1362/Jewels of the Prom
From Radiant Heart MUSH
Jewels of the Prom | |
Date of Scene: | 28 March 2024 |
Location: | Four Clover Mall |
Synopsis: | Unfinished. Amy and Hannah are excited about prom. |
Cast of Characters: | Hannah Steiner, Amanda Faust |
- Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah Steiner is here, at Clover Mall, on a MISSION! One of utmost importance to Great House Steiner! A lineage defining mission! Hannah grips her Device, one arm clutching one of the potential co-rulers of her House and World! Slowly, her attention turns to the fiery haired girl aside her!
"Mein liebling! We cannot falter here! We must be brave und THRIFTY yet spare no expense!" Comes Hannah, voice burning with passion! She clutches her wallet, with all the (little) coin she's managed to save up for this event!
"We must BECOME THE JEWELS OF THE PROM! Our attire shall shattered hearts like glass und spread jealousy like a plague!" Hannah's grinning!
"Thus, I place meinself in your care! Let us...BECOME FASHIONABLE!"
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy realized, shortly before prom, that she didn't have a dress. She borrowed one for the last dance, and uh, renting a tux isn't going to cut it. She vaguely recalls wondering why they had tux rentals for guys but not dress rentals for girls, way back when. Although, you could do the same thing by buying it, wearing it once, and then returning it. But 1: Hannah is undoubtedly too proud for that, and 2. if Amy actually likes how she looks in it no way is she giving the dress back.
So she expressed this concern to Hannah, and Hannah got all Belkan Royal and swept her along, and now they're here, at the mall, probably approaching a store full of fancy dresses which still sort of feels like it has a faint anti-Amy forcefield around it, albeit not as much as before.
But, she's smiling as they walk along, just... happy to be with Hannah. Happy to be treated like she's special and somehow is worth and deserves all this. Embarassed, but happy, at the absurd and fantastic suggestion that Amy could be one of the jewels of the prom; Well, okay, if she's prettied up enough any girl could, right? She just doesn't deserve it, since she only got this body in a contract, and cheated by wishing to be cute.
But Hannah talks like Amy does deserve it. And she's so darn insistant that maybe, just maybe, Amy can start to believe that even someone like her could deserve it, just a little, as a treat.
The spell of being swept along though, is broken as she realizes the last thing Hannah said, and her eyes go wide, the girl suddenly a nervous mess at being presented with a test she never prepared for. "I-i-in my care?? Hannah, I, I, I don't know anything about fashion and barely anything about shopping for clothes, especially women's clothes! Let alone how to get a great deal on them! I-I thought you..."
Hannah's done so much for her. It's not fair to make Hannah do everything.
The redhead straightens up. "I-I'll try my best. I can't promise I'll do well, but I'll try, OK?"
She looks at the nearby stores. "...Oh gosh. How can we even figure out which one has good deals without checking them all... um... maybe check websites for sales? Search social media for posts about getting good deals for them? Those could've been bought for advertising, though..."
- Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah Steiner can't, of course, fathom the idea of Amy /not deserving/ something. Part of it is her immense pride. She finds worth and contentment in her less confident beloved, even just being /around/ her is a pure pleasure. To her, Amy deserves the whole world, and her noble arrogance can't let her even ponder the opposite.
Which is exactly why all those shows of doubt keep slipping past her. She believes in Amy. But it's so hard to /see/ what she should to truly help her liebling!
Hannah barks out a laugh! "Mein maidservants always did the shopping! For obvious reasons, fashion is more a....thing I wear than a thing I understanden! Und so, I rely upon mein resourceful, precious, overthinking-prone liebling! If it stirs your heart wearing or seeing me in it, then we have succeeded!" Comes Hannah with a firm nod.
Then, rather than doddering over which store to assault? She slashes the air with her cane and vaguely starts her way towards a random store that seems like it might be for dresses! Amy might want to guide things here.
Nobles are always right, even when they're wrong, after all!
"It is about the hunt, not convenience, Amy-chan!" Offers Hannah!
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy blinks. "OH. Oh you meant because you're... yes, right," she covers her blushing face. Hannah may be able to handle the deal-getting part, but only someone with sight can really fully judge the results. OF COURSE. Hannah wasn't asking overmuch of her at all!
Amy follows, 'forcefield' forgotten as she keeps close to Hannah lest she... Belkan at some poor salesgirl.
It is a store with women's dresses. And tops. And bottoms. There are jeans in regular and pre-distressed varieties. There's an underwear section in the back.
Amy can spot somethings she recognizes: T-Shirts, shorts, pants, dresses, skirts... tops... Yeah. Out of curiousity, she glances at the pricetag at a nearby table of shorts, just to see. Like, women's-cut shorts might be nice! And then grimaces at the price tag.
It soon emerges that almost everything here is like. 60,000 to 150,000 yen sticker price (perhaps not as fancy as Hannah hoped...), but there are also sale signs all over the place saying anywhere from 30% to 70% off on various items.
Amy describes this for Hannah's benefit. "Why not just sell things at the prices they actually are then? Or is this some, they think women are bad at math and won't be able to figure out the true price, thing?"
A salesperson comes along and asks if she can help them find anything. "Uh..." Amy's not sure what to say about herself. But a thought enters her head:
"Hannah, um... were there any way people... described the clothes they said looked good on you before? Maybe that could help us narrow down some styles to try first."