1523/Coffee is for the Birds

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Coffee is for the Birds
Date of Scene: 11 May 2024
Location: Gullwing Coffee
Synopsis: When dealing with a new relationship dynamic, sometimes coffee is required. Ami, Usagi, and Zoisite meet to chat and hang out. They meet Tsubasa Yuunagi already there and make introductions.
Cast of Characters: Ami Mizuno, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Usagi Tsukino, Zoisite

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Gullwing Coffee was a little bit of a trip to visit, but it was the weekend, it was sunny out, and the sea breeze near here was oh-so-pleasant on a quickly warming day. The fresh air mingled well with the rich scent of coffee that permeated the shop making it a perfect place to kick back, relax, and enjoy some coffee.

Ami is paying today (do not argue, Usagi, you bought pizza for everyone last time and went broke) so she's still at the counter handling that. Her own order was simple enough in a decadent latte and a blueberry scone. "You can pick where we sit," she suggests to her friends as she works on gathering up the tray with whatever else was ordered, too.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Already sitting at one of the tables outside of the shop, Tsubasa has a cup of iced mocha that is mostly melted ice at the moment, with just a hint of mocha flavor left to it. It's mostly ignored at the point as he has a notebook settled on his upper legs - his feet pulled up to his rump as he sketches.

As for what he's sketching? It's a pencil sketch of one of the seagulls in flight, his attention focused on that as he is sketching and then making notes off to the side on it's estimated wing length and size. Someone's a bit of a bird enthuist.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi is not paying (she offered but unfortunately Ami was there when she went broke to order pizza and thus she was shot down). "Alright - but if you need help carrying everything, don't forget to ask Saitou-chan!"

What, she's not going to offer. She's clumsy enough that they might end up wearing their coffee instead.

"I think we should go for a booth by a window, or maybe one of the outside tables? It's a pretty morning, and we should enjoy the view!" This, spoken to said Saitou-chan, as she turns and scans the coffee shop. Her order had been a caramel latte with extra whipped cream and dorayaki, thinking the fluffy treat and sweet coffee would go well together.

Zoisite has posed:
There's not much that needs to be said to get Zoisite to come along. He does so love a little treat now and then, and the distance needed to get it doesn't bother him. In fact, he's looking forward to it, a nice trip out to the beach. He's foregone his usual sartorial choice of chunky sweater and tight pants for something a bit more appropriate for the locale, so he's in a pair of linen pants and a breezy top, sunglasses perched atop his head.

After he puts in his order of an iced matcha latte and a slice of swiss roll, he stands by, ostensibly to help carry things should it be needed. Because he decided on his own that's what he was gonna do, it has nothing to do with anyone telling him to, nuh-uh.

"It's a lovely day," is his only comment on the table arrangements, which suggests his vote is for an outside table. After all, he dressed specifically for the beautiful beachside weather!

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno gives a quiet giggle at the way that Usagi seems unable to make up her mind on where to sit. Zoisite's remark though earns a nod of agreement seeming to catch on to his idea. "Outside would be nice. It's a lovely day and not too warm yet. Plus there's umbrellas on the tables if we really want some shade." Always practicaly looking at the options. That was her.

A few of the items are offered over to Zoi to help carry before she starts out with what she can as well. "You've moved up in the world, Zoi. You're Saitou-chan now," she explains with a teasing grin to her friend.

"Oh, I should ask if you have any advice on how to tell someone I decided not to date them? I don't think things are going to work out with myself and Tadase-kun. He's nice," she adds quickly lest there be some confusion on that, "Just... Something else came up."

As they move outside she pauses to glance over to the boy that was sketching curiously catching sight of his drawings. "Oh, those are very nice!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
So caught up in his sketching, Tsubasa wasn't even aware that someone had noticed that he was drawing and is offering commentary on his art. There's a blink of the one visible eye, the other hidden by his hair. And then he puts two and two together, and ohs audibly, his cheeks darkening for a moment with a flush of embarassement. "T-thank you!" he offers quickly, a little duck of his head.

He's vapor locked for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next, part of him wanting to up and run away, but he's able to rein that back in and bring it under control as he sits up from his slump, setting the notebook down. When the wind catches it and flips some of the pages, there's pictures of other birds and aircraft - and some rather complicated charts on wind speeds and weather and the climate of the area.

"I'm Tsubasa Yuunagi. I... I go to Radiant Hearts in grade 8 and just moved here from Sorashido City." Surving an introduction? So far, check!

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi could say that Saitou-chan is easier than Zoisite - Zoisite is a name with plenty of baggage, after all - but she won't. Instead, she's made her way outside, at first Zoisite and then Ami's agreement that outside seemed nice, and the boy sketching is a cutie, and more importantly, he's drawing! How nice!

Usagi doesn't have the talent (or skill) for artistic endeavors, but she's always liked seeing other people's work, "Hey, this is really good, you know? Are you in the art club? My friend Naru-chan is in it, but she's more of a textile artist, but still!"

This is the casual friendly conversational trap that is Usagi. Sorry Tsubasa, you live here now.

"Nice to meet you, Tsubasa-kun! I'm Usagi Tsukino, grade 10, also at Radiant Heart. And these two are Ami Mizuno and Izou Saitou - they're also Radiant Heart students."

Zoisite has posed:
Somehow Zoisite ends up carrying the pastries, which is dangerous. For the pastries. And yet somehow the tray makes it all the way outside without anything disappearing, and he says, "Progress," with relish back over his shoulder to Ami.

He doesn't pay much mind to the sketching boy beyond giving him a quick once-over, but Ami and then Usagi engage with him, so Zoisite stands by, already suspecting they're going to be joining Tsubasa at his table. "I suppose it depends," he begins, thinking on Ami's request.

"Do you want to end things cleanly, without any expectations of friendship, or do you want this person in your life after? Because there are very different means of going about it."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno smiles with a reassuring warmth toward Tsubasa when the younger boy starts to fumble over his words. Thankfully Usagi also steps in--She was usually bound to chat with people far more easily than Ami was, and so she takes care of the whole messy 'introduction' part of things. "It's nice to meet you, Tsubasa-kun."

There were currently a few lines of conversation though so she considers with a tilt of her head toward Zoisite. "I don't dislike him so I think friendly would be best. It's not like I need to 'throw the whole boy out the window.'" There's a pause there, and she looks uncertain.

"That's a phrase now, right? I overheard some other girls at school saying it. I'm not sure what it's from though."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"I-I'm not in the art club." Tsubasa admits as he draws in a breath. He can do this. He's had practice! "I haven't decided on if I want to join any clubs yet, mainly because my main interest is in flight and I didn't see any clubs that involved that." he admits finally.

"It is nice to meet you all. O-oh, we go to the same school! Neat! I just started there this year, so I am still working on meeting people. This... this is a good start!" There's a moment where he's proud of himself as he tucks a pencil behind his ear as the conversation turns to breaking up with someone. Which is something he has no experience in. But.

"I'm sure he would appreciate it if you were just honest with him?" he asks of Ami, considering that idea. "And if it's a weird thing, maybe do it some place where there won't be a big scene?" While he's talking, he's securing his notebook so that the pages don't blow about.

Though when Ami mentions throwing someone out the window, there's a blink and a flustered look. "Wait, that really happened? I thought it was a rumor! I mean, who willingly jumps from a third floor window??"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Oh, flight! That's really cool - do you think you want to be a pilot, or something cool like that?" That'd be pretty neat! Usagi is about to suggest that he meet Setsuna, given that she had access to a helicopter and probably knew all about flight, but - they're not talking, right now. But still... it might be useful to Tsubasa-kun, right? "You should speak with Meiou-san, the school nurse sometime. She's got a helicopter, or maybe she just knows someone who let her borrow one once. She'd probably chat with you about flying."

He's new! And her kouhai! She should help, where she can.

She's about to offer some advice, when Ami says that and Usagi just. Chokes. When she hears 'throw the whole boy out the window', because she now knows exactly where that's from, and picturing Ami throwing Tadase out a window has her sifling a huge grin.

"I think the story has gotten a little muddled. But no one jumped. A boy made some pretty bone-headed decisions, and a very fed up girl threw him out her window when he tried to confess his love. Just threw the whole boy."

And her tone indicates she approves, and is proud. "I don't think you need to do that with Tadase-kun. I bet if you just told him, he'd understand - I mean, maybe he feels it too?"

Zoisite has posed:
It looks like Zoisite's a bit disappointed by the answer he receives, but at the same time he doesn't wish the drama of a bad breakup on Ami, so he relents with a, "Yes, honesty is likely your best choice then, if you want to still be friends afterwards."

He snorts as the story of the defenestrated boy, shaking his head about it with a wry expression on his face. "Romance is so troublesome," he says with a put-upon sigh, and then he looks down at the tray still in his hands.

"Do you mind if we sit?" he asks Tsubasa... as he sets the tray with pastries down on the table, not quite sitting yet himself but definitely preparing for a positive answer.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno blinks with complete innocence at Tsubasa's reaction and talk of someone jumping from the third floor window. She really didn't pay much attention to rumors, and only caught the snippet of that phrase from some of the chatter going on around her while she was about to go to lunch. "Oh is that what--" But then Usagi's reaction jerks her attention away looking momentarily concerned at the choke.

A little exhale of relief comes when it's more a reaction than a 'she's dying' situation. That would be irony though. Usagi of the endless stomach surviving Beryl and Youma but dying from eating too fast.

Smiling again she nods toward everyone, "Yes, you're right. He's very reasonable. He might be a bit hurt, I think, but he'd be very understanding too." Her gaze flickers to Usagi again lingering a moment with a bit of a pink flush rising to her cheeks. Her latte is raised for a quick sip. "I just think there's other people I'd like to kiss more than him." oh god she said it out loud.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"I'd like to be a pilot, yes. I am already taking classes to have a license and have done assisted flights with an intructor!" The one eye that is visible on Tsubasa's face sparkles with delight - clearly it was not so hard to find that sweet spot that is his interests.

Nevermind that his wish literally is to fly. And can do so as Cure Wing, but a boy can dream for more, right?

However, when Usagi presents him with new information, he sucks it up like a sponge. "Oh, she is??" he asks, clearly intrigued with this idea. "I-I will have to stop by to say hello, then, and ask her!"

The tray is set on the table, and honestly, Tsubasa is surprised that the older kids want to sit with him. "S-sure!" he says quickly, moving his book out of the way and hugging it to his chest to allow room for the tray and the others, right up until the mention of Romance.

He considers his thoughts on the matter, and finally admits. "I... I wouldn't know. I mean, I never..." His cheeks are red, he's hugging his book tighter. He's clearly got thoughts, but to hear it talked about? The introvert is gonna introvert.

So as a distraction, he throws out the question. "Was it really a third-story window?" He's heard wild variations of the story - thrown from the rooftop. Thrown through the window. He jumped instead of accepting a love rejection. It might even be the same boy that Ami was just talking about rejecting! "....t-this isn't like a new.... viral thing, is it?" he asks with trepedation.

And then there's more talk of kissing and romance and breakups, and Tsubasa is shrinking into his chair a little bit. Is this what happens once a teenager turns fourteen? He's two weeks from that date, is he going to be this bad???

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi thumps at her chest a little, but she's fine, she's fine, it was just the shock of hearing Chiyo-chan's story repeated by Ami-chan, she's totally fine - she's laughing a little, a lot, but trying to cover it up, because it's probably mean, an dmaybe scaring this poor kids -

And then Ami mentions that there are people she'd rather kiss and a goofy little grin spreads over Usagi's face. Just, truly goofy, flattered and kind of adoring and she eats half of her dorayaki in one bite, just to cover that goofy grin.

Of course, then she has to chew and swallow it, which gives room for more conversation to happen, and she chases it with a sip of sweet sugary latte, before finally taking note of how shrunken and awkward and embarrassed poor Tsuabasa-kun looks.


"It really was a third story window. And he really was fine! I think he caught a tree branch, so he didn't actually fall all the way.

She's pretty sure he did fall all the way, but she shouldn't scare the child.

"I promise high school isn't all romantic woes, Tsubasa-kun! There's clubs and friends and lunch, but you've probably already seen the cafeteria, so you get it!"

Zoisite has posed:
As soon as he gets permission, Zoisite is sliding smoothly into the seat opposite Tsubasa, one leg rising to cross elegantly over the other once he's comfortable. He's setting his swiss roll and his iced latte in front of himself as Ami mentions other people she wants to kiss, and he looks up sharply.

Eyes narrowed, his gaze travels from Ami to Usagi and back to Ami, before suspicion and perhaps realization dawns on his face. As he sips his drink, he continues to watch them carefully, a glint of knowing in his gaze.

But he says nothing about it, instead diverting his attention towards Tsubasa. "There's an entire contigent of us who are more focused on other things, I assure you," he points out to reinforce Usagi's declaration.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Oh, right, they were sitting now. Ami slips into one of the seats opposite Zoisite which puts her between Tsubasa and Usagi. Right next to Usagi. The hot latte she was drinking was in an actual cup and not an iced takeaway so she holds it gingerly between her hands while leaving her scone on it's plate untouched for the moment.

It's with the remarks of the others that she realizes Tsubasa's uncomfortable posture. "I'm sorry, I don't usually talk about such things often. I'm far more focused on school." Which is why she blurts out her usual, "If you need tutoring on any subjects I'd be glad to help! Although if you're planning to be a pilot you're likely already very good at math and physics. It's an impressive goal."

She's pointedly not looking at Zoisite because she can *FEEL* that look from him and darnit. He was probably right.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
There's a quick nod as Usagi and Zoisite are throwing lifelines to the poor Tsubasa. But while he doesn't get the idea behind the knowing glances and flustered feelings, he knows what being a fourth wheel on a tricycle feels like!

"I... I should get back to the dorms, I still need to unpack and take care of some things. It was really nice meeting you all!" he promises, trying not to be awkward at all as he gets to his feet and offers a polite half-bow.

Cure Wing may stand tall and brave and knightly in the face of danger, but Tsubasa Yuunagi is so fleeing the awkward discussions of a teen heart. Pray for him when he finally figures it out.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"It was nice to meet you! Thanks for sharing your table with us!" And then Tsubasa is gone, and Zoisite is giving knowing glances, and Usagi looks at him primly and lifts her head high as she says, "I'm a really great kisser. But alas, you'll never know."

There's a sly edge to her smile, that shows it's not about putting Zoisite down but making it clear that someone here gets to know what a great kisser she is. And boy is she smug about it.

Zoisite has posed:
"I will truly never get over the mystery," Zoisite drawls as he cuts off a bite of his swiss roll and lifts the fork to his mouth. He takes a prim little nibble and looks back and forth between the two still remaining at the table with him, his reaction to Tsubasa fleeing having been little more than a raised eyebrow.

He takes up his latte for another sip, mulling things over for a moment, before he blows out a breath. "Though I would like the details. Ami-chan, you've been keeping secrets from me, have you?"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Her savior and distraction has fled leaving Ami completely vulnerable to Usagi's teasing remarks of kissing. It was her own fault, bringing it up, but a part of her was brimming over with the still-fresh excitement of the risk she took the other night. Red-faced she gives Usagi a wide-eyed little gasp at her remark, "Usagi-chan!" It's blurted out as her blush deepens forcing her to hide behind her latte cup.

Blue eyes guiltily shift over toward Zoisite at the question which she can only grin sheepishly at. "I ah... A little. Maybe. I think after all lately, I just realized I kind of..." Oh how to put it? Oh! Right! How had she explained it to Mamoru?

A deep breath is taken emboldening herself as she blurts out, "I think it's more about liking the person for me than about boy or girl or anything. And I like and trust Usagi-chan and um."

A glance is given to Usagi as she admits, "I guess we really haven't talked out details yet. I know Mamoru is also dating Kazuo though so I thought... maybe?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I couldn't help it, you're so cute when you blush!" How could anyone resist that sight, huh? How could she? Ami-chan is cute, and Usagi gets to look, now, and maybe they haven't talked about it, not really, but that kiss had been nice, and she wants to do it again, and Mamoru was dating two other people, so why not..

"I thought we could try a date," she says, a little shy, a little smiley. "And see how we like it. I know that's a risk, with me, because my dates go horribly wrong like, almost every time, but they're still really excitingly wrong, you know?" Does this not sound like something you want to try, Ami?

Zoisite has posed:
Caught sort of in the middle, Zoisite subsides a bit, letting the two lovebirds look at each other while he himself enjoys his little treat. The sweetness of the swiss roll matches well to the slightly bitter, earthy flavor of his matcha iced latte, so despite side-eyeing Ami and Usagi, Zoisite is perfectly content.

The beach view captures his attention, and he looks out across the way as he slices off another piece of his cake and lifts it to his mouth.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno was starting to grow a little tense with that question hanging in the air... But Usagi mentions teasing her, and her being cute, which just causes the blush to worsen. Ack. Here with no book to cover her face she opts to just nod quickly. "A date sounds good. It's a good start." And not a confession of outright love which always kind of freaked her out. Then again, Usagi always said she loved her anyway. It was comforting in a way.

Finally she reaches for her scone giving Zoisite an apologetic look. "So are you okay with Tamaki and Kazuo dating, then?" Oh did he know that yet? Zoisite was going to have to get caught up some.

Munching the scone she glances down to her phone to consider before rattling off, "Ah we've got some upcoming tests soon too. We should get caught up on those before anything else." Of course. The talk goes on from there about school because that is exactly the sort of way that Ami can relax for the day.