2144/A Club Building Social
From Radiant Heart MUSH
A Club Building Social | |
Date of Scene: | 06 December 2024 |
Location: | Club Building |
Synopsis: | A social time is had! |
Cast of Characters: | Coco Kiumi, Amanda Faust, Angela Erickson, Tsubasa Yuunagi |
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
First Coco meets a magical girl in full on wedding apparel for her henshin just the day prior, then she discovers by chance that the school has a bridal club now. Of course, the Veil prevents her from drawing any sort of connection between the two events, but it is still a curious fact she can't help but want to explore. Outside of her interest in certain related subjects.
The blonde girl makes her way towards to the club building, wondering if it is meant more for people who want to help others become brides, wanting to become brides, or a mix of the two. No matter what, she isn't going to step back from offering her help no matter what the focus is.
Stepping into the room with a bright smile, she expects to see it occupied by at least one of the club members. If that is the case, she immediately waves at anyone who is present, introducing herself. "Hello, my name is Coco! I saw somebody formed a bridal club, and I couldn't help but want to check it out!"
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy is already in the hallway, having happened upon the sign just before Coco. "But what do you do in a bridal club?" she asks; "I don't think anyone at the school is a bride..." she muses, because she has to say it out loud to someone -- but Coco ultimately just opens the door, which kind of settles the next course of action!
The red-haired, red-eyed girl still in her school uniform after the day's classes stands just outside the doorway, looking around curiously, and restating her question: "Okay I'm just curious, what do you... what does a 'bridal club' actually do?"
- Angela Erickson has posed:
Angela Erickson says, "...and remember, love love LOVE!" and the meeting of the bridal club ends and just before the two get to the door there;s a small amount of people leaving, leaving Angela alone in the room with some papers and a drawing of an elaborate cake behind her on the blackboard.
"That meeting went really well, Angi!" says Suki, a tiny bride floating beside her. "It was so romantiiiic..." she says.
"You think everything is romantic, but so do I..." she giggles.
But there's suddenly someone at the door and Suki hides behind Angela slightly, peeking over a shoulder, raising her bouquet in front of her face lightly.
"Oh, visitors, hello!~" she says at the two. To Coco she says. "Sure, come in!"
To Amy, she head tilts. "Talk about marriage? And being married? and the pageantry around it all?" she says dreamily.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
"People with the dream to marry, or wanting to help others marry", Coco shares her opinion on the club's theme with Amy before entering the room and being met with a pinkette and a Chara Guardian. Yeah, she can see where this is going now.
She nods along at the explanation Angela gives Amy, her thoughts overall confirmed, and proceeds to sit down onto a nearby chair. "That's a dream you have, isn't it? Of walking towards the altar to show your love to your significant other, right?", the mermaid says, giving a wink to Suki.
"Do you have someone like that in mind, whom would you like to be in a relationship with?", Coco addresses Angela, her golden eyes gleaming with interest. If she already has someone like that, she can already start putting a plan together. "I take joy in seeing people being able to realise their love", she happily grins.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
And remember, love love LOVE! What did I just walk into... Amy glances around the room, at the drawing of the cake, and the... bride chara.
"Isn't that kinda just... what culture and the vast majority of romantic media already does?" Amy quirks an eyebrow. "Although, that you recognize it as pageantry is... Well, that's good." Amy supposes that someone with a bride chara being in bridal club certainly makes sense.
The rest of the club having left, and Coco having walked in, Amy follows and closes the door behind her. She has a sense of vague uneasiness, like she doesn't belong here. A bit like a boy that accidentally wandered into 'bridal club', or perhaps just like an unpopular girl who's assumed it would never apply to her.
She listens to Coco's words too, and smiles at the bit about seeing others realizing love. "Me too, I guess in that way I'm a romantic, at least. But I... I guess I never really got the obsession with weddings?"
"Like... wanting to be... Wanting to be in a relationship like that one day, wanting to be married, sure, makes sense... but why do people obsess over the details of an expensive ceremony, that I... never really got..." she admits, awkwardly.
- Angela Erickson has posed:
Angela Erickson listens to the two. Oh no, Suki realizes she can be seen! She comes out more properly from behind Angela like she was doing a good job of hiding to begin with.
Angela is finally able to see the two. Well! There's a pretty blonde who gets her! So she smiles. "Yup, that's my dream!" she sighs wistfully "And do it again... and again.... and a-- huh? Do I have anyone in mind? N-no not ye---" Who's that behind her Coco?
Oh. Oh no. Ohhh no. The Red Head...! She's cuuuuuute! Angela has to swallow it up though and engage in polite conversation. So she does just that GULP.
"Well I mean it doesn't have to be for everyone. I'm not here to change minds already made up..." she says. "But it is romantic...don't you think?" she sighs wistfully. She then spins...
And Suki spins with her.
"So ro-ro-romantic,,," they both say.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It's the day when your love and dedication can show themselves fully, when you promise yourself to your love forever, and the same happens in return", Coco replies to Amy, the spark of excitement not quite flaring up yet.
So Angela has no one in mind yet... She has never seen the pinkette around, so maybe she hasn't met many people here yet. "That's no problem, Radiant Heart is full of nice people. I have no doubt you will be able to find someone your heart will beat for", Coco gives her a thumbs up.
"I know there are mock weddings when you can try your dress on and walk to the altar. That's a great way to set the mood for when you have someone, and if something like that happens, you should take part, Amy. That's the best way to see the importance of the moment", she turns towards the redhead encouragingly.
"I think anyone can experience that special moment for themselves", the blonde girl turns towards Angela again. "Don't you agree with that? Finding two people that just look perfect together, and clearly harbour feelings for each other, and wanting to help them? What's your and your Chara's name?", the yellow mermaid asks when she realises the two didn't introduce themselves.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy listens to Angela's explanation. "So, you want to be a matchmaker and see the happy couples and polycules that result." She nods a little. "That is... I think that's a good want, although obviously it can go awry sometimes."
She blinks. "Made up? I don't--" She looks away and furrows her brow as she thinks of how to say this. "I don't understand what's so great about a fancy party, costing hundreds of thousands of yen at least, that has to go perfectly and that one or more of the couple -- or however many -- will be planning for months and stressing out over whether each detail is perfect."
She looks back at Angela, aware of the awkwardness of saying this in bridal club to someone in bridal club, and of being someone who would say it and is thus out of place here, and she says "It sounds stressful, right?"
Not confident dismissal of the idea, but a tone of... unsureness, like she's wondering if she missed something somehow.
Coco suggests something she never thought of: There are mock weddings where you kind of try it out. "Wh-what?? That's a thing?" Amy's pretty surprised, and looks... even more anxious in general, as inside her curiousity agrees with Coco that it's something to try, to understand, but there are also alarm bells in her head, warning that it would be dangerous, somehow.
That it might change her, somehow.
Lost in that thought, she doesn't even notice Coco mentioning the chara.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
There was another club meeting in the room after the Bridal Club. An opening of the door, and a short boy steps through, holding a small box of airplane models. That would be Tsubasa Yuunagi, the biggest flight fanatic on campus. Glancing up as he sees the others, he pauses and ohs. "I thought the meeting was done!" he offers in an apologetic tone.
After all, the Flight Club gets a very low attendance. There's the occassional person that thinks it's the Fight Club and he has to deal with that... but anyway! He adjusts the box in his arms. And that's when he hears the discussion at hand and the talk of matchmaking and such.
Ever seen a boy turn bright red and have steam physically rise off his head? That would be Tsubasa right this instant as he grips the box tighter with a small crinkling sound.
"I-I-I can come back later!" he offers in sudden embarassed apology. Later probably means never again. "So sorry!" A dip of his head down in an apology.
- Angela Erickson has posed:
Angela Erickson looks between Coco and Amy as the two get deep about it.
"Huh? It isn't that deep! I wanna get married! Again... and again.. and again..." she says, throwing her hands out. "I want those I'm married to get married!?" she says with an excited tone. "So...So..."
"Ro-ro-romantic...!" says Suki, throwing her bunch of flowers towards Coco. "Catch!" she goes.
"Sure, weddings and the planning can be stressful, but it's for love!"
"Love love LOVE!" goes Suki, throwing another bouquet, this time for Amy to catch!
"Oh! I'm Angela Erickson!" she says. "And this is Suki..." she says motioning to her guardian chara.
Then Tsubasa comes in. "Oh my club is over. We're just talking. We can move into the hall if we need to." she says to him. "Or you can talk with us too!"
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco smirks when she sees Amy take in her suggestion, convinced that's the right way to turn the redhead around on the concept. "They are a thing for sure, and I think that's just what you need to understand the charm of the day", she smiles brightly.
The mermaid's arms reach up to catch the "bouquet" when Suki tosses it to her, an expression of surprise on her face before it turns to a smile. "Thank you, and nice to meet you, Angela and Suki", Coco replies, taking them close to her nose and taking in the scent.
"These smell nice, and it's one of the romantic moments anyone can be involved in", she says, accents of a flame appearing in Coco's aura.
"Any girl wishes to catch the bouquet, and receiving the promise of a blessed love", she tells Amy, keeping the flowers in her hands.
Before she can say anything more, there is a boy barging in the room, seemingly having mistaken something, judging by how he is about to hurriedly retreat. "Like Angela said. Come on in", Coco offers Tsubasa, letting him know she is fine with him being there too. "We are talking about love, pure love", she adds.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Images from manga flash through Amy's head, of girls in wedding dresses with guys in suits, or of girls in wedding dresses with girls in suits, or of two girls in wedding dresses, and of the stories they were in. Searching for feelings mirroring her own in humanity's dark dreams mean a lot of them weren't exactly positive stories... Are there any examples that feel like something she'd actually want? All those thoughts swirl with the weird emotions of imagining a mock wedding...
Tsubasa stumbles in, flustered about something -- probably being here -- while she's distracted, so she spares some reassuring words while her mind is occupied: "Boys can be brides too." Or maybe not so reassuring.
Tiny bouquet thrown at her. Her brain tries to react in several ways at once:
REFLEXES [Trivial: Success]: Object about to hit us! Dodge!
SOCIAL [Medium: Success]: Object tossed to us! Don't look like a weirdo, catch!
COMPETITIVENESS [Easy: Success]: This is symbolically a wedding bouquet, something people compete to catch! Show you're the best!
INDIVIDUALITY [Easy: Success]: Don't play the game at all! You're not a sheep! Don't react!
FORESIGHT [Medium: Success]: Catching implies you get married next! Are you sure you want to symbolically indicate you're eager for that?
"Uh." Amy sort of grunts slightly as she half-heartedly starts to step aside and starts to reach out to grab it but ultimately it just hits her shoulder before she can finish determining what the correct action is. "Uh. Wait. Uh. What?" She glances down at the bouquet, and at Suki, and Angela.
A name was said. "Uh, I'm Amy Faust." Assembling the rest of the sentence -- mention grade, whether to mention being from America or comment on Angela's name -- is interrupted by Coco's words about catching the bouquet. "Uh." Wait did she fail a girl test. Did she accidentally symbolically reject something important. "Um."
There's a lot on her mind and she's trying to catch up!