
From Radiant Heart MUSH

Date of Scene: 16 August 2024
Location: Beach
Synopsis: Once again, pieces of the Artha are falling. This time, Riventon has Mami and Fate on his side as he tries to collect the fragments, while Chrono has summoned his own allies to help. Some of the crumbling pieces of the Artha are causing magic to go wild, however, which makes for a strange and unusual fight... and there's a woman, long missing, finally found. Welcome back, Lindy Harlaown!
Cast of Characters: Chrono Harlaown, Usagi Tsukino, Molly Skyline, Takashi Agera, Bow, Madoka Kaname, Nanoha Takamachi, Mami Tomoe, Yuki Hoshino

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
On the waterfront of Tokyo, a distribution center was quiet. The day's work was gone and now, the only ones who were still around were the security detail. There was only one ship even docked, now empty and awaiting the next morning where it would be filled and set out again.

Chrono Harlaown was hovering high over it, his device scanning the region. He'd called in his comrades, by leaving a message in the shed (though, a few had likely been invited personally). He believed that the next drop of the Arthra would take place here, today. He just didn't know when. He'd been keeping an eye out for any disturbances. Bit by bit there had been a few time/space distortions, nothing severe but enough to help him narrow down the locale... He believed, within the hour, another chunk of the Arthra would fall.

More importantly, he'd managed to keep an eye on the area and was certain Riventon hadn't managed to beat him to it and, most importantly, can't have dropped a bunch of explosives around it.

Inside the main building, the head of security looked over the monitors, a frown on her lips as she slowly put in spoon after spoon of sugar into her green tea, until it was more accurate to call it sugar with some tea than the other way around. She then slowly stirred it, not minding as it was far more a syrup than a liquid. Something just felt off. Something... was wrong. She couldn't say why, she could just feel it. She brought the syrup to her lips and continued to watch the monitors. She didn't know what it was, but she WOULD ensure that it wasn't anything too severe. It'd be positively dreadful if anyone was hurt.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
When it comes to the pieces and wreckage of a spaceship, the idea of finding useful salvage isn't really properly defined in Usagi's mind. How do you know what's useful? How do you tell what you can use? Isn't it kind of weird and disrespectful to scavenge off a destroyed ship?

These are questions that she can't really answer - what she can do, though, is be ready to back up Chrono, and maybe surprise her girlfriend with bizarre alien tech! The perfect present for the brainiac in her life.

So she's not flying in the air like Chrono is, but she's carefully clamoring around rooftops as quietly as she can, keeping an eye on things while she gets her dailies done.

What else is a quiet moment for?

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly had gotten the invite, and wasn't about to turn it down now that she was finally feeling like she might be up to some of the bigger fights. (In truth, she's always been up to them, the only thing that's ever really been holding Molly back is of course Molly herself.) So now she's approaching the area at the best flight speed her translucent wings can muster, in Henshin with Starcrash held at hand.

And, looks like she's not late (fashionably or otherwise) for once too. And isn't going to have to desperately call for back-up because Chrono at least is already here. Oh this is like a dream come true! The Purplenette waves to Chrono as she circles around, but doesn't go straight to his position; probably better to be a little bit spread out, just in case.

So, she takes a loop around the docks, and eventually picks a high-up vantage point -- up on top of a dock crane -- to land on. And there she stands, getting a good view of the place, and folding away her wings for the moment so she can alleviate the mana drain from that, small that it is.

"Starcrash, Battle Vision please."


Might as well try out her new spell though. A holographic-looking display pops up in front of Molly's face, and lists out bits of information about things and people in the area -- like Chrono, for example, who it marks with the name 'Chrono' and a little blue happy-face emoji, along with stuff like vector and speed when she focuses her eyes on that part of the read out.

Definitely going to have to thank Rashmi for the spell programming tutorial later.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi Agera sat back in his office. It was a pretty quiet day. He could get some headway on research - there was always so much to understand, to theorize, to do in the lab before he subjected the world to it in a testing regimin.

    But this afternoon was not set to be for such things, given the situation that was about to unfold presently.


    Takashi threw what he was working on into a drawer and stormed out of his office. There was a girl outside Takashi's office, working on her homework. Or, more accurately, having finished her homework but still sitting at a desk. She looked up with red-brown eyes and a questioning expression but silence from the girl who had unfortunantly spent much of her life afraid to speak up unless it related to Jewel Seeds.

    "...Fate-chan, grab Bardiche." Takashi says, seeing her curious interest. "Some chunks of techstuff are going to fall out of space and I'm probably going to get into a fight over them." Fate gave a nod and stood up. She almost told him she always had Bardiche with her, but again, stifled it.

    There was another blonde with twintails in the room that Takashi almost walked right by - until he felt the piercing eyes telling him that he shouldn't walk past her without saying something.

    Takashi turned and looked at Mami, very close to offering some sort of excuse as to why he didn't need her help or she couldn't come - his eyes moving to the ring on her hand, the ring that was the current form of her Soul Gem, the henshin device that set her apart from others. She could probably see him trying to figure out how to not bring her. He looked back at Fate.

    "Alright, if you want... you can help me out here too, Mami. Fate and I are going to henshin and teleport there. Not through the Dusk Zone." Fate -and- Mami couldn't take that route.

    Eventually Riventon would be opening a circular Belkan rune on the floor to teleport them to the location where soon, chaos was going to be unleashed (and not entirely because of Riventon).

Bow has posed:
If they had given Bow more time, he may have figured out a way to arrest the fall of Artha, or at least slow it's descent. But it really isn't something that he is a part of - he's a device user by proxy, half human and half Etherian tech. Moving along the rooftops with Usagi, he frowns to himself. "I'm assuming we're going to be facing the worst kind of ressistance?" he asks as he keeps his bow folded down for faster travel.

Another leap to clear a rooftop, and a little quieter, where only Usagi can hear. "...first combat since Paris." he admits to her. "I've been kind of... avoiding it all." A shaky little breath is taken and he resolves himself. "But if it helps my friends, then well, I should get back in the saddle."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The beach is a place of importance to Gretchen.

    It's the place in which Madoka first saw magical combat in action, at least in this timeline. Therefore it's also the place where the dream that Gretchen represents was 'born', even if it's not quite the place where she first 'hatched'. Which carries with it a certain sentiment.

    So when funny things start happening, especially things involving spacial distortions caused by magic, Gretchen starts getting... concerned. Bothered. Annoyed. Yet, while the idea of Something suddenly appearing out of magical subspace carries a certain amount of threat, it could also bring with it an opportunity.

    She doesn't know about the message in The Shed. She's avoiding that place because she's avoiding Madoka. Yet she can see from within the depths of her Labyrinth that Chrono is nearby, and she's been keeping her distance.

    Sitting atop a hidden plushie pile in Gretchen's personal world, the three Meanie Dokas gather together and conspire.

    Tia asks, "Is the boy still flying around?"

    Gretchen says, "Yeah... but I don't think he's looking for us. Something big and weird is coming. It might be alien tech again."

    Rens frowns thoughtfully. "Alien tech? Like that Lost Logia you told us about? Would it be a threat to our plans?"

    Gretchen shrugs, "Maybe, but there might also be some cool stuff we could play with. Just be careful of anything that looks too powerful. It either wont listen to you or it'll harm you to use it."

    So saying, the three X-Chara await invisibly nearby, ready to strike!

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi was more than happy to accept the LEGTIMATE MILITARY ORDER-- she means, polite request to show up and help defend a possible, second Artha incursion.

She floated besides Chrono as she looks at him. Maybe...maybe this one will have his mom...or a sign of his mom on it? Who knows what exactly is going to appear. Could be the bridge! Could also be the waste containment section of the ship.

Who knows. She narrows her eyes a little. "Ugh. At least I don't see Riventon here yet." she says. "Maybe he has better things to do. Like... I dunno, look at his boogers under a microscope. I bet he'd find that amazing." she says.

Okay she IS like nine, still....

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    It was just another day at the office. Takashi was doing research and Mami was brewing up tactics and strategies for the team. Just her and a notebook full of sketches and notes and ideas. She was so lost in her thoughts that she practically leapt out of her seat when Axion's voice broke the silence.

    So she was on her feet and heading toward the door when Takash locked eyes with her. She arched her eyebrows as if daring him to stop her from coming along, and then smiled when he didn't. It had taken some time, but even Takashi Agera could be taught things. "It's fine," she said with a wave of her hand. "I'll see you there."

    He headed to his teleportation rune, and she headed for the door, there was a flash of yellow magic as she henshined on her way down the hallway. It won't take that long to get to the waterfront by rooftop. Especially not for Mami, who knows all the best shortcuts.

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
Like others, Yuki's day had gone sideways when Argent Dawn announced the detection of spacial distortions - in her case, via a text message on her phone, rather than a vocal alert. "Well isn't that interesting," she mused. "What do you think, partner? Worth checking out?"

"Investigation may reveal valuable data for recovering dimensional transportation coding," is the reply that streams across her phone's screen. She nods. That alone is worth the trip.

"Alright," she agrees, finding a convenient alley to transform. "Give me sensors and flight, and have a shield ready." A shield might cause issues with maintaining the flight spell, but after the beatings she's taken in her last few battles she sees playing it safe as a good idea.

Clad in the armored kimono and skirt of her Barrier Jacket, the Knight of Dawn takes to the sky to join the mob converging on the site.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    To those who aren't aware of magic, it more or less feels like an ominous storm came out of nowhere; it serves as a good reason for everyone to run inside. But to the amassing groups of magically aware individuals it's something else entirely. It's a strange shuddering, watercolor weirdness that 'paints' swatches across the sky and lower.

    The first bits of the Artha that rip their way out of the time-space stasis they reside in are just that - bits, peices, chunks. Spraying out in random buckshot-like blasts they slam into the ground and rooftops, some of them dangerously heavy at any speed, being rocks that were once the Artha's armor - others are broken chunks of internal parts, and more valuable; chunks and bits of tech and materials that simply can't be reproduced with Earth's manufacturing - made of as much magic as metal.

    And then there's a sound, like a grinding, crunching noise, as a singular larger bit of the Artha rips its way into this dimension - it's about half of what comprimises the magical 'engine' of the Artha, the 'reactor' of the Artha, and then in a moment it detonates with another blast of shrapnel and a strange shockwave that follows behind it - that shockwave feels wrong, and wrong in a different way than Dark Energy or even a Witch's Labrynth - it's magic gone haywire, some sort of radiating energy.

    Riventon grimmaces half at the noise and half at the feeling of the strange reverberation. "Oh, I do not like that." he says. Fate, standing next to him in her henshin, similarly makes a face.

    <<SIR. BEWARE. UNPREDICTABLE OUTCOMES DUE TO INTERFERENCE.>> Bardiche notes, on behalf of the two Devices on Obsidian's side.

    "Well, at least it's probably going to suck equally for everyone." Riventon replies. "You know what to do, Fate. Just keep the area clear and I'll try to get to whatever... that is..." Riventon grumbles as another pulse of strange resonant energy covers the area, forcing him to temporarily stop floating and stand on his own two feet for a moment. "... and make it stop doing that." he says. He figures he can trust Mami to do the same when she shows up.

    Periodically, something in the center of what's left of the tangled mass of tech and armor that once was the magitech reactor continues to send out pulses, surging out a strange sound that makes metal vibrate in a similar tone, and causes magic react strangely for a moment as the 'waves' impact it. Fate and Riventon move closer to ground zero and are clearly visible doing so to the heroes as they arrive - some of them (especially Chrono) get glares from Riventon, and Nanoha gets a look that is... somewhat apologetic but firm, from Fate.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"All I've really had to fight since then was - goofiness," Usagi admits to Bow, just as quiet, casting a glance around the area. "Madoka-chan's X-Chara acting up, an evil living jean-yukata, normal stuff. But Chrono's pretty tough, so if he's asking for all of us to come in on this..."

She's got a slightly bad feeling about it, even if Sailor Moon is presently occupying her hands with gacha game mechanics.

"Don't push yourself too much, okay? Whatever happens here, I'm pretty sure no one's going to want to - go that far over it." She winces, remembering the warmth of blood on her hand, and shakes it off. There was no way this would go that bad. She wouldn't let it.

These might just be famous last words - because in the next moment things get weird, a watercolor strangeness that ripples through the sky and feels wrong even to someone as psi-blind as her. She doesn't grab for Bow, but she calls out -

"Let's grab some cover!"

Right as the sky starts falling down around them, bits and piece crashing down from high above. Talk about splatsville if they don't move! In fact, why just look for cover when -

"Moon Tiara Action!"

The shimmer disc of energy slices through the air, aiming to make those largest chunks into smaller, less likely to squash a Mahou flat bits.

As soon as there's a moment to breathe, Usagi whistles a little - "Wow, this is - a lot - and snags a few small bits and bobs that have pelted the ground, ones that look interesting or sparkly or unusual, in the hopes that Ami finds something of interest in them.

And then there's the big thing, ripping into this dimension, shockwaves of energy that feel wrong spraying out, and Sailor Moon grimaces as much at the sight as at seeing Riventon and ally appear.

"Is there any chance we can all just work together on this one?" She asks hopefully.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown would give Molly a small wave when he saw her. Seems she got his message, at least. And Nanoha TOTALLY could have said no to coming. Definitely. He didn't even order. Sure, he'd have just been a little disappointed in her, but that wasn't so bad, right?

... Right?

However, Nanoha's words made him glance over and cock an eye. "He'll likely show up or, worse, is already monitoring the site. He's not one to just let something like this go off without him. Fortunately, he can't be everywhere."

Of course, no sooner did everything start... that Riventon was there. He sighed, lifted his device... and got a warning message? Barrier not possible?

"Oh, that isn't good..."

<< Molly, Nanoha, Sailor Moon, we can't put a barrier up. That means civilians may be in danger. This appears to be part of the reactor and, fortunately, there shouldn't be any danger of there being radiation or contamination. The bits falling into the water should be fine, but we should endeavor to keep civilians clear of anything falling. Also, Riventon and Fate are here, so... there's that. Expect hostilities. The regulator is likely causing these distortions, our engines aren't designed to function at 1/3rd their standard mass. >>

He started to fall, heading towards the reactor, aiming to block Riventon from getting closer.

Meanwhile, in the security office, the head of security took one last drink of her tea before sighing. "I probably should go check on that," she said, all of the cameras having gone out. She got to her feet and turned on her walky talky. "Hello? Erika? Laura? Please head towards the main entrance. Hmm? Yes, I'm investigating now, but I'd rather nobody gets hurt if we can avoid it and that sounded pretty bad. I'll be fine, I have my flashlight."

It was quite a flashlight, too.

Molly Skyline has posed:
As chunks of the Arthra start coming down, Molly gets an urgent warning from Starcrash that she's about to be right in the middle of a space-junk shooting gallery. She immediately stops lolligagging and breaks into a run down the boom of the dock crane she's standing on. "Aurora Barrier!" she instructs hastily.


As the faceted shield -- also a new spell and the first one to come to mind while she's in a hurry -- snaps into being around her, bits and pieces start raining down from the sky around her. Her Battle Vision tags all of them in yellow, and displays their mass, speed, and trajectories as well; and of course one of them is going to hit the


Suddenly Molly finds herself on a disconnected piece of crane boom, and then she's just on nothing at all and is plumetting rapidly towards the ground. This isn't the worst problem to have; she re-deploys her wings, allowing a couple of the smaller bits of Arthra to bounce off her shield as she pulls up, skims along the tops of some stacked shipping crates, and makes a beeline out of the immediate area where things are coming crashing down. She flies past Bow and Sailor Moon, finally alighting on a nearby roof and skidding to a stop on her feet so she can take a breather, and turn to watch the biggest chunk come through.


And indeed, Molly's shield ripples, deforms, and finally disperses like a balloon, at about the esame time that Chrono's communication about just that sort of things is coming in.

<< I got that, >> she answers bemusedly on the same channel. << I'll have to be careful, I'm still an artillery mage. If anyone sees anything big coming my way don't be afraid to yell at me to move or dodge or, like, don't die or something. I'll duck. >> But is she gonna back down? Oh hell no, not on your life. She takes a breath, and runs to the edge of the building, jumping off it to land beside Chrono. Upon landing, she dismisses her Battle Vision for the moment; might as well get a view of things uncluttered with a hundred little pieces of information. Plus it's draining mana faster than she expected, just like Rashmi warned her, she just didn't expect it to be sucking up *that* much.

"First piece of the Arthra I've seen," she admits. "I hope this goes well."

Bow has posed:
"I'll keep it in mind, Sailor Moon." Bow responds to Usagi as he shakes his head. "Starts to look that way? I'll bail. Promise." At least he's learned something from Paris, even if it came too late for other things. With the first planet fall of the pieces, he looks up for a moment, eyes wife. "Uh. This isn't a colony drop, is it?" Look, someone exposed him to _Gundam_ and here we are.

"Do you want the pieces caught or destroyed?" he asks as he preps his arrows and snaps the bow to it's full size, the magical string winding to life like a vine as it tightens into place. He was about to start to snipe pieces, when he realizes... there's no barrier. Where's the barrier? Oh this isn't good. "I'm going to try to clear the beach!" he yells over to Usagi as he veers off to head towards where civilians are just realizing what trouble that they may be in.

<< FLARE ARROW - GREEN! >> he calls out, the green tipped arrow popping into place as he aims it towards the clearest direction from the beach and away from the falling debris.

The flare arrow explodes and illuminates the sky in a shower of green light. "This way!" he yells at the crowd to herd them. "This is the best way out!"

Drawing back another shaft, << Explosive Arrow! >> he lets the arrow loose at a larger chunk of ship falling in the direction of the crowd. He'll worry about capturing pieces after the area's clear.

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
The Knight of Dawn hovers in mid-air as the various parties swoop in. Her focus is on her sensor readouts, at first, watching the data stream in, hoping it will be enough to make useful progress on her teleportation spell. Who knows, maybe it will?

"Warning. Mass transfer incoming. Severe instability detected. Recommend assuming defensive posture."

Yuki looks up from the text that scrolls across her vision and frowns. Just as she's about to ask for more information, debris starts raining from the sky. "Stars and ice! Shield!" she yells out as she sees some of it heading for her, raising her prepared shield spell. Several chunks of debris hammer into it, each one pushing her lower as the shield drains power from her flight spell to maintain its defense. She has little attention to pay to the sensors for the moment, focusing on avoiding being squashed.

She certainly doesn't have attention to spend on seeing what anyone else is doing.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen feels the wrongness from within her Labyrinth, and this time her X-sisters feel it too. Rens notes, "A disturbance that severe, this close to us, might disrupt our Labyrinth."

    Gretchen frowns and glances between Tia and Rens. "Well, guess we gotta move out, then! Let's go, cuddles!"

    Out in the normal world, a dark multicolored portal appears, gets distorted for a moment, then flickers out of existence. Gretchen and the Meanies look back at where their gateway used to be with tiny little frowns. The X-Witch in particular is seething with a cloud of darkness that almost looks to be about the size of a regular person as strange runes skitter and float through her miasma.

    One of the falling pieces of debris bumps into another and bounces off, diverting its course to head towards the X-Trio. Gretchen summons a tiny branch bow in her hands and looses a dark pink arrow far larger than she herself is, cutting the thing in half.

    Tia opens her tiny parasol and hides underneath it. "My my. Quite the weather we're having today."

    Rens overhears Bow's colony drop comment and says, "No, no, no. A colony drop is many magnitudes larger than this."

    Gretchen spreads her arms wide and says, "Yeah, it'd be way way bigger. This can still hurt people, though."

    As the Meanies observe the people around, and look at the chunks of the Artha floating above, the three of them start to reassess the severity of the situation. Rens comments, "We'll need to destroy whatever is disrupting our Labyrinth. Sooner rather than later."

    Gretchen nods, "Yeah, and unless these people are really dumb they'll want that too, but I also bet some of them will try to gather scrap from it."

    Tia muses, "Just as we are, I assume."

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi watches as Riventon arrives, who gets a glare. Wait, who's that with him. It's Fate-chan! So the glare goes from a glare to a smile, and a wave, before oh. Fate is as steely as ever. Isn't she.

She tries to imagine what he mom told her a few weeks ago. What to do, if you need to make someone laugh.

She honestly doesn't know much about Fate, but..."H--hey Fate-chan W--what's a cellphone and Arf both have in common...?" she giggles. "Collar ID!" she says. A dumb dog joke.

The dumbest dog joke. D..did she make that up herself? Ugh.

Why are there no tomatoes when you need them folks.

But then she frowns when the barrier she keeps trying to throw up fizzles out.

"Oh. That's not good..." she says with a frown as she raises two round shields with both her hands....trying to stretch them out into a small dome shape around an area.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    It took Mami long enough to run and swing her way over from roof top to rooftop, that she was not quite to the waterfront yet when the huge piece of the Arthras started to rip through and denotate further. There's a grimace on her face as she hits the ground and runs toward the impact zone, moving fast to avoid being hit by debris.

    She gets close and spots several familiar faces. Importantly, she can spy Fate and Riventon both. With a quick glance around she sees entirely too many others. It's a good thing she came.

    Making a mad dash up the side of the nearest tall thing--one of the loading cranes at the dock--Mami leaps off the top of it bringing out a veritable bouquet of rifles out of nowhere in an arc and firing of an enfilade that cuts a line across the field putting Riventon and the large fragment on one side, and at least most of the others on the other side. She's not shooting at anybody, at least not trying to. But it's definitely a threat to.

    She lands on her feet with a rifle in each hand raised up and pointed forward with her back toward Riventon. Looking right at Sailor Moon she nods. "Nah. You take care of that over there, we got this."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon turns to them. "Sailor Moon?" he asks, fixing his eyes specifically on her. "I mean I don't know what there is to worry about. This only turns into a fight if someone tries to stop me from heading out with this before it can hurt someone." he says. Because to Riventon, the only right place for dangerous stuff is where Riventon can study it and use it for totally-not-dangerous purposes. "As long as..." And then Chrono moves to stand in front of him. "See, there's just one problem - one small problem - which is that you're all never on the same page about that."

    "And so I'd love to talk this out but I know how this is about to go - shoulder spikes over here is gonna tell me this is his jurisdiction or something, or that this is stab property and I need to leave, or whatever. Right?" he looks at Chrono.

    <DAMMERUNGSFEUER.>Riventon doesn't even give Chrono a chance to answer, though, instead letting eight spheres of drippy liquid Dark Energy come into being around him..."FIRE!"


    The strange noise rolls through the area as Riventon hurls the simple barrage at Chrono and becomes the aggressor, causing some of them to tumble off course or spiral into the sky, but there's still at least four heading for the Enforcer. Riventon grits his teeth again. Nope, still do not like this.

    The shrapnel from the sky has stopped at least, most of the chunks having either landed not on someone's head or been turned into much smaller chunks by a tiara or a blast. The ones that weren't dealt with or fallen actually phase back out - to fall in some other time and place, assuredly. The few remaining civilians are covering their heads like it's a storm rather than a spatial slice of apocalypse from above. The main peice that's fallen today - where that sound/effect is coming from - settles oddly gently into the center of the area, just near the edge of the dock.

    Nanoha grabs Fate's attention, for all that she didn't have it already - it's hard not to wonder why the other girl is fighting, is she fighting for her mother too - and the joke seems to genuinely catch Fate off guard. "Cellphone?" she pauses. She actually pulls hers out and looks at it. It doesn't look much like Arf." Unfortunantly for Nanoha, Fate is a girl who only has a cellphone for work - and whos' dog doesn't have a collar.

    But it does get Riventon's attention. As does Fate's response, her general adorable innocence, and her not-stabbing-enemies. "Don't let her distract you with terrible jokes, Fate. This stuff is from your world, right? You never know, there might be something in here that can help your mother with her project. She's got that reactor and all, right?" he calls to her. At the word 'mother' Fate's body goes a little bit more rigid and her cellphone is returned to whence it came, so that she can maintain her grip around Bardiche tightly.

    "Stay back. Everyone." Fate says in an almost monotone warning. She turns slightly, so her eyes can land on Chrono, who did not stay back (or rather, was already here when Fate said to stay back). Bardiche's 'head' rotates back loudly. <Scythe Form.> it declares as a glowing yellow blade of energy roars into existence from the staff.

    **FREEEEEM** The sound is high pitched this time, and Bardiche's sctheblade flickers, just as Fate was getting ready to head towards Chrono, and it delays her a moment.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The Meanies watch as Mami makes her entrance, giving the wall of bullets a wide berth and grumpy stares. Gretchen overhears Riventon and then smiles in a way that does not at all look happy. "Sure, you can leave with that thing."

    A squad of eldritch Familiars appear around her, each one gathering ambient energy into their... hands? Tendrils? A large one appears and wraps itself around Gretchen like armor, spawning a pair of shields, a two pairs of spears, and a set of five slowly-flapping wings.

    "Let me just make it easier to transport."

    All at once, a spray of deceptively strong, dark-charged arrows fly out from Gretchen's Familiar Firing Squad, each one curving around enemy bullets and projectiles only to smash against the hull of a ship that was, frankly, made with magical defenses in mind. The X-Witch grits her teeth and asides to her two pals. "This is gonna be harder than I thought. Tia, Rens... scatter and go look for cool stuff. I'll keep them distracted."

    Tia and Rens nod and start scanning the debris that's fallen onto the beach and into the water. Rens points at a particularly large chunk and says, "That one looks like it used to be part of a room. Let's go there!"

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi keeps her shields up until they aren't needed anymore, the heavier debris has fallen by now and there's a point where it's just wasting energy into a less optimal spell. She frowns as the shields drop and she looks around and...

Oh no, Fate is going for Chrono. She isn't even smiling a little from her dumb joke either.

She draws Raising Heart backwards and with a call out... "Flash Move..." she whispers.

< Flash Move > goes Raising Heart as Nanoha moves split second, almost as fast as Fate moves regularly, suddenly and hard in front of her, a drawing up Raising Heart. "Not this time, Fate-chan, your opponent is me!" she says.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly hasn't fought Riventon before, but she doesn't need any warning to know an attack is incoming from his direction; and with her shield not a thing right at the moment, she does the only real thing she can do without her shield; she moves out of the way. At least she's fast (and her Henshin helps in that regards too). She rolls out of the way, then jumps back to her feet and lets her wings carry her back aloft. And... Oh what's that all about, a tiny person with a big... scythe?! The heck?

<< Chrono, look out, there's a... hobbit... coming for you! >>

Molly spins Starcrash around, and resummons her Battle Vision, getting that data about friendlies and targets -- with the latter getting red text, and little angry-face emojis. "Stellar Pulse, twenty barrets," she hurriedly instructs, and barely waits for her device to indicate the spell is ready before yelling "Fire!" As she unleashes a torrent of glowing barrets in Fate's direction -- all unguided, but really intended more to just throw her off course more than anything else.

<< I'll engage the girl with the guns up there, I've got range, >> she adds, as she gains some altitude, neither waiting to see the result of her attack nor wanting to get any further away from the big engine/reactor chunk. "Starcrash, charge Solar Beam, maximum thermal output."

<< ARMED >>

"Fire!" Molly levels the staff, but isn't pointing it at Mami; instead, she aims for the dock cran she's standing near, firing a blast through the upright portion to sever it, and send the bulk of the machine crashing down in Mami's general direction and vicinity.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"You and me both," she promises, "I'll have your back."

As much as she wants to help Chrono, if things get half-as bad as that? She's making sure they all bail out.

Or at least, she would if the sky weren't falling on people! Yikes! "I think we want them caught, but better destroyed than with Riventon, maybe? Chrono doesn't really get along with him, so that'd probably be his ask."

Chrono's message comes overhead, confirming that there's no barrier, and civilians will be in danger - "You got it Bow! I'll watch your back from here!"

She's got no up close and personal attacks, and there's nothing corrupted here but Riventon, and she's not vaporizing her future brother-in-law over space junk. So? Moon Action it is, at least for now -

And then an exceptionally pretty girl with blond hair in a style entirely too much like her cousin's is there, turning down the option to support each other, and Sailor Moon pulls a face, like come on, at Mami, as she looks down at them from one of the rooftops.

Though Riventon himself? ...is actually being reasonable.

"Look, if you can actually stop that thing, and promise not to like, kill anybody with it, I'll watch you back," she says, honest, and which is probably not what Chrono wants to hear, personally. "Stopping that before this whole place goes down is way more important than petty arguments!"

Of course, that would be more usefully said if Riventon wasn't attacking first! And then right after that, there's the girl with him, whipping out a scythe.


"The whole, you'd cooperate if you weren't fought thing would come over a lot better if you didn't start with the attacks first!"

Of course, now that he's started it... everyone else is getting in on it too. Great.

"None of this is as important as stopping that thing -" that Gretchan and Company are attacking. Sailor Moon's eye is twitching as she whirls to face the gun girl with drill curls Molly is going after.

"Alright, fine, if we can't work together, then we'll work on all the problems at once!" And then she sweatdrops, as the crane falls. "Uh, maybe not that much working..."

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
The Knight of Dawn is falling.

Slowly, for now. Controllably. Fending off chunks of broken spaceship, trying to get a good idea of what each chunk *is* so she knows which ones to go after... and slowly but certainly being pushed towards the ground below.

The rain of debris has mostly stopped, which news is greeted with a sigh of relief from young Yuki. She can set aside her shield, finally. Get a look at the people starting to fight each other. Maybe even recognize one or two of them.

She's not here to fight, though. She's here for Parts. Plotting her choice of bits of spaceship to gather up.

*crackle* *tinkle* Her flight spell flickers as something resonates through the spell, and she covers her ears to try to block out the noise as the translucent black fairy wings shatter and fall away from her back... and then *she* starts to fall. At speed.

By the time she can catch herself and recast the spell, she finds herself staring straight at some rather *smol* beings. Her wings flickering to grab some lift, she looks at the familiar Familiars and blinks. "Well. Hello there. Pardon me, just passing through."

Bow has posed:
"Oh.. yeah, I guess a colony would be that much bigger..." Bow finds himself agreeing the Dokas Three, before returning to his mission. As more citizens flee, he continues to fire arrows into the debris field to continue to clear a path. "Sailor Moon, you ... uh... well. Nevermind!" Because Molly's out there dropping cranes on people. And he's only met Mami once, but Sayaka said she was bad news.

<< Explosive Arrow! >> he shouts, drawing back the arrow and firing at the crane as it tips over to try to tip it over away from Mami -- but instead of an explosion, the arrow //twangs// and sticks to the metal like a magnet. "Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen." he voices in some concern. Maybe it'll work better on the next go around?

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown sighed as, once again, Riventon went for the short joke. Tut tut. He expected better from him of all people. Unfortunately, he brought a Fate. Chrono held up his right hand and formed the shield, the energy spheres striking against it, before Chrono launched himself off it. Careful not to let whatever dripped from those attacks to drop onto him. But that still meant a dangerous girl with a scythe. He didn't like the idea of putting her in the hospital again, but--

Oh. Good. Nanoha had her. Welp. That was one problem dealt with. Now to Riventon.

Wait, hobbit?! Where?! What?! And then... Fate? Did she mean FATE? Oh, there were going to be some words later. Not bad ones, just some explanations.

"Actually, Riventon, depending on how you went about it I likely wouldn't mind you touching some parts of this. But, for rather obvious reasons I am leery of the idea of letting you tamper with an obviously unstable system. It'll require TSAB credentials to shut it down. If you'd kindly go and wait, patiently, while I do such I would appreciate it."

... Chrono severely doubted Riventon would allow that, or trust that. But, well, he had to allow him the opportunity... He still wouldn't likely let him keep it though, either.

<< If you have to destroy it, do so. There is some things here I would rather not fall into the wrong hands, but.... I don't believe any of it would work as a dooms day device. Don't quote me on that. >>

Meanwhile, the head of security was walking out from the building and heading around the front area, where she heard all of the ruckus. Apparently it had spread out, onto the beach as well. She headed towards the fence, her eyes wandering over some of the weird bits of equipment on the ground. She looked up, but didn't see any source. Or any more? What in the world was that sound, though.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    Mami looks down the barrel of her rifle that's pointed up toward the rooftop where Sailor Moon is standing. She sees that face, and she offers one back. A too friendly smile and a cock of her head to one side. She opens her mouth to say something. The wittiest comeback. The perfect zinger. Whatever it is, the sound doesn't reach anyone's ears because the impact of Molly's blast and the sound of the crane crashing down drown out the words.

    She leaps away into a series of graceful back handsprings, escaping the impact zone of the falling crane just as it whooshes past her mid-flip. The look in her eyes as she takes a quick survey of the field is wild. This is the most exhilarating fight she's had in a while, and they're just getting started.

    She takes just long enough to see where people are and then starts running forward, leaping back up onto the fallen crane and standing on it like it's just higher ground. "That wasn't very nice," she says, glaring at Molly. "That could have really hurt me!" She sweeps her hand in front of her a and a bunch of ribbons swirl out. And, well, they were supposed to be guns. But instead they just tangle Mami up, sending her falling to the ground in a mess of yellow magic.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    A series of blasts moves towards Fate at the same time Nanoha moves in front of her - Fate's feet lift off the ground and she moves out of the way of most of them, while she throws out her hand and Bardiche puts up a barrier, to absorb the remainder. She grips Bardiche as she looks down at Nanoha. "Why are you... here?" she asks. And she shakes her head. "I don't want to hurt you, or anyone else, but... You can't stand in my way." she says, coldly. "I can't allow it." Not that she won't, but that she can't, that for her, it's an impossibility. "Go home."

    Riventon looked at Chrono. "That would be convinent for you, wouldn't it? I tell you what, why don't you back off and then if I agree with your assessment I'll call you?" Riventon asks. But for a moment his attention is clearly distracted by the crane and by the Mami. She gets out of the way of the drop, but... then another noise wracks through the area as Mami tries to start to fight and Riventon's eye twitches as he sees her get somewhat unravelled and head for the ground. For a moment, Chrono (and maybe others) can see him wavering, turning his foot slightly towards Mami and then trying to focus on what he's here for. And then he stops, and remembers - Riventon isn't Mami's boyfriend. Takashi is. If he acts out to save her how he wouldn't for anyone else, won't it be more suspicious? But if that was Fate he'd save her... right? probably?

    "Riventon... Mami-san..." Fate says, pointing it out quietly, as she has also noticed the problem.

    "I KNOW!" Riventon yells, frustrated, and Fate instinctively cringes just a bit at the yelling. "Guess you get to try to disable it." he says to Chrono before he moves over to interpose himself between Mami and anyone trying to hurt her. Hand raised, palm out, ready to create a shield... or blast, it's possible to be even both with him.

    "Come on, Ribbons-san - gather yourself together, we have a fight to win." he says.

    Back over at the device itself, Fate looks to Nanoha, and Chrono. "You can turn it off but... I'll fight you both if you try to take that." Fate warns. "We need it." She needs it. Precia might need it. The fact that Precia might need it, even a little bit, means Fate is absolutely unwilling to back down. "I will fight and defeat you both if I must."

Bow has posed:
Time for a second try! And Mami is providing the perfect opprotunity for him to try. As Bow moves further up into position, he sees Mami go down and get tanglled up in her own ribbon. This is the perfect chance for him to pin her down and take her out of the fight! Grabbing an arrow shaft, he calls up, << GOO ARROW! >> and yanks the arrow around. It looks like the right arrow. Green canister and all. "Here we go!"

Drawing back the arrow, he gets a bead on Mami and lines up on the center of her chest, before he draws back and fires! The arrow launches through the air. And instead of goop... it makes a sound. A recording of Bow going...


It smacks into Mami harmlessly, spent of it's Whoosh as he falls against her.

Bow had some strange experiements with arrows and never cleared them out of his cache.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Rens and Tia both blink at Yuki. They aren't sure what to make of her yet. Tia, a fancy little dark fairy with a tiny parasol and wavey shoulder-length hair to match, greets her with a smirk. "Don't mind us! Just enjoying the warm summer day."

    Rens, another tiny X-Chara wearing a labcoat and glasses with her hair tied up in a bun politely responds, "We, too, are merely passing by. Window shopping, in a manner of speaking."

    Gretchen looks over at where Yuki and her two X-Sisters are and says, "Oh, I know you! You were hanging out with Ikuto, right? I'm one of Doka's X-Chara, but things between us and her are... complicated right now." Gretchen glares up at Riventon, saying, "Anyways, I gotta focus on breaking whatever that dumb thing is. It's messing up our house!"

    Gretchen is watching from a distance as several things happen. Mami has a moment of weakness. Riventon moves to support her, which in her mind is just normal. If Mami's friends don't cover for her sometimes then Mami deserves better friends. Fate, also, seems to be distracted by both Chrono and Nanoha... which means...

    ... which means...

    Gretchen's strange wings spread wide for a moment and then she bolts towards the largest, most dangerous chunk. A trail of darkness, sparkles and Witch runes follows after her as she tries to approach the whatever it is that's messing with her Labyrinth. Her squad of Familiars follow after her in tight formation, not yet opening fire on anyone but definitely moving to cover her approach. Is she fast enough to get past Fate? Probably not, but the little girl might suddenly have too many targets to choose from and if Chrono manages to get through and safely shut it down then that's still something of a win condition for the X-Witch.

    Sadly, any element of surprise that Gretchen's mad charge might have is ruined by the sound of her squeaky battle cry.

    Rens and Tia meanwhile have found what looks like it used to be a kitchen cabinet. Rens holds it open as Tia looks in and frowns. "All the ceramics are broken..." She carefully holds one up and looks at it. "It used to look so pretty."

    Rens summons her X-Egg and it cracks open. "Toss it in here. We can try to fix it later."

    The two X-Chara start salvaging shattered dishes by stuffing them into their eggs, since using Gretchen's Labyrinth isn't possible at the moment.

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
Yuki nods, and reaches up to tip a nonexistent hat to the 'dokas. "Pleasure to meet you, ladies," she answers their introductions. "Window shopping... much like my own plans, actually. Looking for interesting bits and bobs for my friend here." She pats the octagonal form of Argent Dawn, clipped to its place with her phone on her left bracer. "Maybe we could shop together for a bit? I do rather owe miss Madoka for her help, and you along with her, I suspect."

She looks up at the object Gretchen is targeting. Not likely she can do much to something that big. "Maybe I can cast something and you can - " but Gretchen is already roaring off. "... or not." She shrugs and looks over at the cabinet Rens and Tia picked out, nods, and moves on to examine a bit of wreckage nearby. "Hmm," she muses, "Looks useful." She picks it up, along with a few other bits nearby, tucking them away somewhere before circling back to check on the chibidokas.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    It's clear that the enemy Mami needs the most protecting from right now is herself. She falls the meters from the top of the sideways crane structure to the ground kicking and flailing in her tangle of yellow ribbons. This was not how it was supposed to go. She'd made rifles like that hundreds of thousands of times. Maybe even a million. It had to be the magic from that thing.

    Bow's arrow hits Mami while she's still pulling ribbons off. It's not entirely harmless. It gets tangled up in one of her hair drills, making it harder for her to get out of her own ribbons. And then Riventon approaches, telling her to get herself together.

    As if the whole reason she was a mess wasn't because of that stupid magic thing. "Okay, I will," she says as she tears the last of the ribbons off of her and then yanks the arrow out of her hair, wincing as several strands go with it. "Now if someone," she snaps, turning to almost glare at Riventon, "could disable whatever it is that's messing up my magic, I'd really appreciate it."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Mami does not get crushed by a crane. This is a good thing! Mami... also doesn't get hit by a goo arrow. Nope, she's hit by a whoosh arrow, and then ribbons entangle her and then -

Sailor Moon looks down at her and does not laugh. No, she's made way more embarrassing mistakes than this. Instead, as Riventon rushes to the scene, she puts a hand on her hip, then hops down to join them all on the ground, like they're a bunch of civilized people who can talk instead of fight.

"Isn't this like, a perfect sign that we should all work together, instead of continuing to just, embarrass ourselves like this?! Come on, look what Gretchan is doing - she's got a plan. If we can't even get ourselves together enough to fight, why do it?"

Can't we all just get along for like five minutes?!

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown narrowed his eyes on Riventon, before... huh. He glanced towards Mami, just for a moment. And, not entirely to his surprise, Riventon went to assist her.

Ironically, it's because of things like that he didn't entirely object to some pieces of the device ending up with him. Just most of them.

However, that still left... Fate.

"Nanoha, I need you to hold her off, okay? I'll focus on disabling the system so it--"

Another surge of sound and magic ran through the area, disrupting everything and making him cringe. "Before it destroys something."

He turned and ran towards the remnants of the device. Unfortunately, this was REALLY something he wished he had someone who was more... equipped for, dealing with it. Fortunately, he did have one advantage. He had the credentials and he had the tools. Once he got to the remnants of the pulsing, angry machine he ended his own henshin, the magic pooling into a card, before he pulled out a small... keychain?

<< Extravagent Wrench, engage! >>

And a moment later he was in a big, purple, somewhat plastic looking set of overalls and...

And hello Gretchen.

He blinked, staring at the little tiny chara. Before sighing. "Are... you one of Riventon's? I really need to get to the system so if you could... like..." He gently makes shooing motions with his hands.

Then another burst of magic made him cringe. "Before this gets worse. You're one of those charas, right? I... don't believe we've met, but now really isn't the ti... Wait. Aren't you the one on the missing person's poster?"

Meanwhile, the head of security walked out, onto the beach and... huh. It really seems something is going on. That noise was incredibly frazzling. Oh dear. It seems there was some kind of... play going on? That doesn't look at ALL safe. Did they have a permit for this?

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly has put herself in the perfect spot for someone with guns to open up on her; right up in the air, no cover at all, no shield, and she's not even moving fast because she wants to stay near the reactor section. So, when Mami points her weapons at her, Molly's first instinct is basically to cringe, and get one of those stupid looks on her face like she's about to get hit by a semi-truck and can't think of anything to do but look like she's about to get hit by a semi-truck.

But then it's just ribbons that just... kind of tie Mami up. And then Molly really just feels bad. "I... yeah well..." She shifts Starcrash to sit on her shoulder. "Yeah okay that looks like it was awkward," she observes, and then pushes off of nothing so she can circle back around and keep herself close to the Thing. (Whatever exactly the Thing is.)

<< Chrono-kun, I'm right close by, if you need me, >> she advises. And by close, she means real close, as she come sto hover just a short distance above the object that everyone is currently fighting over. Which, might put her in Fate's sights as well, but maybe that's not the worst thing if it forces the tiny terror to divide her attention even further. "Starcrash, charge Eclipse Barrets. Ten barrets, full strength."

<< ARMED >>

And... Molly levels her staff at Rinventon, and is about to say 'fire!' but, in actuality, he's not attacking right now, he's just... helping Mami out. And it seems extremely rude to interupt that, so she doesn't; it's just... it would be rude. Really rude. Not to mention unsporting.

As Chrono drops his Henshin though, Molly's eyes widen, and she darts forwards to land behind him while he's working. "I'll cover you," she offerse. "Starcrash, charge ten more barrets."


Well, that really leaves one target that needs her attention, especially since Chrono is currently talking to Gretchen, while Bow and Sailor Moon have things handled over there. And there's just so much going on, but Fate remains a very immediate threat. And looking at her holographic displays, there are alerts warning her about the kind of target she's currently thinking about engaging, and just how badly her barrier jacket will fail to protect her against that scythe. So what's a girl to do?

Engage, of course.

"Fire!" she shouts, levelling the staff at Fate and unleashing a small swarm of freezing cold barrets. And, generally, hoping that someone else gets the scythe-wielder's attention before she ends up chopped in half.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon turns back to look at Mami and for a moment there's a kidness and worry for her in his eyes that is truly only for her. It's all coldness and scowls when he turns back to the rest of the group. "I like the idea of working together in theory, Sailor Moon, but there's the fact that someone's going to leave here with the thing that's making everyone's powers go weird, and I don't think it should be any of you." he says, bluntly. "And at the very least Chrono doesn't think it should be me."

    "And that's what most of these fights boil down to, really. A difference in worldview. That becomes violence when someone tries to enforce it on someone else. But it's not like we can both leave with whatever this is - someone's view has to win out, right?" he asks, monolouging a bit as he gives Mami time to pull herself together and cover to do so.

    He really, really wants to ask Bow about that arrow, too, but frustrated Mami is frustrated; fairly so, and Riventon suddenly flies off and leaves to go 'turn off the thing' when she asks him to disable whatever it is. Now that he thinks (hopes?) she can defend herself from the sparklesquad. But before he can get to Chrono, there's the matter of Molly, who is trying to help Nanoha out (or so he presumes) by firing rounds at her - and then suddenly Riventon is there, between Fate and Molly, his purple-blue Belkan tri-shield absorbing them before they can harass Fate. "Why don't you pick on someone your own age? Stop failing at trying to bully my Kohai." he adds.

    Nanoha and Fate stare each other down, as Riventon prevents Fate from needing to handle anyone else.. Words aren't exchanged; but their situation is clear. Neither will give ground. The two of them take off from the ground at almost the exact same time; smartly, after the next pulse of magic-distorting weirdness runs, to give them both the maximum time before dealing with it again. In the background of all that's going on, the two girls start to chase each other a bit like dueling fighter aces, trying to get in range of each other and fire their pink-or-yellow blasts without being blasted themselves, constantly soaring higher and battling for position and viewing through the stormy weather. In no time at all the two of them are out of sight for the moment.

    And then he speaks up. "Wait Chrono what the hell is that sensor reading." he adds. "Did you bring someone else in? Don't you have enough of a numbers advantage?" he yells, while plotting how he's going to get around Molly.

    "I GOT IT!" yells a familair but new-to-this-fight voice as Chrono's work is interrupted by a speeding blur of a wolf-woman - by Arf, Fate's wolf-girl-like Familiar, once more interposing herself to even the numbers on their side (and stop Chrono and whoever the person in the weird clothes she's about to magically-boosted punch is). "BARRIER BREAKER!" she yells as the runes swirl around her hand and she makes impact with something.

    Riventon stares Molly down. "Really. I don't even know who you are. You think you can hold out against me?" he says. "HEY DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE CLOSEST HOSPITAL IS?" he asks, playing a psychological game more than anything.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen looks back to Chrono and glarefrowns as she hovers, keeping her squad of multi-winged, multi-eyed bronze colored Familiars between herself and him. "You dummy, we've met before-- wait, I was probably henshining with Madoka then." She scratches her chin for a moment to consider the few times she's been aware of Chrono's existence, before shaking her head and saying, "Never mind that! I don't think anyone needs to have this dangerous thing, so I'm going to break it! I will not be 'shooed away' by the likes of you!"

    After a pause, she rubs her forehead and adds, "Did she really put up missing posters for us? Nevermind I don't wanna know."

    There's another surge of fluctuating magic, and one of her Familiars turns inside out before turning into a cloud of 'wtf is that'. Gretchen flails her tiny arms and says, "I don't have time for this!" Before she starts zipping around the chunk looking for an entrance. Her angelic Familiar squad spreads out and also starts searching, which in one way makes them easier to pick off but in another gives Gretchen several sets of eyes to search through.

    Someone her size doesn't really need a door after all. Just a small enough crack for her to squeeze through. If Riventon or someone else wants to stop her, he'll get to fire the first shot.

    Rens and Tia, meanwhile, are having a much more casual time hanging back with Yuki and picking through debris. Tia says in a lilting voice, "Oh, I don't mind! We'd enjoy the pleasant company."

    Rens adds, "I'll note that if anything too dangerous comes our way, we'll likely have to flee. We aren't quite as powerful as our big sister Gretchen over there. You should be careful, too."

    Now with their X-Eggs full of prizes, the two dark fairies start combing the beach for yet more things to grab.

Molly Skyline has posed:

"Great, thanks," Molly sighs, as Riventon takes everything she intended for Fate (which is kind of a relief actually, as now she neither needs to worry about finding out what mandatory mitosis feels like nor needs to feel bad about shooting at a tiny person, even if the tiny person is horrifying), and is now staring her down. She takes a step back, and her eyes narrow. "Chrono-Kun, there's a bad man staring me down, please do the thing with the Thing as quickly as possible before he turns me into swiss cheese," she hisses, before looking back up at Riventon.

"I don't know who you are either!" she counters, more loudly. "But since you asked, I'm Molly, orphaned girl from Britain and recently moved to Japan to attend Radiant Heart Academt, and I'm a moron who doesn't know when to back down and is physically incapable of doing so when her friends are in danger. Does that sum things up? Starcrash, charge Solar Beam, max thermal output and twenty second duration."


"Yeah yeah I got it." Molly narrows her eyes, and checks the data on her Battle Vision about Riventon, before banishing the readout and just looking up at him directly.


And what comes out of her staff is not, as it turns out, a sustained beam with the heat of the sun (Or... at least something really really hot) but instead a steady stream of fireworks, that blast and explode and echo all around in the air in front of Molly. And sure, they might be awkward to get hit by, but it's definitely not what she had in mind.


"Yeah I got that."

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
Yuki nods to the two charas, then bends to pick up another bit of ... something. "Well, you could always hide behind me," she offers the pair. "But if things get messy... well, do what you have to do." She's not likely to run. Stubborn little nerd.

"Oh, hey," she muses. "This looks good." It looks like some sort of weird multimeter, complete with wires coming out of it although the ends are shorn off. "Might be useful." She tucks it away with her own batch of treasures.

"So, what's Madoka-san up to?" she asks, casually, while the trio continue stealing all the goodies and the fight rages above them.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    "Why can't we all just get along," Mami echoes back, higher pitched than her usual, clearly mocking. She takes a deep breath, her nostrils flaring, and then gestures toward Riventon as he speaks just glaring at Sailor Moon like everyone getting along is the most outrageous idea.

    He bounds off to help Fate and Mami turns back to Sailor Moon, snapping, "If you want less fighting, then fight less. Go home." Then she just turns around and stomps off in a huff, her arms folded over her chest, walking away vaguely toward the large piece and the rest of the action. Because she's totally paying attention to the rest of the field. She's not spiraling in her head at all.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a sigh, watching the little chara go into the engine and just... No. Bad. Don't. Stop. Anyway... He then went and started accessing the system. She... probably... wouldn't break anything inside it.

He hoped. Maybe.

He may regret that, but he didn't really have much choice, he had to focus on this. He started to access it, and the screen flashed. 'Administrative rank required.' He leaned forward and--

The probolem with yelling 'GOT IT!' right before punching someone was that then they knew you were trying to punch them. Unfortunately, when they were trying to make sure you didn't break the thing they were working on, it was distressingly more effective.

He only had a moment to bring up a shield in hand, but it cracked and buckled, forcing him to fall back, before...

Falling onto his back and kicking out with both feat, attempting to leverage and kick her up and out of his face!

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Better that we all try to get along then act like idiots while our magic is breaking down," Sailor Moon huffs, because when it comes to verbal sparring she's totally willing to be the pettiest girl in the mix.

Still, she's not fighting back, and Riventon is throwing himself in the mix, and she really doesn't want to fight her future brother-in-law, so attack the -

"Is that a dog girl," she asks Bow quietly, "Do you recognize her, by any chance?"

Look, the only animal person she knows is Catra! Literally the girl from another world that Bow knows!

Either way, she's got to help Chrono and Molly!

"Moon Tiara Action!"

The discus starts out as the usual glowing disc of energy, soaring free in an arc, ready to hit Arf. It ends by tapping Arf on the back, all the magic spent on, not hurting her, but...

Turning poor Arf into a rainbow of colors, like a she'd been slapped with a Neopets rainbow brush.

"...Well, that's new," Sailor Moon says weakly, as the tiara spins around like a launched coin, rolling in tight little circus until it drops to the ground with a little metallic tink!

Takashi Agera has posed:
    The battle is... well, less of a battle and more of a sort of standoff. Some attacks have been traded - and Fate and Nanoha continue to aerial duel each other above - but there's also a lot of words being exchanged. Of varying levels of hosility. Like everyone is trying to keep this fight toned down - or equally likely, that nobody wants to be responsible for a big attack going wild off this malfunctioning peice of offworld magic. Or at least, some of them are unwilling to do so. All the same, Riventon would like to have it, to investigate its effects, to see if the sound is related to the magic effect or if it's created by it - he has so many QUESTIONS and he wants ANSWERS and for that he needs WHATEVER THIS IS.

    This means that in the moment he's fixated on Molly. Very firmly. Trying to stare her down, to intimidate her into backing down. But she doesn't back down. She attacks - and falls victim to the magic disruption. But victim in an effective way since Riventon is looking RIGHT at her and gets an eyefull of VERY BRIGHT MAGIC FIREWORKS.

    Riventon turns away just in time to also be occularly assaulted by the Rainbow Blast that emits from Sailor Moon's wand. It doesn't hit him but his poor eyes go from 'flashbanged' to 'looking into the brightest kaleidoscope' back to back and...

    "DAMNIT I CAN'T SEE!!!" he yells, which confirms it for anyone who doesn't see him frantically alternating between rubbing his eyes and trying to shield them. "THE HELL WAS ALL OF THAT?!" It does, however, open things up for a moment.

    Arf, on the other hand, IS currently tumbling back from going over Chrono and getting foot-thrown by him, so she is full on hit by the beam, and she doesn't disintregrate or come to any harm at all... she just... is very multicolor. She lets out a yelp of surprise and takes a moment to look at herself.

    "What did you do to me, weird little kid?" she growls, trying to go after Chrono - she must not have seen the direction of the blast. But now she's just madly swiping and clawing at Chrono...

    Meanwhile Gretchen finds something that will... probably at least disconnect something from something? It probably won't make anything worse... probably.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    There are some really loud clanging noises coming from inside the engine. Gretchen's Familiars pile into it after her and the clanging gets louder and louder. Are they... are they just trying to kick the thing to death from the inside?!

    After a few moments of this... "Oh! I know! All of you go over there and jam the thing up."

    "Wh- No, no it's not going to hurt! I never gave you a nervous system! Why would I make you feel pain?!"

    "Look, the fastest way to break a machine is to ruin its moving parts by jamming them up. Just get in there! ... Wait, no, come back here Hansel! "

    One of Gretchen's Familiars has decided to be disobedient and is currently flying out of the engine, flapping its tiny wings while its tiny eyes dart around in a panic. The rest have dutifully remained inside, trying to break the machine from within. Eventually, Gretchen shouts again, "Wait! I found this thing. Unplugging stuff is how you turn it off, right?"

    A moment later, there's a puff of smoke and a *ZZZT* noise. Something changes about the engine, maybe. The X-Chara flies out of the machine with all of her minions, most of them looking somewhat worse for wear and one of them in particular looking scorched black. Gretchen plants her hands on her hips and smirks. "Take that, stupid doohickey!"

    She's acting proud as if she's taken down a monster. Whether or not whatever she did turns out to actually be meaningfully effective remains to be seen.

    Rens hovers over Yuki's shoulder and looks at her new multimeter. "Oh, alien instrumentation. Neat. Is there any more where that came from?" she asks, before going and searching nearby for something similar. She finds a small Storage Device and scratches her chin before grabbing it and trying to turn it on. "Hm... how does this work?" It activates, telepathically sending her a signal. "Ohhh... cool."

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
Yuki nods to Rens, "That's what I'm looking for, yeah. Instrumentation, tools, that kind of thing." She blinks as Argent Dawn identifies the Storage Device the chara has activated. "Ooooh. That's a very nice bit, that is." She grins, and contemplates trying to steal it - for just a moment. But that would be Wrong. Even if she really could use it.

Fortunately she hasn't been dragged into a fight with either Heroes or Villains yet, and she's quite content to keep 'shopping' for Device-repair-kitbashable bits.

"If you find another one of those, I want one," she tells Rens and Tia. "Did it tell you its name?"

Molly Skyline has posed:
Well okay, that didn't go to plan, but it worked. Is it okay if something happens that's entirely outside of the plan? But it works? Was there even a plan in the first place?

"I totally meant to do that," she declares, deadpan.


"You hush, now is not the right time to start being sarcastic," Molly mutters at Starcrash. Still. Riventon is blinded; Mami is wrapped up in things, more or less, Bow and Sailor Moon are pretty occupied, Nanoha and Fate are doing their own thing (and she'd really like to be done and gone before Fate comes back, her Battle Vision was quite clear about the consequences of being hit by that scythe and Molly likes having her, well, everything below the ribcage, thank you), and Chrono is getting assaulted by a Dog Girl. ...Also the Meanidokas and Yuki are up to things. Espeically the Dokas.

"Alright, I get it," The Purplenette declares. She takes a step back, and then eyeballs Riventon one more time before hse whirls around, going to the Device that Chrono was working on until he got interupted, and starts... fiddling around with the controls. Is there an off switch? "Starcrash, do you have any information on this?"


"That's unhelpful. ...Chrono-Kun?! How do I turn this off?" She starts pressing things, trepiditously and with a certain tension to her muscles, in case she's about to get blown up. You never know! But Chrono was close, so that means it can't be that far off from being turned off, which would then mean she'll shoot beams instead of fireworks.

Though, the fireworks turned out to be a neat trick, maybe she should save that one up for -- FOCUS, MOLLY.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was having a day. He, unfortunately, had been focused on Arf when she went flying, intending to follow up...

Only for both of them to taste the rainbow, as it were. Well. Be blinded by it. "Well... okay then, I guess," he muttered, just a hint of annoyance in his tone. What. The heck.

Unfortunately, he didn't get to revel in his disorientation and confusion for long before Arf tried to eviscerate him. He rolled back to his feet and used his staff to try and parry her assaults. This henshin wasn't for fighting, he didn't even have his spells registered for them and the amount of energy he might use gahhhhhh! "You're just going to make everything worse, Arf! Do you really think you can defeat a TSAB enforcer? Do you want to get hurt?" he snapped, just a hint of anger in his voice. He didn't have time for this! Sadly, he wasn't able to offer Molly much help.

However, as Molly was working on it, suddenly... a shadow fell over her and, if she looked up, she'd see.... a young woman, just old enough to be her mom, with bright green hair, a security jacket and a rather large, club-like flashlight. "Do you need a hand, dear?" the woman asked before pressing her hand to the screen.

"Administrator access granted, shutting down," a voice boomed, before it all just went... silent. The small, softball-sized metal... thing? Stopped emitting its sounds and just went still. The woman reached out and grabbed the ball, pulling it out, before turning and placing it, firmly, in Molly's hands. "Now, you take good care of this, but please try and get your friends to stop making such a mess, okay? It's really dangerous to be playing with all these things on the beach, someone could get hurt."

Chrono turned, confusion on his face. "Wait, what?" he asked. Who was here? Was it Pluto? Pagemage?

And then his eyes fell on the woman standing by Molly... And his little calm mask he wore? It *shattered*. "MOTHER?!" Chrono yelled.

Then he ate an ax kick from Arf, spinning twice before landing on the ground with a heavy *thump*.

Lindy blinked, looking up in confusion. "Huh?" Oh well, Chrono was going to need a moment, please reboot and try again.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Ah, Riventon, I'm sorry!"

Well, it's okay to lightly blind your future brother-in-law if it was an accident, right? Right?! This whole day has just been - and then everything just stops, with the machine saying that it's being turned off, and Chrono YELLS the most impossible thing and -

"Bow-kun," she says slowly, turning to her friend, "I think this has been a disaster, but in the best possible way, don't you think?"

Because honestly.

"I kind of feel sorry about this whole thing... I mean, not that we're in the wrong, but I just wanted to help Chrono-kun and get cool stuff, you know? But now... well..."

A deep breath.

"Now that everything's stopped, can we all just get along now?! There's all kinds of stuff lying around, let's clean up for this nice woman!"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon is very obviously a mix of blind and infuriated because he's blind, which means that he's got less control over his dark energy - which means when another wave of thrumming weird energy erupts from the device, the energy Riventon is unintentionally exuding somewhat detonates around him, too. Basically... things are a real mess right now for him. Fate's clearly dealing with Nanoha and probably too high to notice much of what's going on, which leaves Mami Tomoe the only active member of their band besides Arf who is... not the focused or powerful individual anyways. Also she currently looks like she wondered into a Lisa Frank portfolio from 1992. That probably means something not-good. Mami shakes her head. Nope. She runs over to Riventon.

    "You're blind and it's time to go." Mami tells him.

    "What? No I'm fine I just need a moment." Riventon protests. "I'll be able to fight in a second, I'll get her back!" he says, as Mami puts an arm around him. "I've got this, we've got this, lemme go."

    "Yeah. No." Mami says. "You already have more stuff to work on than you can ever really finish anyways." she notes. "I'm leaving, with you." she adds.

    "You better not! You can't make me leave you don't have the authority, I refuse!" Riventon says.

    <<DISCRETION IS SOMETIMES THE BETTER PART OF VALOR.>> Axion adds, and Riventon grumbles.

    "Fine, how many fingers am I holding up?" Mami asks.

    Riventon looks straight ahead. "Two." he says. "Now lemme go."

    Mami sighs. "I did not even move my hand. We're going. I'm making the decision because you can't see. When you're incapacitated tactical command goes to the next in line. And you're pretty incapacitated."

    "I'm not letting them get all of that." Riventon continues, trying to fight free of Mami's grasp but not hurt her.

    "Okay, fine. They won't." Mami says. She thrusts out her free hand from which erupts a ribbon... three... six... a lot... of ribbons, which form up and make a massive construct - an artillery piece of a flintlook gun, standing taller than Mami herself.

    Mami looks up. "One way or another, we're leaving. Arf, you too. In fact, everybody is going to want to leave. That's me being nice, by the way." There's a few moments for that to process as Mami throws a ribbon out - "You can thank me later for my kindness." she says before she ribbon-spiderwomans off, with Riventon in her grip (in this moment it's very nice to have a skinny nerd boyfriend and magical strength!). Arf breaks off from Chrono, and Nanoha and Fate are nowhere nearby anyways.

    Then the flintlock mechanism on the artillery sized gun falls down and an absolutely massive energy ball erupts out of it, obliterating the barrel of the gun it fired from - and slamming into the largest bit of the object and erupting with a terrifyingly destructive explosion. It's not just the objects themselves that are in danger but everything around, including one Lindy

    Mami just hopes nobody noticed how exhausted she was after that... and that Takashi doesn't get a look at her soul gem before she can use a grief seed, or he'll be even more awful about letting her come along with him. Thankfully, for now, he's blind!

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Rens says, "It's calling itself... Starblazer? Wait, no... no that's the name of the video game that's on it. Wait... not 'video game'... VR game, perhaps? This was probably someone's personal gaming system." Another pause, then she comments, "Ah, here's the name. Forbidden Dream. How oddly... suitable."

    Tia hovers next to Rens, looking at the thing. "Does it have other games on it? I wanna see!" Then her eyes defocus as it taps into her mind as well. A moment later she looks happy. "It has a fencing game, too! One of the weapons is a parasol!"

    Tia giggles and Rens smirks. The two of them seem to be enjoying themselves for a bit. After a moment Rens pulls herself away. "Alright, we'll have to show Gretchen-chan that later. Let's keep looking for now."

    Tia likewise pulls away, putting the Storage Device in its portable mode and hiding it in her X-Egg. "Right! We can play later."

    Gretchen, meanwhile, is looking over at Lindy with a squint. She seems a little old to be able to interact with magic, but... she very clearly just did. The engine turned into a tiny softball?! What is going on here?

    The dark fairy starts hovering about a foot in front of Lindy's face and flailing her tiny arms. "Hey! Hey! Can you see me? Hello~o! Can you see magic? Are you faded?"

    Tia and Rens fly over to Gretchen's side, saying, "Does your Labyrinth work yet?" "We need to put our stuff in it!" Then they turn to look over at Lindy.

    Rens leans in closer to Gretchen and asks, "Hey... who's that?"

    Gretchen crosses her arms. "Enforcer-kun's mom, apparently."

    To Sailor Moon's request to get along, Tia smiles and offers her a tiny glass flower. "Here! This thing didn't break."

    There's actually nothing underhanded about this. It's just a peace offering. One that gets dropped the moment Tia notices what, exactly, Mami is intending to do. Gretchen immediately dives towards her two X-Sisters as the Familiar she's fused with raises both of its shields around them, wrapping them up in wings to shield the tiny fairy from the resulting explosion. The Witch fairy dumps increasing amounts of darkness into her minion, giving it a little bit more endurance even as its many eyes wince shut and its brass starts to melt and crack.

    Then suddenly the three of them vanish into Gretchen's Labyrinth, with all of their claimed goodies and toys, now that it's working again. One can see in the sand beneath them a meter-long V from where Mami's blast hit them and then parted.

Yuki Hoshino has posed:
Yuki had continued gathering objects, hoping to find something useful for her purposes, chatting quietly with Rens and Tia. "That sounds like a fun game," she agrees. "I'd love to try it sometime. Here, just let me..." She taps a few buttons on her phone and the Storage Device gets a message with her contact information. Because why not? Friends are good!

She's been paying fairly little attention to the other mahou in the area, absorbed in her search, but the sensor package Argent Dawn is running has not been idle. "Warning! High-Energy signature detected!"

Her head whips up to look and see, just as the Dokas start their disappearing act. "Oh frak," she mutters. "Argent Dawn! Faerie Flight, Sprint mode!Be ready to switch to Shield!" The sprint spell drops most of the defensive properties of her Barrier Jacket and burns through most of her remaining reserve, in exchange for a few moments of *very* high speed. It should be enough to get her out of the blast zone... she hopes.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown groaned, ow. Why would she-- wait, where was Arf? He cleared his head enough to look up and--

Oh no. He saw the blast. He saw his *mother*. Completely unaware. She didn't even seem to notice the chara. Entirely faded. He had to get her out of--

Too close. Get her into a building? Might not work. She wasn't magic, could she avoid getting hurt if he flung her? Maybe. But unlikely. How much did it take to hurt a person? Could he shield such a blast? No, not like this. He wasn't in his enforcer henshin, this was more of a mechanical one.

He had to make sure the blast never got to her. How to--

Well, there was one way. Chrono launched himself at the blast as it approached... Rather than it hitting the object, Chrono formed a shield in front of himself, trying to shape it and--

The blast hit him. Chrono disappeared in flurry of fire and light... The only sound a strangly, oddly, beautiful crackling... then a BOOM! And two words.

<< Barrier Purge >>

A moment later... Chrono, covered in burns, smoking and... uhhhh... unhenshined... fell from the sky. On the upside, the blast was contained and his mother was safe! On the downside... he... was not. Someone might want to... catch him.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
For a moment, it seems like everything will be fine. Riventon can't quite manage to attack, and though the younger girl is still fighting, the gun girl drill curls is pulling him away, Chrono-kun's mom is here -

So she smiles a little, hoping this is for the best, and is offered a little glass flower, in perfect answer to her wish.

"Thank you, Tia-chan! This is so cute, I'll treasure it!" Very carefully, she twirls the little glass flower, and then tucks it away in her little subspace pocket.

And then?

Giant. Weapon.

"WAH! Everybody, run!" She's definitely following her own advice, starting to get out of the way as she sees the X-Chara scrambling. There's all kinds of odds and ends around, and she scrambles, tucking bits and bobs in as she goes, wishing she had a hat like Tuxedo Kamen to hide things in! R
And then there's the sound of Chrono's device, calling out a spell, and she looks up in horror, seeing him fall -


Sailor Jump! Right up, to catch him princess style. He's shorter than Mamoru, so this is way less awkward than the last time she princess carried a boy!

"Are you breathing?! Are you alright?! Hey, hey, Chrono-kun!"

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly looks up at the woman she's never met, who helpfully turns off the device doing the disrupting, and presses the small metal object into her hands. She holds it tightly, and swallows audibly, as if she's just been handed a great responsibility. Which, really, she has.

"I will," she replies, solemnly. And for a moment, in all the chaos, that's all that registers; a strange lady, Chrono shouting about his Mother, and the object pressed into her hands. And the Purplenette looking down at it, then back up to the woman in front of her.

And then, there's a massive energy signature. Starcrash is warning her to reach minimum safe distance. Molly's jaw drops; there's people here to save. She can't abandon Chrono. She can't leave this woman, who... seems to be Chrono's mother.

But then, Chrono has it handled. Well, the explosion anyway, at least until she's falling out of the sky without his Henshin. Immediately, Molly goes into action; she's gotta catch him, afterall. ...Except...

Sailor Moon has that under control, so Molly breathes a sigh of relief. She rushes to his side as well, of course; not that Starcrash has anything to offer in this situation, giving medical aid doesn't really fall under the purview of 'artillery'. But that doesn't mean she can't kneel at his side.

"Chrono-Kun! Are you alright? Do you need me to fly you straight to the hospital?!" She's still clutching the magic disruption device in her hand; she realizes that, and hurriedly tucks it securely into her barrier jacket, where it'll be nice and snug while things are going on. For the moment, she just presses a finger to Chrono's wrist, to make sure there's a pulse after all that.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was caught out of the air, held by Sailor Moon. Normally, he'd be a bit more... well... nervous, being carried by a girl like that. But right now... He barely struggled to open his eyes. "M-my mother... is... is she... okay?"

"Oh dear, you children really shouldn't be playing with fireworks! Okay, I think that is quite enough," Lindy called. "How about all of you come inside and have some tea? We can call your parents and get you all home safe and sound and away from all of this... equipment. Before you hurt yourself."

Chrono, meanwhile, just smiled. "Good... just... make sure she's... safe..." he trailed off before going limp.

No, he wasn't dead. He was, however, unconscious. He wasn't in his device and, unfortunately, the one he'd been using wasn't designed for true combat. It was for a technician. He was, frankly, lucky to still be alive. And he was likely going to get such a scolding by someone for this...

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    After the blast, and after everything clears out, Gretchen's Labyrinth portal opens up again and the Meanie Dokas pour out. The three of them hover over Sailor Moon's head and Gretchen asks, "So like... is he still alive?"

    Rens hovers closer to Chrono to get a look at him, "Apparently, though I'm afraid the field of medicine is the domain of a different minidoka. Unless of course you need me to install a cybernetic arm or something. Does he need a cybernetic arm?"

    Tia asks, "Surely you jest. Where exactly did you learn to make high tech prosthetics?"

    Adjusting her glasses, Rens says, "I haven't yet, but there's a first time for everything."

    Gretchen plants her hands on her hips and says, "This isn't a science project! Also we can't get consent from his legal guardian since she can't see or hear us."

    Rens looks over to Lindy and tries to pass her tiny hands in front of Chrono-mom's eyes. "Hm. I suppose not."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"He's still alive!" Sailor Moon can confirm this for everyone, since she can feel Chrono's breathing against her. "But he's definitely out cold... we'll have to get him to the hospital right away; Kamen-kun can help him out after, but for now, just to be sure..."

She pauses a moment, looking at the three minidokas.

"I'm glad you three are okay. Gretchan, it was really brave of you to take care of your little sisters! Good job!"

Praise! Maybe if they're praised and happy, they won't make trouble and will go home to Madoka?

"Molly-chan, can you still fly after all this? Me and Bow can run pretty well, but flying is probably the fastest way to get Chrono-kun out of here... especially since his Mama doesn't really know what's going on."

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Oh, I can fly! Don't worry! I've still got..." Molly does a quick check, "Oh... thirty percent of my mana left, that's more than plenty for getting to the hospital and fighting a very small Youma on the way if I need to." Which, she won't need to, because the world isn't unfair like that, right?

Molly scoops her hands underneath of Chrono and hoists him up, holding him tight against her torso. She looks over her shoulder, still kneeling, at Lindy. "I... guess I better pick a good moment," she mumbles. As nice as it would be to get tea. Oh well. Chrono needs to get to the hospital and that's all there is to it. So she waits, until the grown woman isn't looking, and launches herself up into the air, taking a route that gets her behind a building as quickly as possible before she takes off for the nearest hospital at the best speed she can manage.

"Starcrash, text Rashmi, 'Chrono is okay but he's hurt. Taking him to hospital now. Meet us there.'

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen crosses her arms and looks at Sailor Moon. "Well I can't very well be the caretaker of a whole new world without looking after my own, though..." She taps her chin, "Honestly? If I had noticed he wasn't at full power I would've tried to shield him, too. I'd feel bad for his mom if she got dragged into my Labyrinth without a henshin, though. I'm actually not sure what would happen to her."

    Tia pulls out a tiny smartphone and calls on it. Her tone is cold when she talks. "Hello? Medo-san? No, I'm not going home. No, I'm not telling you-- look. There's a boy here. He got hurt. What? No. It wasn't us. Mami did it! ... Reasons. Look I think his name was Chrono?" She pulls the phone away for a moment as Medo's fussy voice gets really loud on the other end. "Look. He's being taken to the nearest hospital. Just... make whatever preparations you need to make, okay? No, we're not coming with him. Moon-chan is dealing with it, along with, um... Someone named Molly?"

    Rens and Gretchen watch as Tia tries to navigate this conversation with the very particular nurse fairy, and they pull in a bit closer.

    "Yes, Medo-san. Yes he's breathing. No I don't think he got stabbed with anything. It was a big magic blast attack. No, I don't know what state Mami-san's Soul Gem is in and frankly she's the last Puella I'd ever worry about on that front. ... Yumegahama Beach, so... whatever hospital is closest to that. Alright. No, we're not coming back for ice cream time. Bye." Medo keeps talking and one might be able to vaguely pick out the notion that she's telling the X-Dokas to come home. Tia just hangs up on her and rolls her eyes. Deep sigh. "Okay. That's done. Let's go play video games!"

    Gretchen says, "Right. Bye, Moon-chan!" The three Meanies wave at Sailor Moon and anyone else who happens to still be around, then vanish back through their portal. This time they probably don't come back.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Okay, good - I'll follow after you, okay?"

This, to Molly, before she turns back towards the three Minidokas.

"Of course, Gretchan, but still, getting praised when you've done a good job is really nice, you know? And you were working hard on bringing that thing down, just like your sisters were working hard helping that Device Mage who was here. Thanks for calling Medo-chan; since you're avoiding Madoka-chan, that's really especially nice of you!"

Honestly they are doing great. Such nice girls. Very sweet. Please go home to Madoka, your mother is so worried little fairies!

They don't, though, they just leave, so Sailor Moon waves goodbye as well, then turns to Bow with a sheepish smile.

"That was maybe the silliest battle we've had in a while, but it all ended pretty well, I guess? We got some cool stuff for you and Ami to tinker with, and Mamochan and Suna-san will definitely be able to fix Chrono up soon, so... wanna get a snack while I call them?"