Gullwing Coffee

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Gullwing Coffee
Allied Faction: Neutral
Allied Groups: Civilian
Location Type: Business
Grid Locale: Yumegahama, Gullwing Coffee
Gullwing Coffee is a modern new coffee shop that sits near the beach. It used to be 'Seaside Diner', though it was then bought out by a young entrepreneur and turned into Gullwing Coffee!

The shop itself has a light green motif to it, the wallpaper done with white wavy lines and arcs attached to arcs to give the impression of abstract seagulls. The floor is a clean checkered tile in white and deep green. Fluorescent lights light the ceiling.

The shop has a long bar, a holdover from its diner days, that acts as a central seating area, and to bar off the small kitchen area from the rest of the shop. Stools are not attached to the ground and can be slid around or moved. The area behind has various coffee machines of various types; almost any sort of hot drink can be made here it seems. There's also a berth of frozen/cold drink machines- and a soft serve ice cream machine. There is a selection of basic baked goods on display: mostly basic pastries, rolls and croissants and bagels and other similar fare with various fillings or toppings or spreads on order. The most complicated item on the menu seems to be basic cold or hot sandwiches that can be made to order.

The right side of the shop is dominated by a long window that overlooks the beach. There are tables with chairs, four to a table, though there's apparently nothing stopping people from dragging chairs or stools over to a table. Each table has a small placard advertising local events that gets changed weekly, along with the usual salt and pepper and other condiments expected on a restaurant's table.

A wide door leads out to a small patio that leads directly to the seaside. The patio has some tables with umbrellas over them to keep the sun off. They are usual down in the winter months, as the patio isn't popular in the cold weather!

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
In a Summer Daze July 24th, 2023 The end of school and finals leaves a lot of students reeling from the fact that they once again have the freedom of youth and summer. To celebrate, many of them congregate in places like Gullwing Coffee... to enjoy a sweet treat and commisserate. New friends are made, and plans for the future are discussed.
Perfectly normal Coffee August 16th, 2023 Experiences, nature and power pink fru fru coffee. Hinoiri and Naru have a chat.
Coffee or tea... chocolate! August 24th, 2023 Chocolate cake and chatter over hot beverages, Naru and Ami discuss hobbies!
A Café, Eclipsed November 4th, 2023 While Coco is sifting through the city obsessively, Amy and Cleria watch over the toy-fied people at the café. Will they manage to help them not be as aggravated by the whole experience while the the transformation is still functional? The answer, actually, is yes.
Girlfriends Again November 18th, 2023 Sayaka and Hinoiri have another date. Sayaka asks to become actual girlfriends by the end of it.
Heroes like you December 18th, 2023 Hotaru makes FRIENDS at the locale cafe. Meeting Ami, Madoka and Haruka, the three talk about magic and adorable mascots!
Pushing the Envelope December 19th, 2023 After Soryuu Shrine, Kyouka and Fuyuko meet for coffee to discuss the events and also how to better annoy their boss.
Eyes Like Open Doors December 20th, 2023 Himeko contacts Kyouka to discuss the aftermath of Soryuu Shrine, current events, and possible concerns for the future.
Coffee Confessional December 30th, 2023 Masato and Naru finally go for coffee (and tea). They have all SORTS of things to talk about.
Coffee, Conversation, and Clubs March 5th, 2024 Bow and Sayaka go to Gullwing Coffee for conversation and learning more about each other's worlds.
Conversation over Coffee April 12th, 2024 Phantom approaches Ikuto to find out what his game is. He offers to get him a recommendation to meet Beryl in return for information on a mirror taken from him. Ikuto is soooo dooomed.
Coffee is for the Birds May 11th, 2024 When dealing with a new relationship dynamic, sometimes coffee is required. Ami, Usagi, and Zoisite meet to chat and hang out. They meet Tsubasa Yuunagi already there and make introductions.
Coffee Catchups July 2nd, 2024 Takashi catches up with Naru over coffee.
Soft Reset August 17th, 2024 Bow and Glimmer talk about Adora's memory reset and what it means.
Baseline, With Bowl December 5th, 2024 Kazuo is turning eighteen and the Fade is approaching. With that, opportunity - so Ami and Naru are given the task of collecting data as he grows, to see if the mahoujin can learn anything about the Fade.