1211/Window Shopping with Coco

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Window Shopping with Coco
Date of Scene: 29 February 2024
Location: Four Clover Mall
Synopsis: Yuuto and Coco visit the mall to do some shopping.
Cast of Characters: Yuuto Shiraishi, Coco Kiumi

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
There were text messages back and forth to Coco to set up a meeting with her after class. A trip to the mall was in order and Yuuto wanted his girlfriend with him. Standing in the food court, the young man is in the outfit that Coco picked out for him - he tends to reserve it for when they have real dates together.

And there's no flowers or candy this time, finally getting the clue he doesn't have to bring a gift to every date he has with Coco. But as always, he's got that little eager smile he gets when waiting for her, excited to see what she wears today, and to see that smile that touches his heart so warmly.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is likewise eager to meet her Prince, and since it has been a while since she last wore it, she is wearing the same outfit Yuuto bought her, unaware that he was doing the same thing, and honestly, she is going to give Yuuto a big smile when she notices that.

"Hey, Yuuto, there you are", she exclaims as she come close to the love of her life, kissing his cheek and holding him in a warm embrace, exactly what she needs in this winter weather, and all the better when it comes from Yuuto. "So! where do you want to start?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Coco!" Yuuto exclaims warmly, eager to have his Princess in his arms and greets her with a tight hug and a return kiss as he draws in deeply the warm scent of the sea on her skin, real or imagined. "You look amazing, as always. Though I thought you said you wanted a more daring skirt." he teases softly.

Pulling back from her, his hand slips into hers. "I figured we'd just wander the shops, and then come back here and get some lunch together?" he asks her, as he starts to fall into step with the young woman, his fingers slipping between hers to twine them together.

And he may have meant wander - but he guides her by the jewelry shop first, which is near the food court, all of it's little rings out on display, along with earrings and necklaces, all advertised under the auspicies of a 'White Day' sale.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I did, yes", she confirms. This one doesn't do very much to show off her legs, and yet, she is wearing it anyway, as it is still a gift from her betrothed. "Well, it has been a while since I last wore it, and you must have liked it if you wanted to buy it, so I thought you would have liked me to wear it again."

"That sounds good", Coco smiles at Yuuto, though there were very little things she would have said not to coming from him. She gives him a gentle squeeze when he first takes hold of her hand, and being complicit when he intertwines his fingers with her.

And she keeps pace with Yuuto when he starts going in a precise direction, a precise cadence that she follows with regularity. "Are you looking ahead to the White Day?" she asks smiling when she sees the advertisement on the shop. She has already started eyeing the selection, but she doesn't give her opinion, to avoid forcing his hand.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I mean, it's only a couple of weeks away." Yuuto admits about the upcoming holiday. "And I have plans for it, yes." There's a warm smile that comes to his lips. "I can't promise you a private symphony concert or the like, but I hope you appreciate what I want to do."

His hand squeezes hers again. She can feel the ring he wears on his finger, the mark of their betrothment as the pair of them look over the jewelry. "Is there any paticular thing you like? You have a necklace already, so I know better than to get that for you. "And usually, it's matched with earrings. So I figured you might like bracelets or rings?" he asks her quietly.

She may not offer an opinion, but he can ask leading questions to get her ideas on what she likes so he knows.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I honestly don't care that you don't have a symphony, I don't need anything that grand, I just want to be happy with you", she says. "And well, while we are here, I can buy you something, otherwise what's the point of shops", she grins at him. Many sellers would probably with her logic, if nothing for the benefit of their wallets.

"As far as colours are concerned, probably either something blue to have a little bit of home with me, or something autumnal, that it's what looks best on me, or finally, maybe amethysts, that are said to promote tranquility and repel negative energy." And that means a lot, in their field. "I am good with both bracelets and rings, though.

"What about you?" Coco turns the situation around on him. "Anything that interests you?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I'm good." His hand untwines from Coco's as he turns so she can easily see the engagement ring on his finger. "You already got me something, and you don't need to spoil me with anything other than kisses to keep me." A wink at her, as she lays out the things that she likes. "Okay. I have ideas!" he offers, though there is no way she's getting those ideas at the moment.

"As for what interests me?" His arm slips around his fiancee's waist and he pulls her close. "I have it all already." he points out to her as he turns to be at her side. "What other types of shops do you like? Do you like games? Music?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I don't think giving my boyfriend things every once in a while counts as spoiling him", Coco counters. But she doesn't linger on it, as she got the message he intends to give her when he shows her the ring. Instead she talks about that he already has an idea what to give her. "I hope your idea doesn't involve making a mix of all three, because you have your work cut out for you with how different they are", she quips at him.

"You are so sweet", she laughs, giving him a quick kiss when he brings her closer. He is so much more than what she could ask, if he starts appearing to her in the morning, she might start wondering if this reality or a wonderful dream.

"I do like music", Coco says. "I mean, you might say 'well, of course', and you would be right", she smirks at him. "So we can start from there, and then go for some sports outfits. Sounds good?" She is probably gonna need many more of the latter if she intends to be more serious.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"All three?" Yuuto chuckles softly, shaking his head. "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you on that front." He admits quietly. She already knows that he's on a tight budget, so is making it work with what he can. But he's not giving up on anything, just... pragmatic and down to earth about it.

"Music sounds good!" a grin as he releases her side to hold her hand, the pair of them setting off in the direction of the music shop, passing by a few of the other shops along the way. "I've heard you perform, obviously, but what type of music do you like?" he asks her curiously. "I like a lot of pop, peppy kind of stuff, keeps my spirits up while I'm working on projects..." a wry smile. "I bet you thought I was gonna say rock." His smile is playful, though he did catch onto something.

"Sports?" he asks. "I didn't know you competed in any. Which one? I'd love to come out and cheer you on!" comes his encouragement. "I mean, you said you'd catch what track meets you could."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Don't worry, silly", Coco smiles, giving him a hug. "That was what I was hoping you didn't have to do, I am sure I am going to be very happy with your idea, you don't even have to tell me what it is for me to know. That's how much confidence I have in you."

"Your replying rock would have been very amusing", Coco smiles, really enjoying his quip. Whatever shall she do? Maybe report him for theft of her heart. Weapon involved: being incredibly fun to be around. "It's pop, soft rock, and hawaiian music for me", she replies. "It's pretty much only things I find energetic or relaxing for me.

"That's because I wasn't, and I am not, yet", she explains. "I just thought I could pick one up, you know?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Good." Yuuto lets out a little sigh of relief. They pass a couple of those candle stores, and the music store is nearby as they continue to talk. "I should come over to your place one night and we can listen to music together. Maybe dance a bit? I'm okay with slow dancing, but when it comes to the popular stuff, I'm more the guy in the corner bobbing his head up and down." he admits with a chuckle.

"I didn't know you were planning to. It's not because I do track is it? There's no pressure for you to take up a sport because I do." A shrug of his shoulders. "Though you'd make a totally amazing cheerleader, I bet." A small laugh. "But then. I'd only want you cheering for me..."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
When they reach the music store, Coco leads Yuuto to the pop section, since that's the taste they have in common, then she grabs out some samples for him to experience, like The Place Where Morning Comes First and Promised Land. "These are my recommendations, do you have any?" she asks him in turn.

"No, it's not because you do track", Coco declares. After all, that sounds like a good way to meet more people, and to release some energy. Two birds with one stone. "I am not sure what I can do yet, there are so many possibilities", she ponders.

"Of course, I would only cheer for you, and nobody else", Coco leans into him. "The same thing I promised for track, even if track cheering doesn't come with a uniform." She understands very well that's a big part of the allure of cheerleading. "You would hear your name non-stop, and maybe even in song form." Which depends if inspiration strikes her with a good example.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I'll have to bring mine over. Kessuko Band isn't really mainstream yet." Yuuto admits as he looks at her recommendations and grins. "These look like fun, my dearest." he admits, leaning over and kissing her cheek, though they continue to talk as he looks over the latest stuff. Fire Bomber is also glanced at.

"There is, and when you decide on something, I will cheer you on. But you always seem so busy, are you going to have time for it? I mean, I know you probably figured it out..." he shrugs his shoulders. Because he's a bit distracted.

"I bet you would be so hot in a cheerleader's outfit." His brain just totally imagined her in a cheerleader's outfit, didn't it? His cheeks darken at the concept and he's probably lost in his head for a moment.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Kessuko Band, which is that group of debutantes, right? I don't think they were bad, but the music industry you have here is harsh. I hope they manage it", Coco comments in response. Not that there is much of a music industry where she is from, with singing as widespread as breathing.

"Thank you", Coco smiles at Yuuto. Always good when your recommendations actually are appreciated.

"I think I will have time for it", Coco nods. "At the very least, I can pick up something I am already good at like swimming."

"I was sure you were thinking that", Coco smirks. "Even if I don't become a cheerleader, I can always wear the uniform for you anyway." She doesn't mind it at all.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
There's a little record scratch in Yuuto's head at the idea of Coco doing cosplay to flirt with him. She must really love him, and he blushes brightly at that. "I... I'd like that." he confesses softly, before shaking his head to get his mind off his gorgeous girlfriend dressed in a cheerleader's outfit.

"Won't swimming like..." he makes a fin motion with his hand. Because he does worry about that as he picks the first record to take up front to purchase, intent to do so so that he can listen to it before they sit together to do so.

"Do you like games? I have a game system, I thought I'd invite you over one night to play?" he suggests. "I mean, I like being outside, but there are times I do try to wind down." he offers teasingly. His fingers brush the inside of her arm, along her wrist, a more intimate touch than just holding her hand. "Okay. Sports store next?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Then you can look forward to it", Coco confirms to him with a smile. She will probably surprise him with a photo through a message first. Less evident than walking all the way to his dorm room in costume.

Coco nods at Yuuto's fin gesture. "Yes, it would, what of it? Think they will exclude me from competing?"

"My friend Amy wanted to show me exploration games, but we never actually got around to doing that", Coco says. "I don't think I am interested in shooting and fighting games, though."

"Sounds good", Coco nods at the mention of the sports store. Then again, she doesn't really needs to buy anything if she picks up swimming. But she will see.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I don't know, but won't we have to like open every meet with an announcement?" Yuuto asks. "I'd worry that someone would want to cause you harm or try to capture you." He admits quietly, even if he'd do everything he could to protect her.

"I like racing and party games, admittedly." comes his comment as they walk out of the store towards the sports shop. "Things that people can play together. I mean, I do have other type games, but I figured like... a party game would be fun with us and maybe some friends?" he suggests.

As they walk by, the pair come upon a small bridal boutique. They are just setting out their summer wedding specials - for those that plan that far in advance. As he takes in the dresses and the way they look, his hand finds hers again, holding it warmly. Clearly his mind has ideas.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Oh, I got around the seafoam problem", Coco mentions to Yuuto. "So I won't dissolve anymore if I reveal I am a mermaid. From now on, I can cease to worry about it. Though, the rain is always gonna be an annoyance." Best to have a trusty umbrella handy in rainy seasons. "And, don't worry, I am used to abductions tentatives."

Coco mulls it over when Yuuto mentions party games. Sure, doing things with friends is always fun, but she is still not sold entirely. Depends on the party game presumably. Racing doesn't sound too bad. "Maybe, it could be fun. What party games are there besides racing?"

Coco's thoughts likewise linger in the same direction as Yuuto when she notices the bridal boutique. She examines all the exquisite dresses, her eyes lost in the vision in future when they stop on a strapless wedding dress with juliet sleeves and folds in the cloth all over the skirt.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"How did you get around that?" Yuuto asks curiously, and confusion colors his features. Did she give up on being a Princess? He doesn't know what happened, but something did - and now he's feeling left out of the loop. But it's her life, her choice. He's just here as her prospective partner.

"It's like a board game that you play on the console instead. You roll the dice, move some spaces and then there's a little mini game, and you collect coins and stars to win." he explains.

But as they slow outside the bridal store, he turns to watch her, and when she comes to a stop in front of one dress, he looks it over, and then his attention is on his mermaid. "...do you want to try it on?" he asks her curiously. "I mean, we probably have a couple of years, still... but I'm willing to wait if you want to?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Did I ever mention something called the legendary spiral shell?" Coco asks. "It is a mystical artifact that exudes blessings. Last time it was seen was in Sara's kingdom in Indian Ocean. I was looking for it earlier and I found it, and used its powers in conjunction with the Sealing Key to make it so I would no longer dissolve."

A virtual board game? Well, that sounds fun. None of the board games she knows make for a mental image of an annoying video game. "That sounds fun, I can do it", Coco informs Yuuto.

Coco is wide-eyed at Yuuto's proposal, her heart joyfully beating hard then. "Try it on? That would be nice. But I don't know about the boutique owner. Will they let me try even if we don't mean to buy?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"That sounds dangerous, especially if it was near Sara. You sure you're okay?" Yuuto pauses for a moment. "I'm glad you found it, but wow... how long were you looking?" He's imagning the vastness of the ocean, and Coco searching it for a shell. She probably had a way that made it easier.

"Okay, we'll plan to do that one night." he agrees, trying to stop his own heart from racing as he squeezes her hand.

He can practically feel her pulse as her own heart races at the idea of trying on the dress. "I... I don't know. I've never done this before." he admits. "Maybe if we tell her that we plan to marry in the near future, she'll let you, I mean..." he considers. "I could put my ring on your finger so we look more properly engaged?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco shakes her head. "Sara doesn't go there anymore. It is an unpleasant place for her. Too many memories." As for she found it... "Sara had sealed her most painful feelings inside that shell, way back then when she still hadn't gone dark. It didn't do much to stop the outbreak of her powers, but using something to reproduce her voice, I was able to have it resonate stronger. All I had to do after is sing for a while to purify it of the dark energy from Sara's negative feelings."

"So now I don't have to worry about people discovering me. I guess all that's left is whether they will allow a mermaid to take part in a swimming competition", she tells Yuuto, a bit miffed at the possibility.

The yellow mermaid bites her lips as she considers her proposal. Sure, the ring she gave him is adjustable since she didn't know his fit when she made it, but is it really fair? Perhaps, she can at least a small remuneration so it isn't completely bad? "Well, ok, let's do it. Please, give me the ring."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I see... well, if that's what you wanted, I am happy for you. And I'm sure that Cho will be happy that she doesn't have to announce that you're a mermaid with every new person you meet like some type of royal cryer." Yuuto looks a little amused at that.

"I'm sure if they'll allow it for anyone, it will be for you." he offers to her encouragingly.

But, she asks for the ring. And he volunteered it. At the same time, however. "...this is the first time I've taken it off for something other than a shower." he admits quietly to her. His hand goes down to his finger, and he turns the ring to loosen it and slip it off his hand.

But instead of just handing it to her, he takes her left hand and lifts it. A small kiss is placed on the top of her hand, before he slides the ring on her ring finger, setting it gently in place so he can adjust it. And as he does so, his eyes gleam with the emotions he feels for her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"What do you mean by 'if it's what I wanted'? Which part?" Coco asks confused. This is only a positive change, so she isn't sure about the hesitation.

His appreciation is noted when he mentions the rarity with which he takes it off and she gives his hand a gentle squeeze in response. He is so sweet, she is going to have to exercise even harder to make sure she doesn't put on weight by his mere presence.

And then a wide and intense smile is added when he does that kiss, her eyes just as full of her feelings for him.

Then the duo approach an employee, and through the employee, their request reaches the relevant chain of command and their request is granted. A quick change of clothes, and soon enough Coco is gleefully wearing the dress, standing in front of Yuuto with an advance feeling of what will actually await them. "How does it look on me?" she happily asks.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"No, it's a good thing! I'm just a worrier, you know that." Yuuto offers with a smile, a quick kiss to her cheek to rassure her. But then, he puts that ring on her finger, and every doubt and worry he has is just gone. It's still a bit off, but he hopes to do this for realsies.

As Coco is ushered off towards the back, he's kind of sitting in a chair a bit nervously as he waits for her to return to him.

And when she does... she's resplendent in white. The blonde, lightly tanned beauty is an absolute sea godess in the dress and his eyes are reflecting the words he's finding it impossible to find. "...Coco. You're..." He just grins widely. He approves. He so approves. Hopefully it's not bad luck to see your bride in her wedding dress at least a year in advance?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
How can it be bad luck when Coco gets to see him radiating so much happiness at the sight of her? She certainly feel blessed then, and she is quick to let him know that with a kiss on his lips. "I am glad you like it so much, and that I made the right choice. It's a pity we have to leave it behind", Coco tells him. Sure, she has the money to buy it anyway, but she can't just return to Radiant Heart with a wedding dress in her possession. "I hope it will at least be here when it's our turn" Coco smiles, passing a gloved hand over his.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Returning her kiss, Yuuto grins widely. "Just for now. We'll come back when it's our turn." he offers to her, confident that they are going to have their turn. "And even if the fade may come for me... I am going to carve your name so deeply on my heart that it will be impossible for me to forget you." he promises.

And his hand turns over, squeezing her gloved one before he releases it gently so she can go to change back into her normal outfit.