1220/Toning Your Vocal Chords

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Toning Your Vocal Chords
Date of Scene: 02 March 2024
Location: Karaoke Crown
Synopsis: Yuuto and Coco spend time at Karaoke Crown, singing sweet love songs at each other, and when an accidental spill locks her into her mermaid form for a while, Yuuto lovingly princess carries her back.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Yuuto Shiraishi

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco has been wanting to do a musical activity with Yuuto for a while, so she has booked a place at Karaoke, a single room in the basement for the two of them to sing at their pleasure with noone to bother them, with the exception of the waitress that occasionally brings them their order.

An intercom is installed into the wall, allowing the two of them to call up the personnel when they need something. They will probably need drinks at least later with all that singing.

Coco isn't actually singing yet: she is scrolling through the selection of songs and letting Yuuto do the same. She also hopes he will be the one to jump onto the occasion since she has already sung in front of him in the past. Failing that, she is totally accepting his recommendation.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
When Coco recommended this date, Yuuto seemed shy. After all, when your fiancee is the singing voice of the South Pacific, you kind of pale in comparison. But he agreed to it, trying to come further out of the shell that she discovered him in - and be as confident in himself as he is with others.

So there he stands with Coco, his arms around her waist as he holds her loosely from behind, his head on her shoulder as she scrolls the list. "You have to promise not to break up with me when you learn how terrible I am." he comments, a light kiss against the side of her neck.

From all the sounds of it, seems like Yuuto is going to be willing and able to sing in front of her. After all - they are alone, noone else is around, and he has the attention of the blonde mermaid all to himself. "You can do milkshakes, right? I know that fizzy pop is a no-go for you."

And then when she scrolls past one song, one arm releases from hers to scroll back to it. "This is the one I choose." he decides, untangling from her as he grins. "Remember, no breaking up with me." A wink,.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco being the singing voice of the South Pacific isn't really something she is taking into account. They are having a relaxing time, not taking part in a competition with a prize on the line. She may have a competitive spirit when that is the case, but as things stand, she is not having a problem in the world.

And him closely embracing her is one of the best ways to relax, and as a result she is leaning against him, while she is checking out every song, giving priority to pop songs like he had told her comprises one of his preferences.

"All carbonated beverages are a no-go for mermaids," she confirms and clarifies, wanting to avoid getting to drink any even by mistake. She is so not looking forward to what would happen if it were given to her witnout paying attention to the content.

"Of course, I am not breaking up with you over a song", Coco reassures him. It would be honestly really dumb of her if she lets go of someone who is so perfect just because he might not have a perfect singing voice. She squeezes his hand as reassurance before he goes towards the singing section of the room and begins.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I warned you." Yuuto disengages, heading up to the little stage in the private room, and takes the little x marked on the floor. As the screens light up with a pretty image of an oceanic paradise, a peppy upbeat tempo starts. And then the words appear, and Yuuto's emerald eyes light up. He has a voice that's better suited for the shower and the song really doesn't marry well with his voice, but he's pouring his heart into it.

There's something in the air and I'm feeling it,
'Cause we've got everything, we could ever need,
No better time to be alive.
Yeah, we've come so far, now we're looking forward,
To a brand new start, fire in our hearts.
We'll never let these memories die.

As he enters into the chorus, his foot is tapping against the floor, the toe of his sneaker keeping time to the beat of the song, as he raises is emerald eyes to meet Coco's gold ones. He pulls the mic from it's stand, a little walk towards the young woman that this song is aimed directly at. And he continues to sing as he leans in close to her, almost close enough to kiss.

While we flow with the summer winds,
Feel the sunlight upon my skin,
Nothin' can take these stories from us.

And just as his lips are going to brush hers, he pulls back, both hands grasping the microphone as he belts out the chorus. It's clear that Coco will be the one that handles the singing duties in the future, but he is putting all of his affection into the attempt to serenade his girlfriend and stand with her on that stage that so far has been hers alone.

Can't help but be excited,
When we're together, can't hide it!
I-I love, love feelin' it all!
I-I love, love feelin' it all!

I'm on fire, I'm ignited,
Love always wins so why fight it?
I-I love, love feelin' it all!
I-I love, love feelin' it all!

The song continues on a bit longer, before starting to fade, leaving Yuuto, heart-racing, standing on the stage as he slips the microphone back into place, and his cheeks flustered into a bright red that warms his skin as he bites down on his lower lip nervously.

(* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwSAHPXuSes - Annie Sollange - Feelin' It All)

Coco Kiumi has posed:
He warned her, and so what? She warned him that that would in no way cause a fracture in their relationship. And so she listens. More than anything, she wants to hear the passion in his voice. That's what she really cares about.

And then, so it begins. The voice of his love filling the room, and enveloping her in that feeling. Who cares if he thinks his voice can't compare to her? She couldn't ask for a better performance, with all the care and dedication he is pouring in.

And he definitely delivers a lively performance and she can't help but smirk as her heart beats way faster when he teases that kiss. He really isn't holding back in any fashion, is he~

When the song ends, Coco is left admitingly gazing at him, and she needs a few seconds for her to get her voice back. "That was awesome, Yuuto", Coco exclaims, her voice full of that love he transmitted to her, and now she wants to transmit back. "I think you did incredibly, so when I give you my answer, please, don't think badly of yourself, because it was truly great."

And with that, she steps onto the stage, waiting for them to trade spots, and after he does and the song is selected, she starts singing her own passion to him.

As hoarsely my voice is screaming to save you from your pain
I don't know what I can do but our hearts are always together

Right now still (uncertain) clumsy (even me)
Don't give up on happiness
I don't want to stand still any time

It's a very lively coreography with lots of twirls, side movements, and glides, never truly breaking eye contact with him even as she turns around, her gaze always fixed precisely onto him when she comes back to the front.

Ahead of the light from before the sky that opens up our futures
To connect (a bond) in Love (to deliver) to fly beyond the border
Let the beat of hope have a layer
Every time I wake up in resonance with you I'll become stronger
I won't lose (power) in love (ring) even to the end of the world
Receiving feelings of the greatest courage

Surely anyone is important hugging things that aren't negotiable
What I've been, you say, I'm not deprived, the real dream is forever invincible

She winks at him, reaching over to brush his cheek with all the loveliness she can impart onto it, before pulling back with a pirouette.

This wall (We have overcome) if it's me (I'll change)
I'm no longer afraid of a pinch
We are definitely fine

Rushing to the other side of the darkness believe in the morning dawn, so let's go
All alone (as each) in love (to protect)
a smile too and kindness too
I'll show you I can all make it happen
Because of this courage, I'm connected to you so, I'll become stronger
Not disappearing (wish) in love (to wrap)
happiness is joyful
Right here, the light was born in my chest

Coco is fully into the rhythm of the song, and her eyes too are shining with light, light for him that is never going to be spent, everlasting and unchanging.

Ahead of the light from before the sky that opens up our futures
To connect (a bond) in love (to deliver) to fly beyond the border
Let the beat of hope have a layer
Every time I wake up in resonance with you I'll become stronger
I won't lose (power) in love (ring) even to the end of the world
Receiving feelings of the greatest courage


Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As he settles back into his seat, Yuuto watches Coco as she offers her thoughts and feelings on the matter, easily able to see her emotions in her golden eyes. He really did want to kiss her - but for the moment, she has denied him so that she may deliver her answer in song.

She takes the stage and as her song begins, Yuuto is immediately taken in, caressed by the lovely tone in his mermaid's voice. It's said in rumors and fiction that a mermaid's song was the siren that drove men to dash their ships upon rocks, or to abandon themselves to be with that lovely sound.

Yuuto can understand those things now, as he hears her song on his ears and his heart in enraptured and taken in. She is a natural idol, he could never compete, he can only hope to accompany her on the journey, to be her most ardent fan and loving supporter.

Her hand grazes his cheek and he feels a shiver of excitement that she is uniquely responsible for. But her song seems all-too-brief and he's left yearning for more as it starts to come to a close, even as there is a knock on the door to announce the arrival of the drinks they had ordered.

"...oh gosh, Coco." he whispers, his voice in awe, his heart racing, a pleasing buzz in his body that tells him exactly how in love he is with the Princess as he clutches his hands together. "I... I..." he just lets out a sigh of warm feelings and just hands to his heart. She's won him over. Again. Like she seems to do every single time they're together.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
When her song is done, Coco's joy shines brilliantly both from having been able to sing again, and from the positive reception equally clear on Yuuto's face and words. "Thank you", she says ardently, approaching him to give out that kiss he had denied her, a quick encounter of their lips before she goes back to her seat as the knock of the staff bringing the drinks is heard at the door.

"Please, come in", Coco says, and the waitress obliges, heading into Coco's direction as the one who called her in. She doesn't actually reaches her destination however, as she trips on an inconvienent power cord, sending the drinks flying through the air, the liquid landing on Coco. "Wha-" she barely has the time to explain before the woman explodes into frantic apologies, saying she will be back with something to dry her and new drinks.

As soon as she rushes out, Coco's pearl inside the pendant emits a strong yellow light, and as the mermaid is busy drying her face, her transformation fails her, returning her to her natural form. "Heh", she exclaims nervously. "How do we go back to the dorms now? I won't be able to transform again for a while." And she certainly doesn't intend on staying there.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
The kiss is warm, affectionate, magical in fact, despite the briefness of it. Yuuto is just happy to have her attention like that. But then, before his eyes, disaster happens. As the drinks are spilt, Coco is the one that takes the brunt of it, and the door just manages to close before Coco goes full mermaid on him.

"Oh no..." he worries, making his way to her, grabbing several napkins to help get the drink off of her.

His focus is on her question, and he makes a decision. "I'll get you out of here." he promises her, a kiss to her forehead. "Tinker, we ready?"

Tinker, the little chubby mechanical fairy, pops out of his watch. "You got it, Yuuto!"

A press of his watch and he henshins from Yuuto into Steam Sentinel Propel. Once he's changed, he kneels down, his googles lifted up so that he can look into her eyes. "I got you." he promises, his arms slipping beneath Yellow Voice, lifting her off the ground in a bridal carry and holds her close to him. "Hold on tight."

With that, he opens the door, and heads out, his direction aimed to the back exit of the establishment where he can start to put on some speed to get her back to campus. "We need to get you to your dorm, right?" he asks her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is considering how to proceed from there, not really wanting to stay here when a mermaid would attract undue attention. She isn't in a panic since she doesn't risk dissolving anymore, but the matter of the fact is she has to wait until she can transform back to truly go anywhere.

And she is so lost in her own thoughts that she hasn't registered Yuuto transforming, much less approaching her. So an "ah" of surprise can be heard when the Steam Sentinel pick her up, before finally hearing him say he got her and to hold tight.

"Thank you", Coco smiles, linking her arms around neck and leaning into the carry. Of course, this is a really simple solution, but she is extremely glad he offered, and at least the fact he is in his henshin makes her feel less worried about the weight of her tail getting in the way. "Yes, to the dorm, please."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Yuuto is pretty strong anyway. The main reason that he henshined becomes obvious once they are outside. His arms tighten on the mermaid and he starts to skate, going faster and faster as he puts on the speed, cruising down the streets of the city towards the school.

This is the first time he's held her out of the water like this and he's realizing how warm and soft she is and that she just feels so nice to hold onto. Even her tail is comfortable, adjusting his grip so that she is more comfortable in his arms.

The city buzzes by them, a blur of lights and signs as he checks on her from time to time, emerald eyes looking her over as they arrive at the campus. It's only once they are there and coming up on the side entrance of the girls dorm that he changes back. "Let's get you up to your room." he offers, willing to get her there. "I... I'm sorry our date had to end early." he admits quietly. It's not her fault, he just cherishes every moment he gets with her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
This is quite the new experience for Coco, going anywhere on land in her mermaid form, even if it's not by her own power still. And at that speed, the air brushing against her fins definitely feels weird. However she can definitely appreciate the fact he is holding onto her in a way that makes it much easier to hold a comfortable position.

Once she is inside Coco's eyes gleam with happiness and relief, even as she is back into her normal form. Her fish half isn't exactly all that light, equipped as it is for the underwater spaces. "It's ok, neither of us expected this happening. Thanks for bringing me all the way over here. You can leave me outside the door of my and Cho's room. Here is definitely safer than the karaoke", she comments. The keys aren't available in this form after all.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
There's a moment when they arrive at Coco's door that she asks him to leave her outside. There's a blink of Yuuto's eyes, and he looks utterly confused. "There is not a chance I'm doing that." he says to her, eyes narrowing a little.

What type of boyfriend would he be if he just dumped Coco at the door and left her there. Slipping down on to the floor, he holds onto Coco, bringing his knees up to hold her closely to him. "I will keep you company either until you change back, or Cho arrives." he states resolutely, unwilling to just abandon her like that. He leans in, nuzzling his nose to hers.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco very much appreciates having company, even as he would lose nothing from leaving her here like she asked. There is certainly not a better feeling than having such a thoughtful boyfriend together with her. "Aren't you so awesome?" Coco laughs with happiness as he slides to the ground. "It was odd moving through the streets like that, but your embrace, it feels really good", she confides.

She then hums to him the song she sang as her thanks for the next 2 minutes, until she feels the ability to transform return to her. She lets herself get up when she regains her legs and with a kiss, she exclaims "Thank for the wonderful date."