1675/Tuggin' for Trouble!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Tuggin' for Trouble!
Date of Scene: 18 June 2024
Location: Beach
Synopsis: Kabaton attacks the beach and gets more than he bargained for in Kaori Jira. Unfortunately, Cure Wing and Katsuko also get more than they bargained for in the Queen of Monsters.
Cast of Characters: Tsubasa Yuunagi, Kaori Jira, Katsuko Takezaki

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
It's a warm and sunny day on the beach. Children are playing, people are catching the sun. The atmosphere is festive and fun, everything that a beach should be. Tsubasa was down near the water's edge, dressed in brown swimtrunks with a white stripe down the side and a light orange armless shirt. He's currently helping someone build a sand castle.

However, he's not the focus, as further down the beach, a toddler is playing with his toy tug boat when suddenly a large shadow falls over him. A giant purple pig person, with a bright blue mohawk is towering over him. The portly general snorts, as he wears a one-piece coverall striped style swimsuit and a floaty tube around his waist. "Oh! That looks like a perfect thing to collect energy on the beach with! And prove I'm the STRONGEST!" He grabs the toy from the boy and infuses it with dark energy and then...

Out on the water is a large dark boat, a giant version of the tug boat! Standing at the controls of it, Kabaton calls out. "All call for energy! I shall catch you all my little fishies!" And he sends out a large net looking to capture people and pull them in, draining them of their energy in the process!

Tsubasa, seeing this going on, stands up to flee, supposedly, only to return a few moments later as Cure Wing! But he can't go after the boat yet. The suddeness of the attack has a beach full of visitors he has to help evacuate!

Kaori Jira has posed:
Human, monster, whatever in between...well, there was something to be said for sand and surf, comfort and warmth. Even if she wasn't technically a giant lizard at the moment well...Kaori was a fan of soaking up the warmth and lounging all the same.

Dressed in a partially backless black one-piece swimsuit, the raven-haired Kaiju in human form had been lounging on a beach towel, eyes shut and all teh more comfortable...until someone had started shouting and forced her to open her eyes.

Panic, monsters...and giant nets snaring people?

Kaori might not be a heroine, at least not anywhere near the sense of others...but she was certainly going to be mad that someone had interrupted her relaxation time.

Where others flee, she stands, staring to run as fast as her human form could carry her towards the surf. All that energy around her, there was that tempation to snatch for it, to draw it into herself and become closer to what she once was...or what she might one day be.

Not today however, instead as she hits the surf there's a flare of heat and a roar like some echo of a great beast as heat explodes from her, turning water to steam and sand to glass beneath her feet.

Kaori Jira disappeared, but the 'Kaiju Hime' appeared in her partially scaled and certainly miffed glory.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
With Wing in the sky helping with the evacuation of the beach, Kabaton takes notice of the bright orange cure in the sky. "You!" he yells, turning his boat towards Cure Wing. "You will finally tell me where the Princess is so that I can kidnap her for Empress Undergu!" He comes out of the cabin of the tug boat, glancing at where all of the collected energy is being gathered and runs forward to the front of the deck where a large net gun has been set up.

He's in the midsts of lining up his sights upon the soaring pretty cure, when suddenly a different Princess makes her appearance with her tails and claws as she comes towards him. "It's doesn't matter how strong you think you are!" he calls out in challenge to the Kaiju Hime. "I will always be the strongest!"

With that, he swivels about the ship, bringing up the large barrel cannon and fires a large net - that may just cover part of Kaori - but if it hits, will start trying to drain her energy to collect it.

Kaori Jira has posed:
Well, he -asked- for a princess, this just wasn't quite the one he expected. As the hybrid girl began to make her approach she exhaled a breath that cast out as steam, a flex of her claws given as she started to approach. "If you're looking for royalty to school you...I'll be happy to oblige!"

A stomp towards him, that net coming her way is met with a burst of flame from her lips. Maybe it would destroy it, or maybe the sheer force would knock it back, but it hardly mattered.

He wanted to challenge her strength? Well...for the moment she would pay no mind to the Cure in the sky. She'd show him what a real 'Monster' could do...

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
The net launched towards the Kaiju princess is blasted with her atomic breath, and is turned into ash by the power of the girl's flame. Not that the show of force is going to deter Kabaton from his mission to gather energy. Coming up onto the deck, he calls out to Kaori, "You're not strong enough to school me!" Kabaton says, stomping on the deck of his stolen tug boat.

"And you're not the Princess I'm looking for! She's cute and small. You're tall and scaaaaaaaly! So ugly!" He dances on the deck some more, pulling down an eyelid and sticking out his tongue when he gives a snorting laughing and a small poot of gas escapes from him.

Cure Wing picks up a couple of civilians that were downed close to the water, pulling them in as he turns his attention back to where Kabaton is. "Be careful!" he calls out to the Princess Kaiju. "Don't let him goad you into a physical attack!"

"He's right, you shouldn't!" yells Kabaton. "Because. I'm more powerful. Than you." More of his little mocking dance on the deck as he tries to goad Kaori into rushing at him,

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko had to finish up cleanup after club, so she's a little later than plannes. Zwillingrute alerts her of magical shenanigans as she gets close, so she transforms and sets up her 'assassination barrier' to help protect the people who can't defend herself. <GEFÄNGNIS DER MAGIE> Unfortunately, she hasn't heard the warning not to launch a physical attack. So next thing she's flying right at the portly general, a streak of blue magic as she tries to bash him with her tonfa while flying past. "Wing-kun, what's going on?!"

Kaori Jira has posed:
Well, Kaori wasn't a tactician, she wasn't some master combatant...she was a damn princess of the most powerful creatures of her world...and she wasn't going to be spoken to like that!

Of course it wasn't a great idea to be rushing into melee, there's almost certainly a trap after all, but in that moment? Well...she didn't care. A dive beneath the waves might not look like much of a threat, but the shape cutting through the water in a rush towards the boat like a torpedo was...probably startling!

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"It's Kabaton!" Wing calls over to Katsuko, a smile as he sees the barrier go up with her arrival. "Apparently he's still looking for Elle-chan!" A frown at that as he turns his attention to the water where the Kaiju Princess is on the attack. "Someone's keeping him busy though. I've almost got everyone cleared here if she needs help!" he calls over to her. "Be careful." he adds quickly, his eyes meeting Katsuko's for a moment.

"HEY! HEY!" Kabaton complains. "You're not supposed to go under the water!" he calls out towards Kaori as she takes a literal dive. For half a second, he looks worried, as if this was going to ruin his plans. At least until Kaori disappears under the surface. And then he gets a dark evil grin. "Heh heh! She's fallen into my trap!"

And what a trap it is! Large fishing nets, the type that trawl for fish, rise up, attempting to ensnare the girl within so that he can drain her of her energy. "I have you now!" he gloats with a snorting laugh.

He's in the midsts of that gloating when Katsuko comes flying in on the attack with her tonfas and the large pig-person snorts. "Is that the best you... OW!" He felt that, but if she tries to remain in close, he will thrust out his large stomach, trying to bounce it off of Katsuko and knock her backwards. "But not strong enough to hurt me for long!"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Elle-chan?" Katsuko asks, not knowing the context. She gets bounced back by the big stomach arresting her movement mid air before coming back in for more. There's a look at the trap, but she decides to trust the girl in it can probably handle herself, and instead she flies back into Kabaton and his big belly, swinging her tonfa rapidly, alternative attacks.

    <BLITZSCHLAGEN> Zwillingrute announces as it assists Katsuko with timing, trying to calculate the best attack rate to induce a resonance within that bally from the rapid, magically empowered strikes.

Kaori Jira has posed:
A trap? A trap. The moment those nets ensare Kaori there's a noise of rage as she pulls, struggles and strains against the net. Power, raw and glowing begins to slip from her mix of scales and skin...a potent prize for Kabaton and perhaps a lucky find for the villain.

Kaiju Hime, Kaori...she felt the strength starting to slip from her, flowing in one direction and being stolen away...

It made her mad. Furious.

It would not stand.

Whatever 'sense' Kabaton might have of the energy he'd stolen, very quickly it was clear something was wrong. Very wrong...that primal energy he'd stolen was not only seeping back into the girl snared beneath the water, it was dragging out every last drop of stolen energy with it. The thief was experiencing a thieving, but that was the least of his problems.


The nets gave a violent jerk as they were ripped from the boat, threatening to drag the vessel under for a brief moment, but moments later a strange intense blue glow begain to radiate from beneath the waves as the water itself began to bubble and boil.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Elle-chan is the princess from where I came from. That's her name." For some reason, Wing feels he needs to make sure Katsuko knows she's 'Elle-chan' not 'Elle'-chan. "The Undergu Empire has been trying to kidnap her!"

"That's right, and once I have enough energy, I'm gonna find her and kidnap her for my Empress for sure!" Kabaton roars as Katsuko comes in for more strikes against the big-belly pig, the rhythmic strikes on Kabaton having an effect. "Ugh... stop that, I don't feel so good..." his stomach rumbles and suddenly there's a loud 'BRRRAP!' as he cuts loose with a gas attack.

Katsuko may want to get out of there quickly before the expanding cloud of green catches up to her. But he's definetly hurting from all the strikes. "As soon as I have that girl's energy, I'll show you!" he declares...

At least, until Kaiju Hime was captured. For a moment, all of his little energy gathering tanks are filling up. "Yes! So much power, I should have known... wait wait... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he calls out as his boat is pulled down for a moment and then bobs back to the surface like the children's plaything it was made from when the nets start to snap and break and the intense blue glow grows underwater.

For the briefest of moments, Kabaton shows fear, but he shakes it off as he runs over to the side of the boat and over the edge. "SHOW YOURSELF!" he yells down at the water. "I bet you're not so tough!"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "You know a real princess?" Katsuko asks, then there's the consequences of her actions and she responds with her usual. <PANZERHINDERNIS> A polygonal shield pops up to shield her from that gas, though it's late enough some of it made it in, enough to get her to wince as she slowly falls out of the range of the gas. When she does, the shield vanishes and she shoots a pair of barrets at Kabaton, "All that searching for power, but does that bring you joy?"

Kaori Jira has posed:
The water was boiling, the glow was practically burning to look at, perhaps enough to offer a little sunburn to those who got close enough were it not diffused by the water...but as the water began to shift well...Kabaton was about to wish he'd been more careful about what he wished for...

Kaori had dived into the sea to attack, but as she rose up? Well, this new silhouette wasn't surfacing: she was standing up.

And she was a lot bigger....

Blocking out the sun for a moment from her angle, the figures eyes were ablaze with the same atomic fire that danced across her scaled back as she stared down with pure rage at the unfortunate boat.

This wasn't the 'Hime' of the Kaiju. For the moment at least, while this wasn't the form she'd been born to this Kaori was no less the 'Queen' born to rule the Kaiju she was born to be.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
With the beach cleared, Cure Wing made his way over to where Katsuko was. "I thought I told you that." he admits with a small frown. "Oh well, I'll have to tell you more another time!" he promises her as the pair of them link up as Kabaton stands on the deck of the ship. As the shots rain down on him, Kabaton is pelted, and growls. "Come down here and fight!" he declares. "I'll show you I'm the st-strongest..."

The hitch in his voice? It's caused when Kaori rises from the water, in her new massive size. She's the thing that stole all of his energy, after all. "Just because you're bigger doesn't mean your tougher than me!" he declares on the deck, glaring up at the Queen. Okay. Not so much glaring. His knees are knocking together and he's trembling in fear.

"....uh..." Wing says quietly to Katsuko, worry finding his features. "Are... are we about to have to rescue the bad guy?"

Because Kaori is casting one hell of a shadow over the ship.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "Maybe! I've been hearing a lot and I'm not very smart so..." Katsuko answers Cure Wing, she glances over to the Queen of the Monsters and Kabaton and backs off a little. "Maybe? For now, how about we just uhh... wait and see?"

Kaori Jira has posed:
"Show me..." a voice rumbles, the huge figure shaking the waves with even the slightest movement. Glowing clawed and scaled hands reaching out to pierce the hull of the boat, steam rising of the bare flesh and armored scales alike as she leans down. "Attack me, fight me, show me your strength...Like a -real- monster" she demands, lost for the moment to the eyes on her and far from considering Cure Wing or Katsuko. Her attention, her wrath, that pure threatening menace was focused entirely on that bad guy.

"Or...you can scream, you can flee, you can fall to your knees in terror and beg me not to turn you to ash for -DARING- to interfere with my evening."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"...you're very smart, Katsuko-kun." Cure Wing points out to her. "The way you protected the civilians at the theme park and now here... I think you're pretty amazing. I'm the one that usually flies in and just starts punching things." That said, he's remaining floating next to Katsuko for the moment as he tries to figure out exactly what he is going to be doing next.

As the ship is pierced, it starts to list to the side, Kabaton stepping back several feet, before he realizes that this is a fight he's not going to win. "You won't always have your friends to protect you!" he calls up towards Cure Wing as he runs inside the cabin. "Kabaton-ton, Kabaton-ton!" he says with a squeal as he's teleported away by Undergu's magic, taking him out of the fight and causing the tug boat to turn back into a children's toy that bounces up and down on the waves.

Wing decides to make the first approach, coming closer to Kaori and floating in front of her. "...it's okay. He's gone." he offers to her encouragingly. "You did a great job!" A smile is presented with a bow. "And I thank you for your timely assistance."

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    "... I just flew in and started hitting things, though? And at the theme park that was only needed because I left my device at home." Katsuko objects to the compliments, clearly disagreeing. She watches Kabaton flee and like Wing flies down to try to see if she needs to interrupt the Queen of the Monsters ... and wait for a good time to drop the barrier.

Kaori Jira has posed:
He fled. He actually fled. She had demanded it and yet...something in that cowardice, that bluster and insult that had been offered and then...well, he'd actually been the coward she'd accused him of being. It might be a pleasent experience...if it wasn't for that fact that every cell of her gigantic form screamed for violence, for battle, to reduce foes to rubble and roar her dominance to the world around.

Did she see Wing, Katsuko properly? Well...if that glow to her eyes and the roar that seemed to shake the world around them was anything to go by? Not to much.

An angry instinctual swipe of her hand, not empowered with that atomic magical fire but still large enough to shatter a building swung at Cure Wing as she struggled to contain that rage fueled by the stolen energy and the instincts of the monster she wasn't quite ready to be yet...

Yes, Katsuko -might- need to intervene.

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko watches the whole rage fueled swipe at Wing and reacts as swiftly as she can. She doesn't put herself in between the boy and the swipe, no she does one better.


    Quickly, two pyramids appear. One around Wing, another around the inner pyramid. Both made out of Katsuko's blue magic. From the outside they are quite sturdy, and Katsuko is pushing magic into it to keep them reinforced. From the inside, Cure Wing can tell easily that it doesn't take much to break them, they wouldn't even slow down an attack from the inside very much.

Kaori Jira has posed:
She wanted to stomp, to smash, to obliterate and kill...but there was a moment of pause, a little of conciousness fighting instinct and memory of her time and connections here in the city holding her back from a full rampage.

If only barely.

Another roar of anger as her tail slams into the water, casting sand and spray into the sky before she lifted her head upwards and a beam of pure atomic energy blasted from her mouth to the sky with such power the lights for blocks would flicker and surge...and any clouds would now rumble and crackle like a thunderstorm.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Kabaton, did indeed, flee. For all of his bluster of strength. And the first rule of bullying is applied to him. You are only the biggest bully until a bigger bully arrives. And now, the Queen of Bullies is on scene, and Cure Wing is trying his best to calm her down. "You did great!" he offers to Kaori encouragingly. Until his ears are spllit.

The roar is earth-shaking and Cure Wing holds his ground, not cowering, not fleeing. "You can calm down, it's over..." he's trying to offer to the Hime Kaiju. That is until that massive, clawed hand comes flying at him. "No!" he yelps, just in time to bring both of his arms together in front of him. He's expecting to take a hard hit, one that's probably going to hurt - but at the same time - shields suddenly pop up around him.

Kaori's hit is possibly hard enough to shatter the first shield, and with nothing grounding him, Cure Wing slams into the water, disappearing beneath the surface for several moments, bubbles rising around him before going calm.

And it's that way for several moments before the water starts to swirl and steam again, and bursting from the surface, Cure Wing rises into the air, the flames of his phoenix form dancing over him as water evaporates into steam over his frame, his eyes alight with fire. "Fine. You need something to fight? Here I am!" he calls out, his hand held out to Katsuko.

He knows that he can do a Soaring Wing Attack and it be powerful. The only way it's more powerful? Is if he involves his friends or someone that he cares about in said attack. The invitation is clearly extended to the half-Belkan.

If she takes his hand, he pulls her in with him as he transforms fully into his Phoenix mode.

Getting a headful of speed, he rushes at the Queen of Monsters in a joint purifying strike.

"Aufsteigender Phoenix Crush!"

Katsuko Takezaki has posed:
    Katsuko joins in on the combination attack, Her tonfa striking as they rush forwards. When it's done, she backs off to see what the outcome was of that combined attack.

Kaori Jira has posed:
Ordinarily, rushing this 'Queen of the Monsters' would probably be an awful idea. A one-way ticket to a facefull of that atomic plasma that was currently lighting up the sky...but for the moment she was currently turning her wrath skywards and her gaze along with it. It was an opening, and one that Cure Wing seemed to be able to exploit.

The blow sent her staggering, a stomp backwards enough to cast waves high and send her turning, hunched over for a moment.

Well, rage was burning again, bubbling once more as flame rushed from her lips and rolled over her scales.

Fists clenched, her tail lashed out threateningly and she turned those features aglow with misdirected anger towards the pair as the Queen of the Monsters prepared to annihilate...when a single noise cut through the chaos. A sharp and sweet little ringtone...from a battered phone laying near the discarded towel Kaori had been laying upon during her lounging before Kabaton had attacked.

It was enough to cut through, to make her pause.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
As the pair pass through Kaori, Cure Wing glances back, and sees that she seems even madder, his attention turns to Katsuko. "I think I made her madder." he admits to her apologetically as he turns back to human. He's pondering what to do next when the phone on the beach goes off. There's a quick glance to it and then, he releases Katsuko. "Get to the phone. See what that was!" he suggests to her.

He turns, preparing to face off against Kaori again if he needs to.

If Katsuko goes down to the phone, there's a message on it.

<PHONE> Katsumi Cora texts Kaori Jira: Dinner's ready! :picture of a beef wellington: Looking forward to seeing you. <3

Which will be the distraction that Kaori needs to get away from the scene in a cloud of steam.