2164/The Snow Kingdom of Chanteur

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The Snow Kingdom of Chanteur
Date of Scene: 26 December 2024
Location: The Snow Kingdom of Chanteur
Synopsis: After receiving an invitation from Sharon, Laura, Yokina, Usagi, Chibiusa, Angela, Mamoru and Amy are welcomed into the Snow Kingdom of Chanteur.
Cast of Characters: Laura La Mer, Amanda Faust, Hotaru Tomoe, Chibiusa Tsukino, Usagi Tsukino, Angela Erickson, Mamoru Chiba, Sharon Kuniyuki
Tinyplot: Chanteur, Land of Happiness

Laura La Mer has posed:
"VICTORY!", Cure La Mer exclaims after kicking her leg up and lowering her back so as to face in the opposite direction of the balloon Layabout, just as the creature encased in the outline of a shell explodes in rainbow lights and returns back to the object it was made from.

"Oh my, it's over already? What a disappointment", Numeri sighs, teleporting to the Witch's mansion just as the Aqua Pot releases the stolen motivation power to the people at the Botanical Gardens, that go back to smiling and having fun exploring the various plants, motivated to express the feelings that have never left the flowers of their hearts.

"I am done here today too, I have really had it up here with Numeri lately", Laura lightly complains, heading towards the exit absentmindedly, her distraction causing her to bump into something soft. "What now?", she says annoyed looking down at what hit her. "Hmm? A fairy?"

A small white fuzzball flies away from her in a daze, joining a group of 5 other fairies just like it. "Kururun!" the seal fairy exclaims with joy, getting into the group and touching one with which it proceeds to make a dance in the air. "Did you all get lost?", Laura asks after demanding their attention by her throat. What follows next is her receiving Sharon's message in the midst of the fairies' exuberance.

"I see, a fellow princess about to be coronated. Of we are talking about a coronation, they must have prepared the grandest stage in all the land for it. If I go and sing upon that stage, everyone will fall in love with my voice and my reputation will spread. And it's only fitting I bring wishes of an auspicious omen on behalf of Grand Ocean! I am in! I will go to Chanteur and raise the roof with my singing!" she tells the fairies enthusiastically.

Fast forward to the 26th of December, Laura is standing in the middle of a scarcely frequented train station, just when the fairies told her to be to avoid unwanted attention. She is wearing an azure coat with an extra layer around the upper bust lined with white fur and two small pompons dangling from her collar with brown gloves and azure boots, her golden shell earrings and an azure hairband holding her hair in place. The boots, the coat's main body and the sleeves are decorated with a sequence of white rhombuses. All she has with herself is her usual bag, anything she might need for this trip in the Aqua Pot as usual.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "I get to go to ANOTHER WORLD?!" Amy excitedly shouts to the fairies, and pulls out her phone to take down notes and add the event to her calendar... and then takes them down again on paper, just in case.

    And so it is today that Amy grins as her phone alert for ISEKAI ADVENTURE!!!!!! goes off, getting ready plenty ahead of time, and making her way to the train station.

    She's humming the Stargate SG-1 theme to herself and smiling as she walks out to the platform, in an oversized winter coat over her red T-shirt and black slacks, with her backpack (army surplus MOLLE assault pack in desert camo) and her black messenger bag at her side.

    She makes sure not to stand close to the edge though. Wouldn't want some crazy accident to turn this into another kind of isekai, after all.

    Amy blinks in surprise at... "Laura? Oh, uh... am I underdressed for travelling to another world?? I've never done it before! Um... I do have a couple of actual fancy dresses packed, I just figured I'd get a chance to change before the coronation..."

    She glances towards the bathrooms. "Should I change now?" She looks back to Laura. "...Oh shoot, do I need shoes? I wasn't thinking... although I guess I can probably just magic those..."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
The last thing Laura would hear before the end were the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps... And then... "LAURA!" The loud cry of Laura as the young senshi-in-training suddenly tackled Laura and hugged her so much both would spin! "You're coming too? You never told me! Oh... I never told you either, though. So I guess it's fair. Can you believe it? A princess, we're gonna meet a princess," she whispered in a hushed, totally subtle and not a all loud enough so everyone could hear.

One might wonder why the young girl had no bags. And worse, was left unattended.

Those who perused the area might recognize a beautiful blond headed woman reading a book, in sunglasses and a beret... or maybe they were a very handsome man? Either way, they were keeping a keen, if subtle, eye on the little girl. Letting her have some 'independence', as it were. She'd even been allowed to choos her clothes! Which was why she had an... actually, the design of her coat was a lot like Lauras, except hers was santa colors! She even had a little hat. "Are you excited? Do you think we'll dance? Ohhhh, and try new, exotic foods? Do you think we could have a snowball fight? I've *never* had a snowball fight before. Ohhhh! Maybe we'll even run into a yeti! Or a frost giant! Or a frost hag! Ohhhhh, or even an angry vengeful frozen spirit! Wouldn't that be so cool? Probably not, though."

... Girl had weird priorities.

Then glancd over at Amy and... almost said 'Hi!', but then remembered... wait. They hadn't met before like this. "Err, hello! I'm Yokina Meiou, Setsuna's cousin! Nice to meet you, Faust-san!" Nailed it!

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa was overwhelmingly curious when she first saw the Frost Fairies floating around, and followed them long enough to see their message and invitation. She's not a magical warrior herself, as much as she wants to be, but she knows several. She's also not leaving campus without some manner of protection. Not if she can help it.

    Now, on the 26th, Chibiusa is getting off the bus with Mamoru and Usagi. Once they are all off she attempts to hold hands with Mamoru and maybe will hold hands with Usagi up until the point where they start bickering or something. Aside from that she's fairly well behaved, by which we mean she is quiet and not particularly interested in drawing attention to herself.

    Luna-P, with its winning, unchanging smile and undying loyalty, is floating behind her as they arrive at the deserted station. Chibiusa looks around and asks, "How long has it been since anyone was here?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi had been ambushed by the frost fairies while out and about near campus, which had made it very convenient for Chibiusa to see the invitation's receipt. A coronation for the princess of another kingdom? Probably a snowy kingdom, given the snowflake, that would make for a great chance to have a romantic escapade in the snow, right? Yeah!! (And yeah, Chibiusa would be there, but wouldn't it be great, to make sure Chibiusa was far away from those black-moon-mark guys?)

All of which naturally means that Usagi has arrived with a small suitcase, packed with clothes and things for Usagi and Chibiusa both. Luna had wanted to come, but Usagi had said it was probably best for her to stay in Tokyo, where she could monitor communications if things went bad and also get a break from all the shenanigans. And the making out.

It was that last one that convinced her, and which meant that Usagi and Chibiusa and Mamoru were now gathered, hopping off the bus with just Luna-P coming along, and -

"Oh man, this station is practically deserted," Usagi agrees, swinging Chibiusa's hand a little, "I don't really see anyone -"

And then, there they were! Laura, Amy, and - Haruka and Yokina? ...oh boy, there's no chance this is staying peaceful, is it? Maybe... maybe, just maybe, there won't be trouble made from Yokina and Chibiusa being in the same place...?

"Hey, everyone! Those little frosty fairies found you all too, huh?"

Angela Erickson has posed:

"Look Angi, it's a parchment let's see what it says!" says Suki to Angela, who adjusts her glasses.


Angela Erickson has on old style headphones, singing, badly, some Tom Jones. Lounge Music,

"It's not unusual to be loved by anyone!
It's not unusual to have fun with anyone!
But when I see you hanging about with anyone!
It's not unusual to see me cry!
I wanna die!"

She may be carlton dancing and everything. Suki is following suit. That's when her eyes open and she BLUSHES and quickly fumbles for the controls on her old MP3 player. "OH HI!" she says.

"Are you guys following a magical parchment too?" she asks.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It is super easy for Chibiusa to hold Mamoru's hand-- he was already reaching for hers. "I don't know," he says uncertainly, "but I guess it makes sense to use a deserted station for a fairy train?"

Tall and fluffy-haired, in wire-rim glasses and a patterned red-and-white sweater and jeans, with a black leather jacket and warm boots, Mamoru Chiba doesn't really look like the kind of person who might have gotten an invitation from the frost fairies, but here he is, looking mild and actually... quietly happy.

He smiles and lifts his own small suitcase in greeting, then laughs at Angela's question. "Yeah! We are. I'm always up for a coronation. I mean, someone else's."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura is looking towards the tracks in wait of this train that's supposed to come here. Surely, they are not going to make her wait much longer than this! Who knows how long do they have until the coronation, but then again they are prized guests, so there is obviously no chance of them showing up late!

"Hi, Amy-san", Laura turns around to look at the new arrival. "That's not really a matter of going to another world, but you know what a coronation is, right?", she asks the redhead while taking a look at she is wearing. Though, she isn't wearing this to the ceremony, so maybe that's the case for her too.

The unexpected tackle forcibly throws Laura away from that subject, refocusing on just what happened to hit her at such speed. "Yokina!", she smiles brightly once she sees the one responsible, hugging the green-haired girl tightly. "I didn't know who those fairies contacted, you know? But I am so glad you got to come too!", she blushes with happiness at the surprise.

"Well, I can't really cross those things off the list, but if Chanteur is anything like Grand Ocean, I think we will just see people and a lot more fairies like the ones that greeted us just now. They would be interesting sights, I guess", the pinkette replies to her friend's questions. She is not such how much of the friendly sort those would be, and she is kinda hoping she wouldn't have to spend her winter vacation fighting.
FA curious look is reserved at the tiny pinkette that has arrived at this train station too. "I have been here for about 15 minutes", Laura replies.

"Hi, Usagi-chan!", Laura turns to greet the blonde. "They sure did! Of course, I can only help but commend them on their good eye. Princess Sharon must have educated them well on who to invite.

And there is a third pinkette too! That is quite... surprising. Is pink a popular colour to have this many show up here? "We are going to Chanteur too", Laura confirms to Angela plainly.

"You can count to receive my invitation too, when I become Grand Ocean's Queen" Laura tells Mamoru over his comment about coronations. "I am inviting my friends anyway, and that includes Usagi too", she informs him.

Just then, another noise mixes with the various voices chatting with each other, that of a white and gold train fast approaching the train station, rapidly coming to a stop and opening its door. "It's finally time!", Laura states decisively while she walks through the red velvety floor before finding a seat to pick. "Yokina! do you want to sit here?*", she taps the place next to her.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Oh hey, it's the little girl who was hanging around Rashmi at the Santa Run. Who is probably magical, but didn't end up making it to fight the witch. Amy raises her hand, "Hi there!"


    "Setsuna-chan's... cousin?" Amy echoes, obviously finding something questionable about that proclamation, but if Setsuna's taken the girl in she can probably be trusted. Just like Sailor Charon! "Umm, nice to meet you too!"

    Haruka gets a nod.

    Angela dances in! Amy starts singing -- pretty well actually -- and dancing -- not as well -- along, until Angela realizes and stops. "Hi!" Amy beams back. "I always liked 'Love the way you love me.'" She offers, cheerfully. (Because it sounds like it's about bodyswap!)

    "Yeah, I was--"

    And then the Usamamo family is here! "Hey guys! You were invited too? Oh, sweet, I get to go to another world with my friends!"

    And then she notices: "Wait... were we supposed to bring luggage? I... have you done this before? I've never been to another world before. I mean besides the moon. In the past. And the Earth in the past only not really--"

    You know what a coronation is, right? "Yeah. It's the ceremony where an heir is crowned with their ruling title. Depending on the laws of the land, they might not be considered the legitimate holder of the title until the coronation is held; or at least, a press claim CB might be more valid from competitors before the coronation, which I guess is sort of the situation we have with Otto..."

    Amy shakes her head. "Um, anyway, we're gonna see people from another world! How cool is that?!"

    And then


    Amy's eyes widen and she stares, mouth agape, wanting to remember this moment forever.

    Somewhere inside her is a four-year-old boy who loved trains and for whom this is the coolest thing ever!

    As it comes to a stop and they get on, "An actual magic TRAIN!" her voice becomes a squee at the end. "This is incredible!"

    Sometimes she starts to sing softly -- the way, to celebrate, that we made it -- but she keeps getting distracted and excited and squeeing at things! Happy to sit with any friends who want her to! Although she'd like a window seat. Imagine what they'll see outside -- not just another world, but the crossing between them!

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou was grinning like the p-luna that just got some vacation time away from the bunny. Except she was getting the mermaid! she then glanced to Angela. "Hi! I'm Yokina Meiou, and I did, in fact, get told to come here by magical fairies," she said, her voice filled with pride.

Then she turned towards Usagi and Mamoru! "Hiiii! I'm really happy you could come! Haruka-senpai will probably met up with you two later!" Before, finally! Her gaze fell on Chibiusa and... "Chibiusa-chan, remember the mermaid I told you about?" she said, before motioning to Laura. "It's so cool. She has a magic underwater home and everything. I even got to go into it once. It's amazing."

Then she glanced back to Laura. "And Laura, this is Chibiusa! She's really nice and look, she even has a demonic floating head kitty! It's a drone, apparently!"

Of course, no sooner did she get all of this excitement out that the train arrived. She stared, gasping... "Sure!" she called out, running to go sit by her...

Haruka, notably, sat a bit away. Giving the little squirt some space to well... be independent. With supervision.

"Once we start going, we should explore the train a bit. I wonder if there's like... weird magic stuff that a magic train can do that a normal train can't. Do you think it can fly?"

She did, however, occasionally glance towards Chibiusa... wanting to make sure she was available if Chibiusa needed help. After all... she was a senpai now. She needed to be a good example for her kohai.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa glances up at Mamoru's comment regarding coronation, though she continues to keep her secrets to herself.

    Her eyes watch the singing and dancing girl for a moment. That song was in this era, too? Huh. Then she glances towards Yokina and her smile gets a bit brighter. "Yokina-chan!"

    Uh oh. There might be trouble. Or chaos. Or antics. Luna-P watches on with quiet glee.

    Her eyes turn to Laura when the larger pinkette talks to her, and she gets a little shy. She hides behind Mamoru for a moment before hearing that Laura is a mermaid. "You're a mermaid? And a princess, too?" she asks. At least, she assumes that anyone who will be a Queen must be a princess first.

    The train arrives, and Chibiusa is eager to board, walking ahead and practically dragging Usagi and Mamoru along. "Come on! Let's go!"

    Once they are all seated, she occasionally glances over and makes eye contact with Yokina, giving her a smile and a wave.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru offers Laura a little bow. "I would love to come to yours, too," he tells her with a smile-- and then he glances to Haruka and also nods, his gaze skimming over 'Yokina' then back to Haruka, and he gestures at himself and Usagi-- are you coming or did you want us to keep an eye on her? sort of thing-- but then what Yokina says hits his ears and he looks amused, gesturing nevermind. Instead, he grins at Yokina, just in agreement. It's interesting that she already has met Chibiusa... it must have been at school, right?

"Amy, hello! Yes, we were-- I mean, were invited. I've never been to another world, I just thought it might be a good idea... I'm bringing some of the Golden Kingdom cookies that Mako-chan figured out how to make, some as a gift and some for us," he adds cheerfully.

Then the train arrives and Mamoru stares, then glances at Usagi. "It matches your dress," he murmurs, leaning down toward her before they're both dragged toward the train, at least Mamoru laughing in protest. "We're coming, we're coming!"

He's rude and makes Usagi pick where they-- no he literally has no preference where they sit, he'll sit wherever no one else is picking a seat. Or where Usagi tells him to sit.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I brought a suitcase for the same reason you brought a backpack, probably," Usagi says cheerfully, "Plus, it's easier for me and Chibiusa-chan and Mamochan to all have our stuff in one bag than in separate ones, you know?"

They're traveling as a little unit, the engaged couple and the little squirt they're looking after... about the same thing as Haruka must be doing with Hotaru - Yokina, that is.

"I mean, no reason to travel in fancy clothes, right?" She's currently not dressed fancily - just warmly, in a bright pink shirt, with a long red skirt, and a minty-green jacket with white trim and matching socks. It's definitely not formal enough for the coronation, but she's counting on there being time to change!

"It's exciting, isn't it? A coronation for another princess!"

And the train comes in around then, as it turns out that Yokina/Hotaru and Chibiusa already know each other, and she's continuing to pray for peace and quiet. Chibiusa drags her and Mamoru along, and she laughs as they're dragged along, hearing Mamoru's quiet murmur and smiling. "It does! That must be a good sign, don't you think?"

On the train, she leads them to a seat not that far away from Yokina and Laura, but just far enough that if they get particularly loud and giggly, Mamoru might not want to reach for the earbuds. "If you want to sit with them, you can, Chibiusa-chan."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"You might want to change into something more suited to the occasion then, but there will be plenty of time to do that later, I am sure", Laura casually remarks to Amy as people start getting in.

"If the Aqua Pot can fly, I don't think it's any more complex for a train to, so we may actually see it happen!", Laura replies to Hotaru interested by the idea.

The best she can do is leap, but still, she likes that experience. How awesome would flying actually be? She is not that surprised to hear humans have invented machines just for that. Ok, she was very surprised at first.

And then apparently Yokina has been telling about her to other people, and of course she would. Who wouldn't want to share being friends with someone as awesome as a mermaid?, she thinks to herself. "I am in fact a mermaid, I can let you see and touch. We are quite rare around here so I wouldn't be surprised at all if you wanted to", she states proudly.

Taking a good look at Chibiusa, she smiles a little at her hiding. "Don't worry, I am Yokina's friend. You are her friend too, right?", Laura asks her encouragingly, hazarding a guess from their interaction up to now. She had been wondering about that, to be honest. Laura's curiosity lingers while she answers the other pinkette's question. "We have Queen candidates in Grand Ocean, but being called a princess is nice too, so don't worry about using it."

"Golden Kingdom? Where is that?", Laura focuses on Mamoru when she hears of the unknown location. It certainly doesn't sound like any human country she has heard about, and it has to be a fairy country too, right? She doesn't recall kingdoms being a thing nowadays for humans.

"They must have prepared a grand stage for the occasion of the coronation, and I intend to sing as part of the celebration", Laura talks about her intentions while the train picks up speed after the doors close by themselves. At the same time frost fairies start wandering between the seats, waiting nearby as if expecting to be told someone needs something.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy nods to Laura, having expected as much, but: "We're supposed to bring gifts?" Amy looks to Mamoru with concern as she sets her bags in a seat near the two of them.

    Where is the Golden Kingdom? "When." Amy corrects, reflexively, on her way to the front of the car. She wants to see if she can, maybe, as a special guest, get a look at the cab? If the doors are locked, she asks the frost fairies as much: "Is there any chance I could look at the cab? I won't touch anything, I've just never seen a magic train before!"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou couldn't help it, she felt a little anxious at the mention of gifts. Were they supposed to? She hadn't. Oh dear.... Eh. If it came to it, she'd make something up on the fly. It'd be fine. They hadn't asked for gifts, either. So probably didn't. "You're going to sing? That's going to be amazing! And I think Golden Kingdom is the kingdom in a fantasy show, right? They have a lot of them. Or maybe from a game? It sounds really familiar."

... Well, it was 'golden' kingdom... couldn't get much more 'fantasy generic kingdom' name than that.

"Ohhhh, I wonder if the train has baths or something... can you swim like... on land? Wouldn't that be really uncomfortable?"

Now that the train was moving, she got up and--

And had to grab the back of her seat suddenly, closing her eyes and counting down. Right. Over exerting herself... not... the wisest move. She, slowly, sunk back into her chair.

"How many kingdoms have you been to, Laura? How about you, Chibiusa? Usagi? Mamoru? Amy?" She wanted to hear all about the kingdoms they'd wanted to go to...

Those who were paying particular attention might have seen Haruka, near the back, lifting up her sunglasses and eying Hotaru for a moment...

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    The small pinkette looks unsure at first as Usagi suggests that she could go sit with Yokina and Laura. On the one hand, she doesn't generally make friends quickly. On the other, people are openly talking about magical things here and no one is talking about rabbits or shooting darkbeams at her, so it's probably safe.

    She beams at Mamoru and Usagi before moving up to Laura and Yokina's seat, clasping her hands behind her back and leaning forward slightly before saying, "Can I sit with you?"

    Then Hotaru has a moment when she seems a bit unwell, and Chibiusa starts to fret for a moment. "Are you okay?"

    Well, whatever it was seems to pass and Yokina is asking other questions. What kingdoms has she been to? "Um... " she glances away decides not to answer. She knows what the Golden Kingdom was, as well as the Moon Kingdom, and of course her home counts as one too, but... It's not like she can really talk about that last one.

    Well, it's probably okay to talk about the things that people seem to already know about. "The Golden Kingdom was from a loooong time ago. I heard it vanished at the end of the Silver Millenium." People may or may not question why she knows that, though a certain couple might realize that they've never actually told her about that place. "I haven't really seen a lot of kingdoms though."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Oh, I just thought better safe than sorry," Mamoru answers, frowning slightly. "If nobody else did, we can all just eat them, they're delicious." He blinks at Yokina, tilting his head at her question.

A glance at Amy for the interjection, and Mamoru smiles lopsidedly as he's looking back at Laura, nodding. "It was destroyed with the Moon Kingdom over ten thousand years ago," he agrees with Chibiusa, who he smiles at, "but I'm its reincarnated heir. I suppose I'm still Crown Prince of Elysion, though..." and his attention's drifted to Usagi; he won't answer for her. "Elysion's at the heart of the Earth. Or I guess, in a dimension adjacent to it...? We didn't really have names like that for things--"

His attention goes to Yokina again, and he smiles. "The Moon Kingdom and the Golden Kingdom. And any number of smaller kingdoms within the latter. Otherwise, I've never left Japan."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Sometimes it's expected to bring gifts," Usagi hums, "You know, because a coronation is a big celebration and party. It's a whole new era, starting up in someone's life! And plus, they're inviting us to this nice time, you know? But nobody really said anything about it this time? So Mamochan brought the cookies, and I brought some cute pins! We figure that will strike the balance of nice but not embarrassingly nice, I think. We can say one's from you if you're worried about it."

She doesn't mind letting Amy have a little of her valor on this endeavor.

And then they're talking about baths, which, she's guessing is because of the mermaid thing, and Laura is a very pretty mermaid, but, also, she's happy to change the subje- oh maybe not. Given Hotaru's... secret self and all... she doesn't want to trigger any memories.

"I haven't seen any since the days of the Golden Kingdom and Silver Millennium either," she says after a careful moment and that shared glance at Mamoru, her shoulders shrugging just a bit... and then she pauses, glancing at Chibiusa with surprise, and wondering if Luna... but no, Luna was cautious, and none of the other Senshi would have mentioned that, right?

"I'm still the Moon Princess, though, even if I only have a few like, 'subjects,'" she does finger quotes, "And the remnants of our cities left. But I went to Princess D's ball, last year, and that was pretty nice! Mamochan and I even danced together, so even if things did get pretty chaotic it was a nice memory. We all thought she had a magic treasure, but it turned out to just be a really big diamond cut to look like her."

She squeezes Mamoru's hand, leaning in and resting her head against him.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Don't think so, not from the invitation. As long as you have some kind of skill, you are welcome just like anyone else", Laura just shrugs. It really shouldn't be that big a deal. Considering the language used in the message, at least. "Do you have anything like that?", she asks Amy.

"Yup! I have a great singing voice, so that will work perfectly", Laura replies to Yokina. She doesn't think she has ever sung in front of her, so of course the spectacle Laura is going to put on now will be perfect! Though she will likely do something not as public as princess Sharon's celebration for Yokina.

She doesn't really get where she is going with asking about swimming on land, though. "It doesn't count as swimming on land if there are baths, but I doubt trains have anything like that. Good thing if I do want to swim, I have the Aqua Pot with me", Laura nods.

"Are you ok?" Laura gives Yokina a worried gaze as the green-haired girl sinks back in her seat. "Do you need something to feel better?", the mermaid asks with a small frown.

"Grand Ocean is the only kingdom I have been in, and then I have come to Earth, but I have also had etiquette lessons, so I know how to handle this", she replies with confidence anyway.

"Plenty of space, come", Laura nods at Chibiusa's request with a smile. "And you really have recipes from a kingdom so ancient? I am surprised they arrived to the modern day", she tells the other pinkette.

An awkward gaze passes on Laura's face as Mamoru reveals he is the heir to this destroyed place together with something called the Moon Kingdom. "Is that..." she asks Usagi, making a connection with her magical form. She lets the 'your kingdom' pass unsaid.

Though Usagi confirms just that, so she needn't have asked. "I am sure you will be able to bring the glory of your kingdoms back. We certainly are a lot of royals in one place, still. Any more surprise royals in here?", Laura smirks at the girls not yet claiming a title for themselves.

"The idea of a diamond statue isn't a bad one...", she mutters to herself, though not at all quiet to the point of it going unheard.

The train passes through a tunnel and a certain point through it, the dark environment gets replaced by stars and galaxies, giving the impression the train is flying through space, up until it's back on tracks again, but this time surrounded by a snowy environment, snow bunnies, snowmen and other similar creatures visible out of the window.

It is after a few more minutes of that landscape that the train reaches its final stop, a snow fairy floating by the exit. "Time to get off the train, it seems", Laura says, moving away from her seat and following the fairy through the exit.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Apparently the door is locked. Gifts... Amy smiles at the offer of gift credit. "Thanks! I'll certainly send them something later if there's a chance..."

    Does she have skills to make people smile? "I can sing too... And I've studied game design. But nothing professional..."

    Kingdoms? "Uh... zero or two. Wait, three? Depends on if Gaitou's base was in a kingdom. If you mean countries... then those plus America and Japan."

    Surprise royals? "Honestly, with all the crazy stuff in my life, I can't say for 100% sure that I'm not... but if I turn out to have secretly been a princess the whole time I'm gonna have a lot of questions."

    She looks out the window, and takes some videos with her phone. "Space train. Space train! It's like Galaxy Express 999..." And then they're in a winter wonderland! "or the Polar Express..."

    She does start humming 'walkin' in a winter wonderland' though.

    And then they're there. Amy gathers her things -- retrieving a plaid flannel scarf and a pink microfiber hat from her pack and putting on it and gloves under her coat before shouldering her bags -- and then follows the others out the door!

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou gave a small nod to Chibiusa the moment she came over. "Always," she said happily. "A-and I'm fine. Just a bit of a dizzy spell. It's fine, really. I'm just kind of... weak," she said sheepishly. "Frail, I guess, is probably a better term for it. Health issues."

Then, of course, she got her answer. The moon kingdom. The Golden Kingdom. Elysion. She got a strange, distant, sad look in her eyes. Her breathing stopped. She went so very, very still. Silent. As if even her heart had stopped. Moon princess. Silver millennium. Why was it those all sounded so... familiar? Why did they make her heart ache? Why did she have soft echoes of that nightmare, of those dreams, flowing forward?

"Huh? Oh, right. I've never seen any kingdoms, myself. This'll be my first! And don't worry, the only princess I am is my daddy's," she said in a joking tone.

Of course, as they came to the snowmen, the bunnies, all of it... that she went up to the edge of the window, hands against the glass. "Come see! It's beautiful..." she said in awe, making sure there was enough space near the bottom so Chibiusa could see out it. Wasn't often there were people around smaller than her!

Of course, after a few minutes of viewing, she was happy to head towards the door, one hand gripping Laura's and... "We can watch Chibiusa-chan for a bit, if you and she'd like," she offered Usagi and Mamoru...

And that totally wasn't a 'sly' smile, right? Definitely NOT something she learned from Haruka. Totally not that she was giving Usagi and Mamoru a chance to snuggle in the snow or anything while she hung out with her friends. Not at alllll.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa cheers as she climbs onto the seat. Luna-P hovers over her, standing guard. It seems to glance at Hotaru for a moment... or is it just bouncing around? It's hard to tell what it's thinking. Then again, it's a catball with an unchanging, off-putting smile. You probably don't want to know what it's thinking.

    As the topic turns towards the glory of the past Moon and Golden Kingdoms, Small Lady's expression turns a bit... mortified. She briefly looks at Mamoru and Usagi before looking firmly away from them. She's trying very hard to play it cool but she is not exactly a stoic child. Fortunately the topic doesn't dwell on that subject for very long.

    On the subject of skills, the future princess says, "My... um... powers haven't awakened yet... but I totally have them! Probably. Luna-P can do some magic, too."

    The train comes to a stop, and Chibiusa looks out the window for a moment. She grabs Luna-P out of the air and holds it with one arm, and tightens the hood of her white with blue snowflake embroidery hoodie (that she was totally wearing this whole time). She glances back to Usagi and Mamoru, not wanting to get too far away from them, but she does take Yokina's hand for the moment as they leave the train.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's nice sounds, a nice rhythm on the tracks, Usagi's warmth-- Mamoru squeezes her hand back, and turns his head to kiss the top of hers, and settles in. He thinks he's dreaming: it wakes him up when they enter that tunnel and they're not on Earth anymore, (he squeezes Usagi's hand harder, but not enough to hurt) and there are stars out there and he feels like he should be floating but isn't floating out of his seat, and then he exhales when they hit the tracks again and he has-- three points to triangulate on!

Mamoru looks very thoughtfully at Chibiusa.

"We are definitely not on Earth anymore," says the eleventh-grade prince gravely as he watches snowmen and snowbunnies fly past. And soon enough, they're there, and Yokina is offering to 'watch' Chibiusa. Mamoru gets this look on his face like really? at Yokina (though the corner of his mouth twitches), then rolls his head to look at Chibiusa to see what she wants to do, and at Usagi for what she wants to do, and he shrugs one shoulder. "Don't go too far. Stay where we can either see or hear you," he says with a half-grin. It's real, but it's also a little wry. And, yes, thoughtful.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi is watching Hotaru - Yokina - though she is being careful about it, trying not to be caught staring. She does see the way she's quiet, after those names are mentioned, and she doesn't like it, but she can't... do anything, without making it worse, so she's glad they can breeze past it.

"My special talent is snacking and also shopping, so I don't know if I'll demonstrate," she says cheerfully. "Maybe purifying but like, I don't think we'll need much of that this trip!"

It will be fiiiine. Though it's true, that they do have more royals here than is average.

"If we do have more surprise royals, that will be nice. If I did clubs, I'd totally suggest Princess Club! But since we don't have any of that..." Chibiusa mentions that she has powers, and Usagi blinks in surprise because - "Of course you have power, Chibiusa-chan. I mean, it would be fine not to, of course, there's nothing wrong with that, but - you definitely do. And I bet when you're older, you'll be someone incredible."

There's an utter sense of confidence in this statement, as she looks down at Chibiusa, who might be totally annoying and drive her crazy, but who is also, clearly, a smart and pretty cool child when she's not trying to rob her or move into her room or drive her crazy.

And then the train has gone from a tunnel to a space zone, and it's beautiful, and she absolutely takes videos with her phone, oohing and aaahing over the beauty, before following up with snow and snowmen and snowbunnies and it's definitely cute but -

"Oh we are so not on Earth," she agrees, and then blinks at Yokina's offer, squinting in suspicion. "Um, we'll follow behind you guys, but totally give you enough space to pretend you've got independence! Like the cool older teens we are."

Maybe this will be reassuring to Chibiusa, that they have no intention of letting her out of sight out of mind.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura grips back Yokina's hand as the other girl takes hers, starting to point out some of those awesome sights that await them out of the train, and letting Kururun take bubble pictures in her place since her hand is busy. At one point she encourages the whole group to smile for the Aqua Pot while Kururun takes it of all of them.

Her smile mirrors Yokina's when she understands what her friend is getting at. "Of course, don't worry, we have everything under control, you can be off doing your own things", she pushes for that outcome as well.

Meanwhile, the frost fairy is leading them through the snowy terrain, and to a citadel on a hill, the whole places featuring fairies, fairies and more fairies everywhere. and it isn't much longer after that they reach an elegant palace on top of stairs.

Entering through the imposing doors, the group is treated to the sight of a portrait featuring a man and a woman with royal garb in their 40s, likely Chanteur's King and Queen, hanging just above a hallway that leads to another grand door the frost fairies push open.Just inside, an enormous hall leads up to what is evidently the throne of Chanteur, a 13 years old girl clad in her own royal garb with white hair and. "I am the princess of this kingdom, Sharon. Welcome to Chanteur, students of Radiant Heart Academy."

"I am honoured to meet you in person, Princess Sharon", Laura steps forward, politely bowing towards the princess, not missing a beat even after that statement. "I am Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer. I would very much like to make your acquaintance. I am next in line to become Queen of Grand Ocean, and I bring you my country's regards for your beautiful kingdom."

Sharon smiles at that affirmation. "I see, Laura-san will be a Queen too", before looking at the whole group, speaking with the tranquility of a lake. "Please, enjoy yourselves while you are here. There is still some time before the coronation. You all go and have fun."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou glanced down to Chibiusa and... "I wouldn't worry about it. I didn't get my powers until very recently and even then it was only with help from my senpai." Oh, that'd likely be a trip for Mamoru and Usagi, considering they knew who that 'senpai' was. "Well... most of them. My healing was... less... useful," she mumbled gently.

"We won't go far!" she told the two, grinning back at them. And then walking, through the snow! Adventure!

Haruka was hanging back, occasionally cocking an eye, shaking some snow out of her hair, just being majestic and dazzling, outer gotta do what outer does.

"Wow..." Yokina whispered, watching all the fairies. "It's like being in a fairytale..."

Of course, when they met the princess, there was a momentary pause. She looked to the throne, then the girl. And then... she whispered softly, only loud enough Laura and Chibiusa could hear. "Is she... alone?" she asked gently.

Where were her mama and papa? That... sounded... terrible...

Of course, introductions! She'd let their hands go, bowing as well. "I am Yokina Meiou, a peasant of Tokyo. I'm happy to be here and I hope we can be friends. Your fairies are absolutely adorable!"

She then pulled back to allow the others to do their introductions.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa glances back at Usagi and Mamoru. While she's sure that the other magicals here can keep her relatively safe, she will always feel safest around her alt-u parents. Even if Usagi gets on her nerves a bit. "Right! I'll stay close," she promises. As much as she doesn't want to get in the way of their relationship, for the sake of this universe's Chibiusa, she also kinda needs them for the moment.

    At Yokina's reassurance, Chibiusa says with some excitement, "Oh, you have healing powers, too? Like Mamoru's?" She pushes the conversation in that direction, avoiding talking about her own problems.

    As they approach the palace, Small Lady looks up and marvels at it for a moment. Sure, she's seen palaces before, but these are buildings meant to be impressive and seeing a new one is always neat. When Princess Sharon greets them, Chibiusa politely curtseys to the princess. "Usagi Tsukino, but my friends call me Chibiusa."

    As much as she would feel it proper to call herself by her full, true name in this particular situation... that would be telling a bit too much. Usagi Small Lady Serenity isn't a collection of words that people in this timeline need to hear right now.

    Still, it's interesting that there are at least four future Queens and one future King in this cadre. Well, assuming that this world's future turns out anything like her own world's past did, and assuming that she herself is not a fraud princess.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's a picture that's taken! Usagi makes sure to smile wide and flash bunny ears behind her own head, because there's no way she's reaching Mamoru's head. While they're walking through the terrain, she snaps a few more pictures, holding Mamoru's hand as they make their way.

She does hear Hotaru's whisper, and her eyebrows rise, because as far as she knows, Firefly was active about as long as she was... but well, she is under cover, and Sailor Charon's been active since Spring? So that's not toooo long ago, she supposes. Still, she lets the conversation go, not willing to broach the subject when they're letting the younger ones have fun together.

She's excited to look around, though before long they reach the elegant palace, and the portrait, of a King and Queen, and meet -

Oh, the princess is pretty young!

(This might be hypocritical, coming from her, but she wasn't supposed to be reigning princess, at fifteen, and this girl looks a little younger than her, and it makes her wonder if something's gone wrong, that the King and Queen are passing down the throne so early... and well, she can't help but have a warm-hearted feeling of sympathy, for Princess Sharon, just in case. Sure, she could be wrong, but...

And then she chokes at Yokina's introduction.

It's wonderful to meet you, Princess Sharon! I'm Usagi Tsukino, as well, though my friends call me Usagi," because Chibiusa is the chibi, see - and after Mamoru introduces himself as well, she offers their mutual gifts, having dug them out on the walk over. "These are gifts from us, to celebrate your coronation. We hope these small tokens will help you celebrate."

The kaak warka are donut shaped cookies filled with marzipan and a box of flower-shaped enamel pins, each depicting a different national flower - lovely and delicate but fairly casual, too.

"Thank you for inviting us to celebrate with you."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Non-chibi Usa says her talents are snacking and shopping. "And making lots of friends! You make us smile!" Amy observes, cheerfully!

    Chibiusa commenting about powers, makes a thought come to Amy's mind. "Oh! I bet I could do fireworks!" She also curiously briefly takes her phone off airplane mode just to see if she inexplicably gets a signal here.

    With the other kids being years younger, and Usamamo having this... air about them watching a child, Amy does kind of have the feel of the teens being a group of adult chaperones, and Usagi's comment about 'cool older teens' helps ground her as they prepare to step out onto an alien world. She smiles for a picture with Laura, of course! And takes a selfie of herself on the train, and outside in the snow.

    It's like being in a fairytale. "Yeah... aren't our lives wild?"

    "Are there... humans here?" Amy wonders, as they approach the city. "Or is it all these little fairies? ...Are we meeting the princess of the snow fairies?" Although maybe it's like Princess Toadstool, who is mysteriously not a mushroom person.

    The portrait suggests there are humans here. But the only such native they see, is...

    A princess, a for-realsies princess. Not that Laura or Usagi aren't, but. This is a bit more like running into Princess Serenity in her garden, only moreso. This is Princess Sharon in her throne room.

    Amanda is ideologically opposed to monarchy, but is struck by the majesty of it all the same.

    At the welcome, she curtseys. "Honored to meet you. I'm Amanda Faust... um... I'm not really sure what about me is worth mentioning in introduction to a princess. I... I've never been to court before. I speak for no nation, I'm just... a magical warrior, an ally of justice, I suppose."

    "If there's a way for me to send you a gift later, I'd be happy to. Do you like videogames?"

    All go have fun! "Um... is there someplace to put our stuff? And for this 'fun' should I wear fancy clothes or wait until just before the coronation?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
"I am sure your healing is good, Yokina. That's a thing you can do, right? Then don't beat yourself up over it, you are already great", Laura reacts to Yokina's mumbles, squeezing her hand a little bit tighter.

"I don't know, there are a lot of fairies around", is all Laura can say in response to Yokina's considerations over Sharon's company. Still, it doesn't make her country any less beautiful than it is.

"The frost fairies are very soft, thank you for liking them", Sharon replies with an equally soft smile to Yokina. "You are all my honoured guests here. Please, don't call yourselves peasants even if you aren't royalty", she says calmly.

The mermaid raises an eyebrow when she hears Chibiusa's name is Usagi Tsukino too. Is it normal to have relatives called the same name as yourself? It doesn't sound to her like it is, but maybe it is the way humans do things. There are still several things she has yet to learn.

"Usagi Chibiusa Tsukino and Usagi Tsukino", Sharon makes note of it as well. "Thank you for enriching Chanteur with your arrival, and for bringing these beautiful gifts with you", she smiles while frost fairies take them and bring them to Sharon. "These pins have splendid manufacture", she compliments them.

"I think fireworks are a splendid idea", Laura agrees with Amy's suggestion. She doesn't know how far Amy can bring it with magic that's made to fight, but the redhead does sound confident about it, so it should work.

"I am afraid to say I don't know what videogames are to have an opinion on them, but now is the time to enjoy yourselves. The celebration of my coronation comes later, and you can dress however you please in the meantime", Sharon encourages Amy.

"I will have my frost fairies accompany you and provide for anything you may need. Just ask them", Sharon lets them know. "May your days at Chanteur shine with happiness."