1667/Mahou Band vs FROGMAN

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Mahou Band vs FROGMAN
Date of Scene: 15 June 2024
Location: Penguin Park - Island Shrine
Synopsis: An ordinary day at Penguin Park becomes extraordinary an orange mohawked leather pants-wearing Frogman takes over the Island Shrine with his electric guitar! Can the ragtag band formed by Cure Suzhen, Hanzo, Tuxedo Mask, and Puella Red, featuring special guest, Meowth! I mean, Chat Noir!
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Adrien Agreste, Koji Silvia, Amanda Faust, Mamoru Chiba, Yaling Yao

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
So Penguin Park is a pretty large, sprawling area. Between the museums, the zoo, and the playground, the Island Shrine in the center of the large pond is often quickly forgotten, save for festivals and ceremonies.

It's a beautiful place though, that shrine! There are lily pads in the water, and many bloom around the small island shrine, and the cherry trees may be out of blooming season, but they're still quite lovely, full of green trees that provide shade, and of course, there are many lovingly tended to statues, and the shrine itself, with it's magnificent torii gate.

There's so much to see, when you just cross the bridge from the main land of Penguin Park - like the giant frogman with a mohawk and an electric guitar that's hopping around.

Wait, the what?

Adrien Agreste has posed:
With how often things happened in Penguin Park that required the intervention of those magically abled, Cat Noir had long ago made this part of his patrolling route.

He's currently out enjoying the pleasant day, the way the air ruffles through his hair as he leaps from one place to another pole-vaulting with the use of his staff where needed. It's the motion of the creature below at the torii gates that causes his gaze to shift downward. Was there a festival going on he didn't know about? He always enjoyed those!


"Huuuh. Seems someone is feeling froggy today!" Ah, what good were *great* puns when no one was around to hear? He lands ontop of one of the posts leading the way to the shrine nimbly and turns to call out testingly (just in case this *wasn't* a youma or Akuma), "Heeey buddy! That's a nice guitar you got there. Planning to croak out a tune or two?"

Koji Silvia has posed:
So... this was no Koji's patrol night. In fact? He was taking a break, recovering after the whole Sunbreaker thing to give his Device a chance to repair itself.

That and he'd seen on social media that a pretty popular ice cream roll cart was going to be out tonight at Penguin Park, as part of some little event of something else.

So with a small cup with a sorbet made from a can of sprite, with some fresh freezedried ginger and pineapple in it, it was really just the corner of his eye that caught this... *SIGH*... yeah, this dark energy monster hopping around the Shrine Island and looking for whatever it's looking for.

Licking his spoon clean, he pokes at his food, which is a little too sour for his taste, he asks Hanzo, "How are the repairs."

    << 100 Percent, Master. This level of creature should be an excellent test. >>

He gives it one last bite, Koji does, and then with a 'bleh-face' from getting a hard hit of candied ginger on top of the weird sweet of the Sprite sorbet, and he just bins it and begins just walking the bridge, and at the mid-point, as a view of him is obscured by a light-pole, he holds up Hanzo's phone form and says "SET UP."

    << SET UP. >> Scrolls across the mini-screen.

And as he steps back into view, his Barrier Jacket is on, and he's wiping his hands on his pants.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    So uh, yeah. For the benefit of anyone reading scene logs: thanks to MAGICAL SHENANIGANS, Amy's currently a doll! About 1½' (45cm) tall, with a painted porcelain head and glass eyes (with moving lids) that can look around under a red wig; There's articulation for her mouth to move like a ventriloquist dummy but when she talks it animates with much of the flexibility of a human mouth, except filled with creepy sharp teeth. Her painted-on eyebrows also move with her expressions because magic. The body must be some rigid material under her clothes; limbs have 'doll joints' although only her neck and hands are usually exposed. On the whole, she's still kinda creepy but not quite as much as you'd expect: For the most part she doesn't move like some unnatural puppet or doll creature, she moves naturally like a human being, which helps.

    After being brought back to her dorm room, Amy stands in front of the mirror and swaps to her usual henshin outfit, or a doll-ized version of one. Then she summons the version as if she's about to fire her mahou missile massacre finisher -- Armored boots and gauntlets are added, with (empty) missile racks attached to each gauntlet, boot, and her shoulder side-pauldron thingies. Hmmmm. She dismisses the cloak, and the missiles, and looks at her reflection, holding a hand to her chin...

And Then:
    Standing on the roof of the dorm, Amy's made her outfit mount thrusters where the missile racks were (matching her white-and-red colorscheme and adding pink trim), and has even added a variant on the open armored skirt thing over her cloth skirt, as another thruster mount point. If she's going to learn to fly with magic she'd best do it now, while the tiny rockets and the force needed are magically much cheaper to make and use.

And So:
    Tiny Amy leaps from rooftop to rooftop, arms and legs flailing unsteadily as she tries not to completely beef it. Eventually she tries hovering. Can she... go on patrol like this? ...It's probably not exactly safe for her to engage an enemy alone, but... she can practice how she might move around, right? Okay look, she can fly right now and she's gonna enjoy it, caution be damned!

    Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... way too small to be superman! A tiny humanoid figure flies through the air over the park, and wobbles a bit as she tries to slow down and squints at the... is that a frog man? What? Dang, she should bring, like, binoculars next time.

    Okay yeah there are definately some mahou standing around it. A fight is going down! This will be as good a time as any to test!

    Amy dives down. As she comes into shouting range of the island, she points, "Ha-HA! Good things come in small packag-- slow down SLOW DOWN SLOW DOWN!" Whatever good guy speech she was about to start is interrupted as she tries to turn her arms and legs to use the thrusters there to brake with limited success, going right past the youma of the day and barely avoiding smacking into the shrine!

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The Frogman is about eight feet tall, with human-like legs currently covered in black leather pants, wide frog-flippers for feet. His broad hands, each ending with a large knobby tip for the finger, are currently strumming a bright blue electric guitar, and from his slimy-green head sprouts a neon orange mohawk. His eyes are huge, as is fitting for a frog, and set on opposite sides of his head, so he can only look at them with one eye at a time. He's got a notable hunch to his posture...

And when Cat Noir makes his pun? He sticks his tongue out. And out. And out! Because oh boy that frog-like tongue is going right for Cat Noir, trying to smack him with frog-tongue-action!

As Puella Red the Tiny Flying Doll goes zipping past though, the frogman JUMPS, and immediately knows what he must do.

It is his calling. His truth. His JUSTICE. What is it?

A guitar cover of Yakety Sax.


Mamoru Chiba has posed:
The fact that Koji, Cat Noir, and Amy all hear Mamoru yelling somewhere in the park, "Earth Prism Power, Make Up!" doesn't mean anything at all.

LIES! It means Tuxedo Mask is on the scene!

On the scene half-poking up out of a tree because literally on top of the torii is rude and atop the pavilion doesn't give him a great angle for throwing roses. And he needs to start from a tall thing. And that frog needs to stop doing the dark energy rockstar thing, like, strat.

So in his tree he waits, watching the frog, watching Cat Noir, watching Koji approach ooh this will be fun and maybe they should do a ramen night, watching Amy... fly in... and not brake enough. He winces.

And he sort of winces even worse at the tongue headed for Cat Noir. And then it starts playing comedy chase scene music and he exhales from his soul.

Tuxedo Mask throws a @};--',--'-,-- rose into the ground at the frogman's feet, whipped through the air so fast it leaves a visual trail like red blurred lightning. When it lands, stem first, it's sticking into the ground like an arrow. A petal flutters down as the rose settles. Somewhere, a spanish guitar plays even over the sound of the electric guitar, and it is accompanied by castanets.

"Music is an art, and art is a sacred part of the human soul! You are a soulless youma with nothing but trouble in mind!" he yells out from the top of the tree, declaiming. "I will not stand for it! I am Tuxedo Kamen, and I shall be your opponent!"

That said, he does a somersault in midair and lands next to Hanzo, clapping a hand on his back and shoving some buff at him. "With my friends, obviously," he tells his roomie with a grin. "Let's save Chat Noir and Iron Girl."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir leans back and away from the tongue instinctively! He's very flexible, and acrobatic, so he manages to lean over quite well. Unfortunately he WAS ontop of a pole so gravity ends up taking him the rest of the way. With cat-like precision he rolls into a back flip which ends with him landing on his feet... In the bushes. So it's more like feet-first into landing on his butt sprawled back over a thankfully-not-prickly bush.

"Not the sort of hot licks I was expecting!" Though now there were actual guitar licks occuring as he wriggles himself out of the bush thankful for the distraction that the dollified Puella Amy had offered. Hopefully no one saw that. Right?

"Oh no," he moans quietly to himself, "Ah great it's tall dark and well dressed." Of course he was seen by someone he knows! Kind of knows. And has flirted with. Of course.

At least he's no stranger to embarassment.

Rolling out of the bush back to his feet he ignores the twigs and leaves stuck in his beautifully fluffy blonde hair in favor of flipping his staff out to spin in front of him lazily. "This isn't one of mine, so I'll follow your lead on how to handle this. I assume smacking it is generally safe practice though?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Damn, this is way harder to control without Mid-Childan magic helping!

    "Are you MUSICALLY SASSING ME?!" Tiny Flying Amy shouts as she clumsily turns around and comes back towards the fight at a slower speed. "Listen you, I WAIT NO--" *THUMP*

    It turns out it's a bad idea to dramatically point with one of the arms you have a rocket thruster stuck on, it might cause you to careen off course and into the torii gate. At least she hits at it a speed that wouldn't even seriously hurt a human, and has much less mass, but that doesn't make it look any less embarassing.

    She awkwardly flies over the gate and cuts power, landing unsteadily atop the TALL THING. "Iron Girl? I guess it's better than most titles I could come up with, but -- oh you're making an iron man reference. Yeah, fair."

    She dramatically POINTS AGAIN. "So what's your deal? You uh. Don't seem to have like, an audience or anyone to drain, so... what are you up to? Why's a youma playing guitar all alone in the park?"

Koji Silvia has posed:
Still Walking...

Admittedly, it looks kinda cool that a mahou boy just STROLLS up to the fight, but this is one of Koji's worse habits... he tends to let others get into the scrum while he waits for a good spot to step in...

...which is exactly what his roommate does for him!

Leaving him just inside the Torii gate, with some really chill and cool moonlight and streetlight behind him, a light breeze kicking up his hair.

(Okay we get it, animators... you like drawing this stuff... can we get back to the fight now?!)

Looking up at Tuxedo Kamen from his spot, he holds out one hand towards the frogman of ROCK, and then says with a grin under the mask, "Know you audience... rock's good, but you don't have the japanese flair for it. Lemme demonstrate."


<< Yes, Master. >>

    "Phantom Band. Play some music for my friends to kick this guy's tongue in."

    << ... >>

The 'Must I' is palpable in the silence...

    << PHANTOM BAND >>

Two mystical circles appear in the air on each side of him, and... music starts playing to drown out the 'Sax.


Yaling Yao has posed:
Trouble makes itself known in many forms, and this one... has chosen the definitely striking way of some sick guitar riffs that probably have been alerting the musically sensitive everywhere. And by the power of all that is musically just and righteous, Yaling was close by when the frogman had started his sax busking.

"White Snake's music from the Li Shan Laomu herself! Historic Legacy! Cure Suzhen!" She had even changed her henshin phrase to match, and jumping and rushing as fast as she can, from building facade to building facade, she hops down in front of the youma.

"Mr. frog!", Cure Suzhen calls out. "Why leave your home? Won't you miss it? Your music can rise even where you were, just like a lotus emerging out of water! If you are distraught, let us sit and play amicably." The Precure calls out, and her Jade pipa appears in her hands, ready to be plucked.


Usagi Tsukino has posed:
As Cat Noir goes tumbling feet and booty first into the bushes, Frogman makes a second pass at the flailing, Cat hero, and this time, he snags him. Spinning about, while still absolutely shredding Yakety Sax on that electric guitar, he winds and throws the poor cat hero across the lake, skipping him like a stone until he's back on the main land. He's totally fine, because the laws of Mahou state that the more embarrassing the attack, the less damage it does, but... Yakety Sax grows more and more fitting!

But then, a justice speech is made, there's the introduction of a distinctly Spanish guitar riff seems to offend it's musical sensibilities more than the rose that flies like an arrow to the ground at it's feet, as Frogman puffs up to his full height as well as filling the throatsack in his, well, throat, to glare at Tuxedo Kamen with... one of it's eyes, because it has binocular vision and can only look with one eye at a time.

The tension is broken, however, as Iron Girl goes speeding for the torii gate, and Frogman starts rapidly playing something else - a long wah, wah, wah, waaaaaaaaah is played on the guitar.


w, rude.

Hanzo and Cure Suzhen join in then, and they both start playing music of their own - Japanese metal on a guitar and classical pippa music, sounds which do not blend particularly well-together, but which seem to have captured the heart of this youma! He sways as he listens, guitar falling silent, is it possible that they've beaten him with the power of song alone?! Is it possible?!

And then his hands move to the guitar, and the electric blue guitar hums with power as it glows. Hey, it wasn't doing that before.

This time, when he starts playing, the soundwaves blast out from the guitar with physical force, a battle of the instruments to shake their bones! What is he playing? Why, an answer to Amy and Cure Suzhen's question, of course!


Being young Japanese teenagers, most of them probably won't recognize the song. But Amy will likely recognize the dulcet tones of Creep by Radiohead.

But I'm a creeeeep!
I'm a weirdoooooo!!!
What am I doing heeeere?
I don't belong here!

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Tuxedo Kamen laughs with delight, wide eyed behind his mask, as Koji and Hanzo produce a phantom band-- and then he puts his hands over his ears, still laughing, because the three-way war is terrible. "More distortion, Hanzo, please!" he yells over the ruckus, then crouches down with one ear pressed against his shoulder and the other still held by a hand, and puts his suddenly-freed hand on the ground.

There's a dim gold glow and someone who was just briefly very overwhelmed is able to chill out enough to think, and the Frogman's response to Amy and Suzhen is enough to knock him over out of his crouch. RIP.

But he's still got that good idea! And, lying on the ground, he takes his hat out and then takes out of his hat two rose-styled earplugs and hurriedly puts them in. A sigh of happiness. The hat goes away again and he scrambles to his feet, gesturing in Suzhen's direction. "CAN WE BE HER BACKUP BAND OR SOMETHING? HANZO DO YOU KNOW HER SONG?" he yells, partly over the music and partly because the earplugs. Mostly over the music though.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    It played failtuba ON A GUITAR. "Okay, fair, that was pretty good." She can't even be mad! It was!

    And then everyone plays their own songs -- why is everyone musical? -- and the frog plays a song she's heard before... she's definitely heard it before, but she doesn't know the name or the band.

    And the sentiment makes her feel sorry for it.

    "Aww. Y'know, I'm a weirdo with a brain full of rot and worms and they let me be a good guy! Uhhh... listen, um..." How can she put these words in song?

    She whistles seven notes, and whatever the hell is supplying everyone else with background music obligingly starts in with an upbeat melody before she tries to cheer the frogman up!


o/~ "I woke up and forgot my phone and so I missed the express," o/~
o/~ "My life reflected before me in the train window." o/~"
o/~ "I'm sure that there is something that I'm better than anyone else in Japan at," o/~"
o/~ "...but it's just so sad that no one notices it!" o/~"
o/~ "I can't run fast, though." o/~"
o/~ "I'm not that strong, though." o/~"
o/~ "So here I go, at my own steady pace" o/~"

Ay ay ay!

o/~ "Let today's sadness go away like passing rain in the sun!" o/~"
o/~ "Hesitation, mistakes, and dreaming the night away..." o/~"
o/~ "Say farewell to your sadness as it flies into the stratosphere!" o/~"
o/~ "Look to the sky and shout at the top of your lungs!" o/~"
o/~ "At this tempo!" o/~

    The instrumental plays out a short bridge, and then Amy finishes the song!

o/~ "Right now, at this tempo!"

    She curtseys from the top of the torii gate. "Does that make you feel any better, froggy?"

Yaling Yao has posed:
Alas, there is not much difference between a young japanese teenager and a young chinese teenager when it comes to not recognising Creep by Radiohead, so the frog's message flies over Yaling's head all the same. But even if the cacophony going on from many music styles mixing together may feel like an ambush from ten sides, it is a special moment all the same, to see Tokyo's very own musical army deployed in response to the call.

All the various performances by themselves are definitely a spectable for the girl's soul, who would have definitely cheered at them had her hands not been full with playing her instrument. Oh, well, vocally cheering is still cheering, and not a croak on this, alright?

"That was sublime, Mr. Ninja, Sir Tuxedo", Yaling says, a touch of the string, offering Koji and Mamoru a small lotus in response to their performance. "Please, accept this. I will definitely line up and rehearse now that I know what we are playing here", Cure Suzhen promises with a smile and a nod of her head, as she plays once more and torrents erupts from in front of Yaling, having conjured just enough force to cancel out the physical power of the soundwaves, a refreshing stream of water possibly reaching the frogman after the fury of the water has been diminished.


And then there is one more musician seeking to join the fray, not with an instrument but with the power of her voice alone. Has this improvised band of musicians found their lead!?

"Puella Red, is that you?", Cure Suzhen squints her eyes in surprise as she struggles to look at the relatively small doll. That's quite the worrying transformation. "Are you alright? What has happened to you? Is this a curse?"

Koji Silvia has posed:
    << SHIELD. >>

Hanzo's arms go up in an X-pose behind a blue hexagonal shield between him and the attack, but the sonic strike pushes him back about four feet, skidding to a stop with a stomp of a foot. Shaking his hair out of his face, he looks up towards Suzhen as he moves one hand like he's turning down the volume, but his 'speakers' turn and focus his voice and her response back towards the pair, "Nice entrance, Cure! I think we're going to have to out-music this one... especially if we want to keep damage to the Temple at a minimum."

Still feeling the effects of Kamen's buff flowing through him, there's almost a sense of giddiness in him he can't help as he rolls his neck and then dispels the shield.

    "Let's do this. Hanzo... Phantom Terrain. MUSIC VIDEO."

<< Yes Master... Phantom Terrain. MUSIC VIDEO. >>

A bubble-field drops down around everyone present, almost like a Time-Space Barrier... but now. the air is dark, and then suddenly like a spotlight, all the players are displayed, and Frogman gets his own cone of music.

For Amy, she suddenly finds herself in a frilly punked-up rose-colored dress with long leather opera gloves and spike bracelets, and if she looks up, she's suddenly in a spiked-up version of her regular do with a little bowler hat on. Make-up-wise, she's got little starbursts under her eyes and black lipstick. Around her... a drum-kit appears. Perfectly sized for her, and in front of her eyes there is a video-game like display that has the drum-channels listed and as the sticks appear in her hands... she's given the chance to lay the beat for the crew.

Tuxedo-Kamen is swept over with the light, and is now still in his top-hat and mask, but his entire tux-top has become the tuxedo t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, and down to full-on spiky stomper-boots. In his hands is a rose-red Gibson and his fingers get to pinch around a pick with a rose emblem on it. Just as with Amy, the game queues up for him too.

For Hanzo, his Barrier Jacket is replaced with red baseball cap with a rose on it, a modern face-mask with a cat-nyah on it, and a black t-shirt like Kamen, but it just says 'NINJA '24' on it. His jeans are black and straight, and he's got on classic red kicks instead. His weapon of choice is a fat sparkly blue Bass guitar... and his pick has a small kanji on it for 'Shadow'.

Not one to be left out, an aged-looking Japanese man with a long greyed out ponytail and an eyepatch turns to raise a conductor's baton, and the additional backup provided for Cure Suzhen is a choir, Guzheng, Erhu, and some traditional drums.

While Suzhen's beat-drop and melody is traditional, what springs up around it is a heavy orchestrational metal vibe, the guitars adding depth, the drum the punctuation, and the voices in the background with the strings starting a crescendo to power up for a very non-traditional Cure beatdown!

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Tiny Doll Amy plays a heartwarming, soul touching song, reaching out to Frogman, trying to capture his spirit with compassion and empathy...

And Frogman doesn't attack her?! What's this?! Is compassion truly the answer? Well, at the very least, it doesn't seem to be hurting, though Frogman is squinting at her from her position atop the torii gate.

But luckily, he's an animal and never heard of religion, so he doesn't think too much about it.

The fact that the soundwaves were blocked doesn't seem to bother Frogman very much, especially once Cure Suzhen begins to play, and a refreshing stream of water rains atop him.

(The electric guitar, which isn't actually plugged into anything so shouldn't it be JUST a guitar?, is protected, don't worry! He hunches over it, swelling up, up, up with air so that none of that refreshing downpour can damage his instrument.

Gotta respect it, right?

The world goes dark suddenly, as the 'barrier' is put up, and suddenly, Frogman faces... an entire band! Guitarists! Pippa player! Drums!

It's! It's! It's INCREDIBLE!

The electric guitar is silent, as Frogman waits to judge their performance. Can they touch his heart?!

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
By the time Tuxedo Kamen takes the lotus offered to him, he's already in a tux t-shirt and ripped jeans, the one glove he's been wearing out of henshin lately transformed into a white biker glove, perfect for absolutely shredding, which he can literally only do with Hanzo's help. He knows what it's supposed to look like, but he's just a fan, truly.

But it's like Guitar Hero or something, he's seen people play it. He's quick on the uptake. He can do this.

He can do this with a lotus affixed to his top hat!

Carefully, Mamoru feeds more power into the equation, because if nothing else, he can do that. Maybe enough attack power poured into the effort is good for fake-it-til-you-make-it.

He waits until Cure Suzhen starts to play before picking out a countermelody, following the notes on the screen in front of him, then realizing he's got a distortion pedal in front of his foot, and his eyes gleam behind the shadow of his mask.

Yes: this is absolutely wailing on the guitar! He leans with his back toward Koji, rose-red Gibson resting across his hips as he furiously follows the music!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy sings a song about how things will be better tomorrow.

    She ends it after one verse, but...

    'Things will be better one day.' Calling up memories of that song meant remembering her old existence, of eternally waiting for the impossible, and dreaming of what could never be. An existence that leaves her warped even now that she got her wish. Offering happiness to the frog meant psychically damaging herself. Her eyes would water, but they can't right now.

    Fortunately, a distraction presents itself in the form of: A cool band outfit! She looks down at herself in wonder, a smile creeping onto her face: I... I can wear this?! I can wear this! The only thing that would make it even better would be seeing it on her (new) normal body...

    And she's presented with a rhythym game! "I'm really better at singing..." but, she'll do her best!

    Although her current form makes her look kiiiiinda like a muppet flailing at the controls, she's actually decently good at this, although far from perfect!

Koji Silvia has posed:
The Lotus sent towards Hanzo is caught, and becomes an elegant lotus-blossom colored guitar strap, the pink-rose color on the edges fading into the center where it is a snowy white. It's a nice visible flash of color on the otherwise plain display of the young man as his hair caught in the back-strap of baseball cap swings as he bears down on the keys, playing the same game as the others, but since the Device has control of the environment, it makes it look GOOD.

Around the group, the scene shifts behind them to be a flowing field with an ink-brush/shadow-puppet rendition of the battle that part of Suzhen's music speaks of... the group on a wooden 'stage' in the foreground.

When Tux-Kamen goes for the 80s guitar lean, he strides the 'stage' and goes back to back with him, fingers running combos as hard as he can, and trying to help lift the sound and let Tux's power flow more efficiently inside the space.

Everything they do is from his Device listening to Suzhen's music and adding the flair of each of the others into the space, causing two more magic circles to appear in the air, these ones starting to throw small wind effects for everyone's hair, some floating Lotus petals, chased by rose and cherry, all of which intermingle and clash in time with the music and as a counter-point to the 'battle' behind them.

Yaling Yao has posed:
Apparently she has been chosen to take the center stage on their performance!? She can't say she expected this, but she is not going to let them down, and empowered by the spirit of music, her hands are lightning fast on her instrument's chords, keeping up a vivace tune that, empowered by her finely tuned bandmates, can be heard with impact and grace, possibly even over the Frog Musician's electric guitar. Is this the time their performance will finally touch his soul?

With the magic set by Koji, Cure Suzhen's costume becomes her more traditional, her bell sleeves becoming larger and losing their scales in favour of the motif of a playful wind, a white and light green kimono her getup for this special occasion.

And now that they are reaching the climax of their performance, Suzhen's music harmoniously skips ahead to the Chase, the ink-brush motif provided by Koji maybe also artistically playing out the scene Cure Suzhen is representing with her music, a scene of a fierce battle after both sides met each other and gave it their all, triumph soon upon one of them.

The skies themselves answer to the musical performance, letting down a gentle drizzle precisely located away from the band, above Mr. Frog, washing away all impurities and leaving behind only the cleanest of environment, the ground twinkling like stars gently fell on it thanks to the sudden dew.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
In the moment, Frogman is still, bobbing his head to the music, neon orange mohawk cutting through the air like blades, thanks to the enormous amount of hair gel holding the style in place. He taps a foot and sways to the music, and gradually, the blue electric guitar seems to fade from existence.

Snapping now, his bulbous fingers are snapping, he's vibing, the concert is killer, it's the time for a purifying finisher if there ever was one.

Frogman is not the only one who thinks this impromptu concert is great, either. On the other side of the bridge connecting the island shrine to the mainland, a curious bystander, drawn to Penguin Park by the social media advertising for that ice cream roll cart that really turned out to be just so-so, has caught wind of the show, and has done the only thing they can:

Fly their personal drone, which is not supposed to be flown in city limits but who cares, over to the show, to record from above with cool, swooping angles!

Yeah, this is ending up on Viewtube.

And the rain, it sweeps in, falling down over Frogman and the Shrine, and the Frogman tips back his head one final time, spreads his arms, and shriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinks until rather than an enormous frogman, there's but a simple froggy, which crooooooooooooaks once, before hopping off, to enjoy resting on a lily pad.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Phew... all that performing... and playing the drums constantly for... that song was over five minutes! She'll have worked up a sweat. Amy wipes her forehead with the back of her hand--

    --and opera gloved softly tiks against porcelain. Oh, right.

    Her arms aren't fatigued at all! But she does feel a little... mentally tired?

    At least the frog was brought peace. It didn't even hurt anyone while it was monstered, and now it's a frog again, and can go on living its little froggy life.

    In the post-song silence, the sound of the drone draws Amy's attention. Oh shit, this is enting up on Viewtube! ...Or is it? She's not entirely sure what magic will do to that. She'd better disguise herself... wait! Not any of her recent cosplays. They'll get recognized, and then she'll get busted. Well, maybe not... no, no. There will be eagle-eyed people who will. So, what should--

    She looks down at the opera glove, and the outfit. Oh, right. She smirks. Good enough!

    She waves to the drone, and bows.

    Then Amy-Doll looks down to the others. "Um... can somebody catch me if I jump down?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
There's definitely an air of 'did this really just happen' to T-shirt Kamen as the final notes of the amazing piece fade and the ground stops rumbling with the bass drum's beat.

But there is no longer an orange-mohawk frogman with an electric guitar. There's a froggy on a lily pad.

Mamoru straightens up, lifting a hand to cock his top hat forward rakishly, and he makes the metal sign at the drone with his one white glove, eyes once more gleaming from inside the shadow of the mask. "Give it up for Suzhen and the Inveterate Performers!" He glances back to Koji, then looks at Amy-- for whom he outstretches his arms. "I'll catch you. And-- you think of a better name, I mean, I call myself Tuxedo Mask."

He calls over to Suzhen, "Excellent choice! And wonderful performance!"

When Koji or Hanzo ends the effect, and he puts Amy down, Tuxedo Kamen adjusts his white tie and tailcoat, flipping his cape back and disappearing his hat, rose and all. "But I should definitely get back to the dorms. I think it should be ramen night. Do you want a lift, Dr. McNinja? Or Red? I figured out how to teleport--"

Koji Silvia has posed:
Unknowing of the drone in the air going by as the impromptu concert resolves in a few more chords off everyone's instruments, Hanzo exhales hard and then wavers a bit as the Phantom Terrain, his best illusory ability, begins to collapse, the invisible 'dome' falling in on itself and the effects inside vanishing slowly.

First the backgrounding 'war' and the orchestral accompaniment fade away with the last notes still hanging in the air, followed by the spell-circles...

Then the field and the stage are gone, and they're back on the island once more, with Amy still up on the Torii instead of being in an elevated but doll-sized drum-stage.

All of the costumes are the last to vanish, slowly vanishing up into the air like ash peeling away from firewood.

And the Ninja-themed hero Hanzo promptly falls on his backside.

"Wow... that took a lot out of be... but..."

He turns his wrist over to look at the blade along it, his Device and companion.

The core looks fine.

"Moon is gonne ba so sad that she missed this. I'd love a lift, Ma-... Tuxedo Kamen."

But he kinda misses the rest because there's a talking DOLL.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy retains the outfit when the illusion fades. She's caught -- it feels kind of weird, to be so light and caught by a giant several times your size -- and set down. "Thanks. Yeah, a lift would be good. Ramen, huh? ...oh right, doesn't matter for me."

    Eventually, she looks up at Koji, and puts her hands on her hips in mock annoyance. "It's rude to stare! ...Just kidding. I get it." She looks between him and Suzhen, who asked earlier. "Yeah, it's a curse and we're hoping it'll wear off in another day or so... We can talk more when we're out of here."

Yaling Yao has posed:
Despite the absurdity of the situation, Cure Suzhen is smiling widely over the impromptu music performance, and she gives the from a small gift, loti flowers dotting its pond at the last sounds of the pipa.

Letting the musical instruments disappear just as she had called it forward, the Precure steps towards her bandmates and high-fives all of them if they look like they are up for such a thing (with appropriate adjustments for Tuxedo Kamen and Amydoll once each is reached at their respective places).

"Thank you!", the Precure smiles at Tuxedo, overjoyed in both voice and manners. "I had so much fun. You were amazing, and Mr. Ninja!", she shouts, skipping over to Koji, "your trick at the end was impressive! Extremely cool!"

Looking at Amy, she nods over her explanation. "Do you want a ride back? My transportation is probably faster than going alone."