1988/Karaage Karaage

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Karaage Karaage
Date of Scene: 06 October 2024
Location: KFC - Karaage Fried Chicken
Synopsis: Usagi, Makoto and Chiyo meet at Karaage Fried Chicken (Karaage Karaage) to indulge in some meatatarianism and chatting. Chiyo is filled in on the issue with Obsidian going after Hotaru, and passes on some information of her own.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Chiyo Sakai, Makoto Kino

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's the weekend and Usagi's hanging out with Chiyo and Makoto, because sometimes, you just need to hang out with your friends. Sometimes, it's because there are updates to be shared, and sometimes it's because you want to have good food - and sometimes, it's both! They'd walked over together, coming from school to this place, which Usagi is thrilled to be visiting without Naru because -

"It's not that I don't love her, but, like, it's super awkward to come to Fried Chicken Fried Chicken with a vegetarian, you know?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"That would be a little weird. Especially with how messy fried chicken can get in the first place." Licking your fingers clean just seemed even wronger if you were with a vegetarian. That was something that was easy to understand.

"Honestly I needed some time out as it is so this is nice. Things are still a bit tense between the 'new hires' at work." Plus. Fried chicken. How could that go wrong?

"I feel like I've been kind of isolating myself, and I don't want to do that. So! Fried chicken it is," she agrees with a deep breath to sample all the savory scents.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"I hope it's not too much drama," says Makoto, looking over to Chiyo with an expression of faint concern. "Not that you need any help knocking their heads together if you have to, but..."

She trails off, delicately leaving it at that for the moment, and instead smiles at Usagi. "Someplace like this probably won't have much that Naru-chan could eat, it's true. But hey, I'll always take an excuse to visit a new food place when we can. You don't even have to ask." She pauses a moment, reflecting. "With a name like 'karaage karaage' I kind of feel like it calls for a double order or something, doesn't it?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Taro-kun and Phillip-kun not getting along?" Usagi frowns in concern at Chiyo, because that definitely doesn't sound like any fun at all. "Those two should be trying to get along to make you happier, not making trouble for you. I'll cheer Makochan on while she knocks their heads together, if you want!"

She will support you from a reasonable distance!

"I'm glad you're not isolating! Coming out with us is better. And I agree, that in honor of Karaage Karaage, we should get a double order! Of karaage! With... sauce?"

There are a lot of sauce options, so that would be an easy way to get it all, right? Get a bunch of sauces and then dip their extra-extra large order of karaage in them.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai lets her eyes close a moment with a sigh at the question of them getting along. "It's difficult. I think when they first met there was some ... assumptions. Like that Taro-kun had a crush on me or something. Which totally isn't the case at all." From what she was seeing he was way more into boys! "So it's now a whole 'don't hurt her or else' and sometimes seems like suspicion. It's good overall though," she assures with a grin flashed at the pair.

"Maybe that's part of their advertising angle. Get the thought of doubles into your head. Though with all of us," and knowing Usagi-chan's eating habits, "A double order is probably a good idea." Her gaze rakes over the menu as she considers. "There's a lot of sauces. Should we each pick two and share to try them all?" There it was again, the thought of 'two' when it came to ordering. It really WAS a good marketing tactic!

"What's been going on with everyone lately as it is? Outside of a few 'run ins' I've been out of the loop."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"That sounds great," Makoto agrees brightly. "A double order of karaage for us to split, and a flight of different dipping sauces to try out. ...Would you call that a flight?" She ponders it for a moment before dismissing the question with a shake of her head. Doesn't matter.

Her attention shifts back toward Chiyo and her explanation of what's been going on with Phillip and Taro. "Well..." she says slowly, "hopefully they'll settle down soon, then, once they both have a bit of time to realize that there's nothing for them to worry about that. But if they don't, we'll give them a talking-to. They're supposed to be helping you out, not causing you more stress!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"A flight of sauces! If that's not a thing, it is now. Each of us picking two sounds good. I want to try this gochujang one, and this sesame one, if that sounds good to you both... and man, you're right, it really does get the idea of doubles in your head. Two sauces, two orders, two friends..."

So many twos, just lurking all around...

"If Taro-kun likes any girl, it's Amy-chan, so I really don't think Phillip has to worry. And he's been really nice to you, so I don't think Taro has to worry either. They're both being dumb boys."

Tsk, tsk, tsk. They should really be acting better, for Chiyo.

"Well... there's not been too much, actually? Except, well... Obsidian is doing something with Hinoiri's old towers," she says this very quietly. "They're using them to look for a girl who ran away from them, and it's gonna be bad news if they find her."

Makoto knows about this, at least, maybe not the tower part, but about the girl, at least, from Usagi's blow up with the Outers over her.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"A flight? Or a sampler? Either would work for that," Chiyo agrees with a grin. When Usagi picks her flavors she considers breifly only to decide, "I'll try the honey yuzu and the green onion sauce." One sweet, one savory. It seemed a good range to try! Plus yuzu was a nice citrus that went well with honey she knew from experience. On chicken? That could be very tasty.

Such thoughts are momentarily put aside. "Oh, I know. I think he likes boys more. I told him I had a crush on Kazuo-san once and he was all 'well that's only natural' as if he really understood that." More importantly though she frowns.

"Hinoiri's been trying to find a way to get her magic back too. I haven't kept an eye on her but..." She trails off not sure if that's a good thing or not. "Do we know who the girl is? Can we help keep her away from them?"

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Then I'll get tonkatsu sauce and black garlic soy sauce," Makoto decides. "That should make a pretty good assortment for us to try."

She falls quiet as Usagi explains about what Hinoiri is up to, and Chiyo fills in with her own information. Her expression grows serious, and she lowers her voice to ask, "Is she still with the Outers, Usagi-chan? If she is, that's probably as safe as she can be anywhere, at least without leaving Tokyo entirely and going somewhere else..." Yes, Makoto was aware of at least some of this situation, if not the bit about Obsidian using the towers.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi nods towards Makoto, before confirming, in that same quiet voice, "She's with the Outer Senshi, and we're doing our best to keep her secure, but I think we're at a point now where we really need to think of Plan B and Plan C and Plan D, because we can't just hope we'll stop them every time... unfortunately."

At least they have a flgiht of delicious sauces, to think of. Usagi takes a moment to flag down a waiter and put in their order, and only continues when they're gone.

"Her name is Hotaru, and she's in a lot of danger. It's not my strongsuit, but thinking up a plan is probably what we're going to have to do."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai purses her lips together tightly at the hushed talk. Of course they had been talking about boys not too long ago so anyone nearby would likely only consider that they were getting into some sordid details. Just normal girl things! At least chicken was on the way.

"I know I can't fight like I used to, but if you need a place to hide her away for awhile that isn't directly related to them, I might be able to help." Then again, most knew she was Usagi's cousin by now. She did have a few ideas in mind.

"I don't think I've ever met her before. Do you know why they want her?"

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto winces a little, her gaze dropping from the other girls. "I'm not that great at planning," she admits. "I'll do my best to help however I can, though. You're right that if they keep on hunting for her, we can't count on always being able to prevent anything bad from happening."

She breathes out a sigh. At Chiyo's question, she looks up again, over toward Usagi with brows lifting. This part, Mako feels, is not hers to tell - and Usagi undoubtedly has the more complete understanding of the situation anyhow.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"She's got something super evil inside her," Usagi says frankly, "And I'm guessing they want it back. She's strong, and I don't think she wants to be? But, like Kyouka-sensei would say, we all want things we're not getting..."

A wince.

"Nope, that still sounds so mean... honestly, I wish someone else was planning everything, but we've got this! We're working together, and we'll get through this. It's not like it will be worse than Beryl, after all."

Beryl's name is spat like poison.

"And you being a place she can hide out is a good idea but - and it's not that you're weak, Chiyo-chan - but she's crazy strong, and honestly I really hope all our genius friends can just figure out a way to rip the thing out of her."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai considers this all with a slow nod as she sits back in her chair. "Okay. I know I'm a civilian again so it's not really ideal for me. Just." A frustrated sigh is exhaled as she reaches up to rake a hand back through her hair. Much as she could, the curls always got in the way when she did try. "It feels so weird not being able to do anything."

"I guess if you need to vent or anything I can listen at least. And I'll keep an ear out in case anyone talks about her around me, too. Not everyone knows who I am after all."

A glance is cast between her cousin and friend only to flash as reassuring a smile as she can. "Planning may not be a strong point, but I'm pretty sure you both are great at following through on them. You know how to follow recipes, Mako-chan."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Sure," Mako replies with a wry smile. "Once you have a recipe, it's no problem... it's coming up with a plan from scratch that's the hard part."

She straightens up, stretching her arms over her head for a few moments. "That would be the best thing, though - take away the reason Obsidian is after her, and they'll leave her alone. Otherwise... I don't like to say it, but I don't think we're going to be taking that whole organization down. If it were one big bad guy, like Beryl--"

Although even taking Beryl down took an awful lot. That's not an experience Mako is eager to have again.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Honestly... maybe if you met her, that would be good? I uh, have some history with her, and I know I'll have to get over it, but you're as unbiased as could be - if you think she's alright, then maybe I'll be able to believe it." It's not like being in the fight, or providing shelter, and Usagi hates making her cousin feel useless - but it is something, that Chiyo can do.

"The main ones after her are Tomoe LifeSciences - the lady who shot you with the Heart Stealer, Chiyo-chan, she works for them," there's a scowl that touches her face at that, "So... maybe we can't take out all of Obsidian, but we might be able to do something about them... if we have to. It'd be nice if they saw she was happier and decided to let her go."

Wouldn't that be nice?

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai rests her chin on her palm as her gaze flits between the two keeping both their remarks in mind. A soft 'hmm' is given at valid points. "I don't think leaving something evil inside someone is a good idea at all in the long run. Even if there's some other temporary solution, it just seems like leaving the kettle on the stove to boil over."

A little nod is given at the suggestion and she grins. "I can talk to Setsuna-san and see about meeting her then. We were on pretty decent terms after all. Even if I've been out of touch awhile." She'd certainly been one of her more loyal patrons at the candy shop.

Before she can say more she pauses, letting out a soft 'oh' as she realizes she hadn't had the chance yet to pass on some other information. "Philip wanted me to let you all know that Scorn now has his old powers along with her own. The 'Eternal Gauge' that let him capture people. He's not sure what she might do with it, but wanted to get word out about it at least. Since it might come as a surprise."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto's lips curl into a dubious frown. "It'd be nice," she agrees with Usagi, "but if they cared that much about her happiness, they probably wouldn't be working with Obsidian to begin with."

Chiyo's added update gives her pause. "Oh," she says after several seconds. "That can't be good. I guess we can expect more problems from her coming up, then, too. Why can't they stick to one at a time?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Yeah! You were always giving her tons of candy, I bet she'd be happy to see you taking an interest. Besides, it's not like she's not busy too, she'll get it." A confident nod, and she's relieved that they have the bones of a plan - and then. Ah. Of course.

"I don't think... I've ever actually run into Scorn," she says slowly, "But she tried to steal Wako-chan's boyfriend once, so, I think that says... everything I need to know?"


"I guess it was too much to hope that Phillip could get out of the game and take his scary powers too..."

Why can't they get one problem at a time, like Makochan said?

It's here when their food arrives, piles of freshly fried chicken and dipping containers of all their sauces, and Usagi picks up her chopsticks with a cheerful thanks to the waiter.

"Well... we'll figure it out. We always do. For now, I think we should enjoy our karaage karaage while we can."