1280/No Longer a Dream

From Radiant Heart MUSH

No Longer a Dream
Date of Scene: 14 March 2024
Location: Dream Kingdom
Synopsis: Yuuto surprises (except she totally knew) Coco on White Day with a trip to the Ferris Wheel and a promise for the future.
Cast of Characters: Yuuto Shiraishi, Coco Kiumi

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
It's been a day for Yuuto. A good day. A nervous day. He's been a little bundle of happy nerves the whole day, right up until he was waiting outside of the Dream Kingdom. Having dressed up, he's wearing a suit jacket of black, with a white undershirt and a tie of the same yellow as his girlfriend's hair. Her ring sits on his finger, along with the henshin device at his wrist, and finished off with slacks and a pair of tennis shoes, just to be comfortable in walking around in.

He's waiting near the entrance, a smile that can't be moved for now on his face as he watches, waiting to see when he catches sight of Coco. She knows what day it is, and that this is probably special - so he's excited to see what she shows up in.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco of course knows this is White Day, and the fact that Yuuto has chosen to buy tickets to Dream Kingdom has definitely given her the message that this is definitely meant to be not just special, but very special. She has been eagerly waiting out the clock all day until it is finally time for her to go there.

For the date, she has chosen to wear a light orange blouse with short sleeves and a flowy midi skirt in a soft pastel purple. On top of that she is wearing a pastel green blazer.

On her feet she is wearing a pair of pastel purple flats with countless small pearls across the shoes' rim. Her ears are accessorised with silver hoop earrings, while she has styled her hair in a french twist.

With her she is carrying a dusty rose frame bag, while she has applied a subtle layer of rosy makeup on her cheeks, while a red lipstick on her lips.

"Hey, Yuuto!", Coco greets eagerly. "I am finally here!", she exclaims, diving into a loving kiss as she brings her arms to grasp his shoulders, as she keeps him close.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
When she arrives, Yuuto's face lights up in delight at seeing how nice his Princess looks today. As she approaches, the teenager doesn't remain rooted in place, instead, he makes the move to meet the mermaid halfway, his arms around Coco's waist to lift her a little into that kiss that the two share outside. And he lingers with her for several seconds in that moment.

Finally setting her back on her feet, he grins. "Ready?" he asks, displaying the pair of tickets, his hand slipping into hers. "You look amazing." he admits to her quietly as he leads her to the front gates and the ticket booth so that they can enter the park.

And he's looking around at the rides, but Coco may catch him taking longer than usual glances at the Ferris Wheel, as if he's contemplating when he wants to go there, even as he bounces on the balls of his feet, looking around. "Where would you like to start?" he asks her, giving her this opprotunity to pick what they do first.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco has an amused smirk when her boyfriend decides to lift her before their join each other in that sweet kiss. The kiss has to be broken eventually, and Coco is let go. "Wanted to start by showing off?", she observes, going at his side and linking her arm with his.

"Well, it was definitely fun", Coco remarks. She didn't expected that experience to be actually kind of nice. She gives him one more kiss, on the cheek this time, when she gets complimented. "I knew you would appreciate this", Coco replies. "This is our special day, and I wanted to make sure we started it off well."

While they walk into the park, Coco catches those glances to the Ferris Wheel, which makes her quietly giggle as she lovingly clings closer. He has to be realising how obvious he is being, right? "Let's ride the Ferris Wheel", she replies once asked where she would want to start.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
He is broadcasting harder than a cable television network, it's true. When Coco catches on and asks for the Ferris Wheel first, Yuuto's cheeks go bright with blush. "O-okay! Great idea, Coco!" Cause it's totally Coco's idea now. A grip of her hand, and he's turning to head towards the amusement ride.

He's trying so hard not to be obvious, and just clearly failing at it all. Getting into the queue for the ride, there's bouncing on the balls of his feet, a few breaths taken - almost as if he's trying to prep for a track meet, not to go on a ride with his girlfriend.

Arriving at the front of the line, as the carriage is opened, Yuuto gestures for Coco to enter first, and as she does, he takes a small token - bought before Coco arrived - from his pocket and hands it to the attendant. Once that's done, there's a subtle nod before he joins her in the car.

There's usually room for four - but in this case, there's only the two of them. Something that he paid for, perhaps that's what the token was for? And settling in next to her so that they can look out the ocean side, he grins. "You ready?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Sure, her idea. Totally. Though, even if she proposed this for Yuuto, it's still something she would enjoy, so even if he later catches on, she will totally reassure him, it's fun for her too.

And Coco definitely looks the part too, with a very bright smile on her face that is broadcasting to Yuuto just how excited she is being at their date together, if somehow he missed it earlier.

Yuuto sure was lucky that the cabin he reserved was the one in front of them when they arrived, Coco thinks as she catches the token being given while she gets into the small space of their ride. What does he intend to do here, one would wonder, right?

"I am ready", Coco smiles back, as she reserves a glance outside to the pretty view of the ocean. It adds a quite special touch to the date that her home is in sight. "The view is almost as beautiful as you", Coco flirts a bit with Yuuto.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Yuuto is blissfully unaware that Coco is onto his plan. Once he's settled into next to his girlfriend, there's a gentle lean into her as the ride starts, taking them around on that horizon changing ride a couple of times.

When she compliments him, he blushes, brushing some hair over his ear, which of course, shows off the ring she put on his finger. "I dunno, you're right next to me, and you eclipse us both, Coco-chan." he admits to her.

And it just about then that suddenly, the Ferris Wheel comes to a halt. They are at the apex of the ride, with the best view of the ocean and the setting sun, and Yuuto moves, shifting away from Coco as he takes a seat across from her. "So..." he starts, drawing in a breath.

"From the day we met, you have been as constant as the tide, the waves of your love washing over me with every breath I take..." he admits to her quietly. "And ever since we've met, I've known I want more and more of your time. Every adventure we go on, good and bad, only builds on my thoughts of a future with you forever." he admits to her quietly.

Emerald eyes explore Coco as he talks, drinking in how lovely she is, how wonderful she's become to him. "You asked me if I wanted to become a merperson to spend my days with you, to find a way so that I do not lose the memory of you. Of us. There's no way I could do that, if I wanted to. I mean, losing the memory of you."

"But I want to make sure of that, Princess Coco." he admits quietly to her. "So..."

His hand goes into his pocket to pull out a small navy ring box and he swallows. "Coco... you mean everything to me. You have my heart and my hand. I will stand beside you, I will never betray your heart. I will be the one you can smile with, I will be the one that you can lean on. I will be the one you can cry to. I want to be the one next to you now and into the future. I want your hand in mine as we take every step forward from here on out."

He opens the box, to show of a silver ring with a small stone set in it, already sized for her hand - he held that measurement the one time she wore his ring. "Coco, will you accept my oath and promise to be yours and only yours?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
And of course Yuuto leans close to her. What else is there to do in a cabin as small as this? The most important thing though, it's that it's just the two of them, so Coco figures that it is going to happen here, her eyes filling with excitement.

And she is looking at Yuuto with clear anticipation for the surprise he has reserved her. He has been clearly working on this a lot, and there is the clear feeling that she can't believe she lucked out on someone as earnest as him.

"I don't agree on that", Coco replies coming closer to him. "If you want to compliment me, you don't have to disparage yourself. You are really special to me, and I don't want you to feel you are any lesser than me. Because you aren't." And she is going to bet her everything on this.

Coco's heart starts beating fast when she hears his speech, the emotion of the moment definitely getting to her. "I am glad that you want to take that step with me, Yuuto", Coco says reaching over to squeeze his hand.

"I don't know if you can tell, but you have brought so much joy to my life, joy that I didn't even think possible, and you have been there even when I have not been feeling exactly on top of things."

Is this really her life? Yes, it is. "And I want you to get at least some of that back, because you are amazing, kind, and do so many great things, so I accept your oath and promise, and will do everything in my power to make you happy forever, whatever may come. Will you too accept my oath and promise to be yours and only yours?" she asks as she looks over at the ring in wait with the acceptance of his promise.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
His hand is shaking as he takes hers, and she responds to him. They're close enough, he can smell the sweetness on her skin, the softness of her breath. As they confirm their love to the other, his hand squeezes hers, and then, shakily, he slips the ring on her left ring finger. "I'm going to ask you to marry me someday." he tells her in soft honesty. Today may not be a proposal, but it is a promise that he is for her alone.

"We will work together for our happiness." he promises her. "And Dark Lovers, Cogs, whatever may come, we shall face them together." His emerald eyes seek out the golden ones of the blondes. "This is also me asking you to prom. And to any dance that we may want to go to together after from here on out. You will always have a date." A moment of levity as he puts the ring in place, and when it comes to a stop, he smiles so brightly, as happy tears touch the corners of his eyes.

"I love you, Princess Coco. I accept your promise and oath."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That is if I don't do it first", Coco winks at him as she hears his definite promise of marriage. "But regardless of you doing it, or otherwise, I will be looking forward to that day, Yuuto. Just that the fact I know that day is coming, it makes me the happiest girl on the planet", she replies with no doubt that the life they share will just be amazing.

"We will be a great duo of mahous, you and I", Coco replies with only the purest convinction, as she moves in to cradle Yuuto's face in between her hands. "And I definitely accept your invitation to prom. I hope you will enjoy it so much. That is a Prince and Princess Prom, you know? You will be coming in as my Prince."

A breath of preparation. "Because I accept you are my Prince Consort already. We only need to make it official." And then a kiss, one she prolongs as long as she can. They just exchanged vows, so what better time to make him feel the ardent flame of her love?