
From Radiant Heart MUSH

Date of Scene: 11 May 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: Wako and Sugata have a chat with Mizudori after her most recent show.
Cast of Characters: Mizudori Teion, Wako Agemaki, Sugata Shindo

Mizudori Teion has posed:
    The Untidy Squid is fairly standard for a basement club in Tokyo. Accessed by a set of stairs leading down to the basement level of a building, a neon flashing sign outside, it's got a dark interior full of brightly-colored signs and mood lighting, scattered tables and seating, and a bar along one wall (that only serves non-alcoholic drinks prior to 10pm). It's not a large room, but it could hold maybe a hundred people on a good night, though it'd be packed pretty full at that point. One end of the room is a slightly raised platform that serves as a stage for the live music.

    Mizudori is known here- she performs here like, all the time. Both solo and as part of various bands. One might be forgiven for thinking she is some kind of house talent, being loaned out to this group or that group to fill in holes in their roster, though this isn't actually the case. She just seeks opportunity to be on stage, and while she certainly has tastes and preferences she's been known to perform alongside groups playing all kinds of music.

    The group she's playing with tonight, Penguin Party, is a rock band, though with some electronic elements. This is mostly what Mizudori is providing, stationed on a keyboard at the side of the stage, though she also has a microphone for singing backup vocals. The group as a whole is talented enough, though there's no doubt Mizudori's presence elevates their performance. It's an enjoyable enough show, not long but containing half a dozen or so songs.

    When it's ended, the crowd of mostly-teens cheers their appreciation, and the house speakers pick up some pre-recorded playlist as the band members file off stage to mingle and get drinks.

    Mizudori, dressed in her usual black-and-green, is laughing and joking with the band's guitarist on the way towards the bar, though he heads off to speak to some other girl, leaving her momentarily on her own to order a soda.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako's never actually been in a club before, not really - this sort of venue has not been part of her Tokyo experience thus far, and they certainly didn't have anything of the kind on Southern Cross Island. Not her kind of place, not her kind of music... and she's still more than a little irked with Mizudori for that stunt at her Golden Week gig.

But she'd already agreed to attend the show with Sugata - and if he's enjoying himself, well, it's not all that bad. Even if the music isn't her usual, the performer in her can appreciate the show they put on.


"Was it what you were hoping for?" she asks Sugata, smiling, on their way towards the bar to get fresh drinks. The smile slips when her eyes land on Mizudori already there.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
It's Sugata's first time in a club, and he has to admit it's a good time - there's general atmosphere of being underground, in a basement club like this, the mood lighting contrasting with the dark interior, the bubbly but non-alcoholic drinks Sugata is more than happy to pay for. The show, when it starts and throughout, is pretty great - for a first proper live concert, they could have done far worse, and Sugata is smiling when the show is done, one of manhy who joins the crowd in a cheer.

The venue could definitely be his kind of place, even if he sticks out like a sore thumb, a prep amidst the grunge. He prefers Mizudori's more pure electronic vibe, but the rock is solid, and the show was good, and despite the fact that Mizudori crashed Wako's Golden Week show, he has to say he's still a fan.

"It was," he says, tossing back the last of his fizzy drink. "Though I would have appreciated them playing more of Bass-chan's music, she was a great backing for them.

He, at least, hasn't noticed Mizudori yet, giving Wako his full attention.

Mizudori Teion has posed:
    Mizudori has yet to notice the couple approaching her either, speaking familiarly to the bartender (a chick who appears to be in her mid-twenties) before receiving some kind of neon-green fizzy drink that is probably made of like, Surge or something. She turns around and, somewhat unexpectedly, finds herself almost face-to-face with Wako and Sugata as they approach.

    Her LED-green eyes, which seem all the more luminous in the dim lighting of the room, widen slightly in surprise, though she's quick to turn it into a teasing grin. "Oh hey, its Handsome and Company," She says, demoting Wako to the position of 'and company'. "You actually did come. Hope you enjoyed the show."

    She seems to be speaking mostly to Sugata- not, it seems, out of any particular intent to sleight Wako on this occasion, but more because she just assumes based on prior interactions that he would be the one likely to enjoy the show. She seems to have less hope for Wako in that respect.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Siiigh. Wako's smile takes on a certain hint of gritted teeth for a moment at 'handsome and company,' before she recovers some of her aplomb. "It was pretty good," she says magnanimously. "I enjoyed it more than I was expecting to."

She kind of eyes Sugata sidelong for a moment - a look he's gotten from her several times over all of this - before she turns her full attention back to Mizudori. "What I want to know is, with a stage like this to play on, why go crashing other people's performances?"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Wako Agemaki, your competitor, and company," Sugata corrects smoothly, when his eyes come to rest on Bass-chan's own LED-green ones. "The show was excellent, though it would have been improved by playing more of your own tracks."

He deserves the sidelong glance, because he is the ultimate traitor, a fan of the artist giving her grief. He's still a fan, though he's also not going to stand aside as Wako is dismissed.

Mizudori Teion has posed:
    "All stages are worth performing upon, no matter how big or small." Mizudori says airily to Wako. "Just because your little garden party wasn't a happening scene like this doesn't mean that it wasn't worth my attention. You should really not belittle yourself." A bright smile. "Besides, we rocked that place." Undoubtedly true, and at least she said 'we' and not 'I'.

    She gives a mild scoff when Sugata calls Wako her 'competitor'. "Competitor for what? There's no prize being offered... is there?" She looks mildly interested. Because if there is a prize she wants it."

    She tosses her hair at mention of how the show would be improved with more of her original music. "Undoubtedly, but I do try to be fair and let lesser artists have their time in the spotlight, too."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"That isn't what I meant," Wako tells Mizudori. "And we are so not in competition! Different styles, different audiences." Never mind that at least one person standing right here manages to enjoy both. Wako eyes Mizudori for a moment before adding, sweetly: "Good thing for you."

Implied: if they were in competition for something, Wako would win.

But they're definitely not in competition or anything. She hooks an arm around Sugata's, either because he stood up for her or just to be better positioned to elbow him if he says something especially Sugata-esque.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"You tried to steal her stage," Sugata says cheerfully, "Seemed pretty surprised she stole it back from you. If that's not competition, the world of music is truly a mystery."

He'd enjoyed that little competition - there's no censor in his voice - but it was hardly the act of someone who didn't see someone as competition in some way.

And then Wako is settling even closer to him, and he glances down - "Would you still like another drink?"

It's not a reward for her rare competitive spirit coming out, but it's not-not a reward.

Mizudori Teion has posed:
    "Excuse me, I improved her stage." Mizudori says to Sugata, while shooting Wako a look at that 'good for you' comment. "It's my duty as the emissary of music on earth to lend my talents to all musical endeavors no matter how... pedestrian." A brow-lowered look at Wako at that comment as well.

    "Anyway it's not about winning or losing," She says, flapping her free hand dismissively while sipping her drink and leaning back against the bar. "It's about the art. And I think that show turned out pretty damn fine in the end, so how about you just admit that my addition was valuable."

    She lets a moment of silence linger, and then adds, "But I do have to admit that you held your own. There aren't that many who can claim that." Again to Wako, mildly begrudging.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Yes please!" There's no edge in Wako's smile when she answers Sugata. "Ginger ale."

It lasts a couple seconds before that look and that comment from Mizudori have her fluffing up again indignantly. "Pedestrian?" Again that look aside to Sugata, this one practically screaming, 'See?' When she turns back to Mizudori again, it's with a lift of her chin. "I'll agree that we put on a good show, anyway. Don't think you're going to catch me by surprise like that again, though."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"I wouldn't say you improved the stage; you altered it, and sure, the contributions were valuable," and he's going to be elbowed for that, probably. "Wako-chan getting to stand out even accompanied by a more established performer is going to be great for her channel, and the audience enjoyed a wonderful show. It doesn't change that it was an odd choice of venue for you, Bass-chan. Is Emissary of Music on Earth your professional title, or your magical one?"

Just to get an idea of how literal versus egotistical the claim is. If there's one thing Tokyo is teaching him, it's that you never know.

"Ginger ale coming up," he assures Wako, stepping over to the bar to order their drinks - ginger ale for Wako, something vibrantly and violently blue for Sugata, mostly out of sheer fascination.

Mizudori Teion has posed:
    "Whether or not you're surprised doesn't make a difference to me." Mizudori says sweetly to Wako, smiling a little smug smile and sipping from her drink again. "I'll do what I do, and fill the world with beautiful creativity."

    She gives Sugata a look like 'what the heck is this guy talking about' and kind even looks at Wako like 'do you know what this guy is talking about'. "Both? I don't understand the question. Music is music. It's not like it has to be magical or not-magical. Stop trying to fit me into your 'definitions' like some kind of corpo."

    She huffs, tossing her shoulder-length hair again as she turns back to the bar. "Anyway, I'll admit you have talent." She says, to Wako over her shoulder. "I just find it a bit odd that you're all whiny at me when the audience loved it. That's what matters in the end, isn't it?"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"I think that means 'magical,'" Wako tells Sugata helpfully, and then smiles at Mizudori again in a way that suggests that yes, she knows what he's talking about and no, she will not translate in the other direction.

It cheers her enough that she manages to shrug off being called 'whiny' with only a mild sort of disgruntlement. "Oh, never mind. I can see there's no point in trying to argue with you about it anyway."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"So it would seem," Sugata says, returning with Wako's drink, nodding. "Apologies, Bass-chan. i wasn't seeking to put you in a box."

An apology. An honest to god apology. Sugata had come a hair away from killing someone, and had pointedly refused to apologize for that, but insulting Bass-chan's musical sensibilities gets an easy, immediate apology.

"I do hope you'll have more shows. This was fun."

Mizudori Teion has posed:
    Mizudori winks at Sugata. "I'm here every week." A pause, and then, "I'm not joking, I actually am. Sometimes more than once. Appreciative audience members are always welcome." This said with what passes for a sweet smile at Wako.

    "And you're right. Why argue when there's no point? It doesn't change the facts." Mizudori says, missing the point of the statement either intentionally or not. It's often impossible to tell with her.

    "I think you'll find the one thing it's always going to be a mistake to attempt is to try and constrain me. Physically, mentally, creatively.. Bass-chan breaks all barriers and frees the music." She grins at them both. "Keep on rockin'. As long as there's a show to put on... I'll be there."

    And then she's slipping away into the crowd, drink in hand, already calling out cheerfully to someone else who recognizes her and calls a greeting.