1938/Coffee, Questions, and Parents...

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Coffee, Questions, and Parents...
Date of Scene: 11 September 2024
Location: Midori-Ya Cafe
Synopsis: Miho invites Hinote to Midori-Ya to ask a few questions, and enjoy some coffee. Converstion is a mixture of Magical Shop, Parents, and other topics. Typical Teenage Conversations! Still no answers as to what type of Magical girl Miho is, but Hinote did get a weekend pass to Ultra Japan!
Cast of Characters: Miho Inada, Hinote Kagari

Miho Inada has posed:
    Well, classes went by pretty fast today. Its later in the evening when Miho calls Hinote, and asks him to join her at Midori-Ya. At the moment, Miho is sitting at a booth near the windows, playing a little bit with her coffee and cream puff. Its her cheat day! She's allowed to have some sweets once in a while. She seems a little nervious about things, but she also has her reasons for inviting Hinote. One being the Ultra Japan pass she managed to get for him.

    Miho isn't sure if Hinote would enjoy the type of music played there, but there's several major groups that Miho really loves listening to playing this weekend. Including Steve Aoki. She has to see one of his Ultra concerts! Especially since she's in Japan. But the young woman does have a few other thoughts on her mind as well. The talk with Kyubey, the dangers of being magical, Youma, and her own small self in the mix of everything. And experiencing an awakening? She's not quite sure on that one. She made an appointment with the school Nurse.

    Right now, Miho is still in her school uniform. She pulls her skirt down a little bit, feeling a little awkward going out in public in her school uniform. The young woman wished she could have changed, but honestly, she wasn't sure what to wear. Especially with the new outfits her mom let her buy at the 109. Dad wasn't happy about the price, nor the clothes, but he's a dad. He still growls that school skirts are too short.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari arrived. Today's clothes was... much like Miho, the school uniform. Tracy? Tracy was hanging out in his backpack but he escaped when he saw a suspicious character with a suspicious cupcake that needed investigating. So Hinote carried on as he brushed himself off when he entered the cafe and walked over to Miho's seat. He sits on the opposite side of the booth she's in and gives a wave, a friendly smile.

"Hey there, Miho-san. I take it you have questions." he asks. "I like the coffee cake here. The American style, with the streusel? Tell me what you want to ask me, and I'll consider the answers while I'm up ordering myself a slice." he says.

"Also, do you need more coffee?" he asks, as he motions. "Or creampuff?" he asks.

He notices the fidgeting, he doesn't mention anything, yet.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho coughs a little bit, and there's a slight blush. It disappears quickly though as Miho refocuses herself a bit. She watchs as Hinote settles in. "Well, first thing. I don't know if you're into this type of music, but I've been dying to go to some of these music festivals for a few years. Ultra Japan is this weekend.", she says. The woman bites her lower lip a little, and pulls out the pass. "I just wanted to say thanks for everything.", she tells. "There's just so much that I don't know, or understand, but you've kinda been there looking out for me.", the young woman says. There's a bit of blush again, as she passes the U-23 pass over. "I got a few other passes to give out. I still feel bad for my friends who were caught in the...'gas leak' a few weeks ago, and got them passes.", she tells.

    She takes a moment to adjust again, and takes a small sip of her coffee after Hinote had mentioned it. "A couple of friends have mentioned this place to me, so I figured I would try it. Plus what that cat said...kinda rattled me a little bit. Am I being a bit selfish? There's a lot I want to do, but is it wrong for me to want to do that stuff if I have the ability to save others, or the world?", she asks. The young woman shakes her head. "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to get heavy there.", Miho says, waving it off.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari takes in all this, then gives a little wiggle of his fingers. "I'll be right back." he says. He returns, moments later with his coffee cake and cup of coffee that's mostly 90 percent milk by volume. He'd also refill Miho's coffee and creampuff(s) if she wanted. He settles.

He'll gently look at the tickets and then say. "I'll try to come. Even if the music might not be my taste. Actually...hold on..." he says as he reaches into his backpack to remove his phone and start scrolling. He hrmphs and puts away the phone. "So. Music acts. If you ever go to one. And Utau Hoshina comes on stage. Cover your ears and get away, or let someone know." he says. "She doesn't seem to be playing Ultra Japan based on... A schedule I borrowed." he says with his own cough. He means stole. He stole it.

He says. "You mean. Helping people Making you selfish? Kind of preaching to the choir there." he says with a wink. "I wanted to help people before I had my own power. I saved some ... pink princess from something she called a demon... controlled by an oujo with an umbrella. I scooped her and ran. She was from another world. Like..."

"Imagine an Isekai in reverse." he says.

"Anyways I did some really dumb stuff. Started investigating, learning. Making files. Then the universe poked me on the nose and said 'Your turn'." he says with a little bit of a chuckle.

"So I won't tell you to stop. I can't. I didn't listen. Neither should you. But just. Be smarter about it then I was. Pack like. An umbrella, a first aid kit, Some chocolate bars. These can help other magical folks. Umbrellas are shelter, a first aid kit is explanatory, and chocolate has like. Minor magical energy restorative ability." he says.

"But hopefully you'll... wake up." he says.

"Also, don't trust the white rat, Tracy says he cheats at poker."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head as she listens. Chocolate as...a source of magical power? She's not gonna to question that on the account she loves her chocolate! Now the woman has a reason to chomp....wait, no, she still has to diet. Still, an interesting thought on that. But umbrellas? Miho just feels confused about the umbrellas, but who knows in this crazy thing she found herself in.

    Miho thanks for the coffee and another cream puff. She takes everything in, following the thoughts until she hears about the Princess. She blinks a few times. "Princess?", she asks. The woman takes a second to think about this a bit more. "You mean you rescued a princess, by scooping her and running?", she asks. The woman blinks a few times before shaking her head. "Must mean you two are dating, right?", she asks. Curiousity and the Miho...

    "Everyone cheats in poker. Its a universal rule that if you're not cheating, you're not gonna win.", she tells. Miho snickers a little before drinking a bit more of her coffee. Its black, but has 3 sugar cubes in it. The woman takes a moment to take a small bite of her cream puff. "Well, I'm adjusting. If I don't wake up soon, I've learned how to sense good and bad in a way. If I'm getting a bad headache, I walk a different direction. If its just an annoying one, usually its more like its just a persence.", she tells.

    Miho takes a moment to refocus her thoughts. "I just...don't want people to get hurt trying to protect me. I've trained a lot of my life in how to fight, but I just...feel so...small.", she tells. "Especially after what I saw. And hearing about other dimensions just now...Universes, you know what I mean. I feel like Alice."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari smiles a bit sadly. "No. I haven't seen her since. Not even where I was supposed to be able to meet her... and no. I mean I literarily had to scoop her and run because there was a demon after us." he snorts. "I wonder about her, if only because I worry. I was powerless at the time..." he trails off.

"I'm not 'dating' anyone at the moment. My Dad makes me take out boring rich girls that are his friend's daughters and I get to listen to to them yap about their third boat. And it's ALWAYS boat number three." he says as he gets more and more glum.

"I hate it. But it makes dad happy to hear good things. My dad is kind of a famous actor. Kinzo Kagari. Mom, Yuko Kagari, is a police sergeant. I wanna maybe follow in mom's steps? But Dad wants me to follow his path." he says as he finally bites his coffee cake.

"Sorry I'm over sharing."

"So, question?" he asks.

"The woman in the snow. In your dreams. Is that a 'good ache' or a 'bad ache'?" he asks wondering.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a little bit as she listens in. She takes a moment to think things out a little bit. "I wonder how your dad would react to maybe a daughter of an old clan and a former MMA fighter...", she wonders outloud before she shakes her head. The young woman quickly puts a cream puff in her mouth after she realizes she said that outloud. There's a slight cough before she drinks a bit of the cough. She shakes her head a little bit. "Ignore that!", she says, blushing.

    The woman bites her lip, and focuses a bit more on his questions. "I can't tell if its good or bad. Just...a sense that something is in a direction. You know, like an instinct that tells you you shouldn't go this way, or something like you is in this direction.", she tells. "Its weird to discribe.", she tells.

    Miho takes a long moment to settle herself a bit as she tries to put the last minute out of her mind. Why did she do that?! Miho can't believe she said that. Anyways...Keep the topic away from that for now! "As for the woman in the snow, I've been questioning it. Why in the mountians, and in the snow? THere's nothing else around, and there's no shelter, but it feels like, she doesn't need shelter. It feels like...the snow is her...home, I guess? Just feels like she's sopposed to be out in that.", Miho explains. "Sounds goofy..."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari is used to this kind of attention. He's the handsome drama club actor who seems set to follow in his father's footsteps. Does he get confessed to? Sometimes. At least it isn't Tadase Hotori bad. He's seen that guy's locker and it's always exploding with letters with the word 'prince'.

He doesn't clear his throat. He tries not to draw attention to him and Miho. No reason to embarrass Miho further. "Oh, mom probably knows of your dad, if he was on TV at any point." he says with a little smile.

"Alright. So woman in the snow. Belongs in the snow. Huh." he says as he strokes his chin in though.

"I hope I can help find answers for you." he says.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a little bit. "Yeah, Shingo Inada used to fight all over the place. He wasn't a champ, but he had a following. One of his students had a fight here in Tokyo over the weekend, where I had to attend.", she tells. The woman shakes her head a little bit. "Its always embrassing to go to those things, cause of the way that I have to dress for them.", she tells. "At least around here in Tokyo, not many recongize me, while in Kyoto, its a pain.", she hisses.

    Miho nods her head a little bit. "The thing is, she's in the mountains, in the snow, but I always see her wearing a kimono. Which is odd, given that the snow and the area, she should be freezing to death, but its like a normal thing to her.", she says. Miho shakes her head a little bit. "And I hope so. This...feeling is odd. Like lately, it feels like somebody is tapping on something in my head. Like, "Hey...over here." type tapping.", she admits to.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari finds this more interesting. "Well. Yeah my mom probably knows about him then. What was the name again?" he asks. "Stage name. Did he have one? How do you have to dress?" he asks curiously. "Like, is it some kind of gaudy fan t-shirt or something?" he asks. He's wondering because she says it's embarrassing. "Clearly, it's not like... a mascot costume?" he asks. "That would be a little absurd." he says.

"So girl in the snow, wears things not for snow." he says, taking mental notes.

He perks up when she says it feels like a tapping. "See. That's what I mean like. 'You're trying to awaken'. For me, it was a weird dream and I woke up with an egg in my bed and it hatched into Tracy." he says.

"Tracy says he's my drive to investigate given form." he says. "I uh. Watched a lot of Noir movies in my past. Dad gave me all the classics, I really suggest everyone watches The Maltese Falcon at least once." he says. "So, I guess that's the form my dream took." he snortgiggles,

"I think something has to happen for some people to awaken.... For me Tracy hatched when he was good and ready.... for some it's.. like a monster encounter. Or someone is about to get hurt." he says.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head. "Shingo 'Fang' Inada. He used to throw this knee elbow strike combination that many would call Tiger Fang strike. Knee to the jaw, and then an over head elbow strike. Anyways...I mean...", she says. Miho sighs, and picks up her phone. She taps a few times, and there's a video playing. A young fighter is walking down to the ring, and stops. There's...Miho there in a fitted dress where she's acting...very un-Miho-ish, and being all giggly. Her shoulders are bare, and there's a short skirt, but its clear that it was fitted to her. Miho blushes horribly. "I have to dress like that, anytime one of the students fight. Dad doesn't want people to know about my training.", she says.

    "I guess. Just, that I feel her presence, even now. Like she's right here, but I just don't know where.", she says. "Hell, I can feel Tracy as clear as day at this point. And god....I don't know if I can deal with somebody getting hurt just for me to gain power. I mean, that incident in the alley. I can't let my friends go through that again. Its been eating me alive just knowing they had to deal wth that the first time.", she tells. The woman looks down, sighing before taking a sip of coffee.

    "I don't understand any of this stuff. I mean, I've always lived in Kyoto. And nobody as far as I know was ever really magical. I mean, Dad said in the distant past, his family had a few omyojis, and Mom's family have always been mikos. Like I did some miko stuff when I was younger. And thought of part timing it, if I had to make some ends meet for a short time.", she tells. "But I don't recall anyone in the family living in the mountains."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari... relates to this picture. Sometimes, parents ask too much of you and it's ridiculous. Miho, being asked to dress like that... Hinote being asked to take spoiled rich girls on dates he doesn't want.

"So you feel her around but can't know where. huh. Maybe it's hiding on purpose?" he asks curiously. "Maybe it thinks you're not ready. Or. Are you not opening the door for it?" he drums his fingers on the table.

"Look, I barely understand this stuff. It makes no sense. Maybe your family history is relevant here." he says. "Have you ever looked into it deeply? I mean. do your own genealogy research." he says.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a little bit. "Maybe. But I don't think...she's hiding. Just like something is blocking.", she tells. "But yeah, that one girl...with the horns had said demanding whatever it is to give me power. She knew whats going on, but I just can't get ahold of her.", she says.

    The woman takes a moment to sip her coffee. She toys with her cream puff. "Well, I mean, you said Tracy hatched from an egg, but I don't have an egg. And since I stopped taking that medicine, things are getting better with me. Either way, am I gonna to have something flying around me at all times? Might be a little awkward...", she says, looking in Tracy's direction.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari says "That other girl is related to you powerwise. She probably knows what you might be and how to 'demand that power'." he says. "If I find her, I'll push to have her text you if you want. But.. some people like to be more lower key." he says.

"Yeah, I'm what's called a Chara Bearer. I don't know what you are. I'd like to know!" he says as some random fairy, a bunny with wings, flies past with a pocket watch. "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!" he says worriedly as he dashes out a closed window.

"Ah, that...wasn't Tracy..." he says. "I dunno what that was. But if there's an Alice in Wonderland magical girl out there, I'd believe it." he says.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho blinks a few times. "I'm...still adjusting a bit.", she blushes a bit. "I thought it was cause it was flying close to you.", she says. The woman traces it for a few more seconds before looking back at Hinote. She nods her head. "Well, from what I saw, she seemed very familiar, but I can't say for sure. I mean, I don't keep track of that stuff very much. She looked like a girl who I remember hearing being very sickly. She...didn't look very sickly.", she says.

    She takes a long moment to think things out. "Chara Bearer. Ok. So I think I understand that part. And that girl might just be a bit busy with other things. I don't want to bother her too much if she's busy.", Miho says as she breathes out a little bit. "Ok, well, I have a silly question then. What is...Mie?", she asks. "There was a girl who looks like she was a few years younger then me. We went into a race cause I was running, and she was...insanely fast for the first half mile, but then she was completely out of breath when I pasted her. But that speed wasn't...natural.", she says. "And is it...normal for all these magical people to gather around?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari says. "Tracy went to chase a man about a cupcake. He's probably causing mischief, as Charas are won't to do." he says as he flips a hand off. "They have a mind of their own." he says.

"There's all 'types' of magical folks. You'll get used to the name conventions." he says.

"Well, if you find her, bug her. She could be looking for you, you know." he says.

"Mie? I don't know who that is." he admits. "So I can't answer you..." he purses his lips. "I can look into it for you if you want." he says.

He looks at his phone and frowns a little. "I should be going, Miho, but. If you wanna come by my place sometimes, lemme know, my mom would probably love hearing about your dad and his students." he says with a wink. a finger gun.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head as she finishes her cream puff and coffee. "I'm sure your mom would love to see my dad's fighting style more up close. Its not sopposed to be known, but Dad did train me quite a bit. Mostly so boys didn't...get too fresh as he would put it. I just think he's a bit overprotective...", she laughs. The woman takes a long moment to stretch out a little bit. "And you might be right. I still feel a little weird by suddenly growing horns though.", she tells.

    Miho kinda walks to the door with Hinote. "Well, I'll see you later. And only do things if you want to. I'm sure that I'll find out about Mie some time or another. If I find out anything, I'll let you know.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath as her own phone rings. She texts a quick message. "Oh, the passes are good for the whole weekend. I'm mostly going to go on Sunday. But if you want to go on Saturday to see some of the early artists.", she says. The woman bows a bit. "Anyways, really got to go. I have to see a friend about a back window before I get detention again...", Miho says with a wink. She waves as she runs off.