1619/A Visit From Some Inners

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Visit From Some Inners
Date of Scene: 01 June 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: While Ami's keeping Mamoru company in the hospital, Minako and Rei stop by.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Rei Hino, Minako Aino, Ami Mizuno
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's been two weeks since Mamoru got set on fire a lot and had all his magic, his ability to generate and channel and store it, power-vacuumed out. He's doing better in a lot of ways -- some miraculous recovery of first and second degree burns, some very hasty recovery progress on some third-degree burns, but... it was bad, it was so bad, and it's still bad, and he's still here and still bandaged.

He's just had his bandages changed, which means that it's Ami's shift of being lookout and company is just starting, and it also means he's a little bit loopy from the pain medication.

In the room, there are a number of potted plants kept out of the way but making the room smell nicer and look less blankly sterile; there are cards on the dresser along with some flowers and a three-tier bento full of snacks-for-Usagi. On the windowsill on the closed side of the window, there's a bear in a tuxedo and a mask, he knows what he did. In the corner there's a plushie kale smoothie and its face is turned away from the room -- it knows what it did, too.

On the rolling tray table for over-the-bed purposes, there's a closed thin laptop with a wireless mouse.

Mamoru's got a mummified-in-bandages right hand and wrist, and he's got a mummified-in-bandages left shoulder, and his left arm's discolored from scarring that the doctors probably already forgot was from this hospital stay.

Rei Hino has posed:
    There are few things Rei struggled with. Her father's lack of attention. Contending with the past recently revealed. Hospitals.

    Rei hated the sterility. The liminal space where no one was supposed to dwell with any sense of permanence. Nurses and doctors and aides coming in and out of rooms. Janitorial workers. Kitchen service workers.

    The sterile environments were different from the sense of cleanliness she associate with her neat and orderly shrine. It reminded her of the stark line between living and --

    Rei Hino rarely freezes in action. She had a small tote bag with her, to refill snacks for Mamoru and Usagi. She knew which floor, which room number, but found herself having trouble exiting the elevator. She hated hospitals.

Minako Aino has posed:
Minako had visited Usagi, visited Mamoru (though that one had come with a little distraction) and now she was back again. Her hair tied by the usual ribbon and this time (after dropping off the collection at Usagi's dorm) there was no snacks under her arm, she was just here to be here. Herself passing forwards, the usually bright blonde was considering, contemplating...but she'd catch a glimpse out of her eye as she passed by.

A familiar raven-haired miko who was paused at the elevator.

"Rei-chan?" she asks, hands moving to stop the door from closing once more.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno had situated herself in one of the many chairs in the room. There were often more than one visitor at a time to this rather popular patient of the hospital, but this one was typically occupied by either Usagi, Kazuo, or Tamaki depending on who had what shift. For now it would suit her purposes of being near if he needed something quickly, or just wanted her to answer a text for him. She was if anything a diligent bedside companion.

Even if Certain Topics had not really yet been discussed in favor of just distracting with the mundanities of life. Like homework!

For once she doesn't have an array of textbooks nearby, nor workbooks for cram classes. She already got into highschool. Cram school was out for at least a year until she 'settled' in. Though really it was just an excuse to focus more on her duties as a Sailor Scout in the meantime. So instead of schoolwork she's currently working on a crossword puzzle with a thoughtful frown.

"Four letter word for 'sandwich'?" Her eyebrows furrow. This should be easy. Yet. She was stuck.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Gyro?" asks Mamoru, turning to look at Ami. "Also, can you roll the laptop back over, please, and open it and give me the mouse? I'm figuring out Stellaris, and I want to see if being souped up from extra painkillers makes me better or worse at it..."

The heart monitor beeps regularly.

Rei Hino has posed:
    Rei is immediately stirred from her thoughts, clutching the bag a little more tightly as she turns to the blonde that she had also not seene for a little bit -- she has to get better at this.

    "Mina-chan--" she stammers a moment, ears getting a red hue in embarrassment. "I apologize -- am I in the way? I was just -- bringing some get-well snacks up." she states gently. A little out of her normal self.

    "I just -- was lost in thought. I apologize."

Minako Aino has posed:
"Never," Minako offers, a hand extended to Rei to help to coax her over the threshhold and draw her towards Mamoru's room. "C'mon, I'm sure that Usagi-chan and Mamoru-chan will be happy to see you!"

Certainly she was, her pursuit and then pushing herself to cover as much patrolling for youma as she could manage while other Senshi were held up. It hadn't left nearly as much time for the two of them as she'd have hoped, but that just made finally catching the other girl all the more wonderful despite the circumstance.

"C'mon, I'll show you to the room."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno stares at the page with pen hovering over it because *of course* she would use a pen for such a simple thing. Except. Except it didn't work. "No, that's not fitting either. Maybe--" Abruptly she sits up, staring at the page with a completely aghast expression. "Tuna? TUNA fits?" All she can do is sigh in frustration. "I don't believe they translated the clues correctly for this."

The little booklet she'd obtained from the hospital's gift shop is placed aside to stand and wheel the little tray with the laptop back over. "Of course. Do you need me to check anything else for you, or adjust your bed? It's where you were most comfortable a few days but if you need it adjusted further. I can also look up some tutorials if you need tips in Stellaris." She's trying. She's trying so hard.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru laughs a little ruefully. "It's okay, Ami-chan! I'm hardheaded, if I'm going to torture myself with a videogame I'm going to make sure I get as frustrated as I can be-- until I'm out of here. Right now the frustration's part of the distraction. There are a lot of moving parts, and I'm not starting anything easy--"

The bed's at a good angle, his glasses are on his face; he tips his hand over for Ami to put the mouse under it on the side of the bed there, and he looks at the camera for the facial recognition to kick in and unlock the laptop. "And, tuna is NOT a word for sandwich, you're very right. I wonder if you can say 'tuna' in front of a raging bull..."

Rei Hino has posed:
    Rei loops her arm around Minako's, and steels herself, and gives a single nod.

    "-- you'd better *not* be tempting any raging bulls right now, Mamoru!" comes Rei's voice putting on the front of In Control Senshi. She has a Mildly Disapproving face at the idea of anyone even doing such a thing... with tuna?


    She gives a huff of breath out through her nose, eyeballing Mamoru, his bandages and the mouse and laptop, and then she forces her shoulders to relax.

    "You *should* be resting," she looks to Ami "Right?"

Minako Aino has posed:
Minako arrives, arm in arm with Rei and looking brighter for it, though spotting Mamoru awake this time brings a sigh of relief from the blonde. "Hey! Good to see you up Mamoru-chan," she offers, though she trails off as Rei gets stern, were it not for the little giggle on her lips muffled in an aside to Ami as she lifts a hand in a subtle wave of greeting.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno glances over at the pair that come in with a quick and easy smile at the sight of her friends. Nevermind that they come in with linked arms, or that they're obviously being a cute couple right now. It's all taken in easy stride as she finishes adjusting the mouse beneath Mamoru's bandaged hand.

"Rei-chan, Mina-chan, welcome! He is resting," she assures with a solemn nod. "But keeping the mind active is just as important to the health of a patient as sleep is."

Wat Mina's remark she gives a little uncertain expression that darts toward Mamoru, then back again. "Mina-chan you can't call him that, only Usagi-chan does. That would be like me calling her 'Usako'."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
He looks small in that hospital bed, bandaged-- he looks diminished, behind his glasses with his hair all bedhead and no invisible mantle of Earth's power about his shoulders, injured or otherwise.

Mamoru's eyebrows go up, though, at Minako calling him Mamoru-chan. And then they go up even higher at Ami. "Don't! You make up your own pet name for her," he says with a laugh.

Then his expression softens a little. He doesn't move his hand from the mouse, but he also doesn't look back at the computer screen. "Don't worry, I'm getting plenty of sleep, Rei-san, Mina-san. This is what counts as 'up' unless they help me to actually get up, which they do regularly. So-- thank you for coming! I'm a lot better at pretending to not be out of my head, now. I'm still dissociating but it doesn't seem like it, right? I'm watching from outside."


Rei Hino has posed:
    "... that can't be healthy." Rei murmurs, mostly to herself, and then she glances down at the bag she's brought, and holds it up.

    "Apparently everyone's been by bringing snack foods. I know hospital food is healthy, but it leaves a lot to be desired." she explains, "Especially when it comes to taste." and she goes to add snacks to the pile of well wishes.

    "I also brought a few charms for prayers for good health and fast recovery -- if you want. It'd be rude to just you know -- stick them on you and leave." she states ruefully -- though she doesn't comment on any gaffes. They're all tired. It's been... gods, how long *has* it been...

Minako Aino has posed:
Bright red, Minako was probably competing with Rei's Senshi skirt for color right now. "Sorry! Sorry! I was busy talking with Usagi-chan a lot and..." she exhales a sigh, one hand coming to her head for a moment before she comes to find a seat for herself, blinking a little at Mamoru's confession. What could she say to that really? She wasn't exactly a nurse, doctor or councilor. Instead, she comes to look back at Rei, who was so much better at this thing, or Ami who tended to come back with solutions much faster.

"Well, you've got everyone here to help when you need us...and like, SO much snacks here."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno turns red herself when Mamoru suggests she find her own pet name! All she can do is sit back down with her hands folding into her lap daintily. "I don't believe we're quite there yet. I'm not certain what I would call her anyway." Princess? No no, no. That would just lead to trouble.

An apologetic look is offered back toward Minako and Rei as they get a bit flustered over the issue. The question of what to do was easy though. "We're keeping him company and helping to distract him. It's not an answer, really, but I can't imagine wanting to be alone with my thoughts in this situation. It's already frustrating I'm certain." Which is why she's dealing stoically with her embarassment at the light ribbing instead of bolting for the bathroom to hide like she had last time. "And of course hunt down and throw Sunbreaker into that deep hole she's dug for herself."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"It's fine," Mamoru says benevolently, riding high on being sixteen and in treatment for full thickness burns-- emphasis on the high, unfortunately. His social filters are a little offkilter.

He brightens at the snacks and charms. "Please do stick them! Carefully, if you need to stick them on me, but would you have to? They work even if you don't, right?" he asks Rei--

This boy believes.

"The snacks are wonderful. I'm out of the pineapple Ramune that Setsuna-san brought in, but Chiyo-chan's brought in some really lovely teas--"

Minako Aino has posed:
Rei slipping out does get a little peck on the cheek, even if she was left to settle down, digging in the bag for something to offer Mamoru and -totally- not hiding her face from the embarassment.

Of course, she looks to Mamoru and Ami, retreating to what she knew best: love and romance. "So...when you're able to be dischaged, will you call go out for a dinner date? Snacks or not, a good food meal from a restaurant would be way better than hospital stuff."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"Thank you Rei-chan, take care," Ami calls out after her fellow senshi. It really was sweet of her to bring some charms after all! While she might be a woman of science, she'd seen enough to know there were many things as yet explained, and Rei's powers outside of simply being a senshi was certainly among them. There's no doubt from her however.

"Tea is good for hydration too. Especially since you've been getting quite a bit of sweets." Unfortunately. Or perhaps fortunately since his sweet tooth certainly made sure he ate the healing foods.

Minako's question earns a little blink of surprise, and she tips her head toward Mamoru. "Oh that's a good idea, you should bring Usagi-chan out to get something good. Maybe somewhere with a nice view." Well away from the hospital.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Something ridiculously fancy, we can dress up and pretend I'm embezzling from Obsidian again," Mamoru says with a sort of silly fake wistfulness, his bandaged hand coming up; he holds it in front of his heart, but doesn't actually touch surface to surface-- it's a fair approximation of hand-to-heart. He carefully sets his hand down again so he's not sorry later.

"We could also all go out together," he says, "but that might be a little awkward for Makoto-san and Neph. I think I'd even be happy staying in, I like my own bed a fair amount, you know? It's pretty comfortable, all things considered."