1596/Dirty Business

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Dirty Business
Date of Scene: 28 May 2024
Location: Yumegahama Ward
Synopsis: Someone gets hold of 20 of a trinket that you're really only supposed to get one of, resulting in a youma! Ginga Kingu, Puella Amy, Lamya(?!), and Onihime show up to fix the problem! Knight Aloisia briefly cameos to make a barrier and carry off the civilian to get him taken care of. This was not her intention, after all!
Cast of Characters: Aloisia Stauss, Mie Kitamura, Kureha Senkenzan, Sugata Shindo, Amanda Faust

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     The Yumegahama ward, normally a pretty pleasant place to be, with various little beachfront attractions and stores, among them was a relatively small little thrift store which had recently gotten a few new items that seemed to be selling well. Only a handful, as Aloe had been careful not to put too many in any one store to try to avoid too many people buying up a lot of them.

Unfortunately for Aloisia Stauss, she hadn't accounted for a collector happening to get ahold of one of the items and decide they wanted to collect as many of them as possible, to the point that he had gone to various thrift stores around the city and purchased up a good dozen of these items.

Originally meant to just do a relatively mild energy drain and have a small enchantment to make them more appealing to people, as the man purchased the last of these trinkets in town, there was a sudden feeling of danger as he began to leave that thrift store. As the man's energy drained lower and lower from the higher exposure, and the obsession began to take root in his mind, an unintended side-effect of the trinkets happened.

And suddenly, junk began to be drawn to him as if attracted by a magnet. Trash, items out front of the thrift store, even someone's phone they'd left behind, as rather suddenly, instead of a man standing there, there was a humanoid pile of junk.

That was starting to grab at just about any other junk it can get its hands on. Up to and including taking pieces off of people's parked cars or bikes. Aloisia Stauss, watching on a screen from a distance, comments, "Whoops, that wasn't supposed to happen. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be fine."

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie is on the hunt! She had herd about these magical trinkets being sold in the Yumegahama ward and, like she does most things, totally misunderstood what they were. Thinking they were Cure Decor, she decided that she was going to hunt them down before any of those cursed Precures could get them.

    Only one problem: Some guy is getting to them before she can. How dare he! After a bit of tracking (dragons have an excellent sense of smell!) she comes across the Trash Youma.

    She stares at it for a bit before shouting in confusion. "What is this?" She waves an arm at it. "What even is this?" Glaring at it she mumbles to herself, "Darn creature. It has my Cure Decor inside of it!"

    Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she finds a convenient alleyway to transform into the dreaded (at least in her own mind) Dragon Girl Lamya. After a swirling of darkness that envelops her, she shoots out of the alleyway on emerald wings to stand before the Youma. "Foul creature!" she shouts, pointing at it accusingly. "Give me your Cure Decor willingly, or I shall take it from you forcefully!"

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    It is, thankfully, one of the days on which Chisa is Kureha's designated caretaker. They've been out for a rare stroll, simply enjoying an outing at the beach after visiting a particular beachside shop (that happens to have some hard-to-find hot sauces she's been interested in, shush). With that already dealt with, it's just a nice pleasant walk... until a youma pulls a chunk off their parked car as they're approaching it.

    People are no doubt starting to run. To panic. But Kureha just turns to glance at Chisa, who gives her a soft nod; worried, but proud and understanding. "Go, my lady."

    It really is good that Chisa's the one here, Kureha muses privately. No need to juggle excuses today.

    A flare of flames erupts from behind a particular beachside cafe, and there's a soft thud as the kimono-clad Onihime comes down on the roof. She straightens her kimono ever so slightly, folds her hands together, and declares a calm, "Littering is a fine. Please stop creating such a dreadful mess. I would rather not have to object more forcefully."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Yumegahama ward is turning out to be a bit of hotspot of chaos, at least as far as Sugata is concerned. So far, he's two for two on bizarre incidents and youma - not that he's complaining, of course. He might have been out shopping (and surreptitiously planning to check the repairs of Dream Kingdom) but he's not going to turn down a fight - he's got plenty to go before he's caught up to Wako and Takuto.

Speaking of which...

There's a flash of light as Sugata transforms from his usual self to Ginga Kingu in a bright flash of light, right there before Godoka and everyone, and then, as Onihime appears, Ginga Kingu pulls out his phone and - snaps a picture of the youma.

Yeah. He starts texting, too.

    Sugata Shindo texts: Fighting a youma in Yumegahama.
    Sugata Shindo texts: It's a real dump. (picture of junk youma)
    Wako Agemaki texts: Wow, you weren't kidding.
    Wako Agemaki texts: Think you'll need Zero Time?
    Wako Agemaki texts: from the looks of it I'm kind of thinking not.

"An actual dump of a monster, huh? I guess nothing is too lowly to become a threat in Tokyo," he says idly, continuing to text his group chat with Wako and Taktuo.

    Sugata Shindo texts: I'll be going swords this time. But I'd never turn you down, Wako-chan. Or should that be Wako-hime, now that your channel is getting to be so popular?
    Wako Agemaki texts: please don't. XD

He stands there before the youma, weaponless, genuinely and actually texting, showing it absolutely no respect or concern in the slightest.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Rumors of magical objects in thrift stores in Yumegahama has even made its way to certain corners of the internet. Like, there's always vague jokes but when posts start talking about how they heard someone is looking for items at specific places... user 'Malloween' asks some questions...

    Amy doesn't see anything out of place though. She checked, this shop is on online maps, it didn't suddenly start existing today, and the cashier doesn't seem like a wizard at all. Oh hey, are those some books?

    While she's distracted digging through books she doesn't notice a customer leaving and becoming a youma until there's a commotion outside. She rushes to the window, eyes wide, then rushes outside, sparing the cashier only a brief glance before running to an alley.

    The Puella Magi runs up just in time to hear someone shouting about Cure Decor. "Uh. What? It captured a Pretty Cure? Where? Look monster, you better give it back, or-- Wait. Are you one of the intelligent ones that can talk and stuff, or are you more, uh... 'purpose-built'?"

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     Dragon Girl Lamya is on the scene, demanding 'Cure Decor' from the junk youma that had just taken a chunk out of Onihime's car! ... ... In response, it moved towards Lamya. It might seem like it was offering something to her! ... ... Nope. It's trying to grab a chain or stud from her outfit to just add to its collection. How rude!

Please stop making such a dreadful mess. The youma's head turns at a somewhat unnatural angle to look at Onihime, junk-face twisting into something vaguely approaching anger. "NOT... MESS... COLLECTABLES!!!" FLASH. Right in its face, someone was snapping a picture. It draws the attention of the youma to Ginga Kingu... and more specifically, his phone. As he is texting away, the youma moves towards him with a simple action in mind, simply reaching to attempt to grab the phone and absorb it into its junk pile. Maybe it was offended by the comments?! ... Yeah it was definitely getting angry. Also just sticky fingered. "Pretty... CURE..? COLLECTABLE???" Wait. These were... magical girls... and boys... THE ULTIMATE COLLECTABLES. "..." The Youma looks at the gathered magical people. "...COLLECTABLES!"

And it goes from randomly obsessed to sending out multiple junk arms towards each of the magical people, attempting to grab and pull them in towards it. Seemingly intent on just ... incorporating them!

Luckily even if they get grabbed, this wouldn't work, but it /also/ wouldn't feel good to be shoved against a living pile of thrift junk.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
As more people around, the youma starts to get active - first taking a chunk from a car, then trying to take a chunk from the winged girl's outfit and then - trying to take Ginga Kingu's phone?

"Rude," he informs it, jumping back and onto someone's car. In that instant, Ginga Kingu's phone vibrates again, and regardless of the youma's opinion he... he... he starts texting again. In fact, he even takes a moment to snap a quick picture of the gathered mahou.

    Wako Agemaki texts: Think I'll sit this one out, but let me know if it looks like swords won't do the job
    Wako Agemaki texts: I'll come running.
    Sugata Shindo texts: There's plenty of other people here (picture of mahou), but if your talents are required, I'll call.
    Wako Agemaki texts: Haha we still have plenty! you got a lot.
    Wako Agemaki texts: :thumbsup:
    Sugata Shindo texts: The more the better, right? Besides, it's not like it will go bad.

Conversation settled, he puts his phone away and slams his hand to his chest, where a symbol glows beneath his military style jacket and fluffy golden cravat.

"Star Swordo! Diamant!"

A white sword of glowing white energy is pulled from his chest, and used to cut through the junk arms that come towards him.

"Collectibles should be obtained at market value or on lucky sales," Ginga Kingu informs the junky beast. "Not snatched by the greedy hands of an obsessed loser."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    "I see. Not in your right mind. I suppose I shall have to-" Wait, there's a familiar face. "Oh, hello," Onihime calls out to Amy, before reaching up to give her hair a casual flip. "It would appear we shall need to jar some sense into it. Allow me to take the lea-"

    A limb of junk comes hurtling in towards Kureha. Without skipping a beat, she shifts sideways, adjusts her stance slightly, and catches the limb. And refuses to let go, planting herself firmly on the roof. And it turns out that she is... strong. Very, immensely, incredibly strong.

    "I'm sorry, but it's ill-advised to wrestle an oni." And then, the kimono-clad young lady turns, shifts her weight, and heaves upward. What happens next will depend on how durable the junk arm is. If it's not particularly tough, it might just end up pulled off the youma. If it's durable enough to support the junk youma's limb, though, the youma is about to get heaved into the air, and then forcefully slammed.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "What? Hey! Stop that!" Lamya starts batting away those searching junk hands looking to add her chains and studs to its collection. "You can't have them! They're mine!" She seems absorbed in preventing the Youma from getting her various adornments to notice that other magical folk showing up on the scene.

    "Get away from me!" she shouts, and with one forceful shove, she manages to get the hands away. In order to put some distance from herself and the Youma she spreads her wings and alights into the air, only for another appendage to shoot out and grab an ankle to try to reel her in.

    She growls at the offending arm... an actual growl, one a noise that an animal would make, and swipes at it with her claws. "I have half a mind to send an Akanbe you!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy smiles back at Onihime--


    Amy realizes it's talking about her and her allies as the arms grab her and bristles. "Eww eww eww eww eww! No. Gross. We are not collectables! Who made a monster like this?"

    She conjures her rocket launcher and just holds it against the monster point-blank. *BOOM* "Lemme go! Let US go!"

    Once she breaks away, she tries to back out of junk-arm range while pondering how to better attack it without risking hitting others held against it. And she hears Lamya shouting and looks over-- "Heeey! Aren't you the one kidnapping princesses? Is this monster yours and now it's backfiring?!"

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     Yeah no fair trying to steal a dude's phone is rude. Nevermind the ringing going on somewhere from the depths of the junk youma. That's what that random beach goer gets for leaving their phone where the junk youma could get it, though.

AND THEN THE COLLECTABLE TURNS OUT TO HAVE OPTIONS?! ... That cut through the junk, searing through a toaster that had been included in the limb, the junk that had been making up the limb dropping to the ground.... then starting to pull back towards the main body of the monster, scraping and rolling along the ground.

Meanwhile, it successfully-ish gets into contact with Onihime! ... In that she grabbed it! ... ... And ended up snapping the limb off about halfway down from where she grabbed it, the rest of it retracting back to its body, and leaving a handful of cords and a hair straightener in her hands! It seems it's not physically very durable. Or it lets it break down as a defensive measure, like some sort of weird junk lizard snapping off its tail.

Get away from me! And the youma is shoved away from Lamya, stumbling in a ... rather... disjointed way, rocking in place a bit... before straightening itself up again. Its humanoid figure starting to devolve into something more like a moving pile of junk as its limbs get torn off ... or sliced off, in the case of Lamya's attack, the fallen junk being pulled back into the pile.

Who made a monster like this. Aloisia, still watching from a distance on that screen, "Believe me this was not my intention." She mutters under her breath.

On the other hand, this was actually pretty fun to watch.

Especially as the junk monster is shot point blank by the rocket launcher. BOOM! ... ... Is it really a good idea to shoot something with an explosive point blank? Either way it's effective and blasts the junk youma apart!

... And for a few moments...

It seems like ... it's over, as Amy Faust questions Lamya.

Until after about five or ten seconds, the junk youma recollects itself. Literally, about twenty feet away from the closest mahou! ...With a ... giant hair dryer constructed of junk pointed towards the group. The end of it glowing orange for a few moments, before flipping on with the standard VREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE of a hair dryer. And unleashing superheated, scalding, burning air towards the group!

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Amy gets Lamya's attention as Amy shouts at her. "What? No! I would never use a creature so crude as this," she huffs. "My Akanbes are much--" Better? To be honest, no they really aren't. She's been meaning to talk to Joker about this. "They're much more elegant than this!" Nice recovery. "No. I shall take care of this nuisance myself!"

    She turns back towards the Youma and takes a deep breath in, red eyes starting to glow, but before she can unleash ... whatever it is that she's doing... the Youma turns into that giant blow-dryer. Being a dragon the scalding air doesn't seem to bother her all that much but the giant winds coming from it blows Lamya butt over teakettle in the air.

    "Curse you, foul beast!"

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    There's an owlish blink from Onihime at the limb coming off in her hand. "...somehow, disappointing." Without a further thought, she tosses it aside, and then leaps down onto the sidewalk as the group lays into it, holding back for just a moment to let everyone unload. She'll find her chance to slip into melee... or, they'll blow it apart. That works, she supposes. Content to stand back and just let the others complete their mop-up, the Youkai Musume instead sweeps her eyes around at the crowds, checking for anyone badly injured-

    Kureha's instincts scream at her.

    A subtle sound, a tiny shift, a change in the scent on the air, it's hard to say what it was. But her head whips around just as the thing starts to reassemble, and just like that she's dashing in. Just as the superheated air begins to billow outward, the tiny kimono-clad oni plants herself right in the path, pushing forward with all of that strength and weathering the deadly heat through a mix of inhuman toughness and an affinity for fire herself. Stomp stomp stomp stomp, step by step, right up into punching range of the Junkdryer - at which point she hauls her arm around and unloads a massive, powerful haymaker.

    And as the blow swings towards impact, her own fist erupts in a small inferno, a burst of short-range but intense flames as if to spite the monster alongside any damage dealt.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Sugata's phone buzzes as he and the others hack, slash, rip, and tear away at the junk creature.

    Wako Agemaki texts: I am *pretty sure* chocolate can go bad! eventually.
    Takuto Tsunashi texts: dont SAY that
    Wako Agemaki texts: It's fine we'll eat it before that happens
    Takuto Tsunashi texts: things always go bad when-- okay

And then, all of that effort is for nothing, because the junk youma just - regenerates. If not regenerates, then reshapes itself, in such a way that it doesn't seem to bother the creature that it's losing parts. It's irritating. Time to speak to a pair of more experienced fighters. R
    Sugata Shindo texts: It keeps regenerating.
     Wako Agemaki texts: the chocolate?
    Sugata Shindo texts: If I have to pay for more of Yumegahama I might actually have to speak to my parents.

The dragon-esque girl is apparently someone who kidnaps princesses. Aren't there princesses among the empire's family? Why is she searching Tokyo when she could bother them? Sugata's about to ask her when - ah. The youma blows up. Well, that was convenient. He shouldn't have even bothered asking for advice - all it took was one simple rocket, apparently -

"You're not kidding," he replies to Onihime (not that he knows her name), when she remarks that it was disappointing -

But then the girl is moving, and a superheated current of air is rushing towards them, and Sugata leaps from the car to avoid it, as his phone buzzes again. Right. Chocolate talk.

    Takuto Tsunashi texts: get everybody to combo it at once

Sugata's about to ask her, when
    Sugata Shindo texts: What? No, though... I never actually checked to see if Tiger and Jaguar bought everything as a one-off order or a subscription.
    Sugata Shindo texts: Good idea, apprentice.

Takuto doesn't particularly car for being called that, he probably shouldn't have -

    Takuto Tsunashi texts: im withholding affection, there was no call for that


     Wako Agemaki texts: I can still come Zero Time if you have to use the King's Pillar. Takuto-kun and I have been practicing.
    Wako Agemaki texts: don't wreck more of Yumegahama.

He really shouldn't. And as Onihime goes stomping forward, for a devastating Falcon Punch, he grimaces, does the proper thing, and prepares himself.

    Sugata Shindo texts: apologies. i shouldn't have taken the near scalding out on you, Takuto-kun.
    Takuto Tsunashi texts: ... <3
    Wako Agemaki texts: <3
    Wako Agemaki texts: ...don't get scalded either! put away your phone if you need to!

Good advice, Wako-chan!

"If it's going to keep regenerating, we should aim to destroy it all at once. Combining our attacks might be the best way to crush it."

"Star Crash!" And to follow up Onihime's devastating Falcon Punch, the shining white sword Diamant is launched up and into a falling trajectory, blue-white energy trailing behind it to give the energy sword the extra oomph. It will spear directly through the youma... somehow bypassing the person inside.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Shall you now." Amy replies.

    "Oh, great! If it just pulls itself back together, how do we beat it?! Augh!" Caught in the edge of the scalding airflow, she runs to get out of it. "And were you taking pictures earlier?!" she asks Ginga Kingu.

    Oh damn, look at Onihime go! "Guess whoever made this monster messed up by making it counterable by oni..."

    Despite her hair being a blown-out mess, she calls her launcher back to her hand and readies to fire as soon as the monster is clear of Onihime.

    "So, what was even the point of a monster like this? Was it supposed to grab people and take their energy? ...I guess that mighta been a good plan, actually. Probably faster to take it that way, right? If it hadn't popped up literally in the middle of three magical gir-- uhh, people, and one dragon? It coulda grabbed a few folks for energy and run home before we even showed up!"

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     Unfortunately, superheated air is not super effective against most of the targets, it seems! ... The Youma would probably learn from this, if it weren't a youma made of literal junk and an obsessed collector that was never supposed to exist. A foul beast indeed! One that now has a small oni walking up to it, in spite of the giant blow dryer, which does get aimed a bit more purposely at Onihime!

... Which just about only gets it punched in the ... nozzle? Breaking it apart once more, and then lighting it on fire just for good measure! The scent of burning electronics wafts into the air even as it tries to keep integrity and continue blowing that overheated air towards Onihime! ... Yeah it's not very smart.

An action that is stopped rather suddenly as a sword crashes through the youma, slicing through the engine that was blowing that superheated air from the attack of someone seemingly mostly uninterested in this Youma! ... ... Yeah no that conversation is probably more important than it. It's just an accidental youma created by what was supposed to be a low level energy drain plot after all!

The fact it was weirdly durable was probably its only good point.

"...Oh. Right. I should help out I guess."


And a rapidly spreading barrier encompasses the area. Which might be familiar to many magical people who had fought inside of a Barrier.

...But there's no device user at the fight.

And once Onihime is clear, another rocket is launched into the junk youma, which is blasted apart once more, spread out! ... ... ... It doesn't seem to gather itself up this time though.

Instead, those mahou on the ground, if they weren't paying attention, might miss cords snaking around near their feet. And then unleashing wild, uncontrolled, crackling electricity. Paying attention to the cords, though, might reveal the potential weakness of this youma:

All of the cords seemed to center on a small, tight grouping of magical-seeming trinkets, that after the electrical attack was unleashed, quickly seeming to re-protect themselves with junk.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mercifully the blow dryer seems to have stopped blowing Lamya around, and she manages to right herself in the air again. She glares down at it as it's blown apart, following the trail of smoke left behind by the rocket to Amy. Her eyes narrow, making mental note that this one is dangerous.

    No matter. The sound of buzzing electricity on the ground brings her attention back to the youma. Perhaps it's her airborne view. Perhaps it's her experience with youma herself, but she manages to pick out the cluster of junk that seems to be its heart.

    "There!" she shouts, pointing at it. "It's heart! Destroy it and it shall be no more!" Once again she inhales and swoops down towards the nerve center to unleash a fiery breath at it through sharp, sharp teeth.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    It's the electricity that finally draws a noise of pain from Onihime. "Ghk-!" An attack that bypasses her immense physical durability to directly inflict pain and damage is noticeably more effective. But even where her physical resistance isn't a direct factor, she's still shockingly tough. In just a second or two after the shock stops, she's standing up straight again. And, on realizing that a barrier has deployed, the oni simply hauls her non-corded foot up, before stomping it down hard enough to shatter the concrete for a good few meters around her.

    "Ah, good. I can stop restraining myself."

    The horned young lady turns to glance towards Sugata. "A sound plan. Very well, then. I shall put my back into the next one." The air around her begins to shimmer as heat positively rolls off the Youkai Musume. Little flickers of flame appear in the air around her, split-second fires that wink out almost as soon as they appear. Kureha starts marching forward, holding her clawed right hand out to her side, as the temperature rises. But then, she speaks-

    "Rekka Kaihou!"

    -and the flickers of fire explode into a blazing pyre. Flames whirl and flow around the oni, every step forward seeming to intensify them. All at once, they spin and spiral inward, a blazing torrent that whirls itself down around her right arm. There's a person inside there, so she'll have to go with the more external of her two finishers. The one that requires her to curl her fingers into a tight fist.


    And the instant Lamya's flames stop, the Youkai Musume of Flames is hurtling in. Her arm hauled back, prepped for a simple, powerful straight punch - one that lands with a tremendous blast of heat that could melt steel and force that could shatter concrete. Kureha might not have the speed and agility of other magical girls, but she makes up for it in pure, overwhelming physical and magical force. Especially in her finishers.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"I was," Ginga Kingu replies shamelessly. "We send each other pictures of the youma we find. The second picture was to prove there was backup, so no need to fly halfway across town. Ginga Kingu. And you?"

He's expecting the monster to regenerate, so he's not exactly surprised when it falls apart. Rather than cross the distance to retrieve his sword, Ginga Kingu decides to go for one of the better tricks of the Star Swordos - disappearing it in an instant, and then, once again, pulling it from his chest into existence.

Hey, if you've got a neat trick, why not use it twice?

Except, this time, when the youma regenerates, it's doing something different - cables streak around like vines, and Sugata calls, "Get clear!"

Before shoving Diamant into the ground and flipping himself up, into a handstand, both hands firmly gripping the sword's cross. Being made of energy rather than metal, it's unable to transmit the electricity to him -

And as soon as the electrical current cuts out, he's hurling Diamant once more.

"Star Crash!"

If it's not broken, why fix it? Once again the shining energy sword crashes through the youma - this time, aimed right for it's magical-artifact heart.

Only then does he glance around, frowning - there's the sense that something has changed, but they're clearly not in Zero Time...

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Its heart is... specific pieces of junk? Ugh, I can't see them..." Amy grouses. Onihime is solving the problem with brute force, though! "Alright! If there's anything left after that... I'll blow it apart, you get the heart pieces or whatever!"

    Third verse, same as the second! And first. She tries to rocket it as soon as Onihime is clear!

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
    Fwoosh, Lamya flies in to unleash a burst of fire breath upon the core of the youma, which unleashes a metallic screeching noise, the retracting of junk becoming much faster and harder to protect that core from the oncoming attack and rolling away. A roll which is disrupted by the sudden SLAM of Onihime's feet into the ground, the sphere of junk being briefly launched into the air.

As flickers of air appear in the air. That then explode into an inferno punch that comes flying towards the sphere that was now in the air and unable to effectively dodge the punch! CRACK! The junk that had been gathered defensively being melted and cracked away, leaving molten bits of metal and burnt electronics flying to the ground around it! The moment Onihime gets clear, a rocket strikes, blasting away the remainder of the protective junk, chunks of burning junk flying apart, leaving only the naked core of magical trinkets!

Which is a great target for a shining energy sword to stab through, causing those trinkets to burst apart and fall to the ground, leaving behind the man who had been collecting them on the ground in their wake afterwards.

Well, it seems like it's over, at least. And... people are... mostly... okay? Probably?

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Lamya finally touches down on the ground once the youma, folding her arms as she looks about her. "Tsk. I don't sense any Cure Decore here," she says, miffed. "Only this... junk."

    Now that the threat is gone, her attention is turned towards Amy and Onihime, two magical beings who she has clashed swords with before. Tension rises within her, getting ready to be attacked by them and the rest of those present.

    "I propose a truce," she says, calling out to them. "I have no interest in this matter, nor do I have any interest in fighting you. Let us go our separate ways and call this done."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    One hit after another after another; Kureha's signature Kanabo Straight is just one of the powerful strikes unleashed, and no youma could hope to endure that much combined power. No sooner has she delivered her strike than Onihime leaps away, leaving room for Amy's followup rocket and Ginga Kingu's perfectly-aimed Star Crash. And that, at last, proves to be the monster's undoing. She stays on her guard again, wondering if there's going to be another 'revival', but this time it stays down, and at last, the horned girl relaxes.

    Fire-orange eyes quirk over to the sword-wielding new face curiously, regarding him for a moment. "I know that you weren't addressing me, but... Youkai Musume, Onihime. Mine is the blood of Mount Ooe." A slight shift of posture, and then a deep, formal bow. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ginga Kingu, and I am grateful for your assistance."

    She turns to regard Lamya with an appraising eye, before replying with a simple, "Agreeable terms. It would be uncouth to attack you after you provided assistance."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
So there's a bunch of burned, melted junk, a man - and tension rising, with the dragon figure, but he has no fight with her, so she likely has no fight with him...

Besides, he's gaining an introduction.

"A pleasure of mine as well, Onihime," he returns, offering his own deep, formal bow of respect. "Mine is the blood of Southern Cross Island. Your power is quite remarkable."

When he straightens, the sword that ended the youma's heart vanishes, and he feels the mark on his chest glow with power.

"If I may - what is your name, Dragon-san?"

He's being polite, but also, he calls it as he sees it, and she's definitely some kind of dragon, right?

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Damn. Amy hopes she never has to fight Onihime. That fire seems like it would probably overcome her regeneration.

    Lamya proposes a truce. Amy nods. "Fine by me. Honestly, it's good to hear someone reasonable on your side, now that... ...Just try not to go mad with power later, OK?"

    She dismisses her rocket launcher and trudges over to the man lying where the youma was. Minutes ago they were back in the same shop. One of those trinkets, she saw in his hand as he was thinking about buying it...

    "Hey." She'll shake his shoulder a little. "Wake up. Congratulations on finding magic. I'm sorry you got whammied." He won't remember this, but for a moment, she can just talk honestly.


    "...Why? Why were you... What were you looking for?"

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
     Lamya, being someone who also works for Obsidian, might recognize those trinkets as some sort of energy draining device, though a very weak one. The youma doesn't revive. The trinkets sufficiently separated, even if some of them are technically still active if someone picked one up. Aaaand.

As people seem to calm down, relatively dropping their aggression, the massive shield-wielding Knight Aloisia drops from the sky, landing with a resounding THUD next to the fallen man, kneeling down to pick him up. "Hey, sorry, those trinkets weren't supposed to ever end up all in one person's hands." Comments the knight. "That one's my bad. Who'd have thought a trinket designed to do a low energy drain and catch the eye so someone buys it would make a youma when someone collects like 20 of them. I'll get him somewhere he can recover. ...Also probably recommend him a therapist, that level of obsession is weird."

Knight Aloisia, not wanting to be shanked in response, especially since she's right up there next to Amy who is trying to shake the guy awake. "Wasn't the dude's fault beyond maybe being a bit more prone to magic that makes an item more appealing. Anyway, byeeee." And then she would, surprisingly quickly for someone with TWO GIANT SHIELDS, begin to make her way away. Probably because she can magically fly. That probably helps. ...Someone could probably take a pot shot at her if they really wanted to, but considering she has a civillian in her arms...

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Kureha's reaction to the sudden arrival of a fast-talking shield maiden can be summarized quite simply.


    It's such a sudden, baffling swerve that she doesn't realize they're being addressed by the culprit until Aloisia is just starting to take off. And by then, it's too late. Well, okay, she could pick something up and throw it, but... well, the girl is at least trying to clean up her own mess? It's a difficult quandry.

    Onihime eventually solves it by scowling. "...I'm going to return to my company for the day and ensure that they're safe. Until next time." And just like that, she's calmly walking off to find somewhere she can de-transform.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy stands up and jumps back at the Knight dropping out of the sky. "So... it was just magic that makes people want it?" She doesn't sound entirely certain about trusting the assessment of someone who was working with dark energy. A therapist? "That's probably a good idea," she nods, and then Aloisia is leaping back into the sky. "Make sure it's a progressive ooooone!" she calls out. Couldn't hurt.

    Amy then turns and nods to the others. "Good working with you again." She offers handshakes and a smile.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Well... that happened," Sugata watches the armored knight fly off with the civilian, eyebrow raised high. Someone who took responsibility for their actions which harmed others... unusual. Definitely a circumstance to tell the others about, so... up comes the phone, snapping a picture of the knight with TWO shields and a civilian, flying away.

And then there were just the combatants, with Onihime walking away.

"You never did give your call sign," he notes, looking curiously at Rocket Launcher Girl.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Lamya bristles as the Knight comes out of the sky. It's an automatic reaction born from years of fighting them, and her tension only increases, her fingers curling into talons getting ready to fight. But then she's gone, and the rest of the people seem agreeable to a truce.

    Her stance relaxes and she turns to face the group once again. "Then I shall take my leave. Next time we meet... I shall dominate the field and defeat you all."

    Then with a huff and a turn of the head, she launches herself back into the sky. Once she gets to a certain height, her form blurs as she teleports to the Bad End Kingdom. And with that, the dragon girl is gone.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy gives Lamya a thumbs-up in response to her declaration of future victory.

    She turns to Ginga Kingu and blinks. "Huh, I didn't? Uh. I guess I've settled on Magical Rocket Girl Red. And you're Ginga Kingu. I think we've worked together a few times now."

    She looks up. "...We did absolutely nothing to make sure she wasn't just gonna go drain more energy from him, huh. I hope she's as honest as she seemed. Guess other villains are stepping up now that Sunbreaker's..." she shakes her head. "Sorry, that's not funny, actually..."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"So you're the Rocket Girl." There's a note in his voice, as he takes in Amy, looking her over with new eyes, comparing the girl in front of him now to the girl Takuto warned him about... Hm.

And he digs his phone out, to text the picture he'd taken, among other things.
    Sugata Shindo texts: you won't believe who was behind this.
    Sugata Shindo texts: an actual knight in armor. with a shield. two. flew away with the civilian. (picture of fleeing flying knight). Apparently the junk youma was an accident.
    Takuto Tsunashi texts: what
    Takuto Tsunashi texts: a knight in armor with two shields who left with the civilian? the hell?
    Wako Agemaki texts: That's... weird
    Sugata Shindo texts: Supposedly she sprinkled around machines to drain energy, and when the civilian collected them all, they turned into a youma.
    Sugata Shindo texts:Even more supposedly, that wasn't her plan.

"We have worked together. I appreciate knowing who I'm working with. But there's nothing any of us can do about it, and she's likely the one who put the barrier up, so," he shrugs, "She probably isn't going to kill him and sell his organs, or whatever kidnappers on the mainland do."

Though there's something she mentioned -

"Sunbreaker? Who's that?"