Katsuko Takezaki

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Katsuko Takezaki (Scenesys ID: 253)
Let's have a clean fight and keep the bystanders out of this, kay?
Name: Katsuko Takezaki (武勝子 Takezaki Katsuko) AKA: None
Gender: Female Series: (OC) Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Origin: Device Mage Grade: 7
Clubs: Okinawan Kobudo Age: 13
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


Katsuko Hisakata is a girl from two worlds. A father from Tokyo, a mother from distant... Okinawa? As a tough, hard-working girl with a passion for martial arts, she's gotten a reputation for being a bit of a tomboy, but under that rough exterior lies a heart full of compassion. She doesn't make friends easy, but when she does she's one of the best friends a person can have. On her thirteenth birthday, her mom gave her an old necklace ... which turned out to be the Armed Device Zwillingrute. With its aid and advice, Katsuko has begun to follow in her mother's forgotten footsteps. It transforms into a pair of tonfa, and she transforms into a Belkan-style knight. The fighting style she learned from her mother turns out to be a perfect fit, and Katsuko is eager to help out.


Martial Arts, Tough, From Two Worlds, Secretly Loves Farming Games, Stands up to Bullies, Failing English

Vital Trivia

Height: 4'11"
Blood Type: B
Birthday: May 26
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Favorite Food: Unknown
Least Favorite Food: Unknown
Favorite Subject: PE
Least Favorite Subject: English


Title Date Scene Summary
A Dream Kingdom Mess Around June 16th, 2024 Dream Kingdom goes wild when a variety of youma go on the attack. Good thing Lacuna was ready for them! And, even better for Dream Kingdom? Cure Wing, the Princess of Sarek, and the Adollable Amy are on hand to protect the park in the battle to come. Thank goodness Katsuko saved the civilians!! Today, there's no collateral damage!
Doom and Gloom: INCINERATION June 14th, 2024 Chaar of the Doom and Gloom Girls has turned an unofficial metal concert into a riot, and when the barrier goes up, the enraged dark energy infused civilians are still there against our heroes! Can Katsuko, Takuto, Amy, Kyouka, and Rashmi save the day? (Yes). Hinoiri's personal trainee is a fire-starter in her own right, but these heroes are ready to put out that fire!
The Witch from Mars June 8th, 2024 Amy brings some friends along on a Witch hunt. Katsuko is also there. Taro sits out, but the Backstreet Slasher joins them in the Labyrinth! Witch weirdness ensues, with a space-themed Labyrinth populated by cat familiars with fishguns and a fight against the Witch Jaidyn on the surface of Mars!
Mind Your Language June 5th, 2024 A couple of new arrivals to the English Club join for a watch party.
Lunch Rush June 4th, 2024 A series of students run across a new kid, and also each other, on the way to lunch at RHA.
Expecting Different Results June 1st, 2024 Takashi's still trying to get hold of Wawna. He animates a giant redheaded yellow-jumpsuited clown statue in the effort to get his way, and fights all three Star Drivers, Cure Wing, and Katsuko Takezaki, with the help of La Crima!


Title Date Scene Summary
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