1269/A Glimmer in the Distance

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Glimmer in the Distance
Date of Scene: 13 March 2024
Location: Dusk Boundary
Synopsis: Glimmer finds herself in a very, very strange place... And Riventon runs into a new resident of the dusk zone. Unfortunately, there is a small breakdown of communication.
Cast of Characters: Glimmer Brightmoon, Takashi Agera

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
A massive pillar of white light was kiiiiiind of hard to miss.

Especially in the dusk zone. A place that, on its best days, was known as being 'A little barren of things like color, hope, light and even life'.

Weird how things could be moving and attacking while not really being alive.

Glimmer, however, was less than amused. Ending up in the barren, bleak, desolate planet... It had to be one of Horde Prime's. Of course. Well, no matter.

... The biggest concern was how her *Moonstone* ended up here. Had it come with her? Had it been captured and moved here? Had whatever she'd done transferred it here? Was it even hers and instead something that just appeared to be it, enough that she was attuned to it? SHE DIDN'T KNOW! SHE WASN'T ENTRAPTA!

Instead, sparkles formed from her hands as she unleashed lights and sparkles at the strange creatures that had responded to her 'beacon for help'.

"You know, you could help!" she yelled, her voice going extra high pitched for a moment when she glared at Melog. The cat looked at her and yawned.

"Of course!" she snapped, before launching another blast.

What had Horde Prime DONE to this world? Well... no matter. Horde Prime was gone, so once someone from them responded.... She'd jsut say she was Horde Prime. Her disguise would surely fool them. And if Not-Hordak had taught her anything, it was these clones were INCREDIBLY gullible and wanted to believe anything. From there, she could connect with the rebellion, maybe undermine them from the inside out. The rebellion had been crushing them anyway.

Finally, those creatures were leaving and she could breath. Still... the pillar of light was fading out. It was time to see what--

"YEOUCH!" Glimmer yelped, pulling her hand back and into the glow of the Moonstone. Whatever that... stuff... was... out there? It wasn't... nice.

The very air outside of the Moonstone's radius... was borderline corrosive. Slowly, she pulled back from the edge and moved back against her stone, slowly slumping down and sighing. "Well... At least I'm not alone... right?" she asked Melog.

Melog merely gave a light mrowl at her.

"... Yeah, I know."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi Agera would contest some of those assertions; life didn't have to match up with the way things were on the other side, in the brighter world, to be life. Norie would feel that way, too.

    But it was certainly not a normal place, the Dusk Zone - even Takashi would have to admit that the place was clearly some sort of funhouse mirror of the 'normal' world - a darker reflection where things made far less sense. And he had seen a lot of things that make less sense.

    Though it felt normal to him, a thing at odds with the fact that he knew fruit wasn't supposed to fizz like soda, or fly, and birds weren't supposed to have sharp metal teeth. The individual parts of the Dusk Zone still weirded him out, but being here was calming. There was Dark Energy... everywhere.

    Everywhere except the giant bright pillar he became aware of. There were a lot of colors you could see in the Dusk Zone, even some colors that didn't match anything you could see out of it - but searing bright white or pink was more out of place than bright purples or sickly greens.

    Takashi Agera henshined into Riventon before moving any further. But it wasn't out of fear so much as confusion - what could possibly be causing that, here? Axion informed him it wasn't just annoyingly bright Dark Energy, either. That energy signature didn't belong here.

Moving closer, he could see that sort of barrier with... a girl and a crystal inside of it? None of the energy readings Axion was pinging back to him were familiar. So there was only one thing to do - observe closer.

    The boy in the armored lab coat walks up to the barrier, to the radius of air that the Moonstone cleansed, and the girl, crystal, and also some sort of phantom cat that actually looked like it might belong in the Dusk Zone seemed to be within. For a moment, he just paced.

    "Hey, who the hell are you?" He asks after making a complete circle.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Melog noticed him first. Something... outside the circle. Its ears twitched, but it didn't move. Glimmer sighed and muttered something to it. She knew. It was... something.

For now, she sat here and recharged. Basked in the glow of the Moonstone. The circle around her was, bit by bit, getting smaller...

Then something yelled at her.

And she yelled back! It was... it made no sense. But the tone was familiar. It was very familiar. The tone was very much 'Oh yeah? If you think you're so tough, come and MAKE me!'

Her eyes were locked on the edge, trying to peer through it. There was... something out there. But whatever language it had spoken in, if that was a language and not some kind of weird animal sounds, she couldn't be certain.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon cautiously stuck his left hand into the circle, and then pulled it back out. Maybe not the safest experiment ever, but Riventon was not the safest experimenter ever either.

    When that didn't seem to injure him he stuck his hand in further and then finally followed that up with the whole rest of him after. And now he could see the girl? and cat? And absolutely a magic crystal, which he was frankly the most interested in. But the girl wasn't really... she didn't belong here. There wasn't Dark Energy in the circle.

    "Oh, I get it, you can't go outside. This is a safe zone. That's interesting." He says to her, as though she can understand him.

    Then he walks over to get a closer look (and data) off the strange crystal.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Annnnd... she was right. Green eyes. Silver hair. Destruction all around.

... And he looked almost human. A reject? An original? Perhaps an ancient clone? How long did clones live for? Meh. Close enough. She rose to her feet and yelled something to him, an arrogant smirk on her lips, before a staff appeared in her right hand, which she slammed on the ground...

... She obviously expected him to do... something. Or say... something.

Instead, he said more gibberish. Aaaand now she looked annoyed, yelling more things at him.

Until he got closer to the Moonstone. She disappeared, appearing in front of him and between him and the Moonstone in a flash of sparkles, her staff pointed daaaaangerously close to his face. Then... her eyes went wide. She rolled her eyes and the... staff disappeared? She clapped her hands together and pulled them apart. A magical circle he'd never seen before appeared between her hands, enlarging between it. She then swirled her finger and weird symbols appeared all across it... and she pushed it forward.

A moment later it would surge forward! INTO AND THROUGH HIM!

... And nothing happened. She said something? But it made no sense.

... She didn't do the spell right.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    She seems angry. But not... dangerous. Especially not when whatever she did went through him with no discernable effects (and Axion told him no effects it could notice either). Still, someting about her feels like something he'd seen before.

    Well, besides the fact that she was kind of pink and sparkly, but he'd seen far too much of that in his life to associate it with any particular thing anyways.

    Still, they weren't communicating directly and that was a problem. And he couldn't really take her out of here right now. He thought about just punting her back with a blast of energy to get at the crystal, but in the end that wasn't who he was.

    "Tell you what, I'm gonna go find something that will allow you to talk to me - or me to you - or whatever - and if you're not still here when I get back, hey, free giant magic crystal. And cat, I guess. Norie would love that cat."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon just stared at him, muttering... something again. She swirled a finger, another circle... and nothing happened. It just went through him. Finally, her eyes perked up and... then she did it once more.


... A truth spell. She had, in fact, gotten it right in the end. A shame NOTHING HE SAID SHE COULD UNDERSTAND!

And then she smirked, saying something to him, before gesturing with his hand to say something.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Still nothing came through. "I cannot understand you and it's frustrating." he says. Then blinks. That didn't sound entirely like him. "I don't want to leave you here but I'm not sure what I can do." He says, and then blinks again.

    Axion pings and notes that something has happened.

    "So I don't know what you did - but... I don't like it. I hope you're not gone when I get back WHY DID I SAY THAT."

    If the words don't get through, his frustration is clear in his voice as he kind of stomps his foot.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon sighs a few times and just... face palms. One hand over her eyes while she shook her head. The staff appeared in her hand and she started... doodling. On the dirt. With the stick. She drew a circle, with light coming off it. And a stick figure. And a little cat stick figure. She then drew another stick figure, pointing to him.

She then drew an arrow pointing away.... to where she drew... a... ship? A boat? With... a weird fin on the bottom that went really far down.

Then tapped on the drawing. Drawing little stick figure him on it (you could tell, cause it had longer hair than the other stick figure). And another arrow, pointing... back to the rock.

She then looked to him, wondering if THAT was understood.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon looked at the drawings for a while, and then shook his head. "I don't have a ship and I'm not coming back with one." He says, and then glares, not at her but at himself. The magic was different, Axion couldn't tie it to Hinoiri's or anyone else's he'd encountered recently. "Look, I'm coming back with a rice ball so I can talk to you and if I have to force feed it to you I'm not going to deal with stick figure drawings in the dirt."

    "Besides, you can't stay here forever anyways and you look like the type to try to fight me if I try to move you so we gotta get stuff cleared up."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a soft sigh and... he shook his head. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! She yelled something at him, before stomping the staff on the ground, then pointing a finger back out into the dusk zone.

Sparkles formed in her left hand and she shot the ground, leaving a crater in it and...

Then shook her head. Reaching up, an arcane circle appeared under her. She waved her hand and it expanded, spreading across the ground... expanded the area that the gem's light was protecting. With that done, she moved back to the Moonstone and leaned against it, staff disappearing and arms crossing. Glaring at him. Obviously telling him to 'get on with what I told you'.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    More out of spite and grouchiness than anything else, Riventon pointed his palm down and fired a small, unfocused blast of Dark Energy at the same place she shot the ground. Leaving a bigger crater than hers did. He shook his head at her, turned on his heel in an about face, and walked out. But he sure as hell wasn't going to get a ship he didn't have.

    "I hope Majorina doesn't put me through too much of a ringer for her help..." he says out loud, to no one. Since obviously the only person who POSSIBLY could hear him clearly couldn't UNDERSTAND HIM. ARGH.