sorbet would be pretty tasty. I wondre if they have anything else?"

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Of course not!" Taro tells Ren. "Vanilla was the first artificial flavor invented for a reason. Real vanilla is really complicated and hard to get. It only grows in flowers that have to be hand pollinated to bear vanilla fruit - which means they had to figure out how to make vanilla flavor that was easier to get!"

Local goth has had over 50 years to mess around in a library and learn strange facts, ok?

"I'd love to try any mint and meat combinations you have too," he chirps to Hitomi. "Tokyo has so many exciting flavors!"

But then - "Oh! They have chocobanana!" he says, eyes lighting up. It's a total grandpa flavor, the kind of thing you eat to remember your childhood summer festivals, but that doesn't stop Taro from gravitating to it.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Vanilla is also delicious." Naru smiles easily to Ren. "Besides. It's ice cream. Get the flavour you want!"

"I'll let you know, if I try it, Chiyo." Naru assures her and then ooohs. "Did you spot lychee sorbet?" Suddently Naru is interested and moves over to where Chiyo is looking at flavours.

"That.. is really interesting, Taro!" Naru looks over to him. She sounds vaguely skeptical. "Chocobanana? Okay..."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku can't help but laugh a bit at the little history lesson, as well as the flavor that he seems interested in. With amusement she remarks teasingly, "Okay Ojiisan, you can get the chocobanana. I think we're going for fruit flavors today," she remarks with a grin toward Naru as she lifts a hand to point toward the flavor spoken of.

"It does sound good. Imagine if you put some strawberry popping boba on that? I think that'd be pretty tasty together." She's already thinking of flavor combinations.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Definitely fruit flavors! Lychee's a classic too," he says, eyes twinkling. "And - alright, chocobanana's old fashioned, but I used to go to festivals with my Auntie and chocobanana was the easiest thing to get. I'd always bring one home for Ma..."

But is it embarassing to say that kind of earnest thing,,,,

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Awww.. that's sweet!" Naru caves on the topic of chocobanana when it comes with a solid dollop of nostalgia to go with it.

Naru has made up her mind as she gets directed to the lychee sorbet by Chiyo. "Oooh.. that would be good." Naru confirms. "Or any other kind of candy really. I think the delicate flavour would get lost wiht chocolate or the like."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku grins at the explanation, and she goes back to eyeing the flavors herself. "I think... I'm going to get the 'Graham Central Station' with marshmallow swirl," she decides on a pure icecream but with the flavors she'd mentioned. It would be good to experience it!

"Yeah you'll want another fruit flavor or maybe some popping candy so you don't lose the lychee," she agree with Naru. As for poor Taro she chuckles. "There's nothing wrong with reliving good memories. Food is good for that! I say go for it." She's already fishing out her purse to pay for stuff, too.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Definitely! Lychee needs something as epher - as efeer - drat, as light as it is to match it." Ugh, these new vocabulary words are doing Things to his poor brain. "Maybe a little watermelon with it, to add juice and crunch?"

And as for his sweet memories - he flushes. "It is - um, food, being good memories. It's nice seeing that kind of flavor out here, when Tokyo's so much more... advanced than where I grew up." He can't believe he just said that,,,, Being vulnerable,,,, auuuugh,,,

"Chocograham looks like that smore thing! That's in all those American horror camping movies, right? They eat it before the monsters appear." oh god topic change

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Ephemeral?" Naru offers as Taro struggles ot find the word. "I think I'm just going to get the lychee plain." One might have even assumed that Naru was going to get coffee ice cream, but she's branching out!

"That sounds good, Chiyo." Naru comments on her choice before she starts to laugh at Taro's change of topic. "And wander off alone, to get lost in the woods and THEN the monsters appear." She grins.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku nods in agreement. "That's generally what happens, yes. I watch a bit of horror though Rashmi really doesn't like it." Alas. "There's even a horror-comedy genre that's got some really good ones! Dale and Tucker versus the Forces of Evil, and some others."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Ephemeral! That's it! Wabisabi again, the way that the delicate flavor needs something just as lingering to to help enhance it," Taro says, bouncing on his toes. "Or just to exist!"

And he lights up like a Christmas tree when Chiyo mentions horror movies. "I love horror movies! Do you like Evil Dead? Sam Raimi's one of my favorites!! I really like Friday the 13th too! (Though the comedy usually isn't intentional there!)"