1431/Tarots with Yuu(to)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Tarots with Yuu(to)
Date of Scene: 20 April 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Coco reads Yuuto his Tarots.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Yuuto Shiraishi

Coco Kiumi has posed:
It was a normal day in which Coco had invited Yuuto over to their apartment. The mermaid is currently waiting for him to come over, having prepared a few things she wants to show him. This mostly occurred because she had been reminiscing about a few things that had occurred during the previous school year, and the time she had been reading the future via tarots. Of course, what she hadn't been spreading around, is that with a mermaid in charge of the process, the predictions gained remarkable accuracy, so it was sort of a silent bonus.

During that time, she was hoping that people asked her about romance, because if there is one think she absolutely enjoys doing, is extolling the virtues of love, and she did get the chance to give a positive prediction of that sorts at the time (she also predicted Mamoru's and Madoka's future, but that's besides the point). Anyway, she has dusted off her Tarot deck and is waiting for her beloved to come see her.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Eventually, there comes a knock at the door. "Coco? It's Yuuto." the young man announces. When she answers the door, she can tell he put some effort into his appearance. A nice button up shirt, jeans, clean shaven and groomed, the faint scent of mint and sandalwood on his skin as he holds in his hands a small box from the bakery. "I picked us up some sausage and egg buns for breakfast."

There's a warm smile as he drinks in the sight of his blonde mermaid fiancee, and grins. "I don't know if it's exactly a fortune-telling appropriate breakfast, but it's the first time I've ever done something like this." he admits with a smile, warm for her. "Of course..." he thinks to add in a small flirt. "You have been a lot of my firsts, Princess."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco welcomes Yuuto with a hug and a kiss when he does show up, appreciating the effort he has put into things just to come there. They aren't even about to eat out or go on a date: if he wanted to impress her, well it worked very well. And of course the food is very much appreciated too. "You look positively handsome, Yuuto", Coco smiles after stepping back from him, heading off to grab two plates, two glasses, and a bottle of Coca Cola for Yuuto and orange juice for herself.

"I think you will like it", Coco says while setting the table for that impromptu breakfast. "It's something that's actually relatively common back home, and the best part it, it's actually accurate, not like those phony seers you tend to have up here. I have done this before, at a school festival. And it was actually a good experience, among everything that had happened back then."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"You know, you don't have to keep soda for me. I'm good with juice. Especially when I'm training." Yuuto admits when he returns Coco's kiss fondly and slips an arm around her waist for a brief hug before following her over to the table. Once they are settled in, he sets out the buns and gives her an affectionate smile that shows in his emerald eyes.

As she tells him about her readings and their accuracy, he grins, but it's a little nervously as he considers. "What if the cards tell us we're going to have a horrible breakup?" he asks her curiously. "There's no way we could get around that?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Sure, Coco is avoiding all carbonated drinks, but nowhere is it written that she isn't allowed to treat her boyfriend. And so, she is keeping a stack of soda for everytime Yuuto comes over, because she knows he enjoys it. "If you want it, it's there", she tells him with a crystalline tone while she takes a sip of her own juice.

"It's not really a problem, Yuuto", Coco starts comforting him once he brings up his worries. "The card don't shape our future, they just reveal it in advance, so it's really not a problem since we wouldn't break up."

The mermaid reaches over to squeeze his hand. "But if you are too worried, we can avoid touching them and I will instead tell you everything that had happened at that festival. Lots of things have happened there. Would you enjoy that?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Oh no, it's fine!" Yuuto offers, his hand squeezing Coco's for reassurance. "I mean, I am terribly curious." he admits to her. "Ever since you sent me the message that you wanted to do a reading on me, I'm just... I just hope I'm the one for you. I know how much you like finding your romance readings." A wink at her as he lifts his hand for a little kiss on her knuckles in affection.

"So, let's do it and you can tell me everything you learn and maybe that can help us plan for things?" he asks her with a smile to give her encouragement. He doesn't want to take anything away from her with his little case of nerves, and like he said, he is interested in knowing.

Leaning over, he places a kiss against her cheek. "Just let me know when you're ready. Is there anything special I need to do?" he asks her, a little bounce in his seat in excitement.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Of course you are the one for me, Yuuto", Coco says without hesitation. "You were even recognised by Aqua Regina", she reminds him, looking at his pearl in case he has it visible. "She would have never given you a pearl in case she thought my love for you was a mistake, you know?" She lovingly looks at him, her eyes a pool as deep as the Mariana trench full of her unwavering affection.

Coco starts shuffling the deck she has prepared. "You just need to tell me what matter you would like me to investigate, and then I will draw the appropriate number of cards and then start unveiling them one by one. I can read your planetary or astrological alignment, the guidance of the stars, your relationships, birthday, dream explorations, and love matters. Which one would you like?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Well, we know my birthday already." Does Coco? Yuuto isn't sure he told her yet, but he doesn't share it here either, as he blushes lightly as Coco reminds him of exactly how much he means to the Princess with the eyes as warm as the sun that shines over her home oceans. So with that one out of the way, his thumb brushes her knuckles before he withdraws his hand and grins brightly at her.

"Guide me to the future, my Princess. Tell me where my path is going to take me with us - and where we will be in the future." He's not afraid. He has all the confidence in the world in the love of her for him - it's his own problems he has to deal with. And he is, slowly. She's been a huge help with that.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Yes, I already know your birthday. You told me what it was the first time we met, remember?" Coco remarks, knowing fully well that Yuuto's birthday is only two days away and the less Yuuto thinks about it, the better. After all, she will throw him a birthday party and it wouldn't do if he talked about it now.

"But that's not what a birthday reading does. A birthday reading analyses your current position in life, the goals you have for the year, the things which empower you, your internal strengths you need to develop, your current material and physical well-being, your current emotional state, your current spiritual state, what stands in your way and finally the actions required of you to achieve your goals", Coco says, imagining to pick a card from the deck for each element and place it on the table for emphasis.

Coco blinks when she receives the unspecified instructions before she decides to act decisively and show Yuuto exactly what she meant by birthday reading, placing the card in a pyramidal formation, with three lines with 4, then 3, then 2 lines going from her to Yuuto. "Ok, I will do your birthday reading now, are you ready?", she smiles with enthusiasm.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Considering that Yuuto has yet to bring it up, Coco may have realized by this point is that his birthday is not really something that his parents ever celebrated. She starts to lay out everything she can do with a birthday reading as she lays out the cards, and he laughs a little. "Everything but love, huh? I suppose I have that pretty well covered though." he teases, a lift of his eyes to gaze at his fiancee with adoration at the moment.

But the cards are set and the cards are all set out and he takes a sip of his juice. "Do I need to like... concentrate or anything?" he asks curiously, clearly having never done anything like this before as he sets the glass to the side, but for now, is not trying to distract her from the task at hand as he gathers that she is taking it seriously, and that he should too.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Considering that Yuuto was the one who had first talked to Coco about his birthday and that his staying silent about the birthday celebration plays right into her hands, Coco doesn't really know nor imagine his parents would be that dismissive towards him. She is just thinking that she got lucky and she can go forward with her plan with little to no hindrances. "I thought that this would be a good idea to get you settled in first", she explains, giving his hand a light squeeze before retracting hers and focusing on the Tarots.

"You only really need to let me gradually uncover your destiny", she smiles with a reassurance towards Yuuto. "It's really all right, just sit there and relax, ok?" Before actually starting, she reaches over and gives him a light peck before uncovering Yuuto's first card. "Ok, you got the Upright Ace of Cups. This means that your position in life is about receive a reset, and you will get a chance to start fresh, without the baggage that you have been saddled with."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"And here I thought my destiny was sitting across from me." Yuuto offers subtly when she mentions the destiny being uncovered. A little smile as the young man returns his attention to the cards. As far as he knows, he'll do the same thing he does every birthday. Buy a cupcake, stick a candle in it and splurge on a gift to himself.

"About to recieve a reset?" he asks, a lift of his brow. His mind immediately goes to the fact that... she's the biggest part of his life right now outside of school. And a chance to start fresh?

...is she trying to break up with him? That thought flashes in his mind for just a moment, before he pushes it to the side so that he can pay attention and see it through.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco reveals the next card, the Upright Knight of Cups, still smiling sincerely at Yuuto, the love from earlier very present still in her eyes, showing him how much Coco wants him in her life towards all the doubts he is still carrying internally. "This card tells me that for your goals in the coming year, you will find best to listen to your heart, because that is what will get you through any situation. It also has a meaning of incitement, so you will likewise be a pillar for others around you."

She then unveils the third card, an upright Ten of Wands. "This one acts in agreement with the last one. Your accomplishments and your responsibilities will help you stay motivated and empower you. You will definitely want for nothing, and success is yours already", she reveals, eyes glinting with joy as she adds "This is an awesome card, Yuuto!"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As she unviels more and more, Yuuto watches her, and still marvels how this girl, this Princess, who has a whole kingdom... wants him, a little stone sculpter that comes from a couple of salarypersons. He's still not sure how it's going to work - he wants to be with her. But what will happen when she has to return to rule her home. Will he be able to go with her? How will he survive. There's so many questions.

But she's showing that last card, and she is so earnest and enthusiastic and thrilled, it's infectious. "You think so?" he asks Coco, lifting his eyes to meet her, a slight sparkle in them as he considers her and he says quietly. "I love you." he admits to her. "And I don't even care if you stacked the deck... I just... I want my life with yours."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco frowns when Yuuto mentions her stacking the deck. "Yuuto, you literally saw me shuffling it in front of you. I would never want to lie to you or hide things from you. You literally the only way I see myself spend my life. Me sharing everything I have you is just as much as necessity as it is my privilege."

Taking a breath, she unveils the fourth card, his strength to be developed. "The reversed Seven of Swords is about the advice and tactics you have the potential to develop. If you do, then the people who antagonise you, will struggle a lot against your strategies."

The fifth card is a tower struck by lightning. "This card is your wellbeing, both material and physical. It means that the way you define it is about to change completely, in way that's radical and groundbreaking."

Coco turns around the sixth card. "Your emotional state is centered the fact you are gifted with candor and creativity, coming up with the ideas you need and being able to implement them."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Sorry, sorry. Bad joke. I just can't believe such good fortune. I mean, I have you, how much can change outside of that?" Yuuto asks as he goes quiet again as she continues to reveal his fortune to him, the teenager listening to her as she lays it all out before him.

He's attentive and and quiet, his expression thoughtful. But no words as he lets her handle the reading as he folds his hands in front of him. When she mentions all of the changes - there seems to be a lot of that in the cards, his eyes narrow in brief worry before she shares his emotional state, and then he laughs slightly.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco's fingers tap the table as she ponders Yuuto's question, going over all of the cards. If there is one thing she could summarise the whole situation so far by is being a bringer of advice and a pretty big event shaking his life for the better. "A lot apparently. That's what the Tower and the Ace of Cups are telling you, that an improvement for the better will totally change your life."

But there are still three cards left. "Your Spiritual state is Upright Temperance, and that means even amidst great stress, you will be able to find calm and a clear vision towards the future. The reversed Ten of Pentacles says that the obstacle you will have to overcome is related to a lack of stability. This is not a surprise, given what the Ace of Cups and the Towers said, but it's also a reminder that focusing on your emotional connections and bonds is what will provide a key to getting out of this. The last card is the reversed Magician, which suggests that to achieve your goals you are particularly susceptible to reckless decisions, and that's what you more than most people should avoid."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As the final cards are turned over, Yuuto studies the cards as he listens to Coco's description of them. He pauses for a moment. Reckless? Him? He's probably one of the more careful people there is. He draws in a breath and shakes his head. "I don't know what would happen to cause me to take a big risk, but I'll make sure that I'm careful in the near future." he promises.

Now that it seems to be all laid out before him, he takes it all in. Big changes, but not without risk. But they could come with unforseen issues and possible consequence. It's a lot to take in. "Well, at least it doesn't seem I'm going to have any dull moments."