1952/After-Action Refueling

From Radiant Heart MUSH

After-Action Refueling
Date of Scene: 16 September 2024
Location: Korma Chameleon
Synopsis: Hinote refuels Miho with Curry House food. A Discussion is had!
Cast of Characters: Hinote Kagari, Miho Inada

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Miho Inada had her first transformation and Hinote Kagari knows the kind of energy that expends and thusly, he's asked her out to the Korma Chameleon. He's waiting out front for her, dressed in a simple black t-shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers. Nothing fancy. Casual. He looks into the shop. He already has butter chicken on the mind.

And naan. Everyone should get a naan. And a lassi.

He rubs the back of his hair as he mutters a word to himself.

"Youkai Musume..." he mutters under his breath.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho had gone back to the dorm to change when she got his message. No time to really pick outfits, so she grabbed her go-tos. A blue tank top, some loose fitting cargo shorts, and its off to the races! Miho manages to get there close to about the same time as Hinote, but she slows her steps a little bit. Mostly to get her breath back under control. As she approaches, she can hear his mutter. And thats when things start to hit her a bit. She sniffs the air, and can pratically taste everything inside the resturnant. Her eyes wander a bit, and she sees things that make her pause a moment to look at. She can hear...Hinote. Is this what its like? The woman shakes her head.

    "Hinote!", she says, waving as if she didn't hear him. As Miho appoarches, a rather loud growl is heard. Miho gets defensive for a second, looking around for a moment. After she sniffs the air again...the growl repeats, and she realizes...Its her...BLUSH!

Hinote Kagari has posed:
"Miho!" goes Hinote as he smiles and opens the door to the Korma Chameleon for Miho and offers her to step in. Ladies first and all that, as he closes the door behind them and walks to the cashier to order. He orders his butter chicken, naan and lassi, and he looks back to Miho as he steps aside so she can order what she wants. It's a curry house, they have curry and similar dishes!

When they're sat down he finally speaks. "So, at least we finally have a name for 'what kind of magical girl you are'." he says quietly as he speaks in the booth.

"I remembered my first time transforming. I was hungry forever." he says.

"So eat!" he says. "Eat a lot here. Don't worry. it's on me."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a bit as she looks at everything on the menu. She takes a moment. "Chicken Mar..mar...The tomato chicken curry.", she says as she looks over at Hinote. The woman takes a moment. "Oh, and what he's having.", Miho blushes a bit. "And...some regular curry.", she says. The woman blushes even more. She feels her whole body is empty.

    The woman takes a long moment as she sits down. "Oni-chan said it's very normal to be extremely hungry with our transfromation. Laura told me that Oni-chan wants to speak a bit more very soon. I kinda...well, I passed out after the fight.", she tells. The woman takes a long moment before breathing out. "Things were ...odd. It felt like I could...sense everything that Onihime was going to do before she was doing it. And it seemed like she knew exactly where I was going to fire my arrows or send shikigami before I did.", she tells.

    "...Umm, did...my transformation...startle you?", she asks. Miho looks down a little bit. "Yukihime, she's a snow maiden.", she tells. "From Gunma. And was teaching me all these spells and attacks like nothing there could harm anyone.", she tells. "It...kinda freaked me out."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
"It's not odd for magical girls of the same type to have... well, I hate the word, but synergy." he says. "Tracy can sense other charas." he says. Tracy, by the way, is already in the shop, having flown in before Hinote. He's the tiny guy in a yellow trenchcoat and fedora investigating the bowl of mints too eagerly up front.

"Yes, you'll need to eat and eat. As I said, Chocolate is good for that, but so is good, homemade food." he says, looking to the counter before looking back towards Miho.

"The cracking apart was a little startling but you're fine. Ice and snow seems to be your elements."

"So Yukihime. Then." she says. "Is Gunma the girl in your dreams?" he asks softly.

"Yeah I got. Lost in the horde. I apoloize about that."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho shakes her head. "Gunma the region. She's from the Gunma prefecture from before it was...well, you know.", she tells. The woman nods her head a bit. "I got a little worried when I lost track of you, but things were going so fast.", she says. Miho takes a moment to think things out a little bit more. "But Yukihime is the girl in my dreams. Apparently she's been waiting for somebody in my family to awaken to her.", she says.

    The woman looks over at Tracy. She coughs a little bit, giving Tracy a little wave. "To be honest...I didn't know I was cracking apart. I was a little annoyed with things, and Yukihime was feeling a little...lets just say there was a barrier between us, and I had something to say about it.", she tells. The woman takes a moment to look as the food arrives. Her stomach growls loudly.

    "Tracy is so...cute!", Miho says. She blushes a bit. "Like a tiny yellow Dresden!", she says. "Only not as gruff.", the woman says. Yes...She compared Tracy to Dresden..."Yours must be water.", she tells.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari says. "That's a good guess that it's water. Most of my guns will shoot it, on command." he says softly as she looks over to Tracy and then back to Miho. He snorts. "I guess we are sort of Dresden. Being supernatural detectives and all." he says as he leans back in the booth.

Hey food is here! He starts eating, starts talking between bites. "So Yukihime is the girl in your dreams. So the barrier isn't there anymore?" he asks.

"I mean that's good if it isn't. You'll be able to transform again then easier. As that girl... Onihime? Said before. You need to demand the power." he says.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head as she shakes her hand a bit. "Yeah...", she says. "I do feel like things are much clearer.", she tells. "And my senses are much...sharper. I know it sounds odd, but yeah.", she tells. The woman starts to tear into the food. Everything tastes soo good right now. After a few bites, Miho takes a long drink of water before a small face. She pauses a moment. "Umm, can I have some tea, please?", she asks. "But yeah, I feel like all I have to do at the moment is to just close my eyes, and I'll change.", she says.

    "And well, I still can sense stuff around me. Just...no headaches now. I just feel what it is. Its like an primal instinct type of thing.", she tells. THe woman chomps a few more bites. "And well, demanding, yeah. Yukihime is a purified spirit, I think. Like something much stronger then a shikigami, but much the same in a sense.", she tells. "I can guess what spirit Onihime has. What was your first time like? Please tell me your first time was a battle, or is odd to awaken in a fight?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari dismisses those concerns. "When I'm chara change or character transformed with Tracy, my senses are sharpened hard. So I understand that sensation. When Miho asks for tea, he walks up and orders the tea, and returns with it, placing it in front of Miho.

"Yeah, sometimes stuff will still run up on you. I.."

"Well. My first time. I don't remember it. It's hazy. See. Tracy can force a chara change on me. I become kinda a 1920's detective. In this case. A giant bull...monster.... attacked a bookshop and he made me help." he says dryly.

"My first Character Transformation was fighting Utau Hoshina in a museum." he says. "I remember that." he says. "Character Transformation is when I become. Pulp Noir," he says.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a bit as she listens in. This causes her to think a little bit. She takes in a deep breath. "So...You mean Yukihime could...take over if she wanted?", Miho asks. That thought crosses her mind, and well, she gets a response that makes her breathe out a little bit before waiting to hear from Hinote though. "The idea of her taking over...that is a bit nerve racking.", she says.

    "I mean, it seems weird, but drinking water just leaves an odd taste.", she admits to. The woman shakes her head a bit, knowing water really doesn't have a taste. The woman goes back to her food a bit as she finishes two plates fairly quickly. Just the butter chicken left.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari mphs and raises his hands and shakes them. "Chara Bearer worry. Or Charas can take over us sometimes. I have triggers. The word.... mystery...." he says mystery really silently. "...and the idea there's an investigation to be had." he says cooly. "I don't think that other magical girls and guys don't have this worry." he says with a wink as he finishes his own food.

He does nod at the drinking water explanation. "Like always. Or recently, in regards to the drinking water?" he asks curiously, pushes some of his naan over towards Miho.

Miho Inada has posed:
    "Just recently. Like it really just started today. I was running earlier, and I took a drink of water. There was just a taste, and I ended up coughing a bit. And I've never really been a tea drinker, but tea just has this taste now.", she says. Miho shakes her head a bit. "I'll have to ask Onihime if Oni influences her.", she comments.

    Miho takes a small piece, chomping on it a bit. She breathes out. "Sooo good. Sorry, sorry. Just...hungry, and everything just...is so good. I'm a bit nervious about my diet and transforming.", she tells. The woman blushes a bit. "I mean...I do have to stay in shape. And after passing out last night, I feel like I'm going to have to run even more now to keep from passing out."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
"Possibly. Onihime is going to know more than you, probably." she says. "I started a casefile about.. 'Youkai Musume'. I'd like to know more. I like to know things." he says as he sighs a little. "Here, lemme get you more tea." he says as he gets up to get you more tea, returning with it fairly quickly as he sits back down.

"What's your diet? You might need to adjust for new calorie levels. versus calorie losses, to begin with." he says. "Your fuel tank just got way bigger no doubt, to begin with." he offers.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a bit as she listens to Hinote. "My diet...", she blushes. The woman starts to lists her breakfest, lunch, and dinner levels. Her tank? It sounds like the same as a professional fighter. Given her dad...yeah. The woman drinks her tea. She looks at her phone though as a text comes in. "Oh crap. I'm gotta get back to the dorm before they get to the window. I got a friend whose holding the window for me.", she says.

    "The thing that confuses me. The girl whose Onihime...I heard stories that she was very sickly. She doesn't seem that way to me. And a casefile on Youkai?", she says. The woman takes a deep breath. "I see. Anyways. Thank you for tonight, and for coming this weekend.", she says. The woman gets the butter chicken to go. "If I talk with her first, I'll let you know what she has to say.", she promises. Miho gets up, ad starts to head off, waving as she goes.