Angela Erickson

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Angela Erickson (Scenesys ID: 283)
"I hear wedding bells! Don't you?"
Name: Angela Erickson AKA: Wedding Bell
Gender: Female Series: (OC) Shugo Chara!
Origin: Chara Bearer Grade: 8
Clubs: Dancing, Bridal Age: 14
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


A transfer student from the United States of America, Angela Erickson sure is a fish out of water! Offering to shake hands and smiling at everyone and asking how people are...! Which isn't the norm in her current new country of Japan. Angela, Angi to her friends, considers herself a 'Hopeful' Romantic, wanting to match all her friends with other friends and people they might be compatible with as couples, much to their chagrin. She wishes to get married as soon as she is able! It's her dream. So much so, it's manifested out into a heart egg, along with a guardian character named 'Suki', a tiny bride.


Hopeful Romantic, Matchmaker Extreme, Future Bride, I WILL BE A BRIDE, Catch the Bouquet!, 'The Veil' means something different here, Love Love LOVE!

Vital Trivia

Height: Fill Me Out!
Blood Type: Fill Me Out!
Birthday: Fill Me Out!
Likes: Fill Me Out!
Dislikes: Fill Me Out!
Favorite Food: Fill Me Out!
Least Favorite Food: Fill Me Out!
Favorite Subject: Fill Me Out!
Least Favorite Subject: Fill Me Out!
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
A Frozen Heart December 29th, 2024 While freeing Amy, lots of things are said about Sharon, and in the end a resolution is taken. ... What do you mean, that door just slides open???
A Coronation and Blizzards December 28th, 2024 The Coronation Day has come and with Sharon is finally comfortable coming clean with the secret she has been hiding, and with it, her plans for her guests. No, her subjects.
The Snow Kingdom of Chanteur December 26th, 2024 After receiving an invitation from Sharon, Laura, Yokina, Usagi, Chibiusa, Angela, Mamoru and Amy are welcomed into the Snow Kingdom of Chanteur.
Wasp knows no love December 22nd, 2024 Mimete releases... the Waspion! It... goes poorly. Fortunately, Amy, La Mer and Wedding Bell are there to save her from her mistakes! And she even helps! Poorly.
Daimon-ic Vessels December 17th, 2024 Viluy is in the midst of testing out vessels for use as daimon hosts, when Star Devil, Snow Angel Mou Fubuki, Wedding Bell, Magical Rocket Girl Red, and Tuxedo Kamen burst onto the scene to save the day - and the horrifying creature the victim has become.
Cat Cafe! December 9th, 2024 It's the grand opening of the Cat Cafe in Mamoru's building, and a group of Mahou are on the scene to christen the day! Usagi, Makoto, Chiyo, Taro, and Mamoru welcome Angela to the ever weirder world of Mahou.
Rube Goldbow and the Wind-Up Whispering Woods December 6th, 2024 Bow is akumaized and makes good progress on capturing Glimmer and Tuxedo Mask! Then Yellow Pearl Voice, Amy, Wedding Bell and Ladybug saved the day, but Bow and Glimmer suffer a setback that not even a Wedding Chara can save.
A Club Building Social December 6th, 2024 A social time is had!


Title Date Scene Summary
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