1376/Delicious In Dorm Room, Episode 1 -- Move-In Day!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Delicious In Dorm Room, Episode 1 -- Move-In Day!
Date of Scene: 02 April 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Rashmi, Wako, and Chiyo are going to be roommates from now on.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios, Wako Agemaki, Chiyo Sakai

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Spring has sprung, at the beginning of the school year! A season of new classes, new challenges, new memories... And for some, new living arrangements.

Still sniffling from the farewell her parents had given her -- and the farewell party they'd thrown her the night before -- Rashmi steps out of the elevator, scooting off to one side and pausing to manage the the bags being lugged in her wake. A proper suitcase, a duffel bag, and someting that looks like it might have been a backpack, before its stay at its second second-hand store, now a shapeless mass of fabric covered in right angles.

Because Rashmi is a bookworm, and sometimes bookworms have to suffer for their love.

Breath caught, and luggage nominally behaving, she sallies forth down the hall, to the corner dorm that will be her home for the next couple years.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
The door from the hallway into the corner room currently stands wide open, letting music drift out - not loud enough to disturb the rest of the hall, but certainly enough to hear before one actually reaches the room. Piano and bass, an energetic ragtime-esque melody, and a clear voice singing:

"The more I think about you,
The more I just want to tease you--
It makes you happy, right?
Just say so already!
Go, go, faito! It's that sort of thing...!"

Wako, it seems, already has her move-in underway - not too surprising, since she was in a dorm room already. The music is coming from her phone, propped on the desk under the loft bed she picked out as hers before, and Wako's dancing around the open space near it, things mostly not yet unpacked from her suitcase and bag. A little yellow fox keeps scampering excitedly up onto the bunk bed and then back down to circle around her feet.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai was also present in the room already listening to the music that Wako was singing along so energetically to. Her suitcase was laid out on the desk beneath her own bunk with the top flipped open to already work on unpacking some items. There's a bag near by as well filled with who-knew-what-else, and ontop on her bed? Was a white and ginger cat that was watching VP with the wary sort of gaze one might expect from a cat not sure how to handle a frantic fox.

Chiyo steps away from her bunk a bit so she can shake out a blanket to rid it of wrinkles from being tucked in the suitcase.

"Bonito move over," she requests of the cat only to toss the half-folded blanket back up to the bed area with part draped over the side for now.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
*Knock Knock*

"Hello~!" Rashmi calls, opening the door to the triple-bed dorm a moment later! "Phwaaa, I'm so glad we have elevators... I'd've done all my exercise for the *year* lugging all this up stairs!" And so she hauls her luggage in, beaming at her new dorm-mates. "How're you all, then?"

The door is closed with a foot, and her bag-of-books heaved onto her bed first. Priorities, priorities.

Also Papi sent along a few treats to get me into your good graces... And Wako-chan, you missed the Refreshment Committee's judging of the menu, so... I saved a few of what I'm making; curry-pan pops!"

Yes, the door is just shut, and she's distributing food enough to let all three of them miss the cafeteria for lunch.

All this *before* she even has her blanket out of her suitcase.

Because, seriously, priorities.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
The knock, and Rashmi's greeting after it, send Wako diving to mute the audio from her phone, cutting the music off abruptly mid-song. "Hi there!" she calls back with a note of slightly embarrassed laughter. "Sorry about the noise - I've kind of been taking any chance at all to practice before the prom..."

Her face positively lights up when Rashmi mentions saving some curry-pan pops. "Aah, you're the best! The committee actually got to taste-test things? I wish I could've sat in for that..." Wako is, of course, only too happy to partake; when Rashmi brings out the food, she doesn't hesitate to accept and noms down on a curry-pan pop with beatific gusto. "This is amazing..."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai tries to stifle a laugh at the sudden bolt for the music. A sympathetic glance is cast toward Wako. There's no hiding her smile at least as she turns back to her bag just for a moment to grasp a few small items inside.

"We did, yes. It was a good way to see what everyone else was making as well as a way to narrow down what we might actually make. I'm sorry I didn't bring any extra with me tonight. It's all tucked away for now. At least what I could pre-prepare." Not much honestly. Fresh fruit just didn't last long when coated in sugar. The daifuku could last a few days and still be plealsantly fresh though.

"I *do* have these for us though." She steps closer to the pair holding out her hand to display the little keychains in her palm. Little smiling daruma-cats in various colors with charms that say 'good luck' and 'health and safety'. "I thought it would be neat if we all had similar keychains... Plus it's a mix of daruma, and maneki neko." A pause comes as she adds, "Ojiisan wanted to give us an actual maneki neko statue but I said I'd have to pass it by you both first."

Keychains! il_794xN.5778367216_5jrk.jpg

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Some of those are chicken, and some are veggie. The veggie ones actually hold up better, since chickpeas soak up the gravy. And we had so many cooks on the Refreshment Committee, *everything* except the drinks are gonna be handmade. In fact I'm probably gonna be coming in late, since I still have to prep everything to start *cooking* everything to get ready to *make* everything the day of the prom--"

Naturally, Chiyo's presented charms are a *perfect* way to throw off her train of thought and miniature panic about cooking food for more than a hundred people to snack on. "Oh my god, those are adorable~!" Rashmi's hands fly up to her mouth, eyes shining as she looks down at the charms. Her voice, upon saying this, does a fair approximation of a teakettle ready to take off the burner.

"Ummmm... This one!" The red daruma-cat is selected, and if Rashmi is taking advantage of Wako busying herself with crunchy curry pops, well... All's fair!

Immediately, she takes her phone out to fiddle with the charms, and make room for this newest addition. "...Gonna have to get a chain soon," she murmurs, but manages to attach it securely.

"...Um. Aren't maneki neko also for shops? I mean I can *see* us running a snack house out of this room within a couple months, but, we'd probably get shut down like a week after. Still, I wouldn't mind! ...Also!"

Climbing onto her bed, she opens up the window next to it, then tugs a piece of thick note-card out of Nicomachea's charm, then a marker and an entire roll of tape. After a few moments' scribbling, she shows off her sign, then leans out to affix it to the outside of her window.


"Like I promised!"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako seems perfectly content to be occupied with curry-pan while Rashmi takes first pick of the charms. Vice President the fox, on the other hand, is diverted from sniffing hopefully for a chance at the food, and hops up onto the nearest available perch (very possibly Chiyo's shoulder, if he's allowed) to check out the keychains.

Wako follows soon after, all but radiating shoujo bubbles of delicious curry contentment. "Oh, they really are adorable. Thank you, Chiyo-chan! Both of you, really - and if your grandpa wants to give us a maneki neko, I'll be happy to have it, shop or not."

She considers the keychains a moment longer before picking out the yellow daruma-cat for herself, promptly setting about adding it to her own fairly sparse keyring (three keys, and one keychain charm that looks like it must be an o-mamori from a temple, decorated with the trefoil knot that shares the name 'agemaki').

"Perfect," she declares with a smile, after looking to see Rashmi's newly-added window sign. "I'll have to make sure to put one on mine, too. I've already warned the guys, though."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai is left with the pink one for herself which is just fine. For now the little keychain charm is put back into her pocket so that she doesn't risk misplacing it--And it also frees up her hand so she can reach up to pat VP on her shoulder if she's allowed.

Bonito grumbles from his spot on the bed, "Hey don't get too friendly with her. *I'm* her spirit." With a little huff of exhaled air the white and orange tabby of very tubby proportions calmly shifts his paws beneath himself to properly loaf imperiously looking down on those below.

"Maneki Neko are used a lot in shops of all kinds. It's supposed to bring luck, protection and prosperity," she explains with a grin at the banter. "The original story was that a great buddhist monky was saved from a lightning strike by a beckoning cat luring him away from where he had been standing. That's why they became a lucky symbol. I'll let him know about the statue." Hopefully it won't be anything TOO embarassing.

As the notes about knocking are placed she smiles further. "Thanks. I'm sure it won't really be a problem but I do appreciate the consideration."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well I mean," Rashmi says, shrugging as she starts to actually unpack; bookbag moved to desk, so a big fluffy red comforter can be thrown on top, "it's just good sense. If someone *does* try to break in through the windows, there's a two out of three chance the entire building gets pulled out of time and space while screaming happens. And that's no way to wake up in the middle of the night. This way? At least we'll know if they *really* deserve what comes after."

Vice President's appearance on Chiyo's shoulder earns another cooing teakettle noise, but Rashmi restrains herself to just offering the fox a hand to sniff. "It's good to properly meet you both by the way, Vice President-sama, Bonito-sama. ...Oh, yes. I'm gonna have to know if both of you *eat* like a cat and a fox. Because if not... Bonito-sama, have you *seen* how fish and curry can mix?"

With a grin, she smooths out her blanket, then turns to start emptying her suitcase into her section of the closet. "I gotta say, I'm really, *really* looking forward to this year, you guys. This is gonna be so much fun!"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Vice President seems perfectly happy to accept pats from Chiyo, and to stretch himself out and sniff the hand that Rashmi offers - at least until the startlingly deep bass voice from the catloaf on Chiyo's bed startles him into jumping a good couple feet vertically into the air. He comes down atop Wako's head, scooting quickly down from there to tuck himself against the back of her neck and peek around her at Bonito with a series of puzzled head-tilts.

Wako just smiles the rueful smile of someone who's fairly used to these kinds of shenanigans. "I don't think you have anything to worry about, Bonito-san," she says, before looking to Rashmi. "Honestly, Vice President eats all kinds of things he probably shouldn't... Sarina-chan used to let him have some of our juice and snacks at drama club meetings, at my old school." She reaches up without looking to scratch behind the fox's oversized ears.

"I feel a little bad now, I didn't bring you two anything - well, except for this." A broad gesture indicates the shiny new mini-fridge, set against an open space of wall and not yet plugged in. "We'll have to figure out the best spot for it." Smiling brightly, she nods agreement with Rashmi. "It's going to be amazing."